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From 1535 to 1914
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"No man in Montreal and very few in Canada have had a fuller, riper and
more successful career than 'the man of peace,' as he is known in business circles."
So writes the Toronto Globe of Richard Bladworth Angus, and there is little to
add that would describe the man morfi accurately. A purposeful man, a deep
thinker, a man of the highest principles. Air. Angus is representative of the empire
builders of Canada. Beginning his career in a humble station, he has climbed the
ladder of success rung by rung until he reached the ranks of men like the late
Lord Strathcona, and the present Lord Mount Stephen, with whom he labored in
building the most important railroad lines in the Dominion and with whom he
stood for all that which has made Canada the great empire that it is today. Not
only has Mr. Angus been prominent as a builder and financier of great rail lines,
but he has given of his time and means toward the establishment of great institu-
tions to care for the sick, to bring education to all those who may seek it, to pro-
mote and disseminate a thorough understanding of art — in short, to promote the
intellectual as well as the material welfare of that most enterprising of all British
peoples — the Canadian nation.
Richard B. Angus was born in Bathgate, Scotland, May 28, 183 1, and educated
there. While in his native country he was employed by the Manchester & Liver-
pool Bank for some time and in 1857 entered the offices of the Bank of Montreal
in Canada. To the present generation the name of R. B. Angus has been rightly
considered a synonym for the financial activity instituted by the Bank of Montreal,
for he has been connected with that institution since 1857, having come out from
Scotland to accept a position in the bank in which at a later date he was to be for
many years the guiding hand. His keen mind, his adaptability to new conditions,
his shrewdness and his careful weighing of important questions assured him of
quick promotion and four years after he became connected with the institution he
was placed in charge of the Chicago agency, in 1861 and in 1863 was agent for the
bank in New York.
During his sojourn in Chicago Mr. Angus became acquainted with the spirit
of the great west and what it was hoped might be accomplished there. He saw
the states of Illinois and Iowa budding forth from prairie to splendidly developed
communities and reasoning by analogy he recognized what the future had in store
for the Canadian west following the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
The splendid financial standing of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company today
is also in a measure due to the wisdom of this man, whom no doubt Sir Thomas
Shaughnessy considers one of his wisest counsellors.
In 1864 Mr. Angus returned to ^Montreal to become second assistant manager
of the Bank of Montreal, was later appointed assistant manager and became
manager in 1868. In 1869, or two years after the union of the British North
American colonies, Mr. Angus was appointed general manager of the Bank of
jMontreal, a position which he held until November i, 1879. It is said that during
these ten years his advice was sought many times by the diflferent finance ministers
of the Dominion not only as regards federal loans but also concerning the general
financial policy of the country. Although a native of Scotland, where free trade
exists, Mr. Angus looked with favor upon the protectionist program, which tri-
umphed in Canada on the i8th of September, 1878. He saw therein a means
whereby the Dominion could become a great manufacturing country, and he has
lived long enough to see the splendid fruition of that policy.
After his ten years' tenure of office as general manager of the Bank of Montreal
Mr. Angus was called to another sphere of usefulness. When several prominent
men connected with the Bank of Montreal bought out the Dutch interests in what
was then called the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway, those interested,
realizing the ability of Mr. Angus as a financier and organizer, asked him to leave
the bank and become the representative of their interests in St. Paul. Accepting
the management of the railway, his great success during the two years of his
residence in the American northwest has become a part of the history not only of
the American but also of the Canadian northwest. Mr. Angus was one of the first
promoters of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He was among the earliest to recog-
nize the stupendous success which would attend the project if there was carried
out an enlightened policy of settlement and industrial expansion. A syndicate was
formed, with Mr. George Stephen, later Lord Mount Stephen, and Mr. Donald
A. Smith, later Lord Strathcona, as its leading spirits. Mr. Angus was one of the
original body and he has remained in connection with the incorporated company
ever since as one of its directors. He advised upon the strategic points where the
chief entrenchments of the first transcontinental road should be laid out and he
pointed out the spots where the Bank of Montreal could most effectively plant its
branches. This policy of his had a great deal to do with the expansion which has
brought the capitalization of the Bank of Montreal and the Canadian Pacific
Railway up to the present colossal figures.
As general manager of the Bank of Montreal Mr. Angus served under four
presidents, namely, T. B. Anderson, F.. H. King, Daxid Torrance and George
Stephen, now Lord Mount Stephen, and he and the latter are the only ones of
the number yet living. I Ic also sat as director with Lord Strathcona and Sir
George A. Drumniond, succeeding tlic latter to the presidency of the liank July 22,
1910. All admit that no one of that galaxy of financiers who have year after year
sat at the historic round table ever rendered greater service to the institution than
R. B. Angus.
At an age when most men throw ofT official cares and responsibilities to enjov
the leisure which prosperity has brought them Mr. Angus in his octogenarian
prime took up as cheerfully as would a man of forty the princi])al position in-
Canada's foremost financial institution. In November, 11)13, on account of ad-
vancing years and a desire to Ije relieved of all financial burdens of a public char-
acter, Mr. Angus resigned the presidency of the Rank of Montreal, but remains a
member of the board and continues to give the institution the benefit of his ripe,
wide and valuable experience.
That worth hath its reward is evident in Mr. Angus' career, who is rated today
as one of the richest men in Montreal. However, he seems to consider himself
more in the light of a steward of his vast property interests, for he freely and
liberally has given of his means and made handsome contributions to numerous
institutions. Among these is the Montreal Art Association, of which he was
formerly president and to which he gave money and several valuable paintings.
He also supported McGill University with a considerable sum and gave to the
Alexandra Contagious Diseases Hospital of Montreal, of which he is a governor
and was a founder. He was president of the Royal Victoria Hospital, which in-
stitution he also has liberally supported, and is a vice president of the Royal Vic-
torian Order of Nurses. The Charity Organization Society, of which he is a
director, has also benefited in a material way and by his timely advice. Mr. Angus
was also a governor of the Montreal General Hospital. An honor to his race and
one of the foremost representatives among Scotchmen in Canada, he served sev-
eral times as president of the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal. Mr. Angus was
governor of the Fraser Institute Free Public Library and is an honorary member
of. the Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal.
Among commercial and financial institutions with which he has been or is
connected are the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the Laurentide Paper Com-
pany, the Dominion Coal Company, the Dominion Iron & Steel Company, the
Dominion Bridge Company, the Royal Trust Company, the Grand Falls Power
Company, the Pacific Coal Company, the Canadian Salt Company, the Northwest
Land Company and the London & Lancashire Life Assurance Company.
Mr. Angus has always taken a deep interest in public institutions and was one
of the chief promoters of the board of control in Montreal, which was founded
in 1909. Pie has ever placed his services at the disposal of such afifairs as have
made for a greater and better Canada. In 1910 knighthood was offered to him,
but he declined the honor.
Among the clubs of which Mr. Angus is a member are: the St. James, of
which he was formerly chairman ; the Alount Royal, of which he was a founder
and of which he has served as president ; the Montreal Jockey ; the Auto and Aero
Club ; the Forest and Stream Club : and the Winter Club. He also is a member
of the Rideau Club of Ottawa, the Toronto Club, the York Club of Toronto and
the Manitoba Club of Winnipeg.
On June 13, 1857, Mr. Angus was married to Miss Mary Anne Daniels, who
died March 13, 1913. To them were born three sons and six daughters, two of
the latter being deceased.
In religious matters Mr. Angus adheres to the stern faith of his fathers, being
a Presbyterian. It may be said of him that in all fields in which he has exerted his
activities he has excelled. Quiet in demeanor, he is purposeful and unconsciously
exerts an influence which makes for domination. That this domination is always
used to good purpose and for the benefit of his country and its people stands to
his high credit. Sir Sandford Fleming paid him high compliment as a banker in
the words that he is a man who "in every way is a credit to the great institution
over which he so wortliily presides," and the Alontreal Star characterizes him as
"one of Canada's prominent and most highly respected financiers." Mr. Angus is
a true Scotchman, a truer Canadian, but best of all — a man worthy of the name.
From a comparatively humble position in business circles Leonidas Villeneuve
advanced until he ranked w-ith the millionaire merchants of Montreal and
throughout his entire career his record was such as any man might be proud to
possess, bringing to him the respect of colleagues and contemporaries. The
record of his career, showing the steps in his orderly progression, may serve as
a source of inspiration and encouragement to others and in this biography finds
its chief motive and value.
Mr. X'illeneuve was liorn in Terrebonne county, at Ste. Anne des Plaines,
a son of Joachim \'illeneuve, who was a farmer there. His boyhood and youth
were uneventfully passed, but when twenty years of age he determined to try
his fortune in the commercial field. He was attracted to the lumber business
and, believing that he would find it congenial and profitable, he established a
small lumberyard north of Mount Royal avenue, in the ownership and conduct
of which he was first associated with the late Senator J. O. Mlleneuve. Gradu-
ally he advanced toward the goal of success, his business growing with the
development of the district. He remained at its head until his death, eventually
conducting an extensive liusiness under the name of the L. \'illeneuve Company.
This brought him substantial returns and his fortune also arose through his wise
and judicious investments in real estate. From time to time he added to his
holdings and, when there was a real-estate boom in the district, he had extensive
holdings, a portion of which he sold, realizing therefrom a handsome fortune.
Mr. \'illeneuve w-as a prominent figure in local circles in connection with the
growth and progress of his section. When the district north of Mount Roval
avenue gradually developed from a sparsely settled region into a fast growing
town he was one of the leading spirits in planning roadwavs, parks and public
improvements. To him in great measure it is due that, \vi its wide streets and
well built homes, Laurier ward is among the most attracts e in this city. He
was for twenty years associated with ihe municipal life of \'ille St. Louis, first
serving as alderman and afterward for three terms as mayor.
In politics Mr. X'illeneuve was a stalwart conservative, but while working
actively in the party and doing everything in his power to promote its growth and
secure its success, he could never be tempted to try his fortune in cither the
federal or provincial fields, although he was requested on many occasions to carry
the party banner. He was imiversally respected for his unswerving business
honesty and uprightness, and upon these (|ualities as a foundation he builded his
success, which placed him among the leaders in his particular line in eastern
Canada. His sound judgment enabled him to correctly value those things which
go to make up life's contacts and experiences. His opinions were sound, his
enterprise unfaltering and his activities were of a character that contributed
to the public welfare as well as to individual success. Mr. \'illeneuve was a
member of the Roman Catholic church, and took a great deal of interest in church
Mr. Villeneuve was married twice. His first wife was Malvina Joyal, a sister
of Dr. Joyal. of Montreal, and to them was born a son, J. Arthur, who was
educated in Montreal and traveled extensively with his father in Europe. He
married Miss Yvonne Lariviere, of Montreal, and has a son, Jean Leonidas, born
July II, 1913. J- Arthur Villeneuve is vice president of the L. Villeneuve Com-
pany and of the Eagle Lumber Company and is a worthy successor of his father
in connection with the lumber industry of the country. For his second wife
Leonidas Villeneuve chose Dame F.xilda Bergeron, who also survives. His
life of intense and intelligently directed activity brought him success and, more-
over, he always followed constructive methods in his business career, so that
his path was never strewn with the wreck of other men's fortunes.
Tangible evidence of the public spirit of Henry R. Gray is found in his
service as chairman of the board of health and the radical and effective measures
which he took in preventing the spread of a small-pox epidemic. He did equally
efficient work in promoting sanitary conditions in Montreal along various lines
and at the same time he occupied a prominent position as a representative of the
pharmaceutical profession. He was born December 30, 1838, in Boston, Lincoln-
shire, England, and pursued his education at Standard Hill, Nottingham, the
head master of the school being William Goodacre. the well known author
of several standard educational works. He was afterward articled for five years
to William March, chemist and apothecary, at Newark. England, and subse-
quently pursued a course of lectures on chemistry under the celebrated Roscoe
in Manchester.
Coming to Canada when twenty-one years of age, Mr. Gray established his
business in Montreal in 1859 and for several years devoted his attention to the
study of sanitary science and particularly to the question of the sanitation of
cities. He was connected with every movement to improve the sanitary condi-
tion of Montreal and his labors were of far-reaching benefit. He became one of
the originators of the Pharmaceutical Association of the province, of which he
was elected secretary and later treasurer and vice president. He was next
called to the presidency, serving for three consecutive years and also as a member
of the board of examiners. He became one of the charter members of the
Montreal College of Pharmacy and for two years was its president.
In 1884 he was elected alderman of the St. Lawrence ward and soon after-
ward was unanimously chosen by the city council as chairman of the local board
of health, serving in that difficult position during the whole of the disastrous
epidemic of small-pox which devastated the city and province in 1885 and 1886.
When the disease broke out and the death rate amounted to twenty-five per day,
there was little civic organization to prevent the spread of disease or further the
promotion of sanitary conditions. \'accination was opposed, but Mr. Gray
organized a vigorous campaign to stamp out the disease and obtained the passage
of by-laws insisting on free and compulsory vaccination. He also organized a
civic hospital and insisted on all the small-pox patients being sent to the isolation
hospital. Through this and other emergency methods he allayed the general
fear and stamped out the disease. It was in that year that he succeeded in get-
ting a by-law through the city council requiring all household refuse to be cre-
mated, and shortly afterward crematories were erected and a contract for five
years' collection and cremation given out.
After having served a three years' term as alderman Mr. Gray declined
reelection. He was appointed by the government a justice of the peace and a
member of the council of public instruction for the province of Quebec and was
elected to represent it on the corporation of the polytechnic school of this city.
He was likewise a life governor of the Montreal General Hospital and the Notre
Dame Hospital. When the public health act passed the legislature, shortly after
the small-pox epidemic, Mr. Gray, who in addition to his aldemianic duties
had been a member of the old central board of health for the province, was
appointed a member of the new provincial board of health then created and
remained a member until his death. In 1885 he was elected membre honoraire
de la Societe d'Hygiene Frangaise of Paris, France. After his retirement from
the city council he was requested by a number of leading citizens of all parties
and creeds to accept the nomination of mayor, but owing to business reasons
he was obliged to decline.
Mr. Gray married Miss Catherine Margaret McGale. the youngest daughter
of the late Dr. Bernard McGale, who was a member of the army medical stafif.
Mr. Gray died February 18, 1908, and is survived by his wife, three daughters
and a son. Dr. H. R. Dunstan Gray. The memory of his well spent life is cher-
ished by all who were his contemporaries and his colleagues, and the worth of
his work is recognized by all who know aught of the history of Montreal.
Throughout an active, commercial career James Johnston was engaged in
importing and dealing in English and foreign dry goods, in which connection he
built up an enterprise of extensive and gratifying proportions, his becoming one
of the leading commercial houses of Montreal. He was born March 20, 1849,
a son of James and Mary (Burns) Johnston, both of whom were natives of
Scotland, who, coming to the new world in early life, were married in Montreal.
The father, who was born in 1819, passed away in this city on the 27th of
May, 1882.
Spending his youthful days under the parental roof, James Johnston pursued
his education in the schools of Montreal and Quebec and, entering business
circles, he became connected with the firm of James Johnston & Company, im-
porters of and dealers in dry goods of English and foreign manufacture, of
which his father was the head. After the death of his father he became head of
the business, devoting his entire attention to the development of a trade which,
grew to large and gratifying proportions, making his one of the leading dry-
goods establisliiiients in tlie city. Since his demise the store has been sold and is
now conducted under the firm style of W. R. Brock Company, Ltd.
Mr. Johnston was married in Montreal, in 1876, to Miss Agnes Grant Rob-
ertson, a daughter of Andrew Robertson, who was a prominent resident of this
city, liy this marriage there were eight children of whom seven are living.
The family circle was broken by the hand of death when on the 14th of July,
1899, James Johnston was called to his final rest. His interests and activities,
aside from business, are indicated by the fact that he held memberslii]) in tlie
St. James Club, the Metropolitan Club, the Hunt Club, the Forest and Stream
Club, and St. Paul's Presbyterian church. He was always actuated by high and
manly principles and worthy motives, and he left to his family the priceless
heritage of an untarnished name as well as the substantial reward of his busi-
ness enterprise and sagacity.
Michael James \\'alsh is prominent idong various lines of activity in Montreal,
where he is widely known as a successful insurance broker but has also actively
participated in an important way in political and governmental affairs and is
moreover widely known in fraternal circles. Of good Irish stock, he has brought
the sturdiness of his ancestors to the task at hand anrl has attained a success which
entitles him to consideration as one of the substantial men of his community and
a power for progress and improvement in the political field.
A native of Montreal, Michael James Walsh was born on the 2d of Septem-
ber, 1858, a son of Mark and Catherine (Nolan) Walsh, both natives of County
Wexford, Ireland. The father was prominent as a contractor and everywhere
in this city respected as a successful business man. Michael J. Walsh received
his education at St. Ann's parish. Christian Brothers School, and upon discon-
tinuing his lessons became connected with the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific
Railways, remaining for about ten years in their employ in their store depart-
ments. He then set out independently, becoming an insurance broker, and by
native shrewdness and ability to understand commercial conditions has succeeded
in building up a business which ranks him among the foremost men in his line in
Montreal. When his private affairs permitted him to devote some of his time
to the public weal he entered politics with the same zest as he displayed in his
private business affairs and as a result was elected alderman of the St. Ann's ward
on February I, 1902, continuing in that ofiice for four years or until February i,
1906, and doing valuable work in promoting measures which have been of far-
reaching benefit to the city. On November 25, 1904, he was also elected a mem-
ber of the Quebec provincial legislature and on December 28, 1908, reelected to
that office, continuing therein until May 15, 191 2. His legislative career has been
one of success and his record has been so clear that his constituents may well be
proud of their representative. He has done much in supporting valuable bills,
especially those undertaken in the interest of his constituents, and has ever been
active in committee rooms and on the floor of the house in sustaining or ])ro-
moting constructive legislation. His political position is that of a liberal, and
he always has been a stanch supporter of that grand man of the liberal party,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
On October 9, 18S2, at Montreal, in St. Henry parish church, Mr. Walsh was
married to Mary Jane Barry, a daughter of David Barry, mechanical superin-
tendent of the Canada Sugar Refinery, and Mary O'Leary, both natives of County
Cork. Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh became the parents of two sons. Joseph
Christopher Barry Walsh. B. A., B. C. L., is a well known notary public. The
other son born to the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Walsh is David Robert Barry
Walsh, who graduated from Loyola College and is now successfully engaged in
the insurance business, being inspector for the Royal Exchange Association.
Both sons are young men of excellent habits and qualifications.
As the years have passed Mr. W^alsh has become connected with a number
of outside interests and is now a director in the People's ]\Iutual Building Society
and for many years has been a member of the Montreal Board of Trade, doing
in that connection important work in promoting commercial expansion. Fra-
ternally he is very prominent and has held high offices in the Knights of Colum-
bus, the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association,
the Canadian Order of Foresters, the Royal Guardians, the Ancient Order of
Hibernians and in St. Patrick's Society. A man of varied and important inter-
ests, Mr. Walsh has made an honorable record in business as well as in munici-
pal and provincial politics and enjoys the full confidence of the best classes of
population. In him there is strongly developed the quality of loyalty, and it is
his devotion to a cause which has led him into the important relations with which
he is now connected. He may justly be classed with ^Montreal's leading citizens,
and the position which he has attained is the more creditable as it has been brought
about entirely by his own efl:'orts.
Notable service in the field of abdominal surgery won for Dr. James Bell an
international reputation. His broad study and research made him a scientist of
renown and his opinions were largely accepted as authority by the profession
which recognized him not only as an eminent surgeon, but equally capable edu-
cator. He was born at North Cower, Ontario, in 1852, and after acquiring his
early education in local schools and by jjrivali tuition, he entered Mctiill Univer-
sity and was graduated as Holmes' gold medallist in 1S77, a fact indicative of the
excellent work which he had done in his student days. He was innnediately
appointed house surgeon in the Montreal Ceneral Hospital, which position he
held until 1882, gaining that l)road practical experience and knowledge which
only hospital practice can bring. In 1880 he became medical suijerintendent of
the Montreal General Hospital and in 1885 was ai)i)iiintcd ti) the position of
assistant surgeon, followed by appointment as surgeon a year later, lie tilled
the position with distinction for eight years and then became surgeon of the new
Royal Victoria Hospital in 1894, remaining in that connection until his demise.
As the years passed his skill and ability constantly increased and developed and
]JR. .lAMKS iu-:r.L
his reputation spread abroad until he was acknowledged not only one of the emi-
nent surgeons of Canada, but also, by reason of his specialty in abdominal work,
as one of the most distinguished representatives of the profession on the American
continent. He became just as widely known in connection with surgical work
for the treatment of gall stones and kidney diseases. In addition to his other
hospital service he was consulting surgeon of the Children's Hospital. After
going to \'ictoria Hospital he remained a consulting surgeon of the Montreal
General Hospital and also acted in a similar capacity at the Maternity Hospital.
His connection with McGill University was equally brilliant, for through many
years he was one of its able educators in the medical department. In 1888 he
was appointed associate professor of clinical surgery. In i8go he was made
assistant professor of surgery and clinical surgery; in 1895, professor of clinical
surgery, and in 1907, professor of surgery and clinical surgery. He held member-
ship in the American Surgical Association and the Canadian Surgical Association,
and he served as surgeon major in charge of the field hospital corps in the Riel
rebellion, receiving a medal for his services, while between 1880 and 1888, he was
surgeon to the Si-xth Battalion of Fusiliers. He was the author of various valua-
ble papers, including one entitled Tubercular Family History, and his contribu-
tions to the press have ever been eagerly received. He was the author of the
chapter on Surgical Diseases and Wounds of the Kidneys and Ureters in Amer-
ican Practice of Surgery as well as numerous valuable treatises on the kidneys.
He was a member of the Genito-Urinary branch of the American Medical
Association in which he represented the Canadian Medical Association. As a
diagnostician he had few equals and he possessed a medical technique that was
marvelous. One of his strongest traits of character was his utter fearlessness.
He spoke his own mind and was seldom misunderstood. He never catered to
cheaply acquired popularity or public opinion and always had the courage of his
convictions. He spoke what he thought to be the truth no matter who it opposed
or oflfended. He thoroughly detested sham or deceit and was self-contained,
quiet and self-reliant in connection with all of his professional service.
Dr. Bell was married in June, 1889, to Miss Edith Alary Arnton, the eldest
daughter of the late John J. Arnton, of Montreal, and they had one son, James
Stuart Ethelwyn Wallace, wdio was born February 15, 1899, and in accordance
with the wish of his father is preparing for the medical course at McGill. Dr.
Bell was a member of a number of the leading clubs, including St. James, the
Montreal Jockey, the Mount Royal and the University Clubs. He was for more
than twenty years one of the enthusiastic members of the Montreal Hunt Club
and for many years followed the hounds. He greatly enjoyed outdoor life, much
more than so-called society and said with Byron,
"I love not man the less but nature more."
He was fond of hunting and fishing and it was his custom each year to hunt big
game in New Brunswick where he was often a guest at August Belmont's private
shooting preserve. Dr. Bell was also a member of the Chapleau Club in the
Laurentians where he went for his fishing. His country home, Saraguay, was
his residence during four months in the year for more than eighteen years. Here
he maintained a fine breeding establishment of driving and saddle horses and
was able to gratify the great pleasure his excellent stock afforded him, for he was
a lover of a good horse.
iS'o man ever more fully, however, recognized the duties and obligations of
the profession or more conscientiously met them. The regard entertained for him
by his professional brethren is indicated in the fact that Dr. C. E. Church termed
him '"the ablest surgeon in America,"' while Dr. T. G. Roddick said, "the death
of Dr. James Bell is a distinct loss to the medical and surgical profession. He
was a man of marked ability, with conscientious devotion to his work, which
earned him the respect of his fellows, as well as success amongst his patients.
And he was not only respected by the profession throughout the country, but
loved by his friends." In comment upon his death the Montreal Gazette wrote,
"One of the men who have done much for the advancement of the medical pro-
fession in Canada passed away yesterday when Dr. James Bell, in the ripe fullness
of a useful career, was carried off by appendicitis. It was by a curious irony
of fate that Dr. Bell died most unexpectedly at the Royal Victoria Hospital, in
whose wards still lay many upon whom he had operated, and whose lives he had
probably saved by his skill. For many years Dr. Bell had been recognized as
one of Canada's leading surgeons, in fact one of the greatest surgeons in abdom-
inal work on this continent and his services were in great demand, not only in
Montreal, but wherever the work of a skillful scientist whose immediate judg-
ment and power might be efficacious to save human life, was needed. Day by
day he had been working in the operating room of the Royal Victoria Hospital
and the sick rooms of patients, in circumstances where a single mistake might
mean loss of life. The strain was much greater than ordinary people could have
imagined. He was one of those men who devoted themselves to their work so
well and performed it so efficiently that there was no need to fight for prominence.
His work was such that it inevitably grew. As his ability became known his
services became more in demand and in a quiet and conscientious way he grad-
ually became one of the recognized surgical authorities of his time and one of the
busiest. Not only in Montreal but in many parts of Canada he was called upon
wherever there was a stern fight against death, and frequently he was called to
exercise his skill even farther afield in the United States. Those who knew him
as either surgeon or as friend will remember him as one who knew his work and
did it well, without thought of public recognition."
Dr. Bell was actively engaged in professional duties almost to the closing
hours of his life. On the last day he visited Victoria Hospital he performed
an operation in the forenoon. In the evening of the same day he was taken ill
and the end came a few days later. The board of governors of the Royal Vic-
toria Hospital caused to be made a bronze bust of Dr. Bell which was placed in
the main hall of that hospital. The significance of this action is better understood
when it is known that but one other bust is there shown — that of Oueen \'ictoria.
Joseph Ovide Gravel, for many years manager and executor of the John
Pratt estate in Montreal and ])rominently connected with other important cor-
porate and business interests of the city, was born here in 1839. He acquired
his education in the commercial schools of the city and in 1S54 began a business
career which brought him constantly increasing prominence and prosperity.
From that date until 1863 he was connected with the firm of Benning & Darsalou
and was then made secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Rubber Company, taking
an active part in the affairs of that concern until 1899. He was later a director
in the Canadian Linseed Oil Mills, a trustee of the Guardian Assurance Com-
pany, president of the Sincennes-McNaughton line and of the Dominion Oil
Cloth Company. He became known as a reliable, forceful and discriminating
business man, one who always carried forward to successful completion what-
ever he undertook, and he made his ability and insight the basis of a substantial
and well deserved success. He married Aurelie La Rocque. His son, C. E.
Gravel, is now in charge of the Pratt estate and is ably carrying forward his
father's work in its management.
Joseph Louis Archambault. of Alontreal, whose reputation as a distinguished
and able lawyer has made him well known throughout the province and who is
now filling the position of city attorney, was born at Varennes, June 19, 1849,
a son of the late J. N. A. and Aurelie (Mongeau) Archambault. The father,
who was "a patriot of 1837," became president of the provincial board of nota-
ries in Quebec and was a distinguished representative of his profession. The son
supplemented his early education by study in the College of St. Hyacinthe and
in broad literary training laid the foundation upon which he has built the super-
structure of professional knowledge. He pursued his law studies under the
direction of the late Sir George Cartier and at the same time followed the law
course in McGill University, which conferred upon him the B. C. L. degree in
1871. The same year he entered upon active practice as an advocate and has
since remained a member of the Montreal bar, although his growing powers and
capabilities have won him place among the leaders of the profession in the prov-
ince. He was created a king's counsel by the Marquis of Lansdowne in 1887
and became a member of the council of the bar in 1889. For some years he filled
the position of crown prosecutor for the district of Montreal and has frequently
pleaded before the judicial committee of the privy council in England, having
cliarge of important cases from Canada. He became city attorney of Montreal
in 1898 and in the discharge of his official duties has won high honors and
encomiums. He has always enjoyed a large private practice and in following
his profession has been associated successively as law partner with Sir J. A.
Chapleau, O. C, the Hon. J. A. Mousseau, O. C. and the Hon. W. W. Linch,
Q. C. He has written quite extensively on legal subjects for the newspaper and
magazine press and is the author of a number of published volumes, including:
Jacques Cartier, an Historical Drama (1879); Etude Legale sur I'Universite
Laval a Montreal (1880) ; Institutions Municipales (1887) ; Le Barreau Canadien
au Conseil Prive (iSSg): Genealogie de la Famille Archambault, 1620-1890
(1891) ; La Bourgeoisie au Canada, Two Lectures (1894) ; The Criminal Forum
in Canada (1895) ; and Etude de Moeurs Judiciares (1897). His opinions upon
involved legal questions are largely accepted as authority by the profession and
the public. He served as batonnier or president of the Montreal bar in 19 12 and
1913. In addition to his law practice he is one of the directors of the Rolland
Paper Company.
Mr. Archambault was married in Montreal in June, 1873, to Miss Ernestine,
the eldest daughter of the late Senator Rolland, of Montreal. In religious faith
Mr. and Mrs. Archambault are Catholics, and his political belief is that of the
conservative party. He belongs to the Canadian Club and those who meet him
socially find him an entertaining, genial and cultured gentleman whose ways are
those of refinement and whose word no man can question. The Montreal Star
has said of him: "His career has been marked with continuous success and
great devotion to the legal profession." His prominence is the logical outcome
of well developed talents and powers and he is justly accounted today one of
the leaders of the provincial bar.
The Badgley family is one of the old and prominent families of Montreal,
their connection with the city's history dating back to 1785.
Four generations of this family have been prominently identified with the
city's business and professional interests. John C. N. Badgley, active in busi-
ness circles for many years, remained a resident of this city from his birth on
December 7, 1856, until his death on March 7, 1906.
He was a son of the Hon. William Badgley, D. C. L., one of the eminent repre-
sentatives of the judiciary of the province, and a nephew of Dr. Francis Badgley,
one of the most prominent members of the medical profession of his day and an
early member of the McGill College faculty. Dr. Badgley died in England where
he resided the latter years of his life.
Hon. William Badgley, whose entire life was spent in Montreal, was born in
this city, March 2-/, 1801, his parents being Francis and Elizabeth (Lilly) Badgley.
The father, a representative of an old Derbyshire family, was born in London
and for years was a well known Montreal merchant. He was likewise a recog-
nized leader in political circles and represented his city in the provincial parlia-
ment from i8or until 1805. The father of the Hon. William Badgley, Francis
Badgley, was one of the early settlers of Montreal, arriving in 1785. I'^rancis
Badgley became one of the prominent fur merchants in Montreal and married
Elizabeth Lilly, daughter of John Lilly.
William Badgley, after pursuing his more specifically literary education with
the Rev. Alexander Skakel, studied law in Montreal and was admitted to the
bar in Nov-ember, 1823. He entered at once upon active and successful practice,
was created queen's counsellor in 1847 and received the honorary degree of
Doctor of Civil Law from McGill University in 1843. For about twenty years
he practised his profession in Montreal and gained distinction as a barrister.
He was also the author of a work called Remarks on Registrar's Office which
was published in 1837. In 1840 he was called to public life in his appointment as
commissioner of bankrupts, in which capacity he served until 1844. when he was
appointed circuit judge. He was also secretary of the Constitutional Associa-
tion which aided in the reunion of the Canadas in 1841 and two or three years
before that act was consummated he was one of the delegates sent to England
to further the movement. He continued upon the bench as circuit judge until
1847 and then resumed the private practice of law. Judicial honors, however,
were again conferred upon him when on the 27th of January, 1855, he was
appointed puisne judge of the superior court of Lower Canada, so continuing
until the ist of September, 1862, when he was transferred to the court of
queen's bench as temporary assistant judge. Later he was appointed puisne
judge of that court on the 17th of August, 1866, and after presiding over its
proceedings for eight years was retired on a pension in June, 1874, because of
partial deafness. Devotedly attached to his profession, systematic and method-
ical in habit, sober and discreet in judgment, calm in temper, diligent in research,
conscientious in the discharge of every duty, coiirteous and kindly in demeanor
and inflexibly just on all occasions, these qualities enabled his honor, William
Badgley, to take first rank among those who have held high judicial offices in
the province. His reported opinions are monuments to his profound legal learn-
ing and superior ability. They show a thorough mastery of the questions involved,
a rare simplicity of style and a remarkable terseness and clearness in the state-
ment of the principles upon which the opinions rest. His name is also inter-
woven with the histor\' of legislation for he sat for jMissisquoi in the Canadian
assembly from 1844 until 1851, and for the city of Montreal from the latter
date until the general election in 1854. He was a member of the executive coun-
cil and attorney general for Lower Canada from April 23, 1847, to March 10,
1848. He always gave stanch allegiance to the conservative party, feeling that
in its principles lay the strongest elements of good government. His fraternal
connections were with the Masons, and he was district and provincial grand
master for England from December, 1849, until his demise.
With him passed away one of the links which have bound the bustling men
of middle age today with a generation of which the youth of today know but
very little, of men more proud and precise in their manners than we are, and
whose courtesy and politeness was a part of their daily life. The loss of their
influence and example is no small one.
In 1834, in London, England, Judge Badgley was married' to Miss Elizabeth
Taylor, the eldest daughter of Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Taylor of the Twentieth
Regiment B. N. T. Six children were born to this marriage ; the wife and mother
passed away in 1874.
John C. N. Badgley, youngest son of the Hon. William Badgley, pursued his
education in Montreal high school and McGill University after spending some
time as a student at Port Hope. When a young man he engaged in the coal
business and was connected with that department of commercial activity in Mon-
treal throughout his entire life. He became one of the active business men of this
city, his energy and enterprise leading him into important, commercial relations
and winning for him a high standing as a business man and citizen.
He married Miss Mary E. Badgley, a daughter of Francis H. and Margaret
(Drummond) Badgley of Ottawa.
John C. N. Badgley not only figured prominently in commercial circles but
was also a well known member of the Board of Trade< a past master of St.
Paul's Lodge of Masons and a member of the Christ Church cathedral. His death
on March 7, 1906, left a widow, son and daughter. The latter, Elizabeth Ruth,
married October 10, 1913, John William Shaw of Montreal, while the former,
Clement ^Montagu, was born September 17, 1886, in Montreal and is the fourth
generation of the Badgley family that have been connected with Montreal's
business interests. He finished his education in tliis city and after spending
some time in travel abroad, concluded to enter upon a business, rather than a
professional, career. He was in the employ of the Liverpool & London & Globe
Insurance Company for a time, after which he became assistant head clerk for
the Atlas Insurance Company. With the valuable experience thus gained,
Mr. Badgley entered the insurance and real-estate business on his own account,
and at once secured a clientele that gave him a high position among the best
class of men in this line of business. He subsequently became associated with
David A. Lewis, as the firm of Lewis & Badgley, in real estate and insurance,
with offices in the Merchants Bank building.
]Mr. Badgley is a member of the JMontreal Amateur Athletic Association, and
the Canadian Club.
For almost a half century James Ross was intimately associated with the
growth and development of Canada and was an active factor in establishing,
building and promoting many of the leading national and municipal railways
of the country. It was under him that Sir William Mackenzie started his career
and subsequently he cooperated with him in various enterprises throughout
the world. He was also a long-time associate of Sir Sandford Fleming, Sir
William \'an Home, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy and Lord Strathcona, more
particularly in the '80s, in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He
was also actively interested in the executive control of the Montreal and
Toronto street railways from 1892. The extent and importance of his busi-
ness interests and investments made him therefore a most prominent factor
in the upbuilding and development of the country and his name is insepara-
bly interwoven with the history of Canada.
Mr. Ross was a son of the late Captain John Ross, merchant and ship
owner, and Mary B. (McKedie) Ross, formerly of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng-
land. His birth occurred in the year 1848 at Cromarty, Scotland, and after
attending Inverness Academy in his native land he continued his studies in
England. His initial step in the business world brought him into connection
with railway, harbor and water works in Great Britain. Following his arrival
in America he was aj^pointcd, in 1870, to the position of resident engineer
of the Ulster & Delaware Railway, of which road he afterward became chief
engineer. In 1872 he acted as resident engineer of tlic \\'isconsin Central
Railway and subsequently held a similar position with the Lake Ontario
Shore road. It was not long' before his efliciency as an engineer w-on him
wide recognition and he was oiTered the position of chief engineer of the
Victoria Railway, of which he subsef|uently became general manager. He
was one of the most successful railwav builders and owners in the Dominion,
the construction of the Canadian Pacific over the Rockies being clue lu his
power of organization and engineering abiHty. and when Sir Donald Smith,
later Lord Strathcona, drove the last spike of the road, no one of that historic
group held a higher place in public regard in Canada than Mr. Ross.
His active operations in the field of railway construction included the
building of the Credit Valley Railway in 1878-79 and upon its completion he
was appointed general manager of the road and ahso filled the position of
consulting engineer of the Ontario and Quebec Railway. In the spring of
1883 as general manager of construction, Mr. Ross began at Swift Current the
building of the Canadian Pacific Railway over the Rockies, the Selkirks and
the Gold Range, and early in November, 1885, this stretch of six hundred and
twenty-three miles ending at Craig Ellachie, was completed more than a
year ahead of time, creating a record for fast railway building on this conti-
nent and evoking from Sir William Van Home the statement that such a record
meant millions to the Canadian Pacific Railway. It was during the building
of the road over the mountains that Mr. Ross might be said to have discovered
and subsequently c^me into close touch with William Mackenzie, Donald
Mann (both since knighted), Herbert S. Holt and several others who later
on took a front place among the railway magnates and financial leaders of
Canada. In t886 Mr. Ross brought about the settlement of location of the
Canadian Pacific east of Montreal and the legislative difficulties attending
the entry of the road into the state of Maine. Upon completing his arduous
and complex task he took the contract for the construction of the remaining
portion of their line not already provided for. The extensions and improve-
ments of the Canadian Pacific created difificult tasks of civil engineering which
were ably performed by Mr. Ross who at the same time considered the ques-
tion of railway construction in South America for which he had options.
The railways of the southern continent were to be built in Argentine and
Chile and the options in those two republics alone amounted to over twenty
million dollars. Mr. Ross was also interested in important contracts in Chi-
cago and elsewhere.
He established his home permanently in Montreal in 1888 and from this
point supported his active professional interests, contracting and building
the Regina and Long Lake Railways some two hundred and fifty miles in
length. In 1889 he supervised the construction of the Calgary & Edmonton
Railway, three hundred miles in length.
Having proven his capability in the field of steam railway construction
Mr. Ross, in 1892, largely concentrated his energies upon problems of street
railway building and in connection with Sir William Mackenzie purchased
the Toronto Railway from the city of Toronto. He afterward rebuilt the
tracks and installed electric power in the operation of the road. In 1892 he
undertook the reorganization of the Montreal Street Railway, changing i;
from horse car to electric service. He was at the head of the syndicate that
purchased the franchise from the old City Passenger Railway Company. In
the same way he converted the street railways of Winnipeg and St. John,
New Brunswick, into electric lines and in 1896 he joined Sir William Mac-
kenzie in the purchase of the tramway systems of Birmingham, England,
and organized the City of Birmingham Tramways Company for the operation
of the road under an electric system. In the following year he secured a
charter and franchise from the government of Jamaica to build electric tram-
ways on the island.
The energy and enterprise of Mr. Ross seemed limitless. No matter how
many and how important were the enterprises with which he wa* actively
connected it seemed possible for him to take on others and become a factor
in their successful control. He was one of the promoters of the Lake of the
Woods Milling Company in 1887, chief promoter of the Columbia River
Lumber Company in 1889 and of the Canadian Land and Investment Com-
pany in 1891. His opinions carried weight in the councils of various com-
panies with which he was connected as a member of the board of directors,
including the Bank of Montreal ; Calgary and Edmonton Land Company,
Limited ; Canada Life Insurance Company ; Canada Sugar Refining Company,
Limited ; Canadian General Electric Company, Limited ; Laurentide Paper
Company, Limited; Royal Trust Company; and Dominion Bridge Company
and St. John Railway Company, of which two last named he was president.
Writing of his business career a local paper said : "One of the most inter-
esting periods of Mr. Ross's life was that of his prominent connection with
the Dominion Coal and the Dominion Iron and Steel Companies, lasting for
a period of upwards of ten years. At a comparatively early stage of the
development of the coal and iron industries on the island of Cape Breton,
Mr. Ross with his customary business astuteness, foresaw the possibilities
of great development, and decided to invest a considerable amount of his
capital there. He became the owner of a large block of shares in the coal
company, and after the promotion of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company
in 1901 he became a director. As it was obvious that the interests of the
two concerns would, if steel turned out a success, be very much bound up,
Mr. Ross increased his holdings in coal until, in the same year, the Steel Com-
pany was launched, his interest became paramount, and he was placed in the
position of being able to dictate the policy of the company. Having retired
from active participation in many of the interests which made his earlier
career such a busy one, he determined to give his personal attention to the
development of his Cape Breton interests and with that object in view he
accepted the office of vice president of the Dominion Coal Company and
managing director of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company in 1901.
"The succeeding years were destined to be full of business anxieties and
lively contendings but his keen business ability and foresight brought him to
the end of his active connection with the companies a much richer man than
when he went in, despite the loss of the fight in the courts over the dispute
about the terms of the contract for the supply of coal to the Steel Company,
"Besides this fight Mr. Ross conducted the afTairs of the Coal Company
through disastrous fires which seriously affected the output of the mines,
and labor troubles one of which was of a ])rotracted and costly nature.
Throughfjut all the various negotiations which were almost continuously
carried on between the two companies for years, Mr. Ross found his i)ara-
niiiunt interest was in the Coal Company although he was financially and
executively interested in both, so that eventually he withdrew from the steel
board and gave his whole time to the Coal Com]jany, beconiinj( its president,
a post he retained until Decenihcr. i<;ow. In March, Kjog. at the annual meet-
ing of the Dominion Coal Comiiany, Mr. Ross made an exhaustive statement
concerning the relations of the two companies followins; the decision of the
Privy Council in the precedini;- month, in which he justilied the course taken
by his company. He explained from the coal point of view, how the comjjany
had saved the Steel Company from bankruptcy at a critical time following
the termination of the lease of the Coal Company to Steel in 1903 and the
subsequent dispute which became acute in 1906 and reached the courts the
following year. The final settlement of the terms of the judgment between
the two companies and the eventual purchase of Mr. Ross' interest in coal
for four million, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which tnok place
late in 1909 when he retired from the presidency and Coal was amalgamated
with Steel, concluded the most interesting and strenuous period of his career.
"Although Mr. Ross had strong likes and dislikes he never hesitated to
proclaim openly ability he .saw in the make-up of a business opponent. A
conversation during the progress of the Steel and Coal litigation brought out
this characteristic to a marked degree. During that memorable conflict Mr.
J. H. Plummer and Sir William \^an Home were perhaps more prominently
in the firing line on the Steel side than any one else, while Mr. Ross for the
Coal Company was the inner and outer defenses and commander-in-chief
combined. He was asked one day while discussing the possibilities of Cana-
dian Pacific Railway stock what would take place supposing anything
happened to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, whereupon Mr. Ross said : 'This
statement will surprise you, but Van Home would have to go back,' thus pay-
ing a high compliment to his chief adversary in the Steel-Coal conflict. The
manner in which Mr. Ross came to the rescue of a very important brokerage
firm, the head of which is now dead, the day following President Cleveland's
message on the Venezuelan situation was another indication, not only of his
good heart, but general interest in the financial community. The market was
in a bad way generally when the message to congress accentuated to such an
extent the unrest and lack of confidence, that gilt-edged securities were
without buyers, even at ruinous prices. The financier in question was
desperately in need of funds and although his securities were of the best,
the then general manager of the Bank of Montreal, who has also passed away,
did not consider himself justified in making the advance. When James Ross
heard of the aiifair he came forward and said : 'We cannot afTord to allow
this man to go to the wall, for if he goes half of St. Frangois Xavier street
will tumble with him. Give him a million, take his securities and charge
the amount to my account.' Another public-spirited director assumed half
the responsibility and a very grave financial smash was averted.
"Mr. Ross was first president of the Mexican Light, Heat and Power
Company and during his several visits to the Mexican capital was brought in
contact with the then ruling spirits of the republic. He at once formed a
very high opinion of the then president with whom Mr. Ross had several
interesting interviews, touching the trade relations of Canada and Mexico,
and with that never erring foresight he akso stated to a friend on his return
from the Mexican capital that if ever Diaz was forced to relinquish the helm
of state, trouble would follow in the southern republic as it did not appear
to the Montreal financier that there were enough of trained men around the
then president to carry on successfully the affairs of that country, and the
words of the former appear to have been prophetic.
"Although having a commanding interest in many other establishments
and industries Mr. Ross used to say that the Bank of Montreal, the Canadian
Pacific Railway and the Dominion Coal Company were nearest his heart.
He was a director in the first named institution since 1899, the largest individ-
ual shareholder in the great national railway system and up to a few years
ago the president and the holder of five million dollars stock in the last named
corporation. Mr. James Ross succeeded the late Mr. Hugh McLennan and
had been in consequence director of the Bank of Montreal for fourteen years.
Speaking of the loss that institution sustained in the death of Mr. Ross, its
vice president and general manager, Mr. H. V. Meredith, said: 'We have lost
an eminently strong man and a sound adviser,' while Mr. R. B. Angus, the
president, spoke of him as a very able director of the bank and a warm per-
sonal friend."
About the time that Mr. Ross arrived in Canada the country was deeply
engrossed in the discussion of free trade versus protection, and having seen
the neighboring republic grow from an agricultural to a manufacturing com-
munity, and realizing what the same fiscal policy would do for Canada, he at
once espoused the cause then championed by Sir John Macdonald and Sir
Charles Tupper, both as regards the fiscal policy of the Dominion and their
railway program as well. Mr. Ross was a moderate protectionist, believing
that such a policy was mutually beneficial both to the manufacturer and con-
sumer. He had seen such states as Illinois, Ohio, Minnesota and other
agricultural sections of the Union vote for protection and often when appre-
hension was expressed over the probable outcome of a moderately protective
tarifif for the western provinces of Canada, Mr. Ross would reply that the
establishment of eastern industries all over the west would soon convert the
farmers of Alberta. Manitoba and Saskatchewan to protectionist ideas.
In 1872 Mr. Ross was united in marriage to Miss Annie Kerr, a daughter
of the late John Kerr of Kingston, New York, and sheriff of Ulster county.
They had one son, John Kenneth Levison Ross, who married Ethel A. Mat-
thews, a daughter of W. D. Matthews of Toronto, and they have two chil-
dren, James Kenneth and Hylda Annie. Mrs. James Ross is deeply interested
in organizations for promoting aesthetic tastes and is active in support of
benevolent and charitable projects. She is a director of the Society of Deco-
rative Art, vice president of the English section of the woman's branch of
the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society and is president of the Maternity
Hospital of Montreal.
Flags at half mast on the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Trust Com-
pany, on September 20, 1913, gave official announcement to the financial and
business community that Mr. James Ross, director of the institutions, had
passed away. It is fitting in a review of his life that one take cognizance of
his many good deeds. Aside from his prominent activity in railway and
financial circles, he was a man of marked i>uhlic spirit and benevolence. In
1902 he gave to Lindsay, f^ntario, and the county of Victoria, the Ross
Memorial Hospital as a memorial to his parents. Two years later Alexandra
Hospital of Montreal received from him a gift of twenty-five thousand dollars
and in 1910 he gave an equal amount to the Montreal Art Association of
which he had long been a member and of which he was at that time the presi-
dent. His total benefactions to the Art Association amounted to over a quar-
ter of a million. In his will he made the following public bequests : to the
Royal Victoria Hospital, the General Hospital and the Maternity Hospital
each fifty thousand dollars; to Alexandra Hospital twenty-five thousand dol-
lars ; to the Montreal Art Association and to McGill University each one
hundred thousand dollars and to the Ross Memorial Hospital at Lindsay,
Ontario, twenty-five thousand dollars. He also remembered many of his old
friends and took special care that his servants and employes should be pro-
vided for.
Mr. Ross was identified with many public interests and ranked with loyal
Canadians whose efforts have been effective forces in promoting genera!
He was a governor of McGill University, of the Royal Victoria Hospital,
of the Alexandra Hospital and of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane at
Montreal. He was likewise a trustee of Bishop's College at Lennoxville,
P. Q., and in 1900 he was appointed honorary lieutenant colonel of the Duke
of York's Royal Canadian Hussars. He took an active interest in yachting
and was the owner of the Glencairn, which won the Seawanhaka-Corinthian
cup for half raters in American waters in 1896. He subsequently bought the
late Joseph Pulitzer's large steam yacht, Liberty, of one thousand six hundred
fifty tons, which he renamed the Glencairn, and in which he spent much of
his vacation time in the Mediterranean. It might be interesting to note here
that both the small half rater and the large steam yacht were named in
memory of the large full-rigged ship Glencairn, which was owned and com-
manded by his late father. Captain John Ross, of Cromarty. Mr. James
Ross was for many years commodore of the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club,
and was honorary commodore for life, and was a member of the Roj-al Yacht
Mr. Ross was well known in club circles, holding membership in the
Mount Royal, St. James, Forest and Stream, Canada, Montreal Hunt, Mon-
treal Jockey, Montreal Racquet and Montreal Curling Clubs of Montreal ;.
Rideau Club of Ottawa ; Manitoba Club of Winnipeg ; Toronto Royal Cana-
dian Yacht and York Clubs of Toronto; Union Club of St. John, New Bruns-
wick ; Halifax Club of Halifax, Nova Scotia ; New York Yacht and Manhattan-
Clubs of New York; Royal C. B. Yacht Club of Sydney, Nova Scotia; and
the Constitutional Club of London, England.
Following the demise of Mr. Ross the Gazette of September 22, 1913. said
editorially : "The history of James Ross is to some extent the history of the
financial and creative progress of Canada. He has been associated with
many of our greatest enterprises and always in positions of prominence and
leadership. In anv list of citizens whose financial power must be reckoned
with in predicting the course of supreme events in this country, the name
of James Ross would have stood near the top. Many of his fellow citizens
will think of him, however, as a generous and discriminating collector and
exhibitor of art. At a time when Montreal had not many men who both
appreciated and possessed the financial ability to purchase splendid speci-
mens of the best art which the old world has produced, James Ross entered
that field, and soon made his private collection one of the things of which
Montrealers were proud. The pubHc generally have had a chance to admire
some of his treasures at Loan Exhibitions : and, in this fashion, the pleasure
and benefit of his collection have been widely shared."
Tributes of respect and regard were paid to Mr. Ross by people in every
station in life. The high and the low, the rich and the poor did him honor.
The following letter was received by his son, Mr. James K. L. Ross:
"The engineers on the S. and L. were much surprised and deeply grieved
when we heard that your father had passed away. Our deepest sympathy
goes out to you in your sad bereavement. \\'e all feel that we have lost a
good and true friend. No other man we have worked for gave our men the
feeling of security in their position that he did. We always were satisfied
that if we did what was right no other influence could hurt us or our
families. When some of us were unfortunate enough to err in judgment and
our error cost the company quite a lot, in the usual course of railways the
officials had nothing to do but severely discipline us. Your father used his
own position not to discipline our men but to give them a good man's
advice, which has helped our men and also the company which he then pre-
sided over. Acts like these are never forgotten by railway men and there
were many sincere expressions of sorrow heard when the news of his death
flashed over our road. They have also instructed us to convey to your sor-
rowing mother our deepest sympathy in her trying hour.
"On behalf of the S. and L. engineers, we are sincerely yours (Signed)
D. W. Macdonald, chairman; Parker Holmes, secretary and treasurer; Hugh
MacPherson, chief engineer.
"Glace Bay, Cape Breton, Canada, September 20, 191 3."
Another well merited tribute being from Principal Peterson of McGill
University, who said :
"The otlier day we were greatly gratified to learn that a member of the
board of governors, the late James Ross, had remembered McGill University
in his will to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Ross was one
of our friends. His connection with the administration'of the university had
given him many opportunities of appreciating the difficulty of carrying on an
institution whose needs in the very nature of things, are always outrunning
its resources; and his kindly thought of us has touched a chord in our hearts
that vibrates with gratitude and appreciation.
"It is a melancholy pleasure to record also our indebtedness to Mr. Ross
for much help and advice given as a mcml)er of the governing body of the
university, especially in the department of mechanical engineering. Besides
being a great and experienced engineer, he was a patron also of the arts
and sciences. He took an active interest also in the well-being of our hos-
pitals, and as they are in a sense university institutions, his bequests to the
Royal Victoria and Maternity Hospitals may l)c ciicd here as additional
reasons for gratitude. Me was a man of high artistic culture, one who "loved,
that beauty should go l)cautifully." Mere sjjlcndor without taste would
always have been repellent to him. Perhaps his best memorial, apart from
the magnificent collection of pictures which he got together with such care
and discrimination, and which was the joy and pride of his wide circle of
friends, will be the beautiful building on Sherbrooke street to which he has
contributed so largely as the permanent home of the Art Association. Such
men lend valuable aid in the way of enabling a community to realize some
aspects of its higher self."
Among the younger members of the well known and distinguished law firm
of Brown, ^lontgomery & McMichael, advocates and barristers, is Walter R. L.
Shanks. He was born March 20, 1886, at Millers Falls, Massachusetts. In 1908
he received from McGill University the Bachelor of Arts degree and in 191 1 that
of Bachelor of Civil Law. In July of that year he was admitted to the bar and
has since been a member of the above firm. Mr. Shanks is a young lawyer of
promise, and it may be said that his ability — or such ability as his opportunities
have permitted him to demonstrate — entitles him to be included among those
yoimg men to whom the future holds out rich fields along professional lines.
Mr. Shanks is socially popular and is a member of the L'niversity Club of Mon-
treal and the Phi Delta Theta fraternitv.
George Alexander Brown, M. D., one of the best known physicians of Mon-
treal, his powers developing through the exercise of effort, was born in Char-
lottetown. Prince Edward Island, on the 28th of June, 1866. The Browns are
one of the old families on that island and representatives of the name in different
generations have been prominently identified with professional interests. The
paternal grandfather of Dr. Brown was president of the Prince of Wales College,
while the maternal grandfather was the leader of the government in Charlotte-
town for twenty-one years
Reared in the place of his nativity. Dr. Brown pursued his early education
in St. Peters Boys' School and subsequently continued his studies in Kings Col-
lege University at Windsor, Nova Scotia. The classical course which he there
pursued constituted the foundation upon which he built the superstructure of
professional learning. Entering McGill University, he won the degrees of M. D
and C. M. from that institution where he graduated with the class of 1889. Dur-
ing the succeeding year and a half he was resident physician of the Montreal
General Hospital, thus putting his theoretical knowledge to the practical test and
gaining that broad and valuable experience which only hospital practice can give.
For more than twenty years Dr. Brown has successfully followed his profession
in Montreal and in addition to an extensive private practice is acting as physician
to the Montreal Dispensary and is in charge of the tubercular clinic. He has
been a close and constant student of his profession, interested in all that tends to
bring to man the key to the complex mystery which we call life and his own
investigations and research have resulted in bringing to light some valuable truths.
In February, 1906, he submitted to the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society,
a new treatment for consumption which he has used in his practice with great
success. This consists of the injection into the human system of a solution prin-
cipally of iodine and in April, 1912, he read before the International Tubercular
Congress at Rome, Italy, a paper upon this treatment. He is a member of the
Montreal Medical Society and keeps in close touch \Vith the advanced work that
is being done by fellow members of the profession through the perusal of med-
ical journals and the latest contributions to medical literature as well as through
his connection with medical societies.
Dr. Brown was united in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth (Conroy) Muldoon of
Watertown, who by her former marriage had two children, William and Ella.
Dr. and Mrs. Brown have become the parents of two children, Elsie and Basil.
They have a wide acquaintance socially and are connected with the Unitarian
Society, while Dr. Brown is also a member of the University Club. Year by year
has marked his steady progress in his profession, and today his position of promi-
nence is accorded him by the consensus of opinion on the part of colleagues and
High on the keystone of Canada's financial arch was inscribed the name of
Sir Edward Clouston, of whom a leading journalist wrote: "He was one of the
mainsprings of Canada's progress." Not only did he achieve notable results in
his own career but was also the adviser and counsellor of many who have stood
highest in the public life and activities of the Dominion, and thus a notable figure
passed from the stage of earthly activities when he was called to his final rest on
the 23d of November, 1912. He was then still in the prime of life, his birth
having occurred at Moose Factory on James Bay, Alay 9, 1849, his parents being
James Stewart and Margaret Clouston. The father, a native of Stromness, Ork-
ney, Scotland, was a chief factor in the Hudson's Bay service. The mother was
the eldest daughter of Robert S. Miles, also prominently connected with the
Hudson's Bay Company. Sent to Montreal to continue his education, the son
became a pupil in the high school, of which Aspinwall I low was then head master.
Subsequently he spent a year in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company and
then returned to Montreal when a youth of sixteen to become junior clerk in the
Bank of Montreal, entering that institution in 1865. This was the initial step in
his successful career as one of Canada's foremost financiers. In his twentieth
year he was appointed accountant at Brockville and two years later was' transferred
to Hamilton in the same capacity. In 1874 he became assistant accountant at
Montreal, was attached to the London, England, ofiice and also to the New York
office in 1875. Five years later he was made manager of the Montreal branch
and in 1887 was promoted to the position of assistant general manager. In
1889 he became acting general manager and from 1890 was general manager, being
"called to that position of grave and great responsibility when but forty-one years
of age. Throughout the years of his connection with the bank he had ever in
mind, not only the interest of the shareholders, but also the welfare of his
subordinates, many of whom received from him unusual consideration and
kindness. Sir Edward Clouston's tenure of office in the Bank of Montreal was
longer than that of any of his predecessors, the presidency during these years
having been filled by Sir Donald Smith, afterward Lord Strathcona and Mount
Royal ; Sir George Drummond and Mr. R. B. Angus, hi retiring from the general
managership Sir Edward Clouston retained the vice presidency, which he had held
since Sir George Drummond became president in 1906. Li his official
capacity as vice president he regularly attended the board meetings and never
ceased to be in close touch with the important affairs and interests of the bank.
The prominent place which he held in the regard of the leading financiers of the
country is shown by the fact that he was again and again elected to the presidency
of the Canadian Bankers Association. He was thus in constant touch with the
financial world and his advice upon matters connected with it was frequently
sought by the different finance ministers of the Dominion, for no man in Canada
had a surer grasp of difficult financial problems, and his genius in this respect was
an enormous asset to the great institution with which he was so long connected.
His discernment was keen and his insight enabled him readily to recognize the
possibilities and probable outcome of any business situation. The Montreal Herald
spoke of him as " a man of few words, of unerring accuracy in his judgments and
of a caution in business transactions which, while it protects the bank from loss,
does not hinder its development." The Montreal Witness said : "Sir Edward
Clouston possesses in extraordinary degree that sixth sense' of the banker —
intuition as to character, rapid analysis of method, what is in a proposition from
the first chapter to the last — in short knowing who and what to trust." It was
these qualities which made his cooperation sought in various directions and
brought him prominently before the public in various important commercial and
financial connections. He was vice president of the Royal Trust Company; a
director of the Guarantee Company of North America, the Canadian Cottons,
Limited, the Canada Sugar Refining Company, the Ogilvie Flour Mills Company,
the Kaministikwia Power Company. He was chairman of the Canadian board
of the Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company and the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York. His cooperation and support extended to
various other projects of a public or semi-public character, and at all times he
manifested a deep interest in those projects relating to general progress and im-
provement or the betterment of social, intellectual, political and moral conditions.
He was vice president of the Parks and Play Grounds Association and The Crema-
torium, Limited, was president of the Royal Victoria Hospital and a governor of
the Montreal General, Montreal Maternity, Alexandra and Western Hospitals, the
Protestant Hospital for the Insane, the Eraser Institute, the Montreal Dispensary,
the Victorian Order of Nurses, and McGill University. In 1910 he was one of the
principal promoters of the Typhoid Emergency Hospital and was a member of the
executive committee of the local branch of St. John's Ambulance Association.
He was honorary treasurer of the King Edw^ard VII Memorial Fund and of many
other commemorative and charitable funds. He w-as a patron of art, and possessed
many fine pictures himself, while the Montreal Art Association numbered him
as one of its counselors as well as one of its generous benefactors. Sir Edward
Clouston was also well known as a sportsman, taking an active interest in early
life in football and lacrosse, and he was also a well known racquet player. He
was captain of the Canadian team which played the Harvard Universit) Foot-
ball Club in 1875. He was president of the Montreal Racquet Club in 1888
and was appointed a trustee of the ^linto challenge lacrosse cup in 1901. Sir
Edward was ever willing to encourage the amateurs in sports, and in addition
to those already mentioned he was a devotee of snowshoeing and fancy skating.
In later years he became an enthusiastic yachtsman, motorist and golfer. He
was also a clever swimmer himself and did a great deal to advance the sport
in many ways. He was the donor of a trophy for competition among the members
of the Royal Life Saving Station, which is being competed for annually, and
many other such trophies were presented through his generosity. When the
Rugby Club was organized as a branch of the Montreal Athletic Association he
became an active executive officer. He was one of the trustees of the Stanley
cup in the early days of its competition and acted as an official at many of the
championships held under the auspices of the Amateur Skating Association of
In November, 1878, Sir Edward Clouston married Annie, youngest daughter
of George Easton, collector of Her ^Majesty's customs at Brockville, Ontario.
Lady Clouston, who survives him, keeps up the beautiful and historic estate at
St. Annes, known as Bois Briant, which was the pride and delight of Sir
Edward's later years, and she also maintains the home at No. 362 Peel street in
Montreal, known so long as the city residence of the general manager of the
Bank of Montreal. This was Sir Edward's favorite title. President and vice
president appealed to him but little : it was as an administrator that he won and
held his fame. He was mentioned as successor to Lord Strathcona as high
commissioner for Canada in Great Britain in 1909. The previous year he had
been created a Ijaronet and in 191 1 he was appointed a Knight of Grace of the
Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. He was one of the
best known club men of Canada, belonging to Mount Royal Club: St. James
Clulj; Auto and .Aero Club; Forest and Stream Club; M. A. A. A.; Montreal
Hunt Club; Alontreal Jockey Clula ; Royal 'Montreal Golf Club; Royal St. Law-
rence Yacht Club ; St. George Snowshoe Club ; Toronto Club and York Club,
Toronto ; Rideau Club, Ottawa : Manhattan Club, New York ; and Piath Club
and River Thames Yacht Club, London, England.
In a review of his life history many points stand out prominently. Within
a quarter of a century he rose from an humble position in the bank to that
of general manager and remained vice j^resident until his demise. He was the
recognized leader of finance, whose counsel was sought and xalued in connection
with the greatest undertakings. His business genius and jiublic spirit went hand
in hand and each constituted factors in the progress and upbuilding of Canada and
in the development and promotion of the coimtry's interests. His influence was
far-reaching and effective as a force in national prosperity and greatness.
One who knew Sir Edward best summed up his character in the following
article, which appeared in the journal nf tlie Canadian Bankers Association after
his death: "In life Sir Edward CUniston was a man of few words and I have
ffit tliat silence is my most fitting tribute to his memory. He was not an osten-
tatious man ; he employed neither press agents nor stage managers. Many of his
generous actions are known only to the writer of these lines; many others are
known only to his Maker."
Philibert Baudouin, who has been a representative of the notarial profession
since 1858, although for some years his attention was given to finance, was born
at Repentigny, Quebec, April 27, 1836. He is a descendant in the direct line of
Jean Baudouin, who was here bartering with the Indians as early as 1656, fourteen
years after Montreal was founded by de ^laisonneuve. In a fight with the Iro-
quois in 1660, when he killed one of their chieftains, Jean Baudouin was taken
and led as a prisoner to the enemy's country, whence he returned eighteen months
afterward, having in the meantime learned the Iroquois language. A short
time subsequent to his return he married and soon settled in the parish of Pointe-
aux-Trembles, where he died peacefully. He had lost his eldest son in an
ambush laid by the same astute foes in 1690. One of his sons, Frangois, took a
farm from the Seignior on L'Assomption river in 1699, near the present site of
Charlemagne, and a few years afterward, in 1716, purchased the homestead on
the north bank of the river St. Lawrence, in the parish and Seigniory of Repen-
tigny, where he went to live and there sjjent his remaining days. This homestead
remained in the family for almost two centuries, passing from father to son for
four generations. Francois Baudouin left it to his son Pierre, who married three
times and left it to his son Raymond. Raymond was drowned and his widow
made a gift of it to their son Pierre. From this last Pierre Baudouin it went to
Zoel Baudouin, one of his sons, whose daughter and only heir, Mrs. Edmond
Robillard, of St. Paul I'Hermite, sold it to its present owner, Mr. Dechamp.
Philibert Baudouin is a son of Pierre and Marguerite (Etu) Baudouin, the
latter, like her husband, belonging to one of the old families established in this
province in the seventeenth century. The mother's name was then written
Estur, which has since been wrongly changed to Iletu. The family name Baudouin
should be so spelled instead of Beaudoin, as so often met with at the present time.
It is derived from two Saxon words, bald and win, and was latinized by the
early chroniclers, becoming Balduinus, which was later translated into French as
Baudouin but remained Baldwin in English. The first one who settled in Mon-
treal very properly signed his name Jean Baudouin, as may be seen on the old
records in the clerk's office, and in France it is still written in the same way.
Besides being a progressive farmer Pierre Baudouin was a church warden and
a captain in the militia.
Philibert Baudouin was educated at L'Assomption College, in the town of
L'Assomption, where he pursued a full classical course, completed in 1854. He
then prepared for the notarial profession, to which he was admitted in 1858.
In i860 he settled for practice in the town of Iberville and after nearly fifteen
years devoted to the profession he turned his attention to finance, devoting his
energies and activities thereto until 1893, when he removed to Montreal and
resumed the practice of the notarial profession. He has now passed the seventv-
eighth milestone on life's journey, but is still an active man. From 1862 until
1873 he was county clerk, clerk of the circuit court for the county of Iberville
and town clerk of Iberville, his decade of public service being characterized by
the utmost fidelity to duty. His financial activities covered nearly twenty years
as bank manager in St. Johns, Quebec.
On the 22d of August, 1864, in St. Jolms, Mr. Baudouin was married to
Miss Caroline A. Marchand, a daughter of Louis Marchand, deputy protonotary
at St. Johns, and of Delphine Phineas. Mrs. Baudouin belongs to the old
Marchand family which settled in St. Johns in the early part of the nineteenth
century. There were three brothers, Frangois, Gabriel and Louis, the second
being the father of the Hon. F. G. Marchand, late premier of the province of
Quebec. Her mother was a daughter of Isaac Phineas. for a long time agent at
Maskinonge, of Seignior Pothier's estate, and who was an intimate friend of
the Hart family of Three Rivers. Seven sons and two daughters have been
born of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Baudouin, Philibert, Annette, Gustave,
Rodolphe, Joseph, Jean, Charles, Louise and Oscar. The elder daughter became
the wife of Dr. J. C. Tasse, of Worcester, Massachusetts. Gustave married
Augustine Hardy, of Quebec. Joseph wedded Julie Caty, of Montreal. Jean
married Alice Hamilton, of Montreal. Oscar married Hilda Julien, of Montreal.
Louise is the wife of Alfred Masson, of Valleyfield, a grandson of Dr. L. H.
Masson, who took a leading part in the troublous times of 1837-38.
Mr. Baudouin is a supporter of the old conservative party, but has never
taken a leading part in the political contests, especially so in his advanced years,
when he recognizes the fact that political leaders too often are using their power
for their own preferment instead of the public good.
In every community there are men of broad charity and intelligent public
spirit, of high integrity and sincerity of purpose and of resourceful business
ability who are marked as leaders in development. Worthy of being classed with
men of this character is Joseph Adelard Descarries, one of the eminent members
of the Montreal bar and a man whose name figures in connection with the legis-
lative history of the province as well as in the court records. Mr. Descarries
is a representative of one of the oldest families of the province and one whose
members have been identified with its growth and development since the earlier
periods of settlement. He was bom at St. Timothee, in the county of Beau-
harnois, Quebec, November 7, 1853, the youngest son of the late Pierre and
l''lizal)eth (Gougeau) Descarries.
Having mastered the branches of learning taught in the public schools of
his native village, Joseph A. Descarries afterward attended Montreal College,
McGill University and Laval University, graduating from the latter in 1879, with
the degree of LL. L. He studied law under Hon. Sir Alcxandel" Lacoste and was
called to the bar in 1879, at which time he began practice as an advocate. He was
created a king's counsellor by the Earl of Derby in 1893 and for more than a
third of a century he has been continuously and successfully engaged in law
practice in Montreal, where he has been accorded an extensive and distinctively
representative clientage.
I lis pnblic work, too, has been of an important character and has indicated his
loyalty to the highest standards of government. For nine consecutive years he
was mayor of Lachine, giving to the city a businesslike and progressive adminis-
tration. In 1892 he was elected for Jacques Cartier county to the legislative
assembly, but resigned in i8(X), in which year he unsuccessfully contested a seat
in the house of commons. Since that time he has taken no active part in politics
aside from exercising his right of franchise and standing stanclily in support
of principles and measures in which he believes. He is now president of the
Lachine Conservative Club and is also president of the St. Jean Baptiste Society
of Lachine.
Mr. Descarries is the largest |)rivate owner of real estate in Lachine, his
holdings including some of the finest residential properties surrounding Montreal.
Some years ago he purchased a tract of land eleven acres in width from the
Allan family, comprising a most attractive piece of property, which he develoi)ed
and thus added greatly to the upbuilding of the district. He is the owner of
one hundred and fifty-two houses, erecting all of them save one, and in their
building substantiality has always been a feature. Unlike the usual structure
built merely to sell, Mr. Descarries has aimed at the creation of an estate the
ultimate value of which cannot help but become immense. As an illustration of
the change in realty values, caused by improvements and transformation of sur-
roundings, it may be cited that Mr. Descarries some years ago purchased a
tract of land of four hundred acres, on which the taxes were at that time
approximately eighty dollars, while today for less than one-third of this land
which he owns the taxes are more than three thousand dollars. It would be
difficult to estimate the value to a community of operations of this character. Mr.
Descarries has taken an active part in the upbuilding of industrial interests, and
his influence has been an important factor in securing for Lachine a number of
valuable industries, all of which have materially contributed to growth and
development for the city, enabling it to take a prominent rank among Montreal's
suburban cities. Among his other business connections Mr. Descarries is presi-
dent of the Wealthy Mines Company, Limited, and a director of Les Champs
d'Or Rigaud Vaudreuil.
In 1881 Mr. Descarries was married, at Chateauguay, Quebec, to Miss Marie
Celina Elmire, a daughter of A. N. Le Pailleur, a notary puljlic of Lachine.
The marriage ceremony was performed by Monseigneur Charles Edward Fabre,
archbishop of Montreal. Mrs. Descarries is a graduate of Mount St. Marie
Convent and is a lady of superior intelligence and high qualities of mind. Their
children are as follows. Joseph A. P., who was graduated from 'IMcGill Uni-
versity, specializing in chemistry, founded the Lachine Gas Company, of which
he is now the head. He married Miss Oliva Forgues, of Outremont, a grad-
uate of St. Anne's Convent at Lachine. They have two children. Olivette and
Marcelle. Theophile N., who was graduated from Laval University, is an advo-
cate, associated with his father under the firm name of Descarries & Descarries.
He married Miss Marie Anne Huot, a daughter of Dr. G. Huot, of Beau-
harnois, and they have one child. Anne Marie. Aimee, a graduate of St. Anne's
Convent of Lachine, is a young lady of unusual artistic taste and skill. Her
work as a painter on china shows exceptional merit and inckides some of the
finest specimens of this decorative art exhibited by Canadian artists. Adelard,
a graduate of Mount St. Louis College, is now a student at I'Ecole des Hautes
Etudes. Alarie Rose will graduate from St. Anne's Convent of Lachine in the
class of 1914. Auguste, a student at St. Mary's College, is a young man of
unusual talent and promise, whose ability as an organist is well known.
Mr. Descarries' pleasure and recreation have always been greatly augmented
when in the company of his family, whose entertainment, like their rearing
and education, has never been neglected. Estimating highly the value of educa-
tion, he has extended to his children exceptional opportunities for intellectual
development and they constitute a family that would be a distinct credit to any
parentage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Descarries have always maintained a companion-
ship with their children and have been so close to their interests, thoughts, pur-
poses and plans that there has been little need for that parental discipline which
is often a too pronounced feature in households. Confidence and mutual under-
standing have been the basis of the family relation, rendering this a most attrac-
tive household. The religious belief of the family is that of the Roman Catholic
church, and Mr. Descarries has for several years been president of the St. Vin-
cent de Paul Society. He is also a member of the Club Lafontaine, the Lachine
Snowshoe Club and the Auto and Aero Club of Montreal.
No history of Mr. Descarries would be complete without mention of the
fact that he is a very public-spirited man, liberal and generous in his support
of any movement for the public good and ever ready to lend his assistance
to such movements as will contribute to the advancement of the city, province
and Dominion. He has been a very successful business man, not only as regards
the accumulation of property but as well in the high esteem in which he is held.
He has all the elements of a man in whom to have confidence, dependable in any
relation and in any emergency. His quietude of deportment, his easy dignity,
combined with an innate courtesy and politeness, all contribute to a strong per-
sonality. The splendid use he has made of his time, talents and opportunities
has equipped him for the important and valuable work he has been doing and
which has given decided impetus to the city's progress and improvement, iq.ihold-
ing as well its legal, political and moral status.
Capability and loyalty are the essential attributes of the man who would fill
the office of chief inspector of industrial establishments and public buildings and
properly perform the arduous and responsible duties thereby devolving upon
him. Such a man is found in Louis Guyon, who has closely studied the subject
of construction and all that relates to accidents which may occur in building
operations. He is a native of the state of New York, having been born at Sandy
Hill, Washington county. Boyhood, however, found him located in Montreal
where he jnirsued his education, taking special courses in preparation for a com-
mercial career. Almost throughout his entire life he has been in the public-
service. In April, 1888, he was ap]iointcd factory inspector and ni.iilc a most
capable official. He studied in every available way in order to know what should
be reciuired of factory owners and operators and just how far their responsibility
extended in the jjrotection of emi)loyes. He traveled widely in order to promote
his knowledge of that character and he was a delegate to the Paris convention
on accidents in 18S9 and again in upo. His qualifications were so thoroughly
recognized that he was made chief inspector of industrial establishments and pub-
lic buildings in January, igoi, and has since occupied this position, covering a
])criod of thirteen years, his entire course being one which commends iiim to the
continued confidence and support of the public. As inspector he has studied not
only to find wdiere fault may lie in the erection of buildings or in the care of
employes, but has also studied the best methods of safeguarding the workers
and in 1903 he founded the museum of appliances for the prevention- of acci-
dents. His reputation for efficiency in his special field continued to grow and in
1910 he was made president of the International Convention of Inspectors of
Factories. No one is more deeply interested in this important work or realizes
more fully the obligations which devolve upon the employer in his connection with
his employes, and his work has constituted a campaign of education whereby the
public has come to know what are the needs and demands of the hour and how
best to meet them.
George Hadrill, secretary of the Montreal Board of Trade, is one whose
opinions concerning business conditions are largely accepted as standard, because
of his broad experience and his thorough study of matters effecting trade rela-
tions of the country. For more than a quarter of a century he has occupied
his present position and has been called into conference in many trade councils.
He was born in London, England, August 2, 1848, a son of George and Elizabeth
(Bushell) Hadrill. His education was acquired in the metropolis, and he spent
the earlier years of his business life in that city, arriving in Canada in 1874, w'hen
a young man of twenty-six years. Three years were devoted to business pur-
suits before he joined the staff of the Montreal Board of Trade in 1877. His
fitness for the position is evidenced in the fact that by 1880 he had been pro-
moted to the position of assistant secretary. Six years passed and in 1886 he was
made secretary, so that he has now acted in that capacity for twenty-eight years.
The occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his acceptance of the position was-
fittingly celebrated, and a cabinet of silverware was presented him by the
Montreal Board of Trade.
His position as secretary brings him into close contact with business affairs
and trade organizations throughout the world. He has been a delegate to sev-
eral imperial trade congresses, the last being held in Sydney, Australia. By invi-
tation he was a delegate to Xewfoundhuul to assist in the formation of a board
of trade there in 1909. He was presented in 1903 with a testimonial from British
delegates to the imperial trade congress at Montreal in acknowledgement of cour-
tesies and services rendered by him. In 1905 he was elected an honorary member
of the International Board of Foreign Trade and was made honorarv secretary
of the King Edward memorial committee of Montreal in 191 1. His position has
brought him into close connection with many important civic and municipal
projects with which the Board of Trade has been intimately associated.
In 1891 Mr. Hadrill married Emmeline Lilian, the daughter of J. Albert Cop-
land of Chelmsford, England. Mrs. Hadrill died in December, 1902. Mr. Had-
rill has been a director of St. George's Society of Alontreal and is an Anglican in
religious faith. The Montreal Herald has written of him that he is "a man of
great natural abilities as a statistician and accountant." "He possesses unusual
qualifications for his office, which calls for a display of diplomacy, tact and so-
cial qualities as well as for purely business ability," writes another paper, and
this opinion is corroborated by all who have come in contact with him. While
thoroughly systematic and methodical in managing the duties of his position, he
has at the same time that ready resourcefulness which enables him to meet an
emergency and secure from it the best possible results.
The talcs of heroic conduct in times of war will always arouse the enthusi-
asm and call forth the praise of those who hear them, but heroism is by no
means confined to the men who wear their nation's uniform and march to
the sound of the bugle. It has been manifest where there were none to wit-
ness and none to record the story and with nothing but an individual sense
of duty for its inspiration. The world thrilled with the story of the heroism
of the men, who, in the silence of the night, gave women and children over
to the care of the few who manned the lifeboats and quietly awaited death
on the decks of the steamship Titanic when it sank on its maiden trip across
the Atlantic, April 15, 1912. Included in the great toll of human lives
exacted by this catastrophe, was that of Charles Melville Hays, president
of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railways and one of the foremost railroad mag-
nates of his generation. His was the master mind in the development of the
Grand Trunk Pacific and his work for the Grand Trunk Railway has become
a part of the history of the Dominion. One of the elements of his success
was that he was always essentially and strictly a railroad man, never dis-
sipating his energies over too broad a field but concentrating his efforts along
that single line of activity.
A native of Rock Island, Illinois, Mr. Hays was born in 1856. and was
but a child when his parents removed to St. Louis, Missouri, in which city
he was reared and received his educational training. He was but a boy of
seventeen when he started out in life on his own account as a clerk in the
passenger department of the Atlantic & Pacific Railway. From that time
on his advancement was continuous and rapid, solely the result of his
thoroughness, efficiency and genuine merit. After a year he was transferred
to the auditor's dejtartment and later was called to a position in the office
of the general superintendent, where his aptitude, enterprise and initiative
were soon recognized. From 1878 until 1884 he was secretary to the general
manager of the Missouri Pacific Kailroad and in the latter year was offered
and accepted the position of secretary to the general manager of the Wabash
& St. Louis Pacific Railway Company.
In 1886 he was appointed general manager of the road and the following
year became general manager of the Wabash Western, comprising all of
the Wabash lines west of the Mississippi and also between Chicago and
Detroit. In 1889 he was appointed general manager of the reorganized and
consolidated Wabash system and controlled the important and manifold
interests of the railway for six years or until he resigned to become general
manager of the Grand Trunk, succeeding L. J. Seargeant. Five years later
he left the Grand Trunk to take the position of president of the Southern
Pacific Railway Company but remained in that connection for only a year, as
the railway passed under the control of the Ilarriman interests, whose policy dif-
fered from that of Mr. Hays. About that time he received a communication from
Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, again offering him the position of general manager
of the Grand Trunk and he returned to the latter road late in igoi as second
vice president and general manager. His connection therewith was con-
tinuous from that time until his demise, and mi the retirement of Sir Charles
Rivers ^Vilson in October, 1909, he was appointed president. In the mean-
time his connection with railway interests constantly broadened, making him
one of the notable figures in railway circles on the American continent. He
became president of the Central \'ermont Railway, the Grand Trunk Western
Railway, the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Railway, the Toledo, Sagi-
naw & Muskegon Railway, the Michigan Air Line Railway, the Chicago,
Detroit and Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railway, the Detroit & Toledo
Shore Line, the Southern New England Railway Company, the Canadian
Express Company, the Grand Trunk Railway Insurance & Provident Society
and of various corporations featuring largely as factors in commercial and
industrial development. He was chosen to the presidency of the St. Clair
Tunnel Company, the International Bridge Company, the Montreal Ware-
housing Company, the Portland Elevator Company and the New England
Elevator Company. He also represented the Grand Trunk W'estern Railway
as a director of the Chicago & W^estern Indiana Railway and Belt Railway
of Chicago.
In 1905 he was made a member of the permanent commission of the
International Railway Congress ' and also a director of the United States
Mortgage & Trust Company. He was a delegate to the Imperial Trades
Congress in 1903. He became a director of the Royal Trust Company and
the Merchants Bank of Canada and a director of the Canadian Board of the
London & Lancashire Life Assurance Company. He was also a director of
the Montreal Horticultural and Fruit Growing Association — a fact which
indicated much of the breadth of his interests. His executive ability was
sought as an element in the successful management of various benevolent,
charitable and philanthropic enterprises.. He was a governor of the Montreal
General Hospital, a governor of the Royal Victoria Hospital and a governor
of the McGill University. In 1907 he was decorated with the Order of the
Rising Sun (third class) by the emperor of Japan.
He was a man of remarkable personality. Obstacles and difficulties
seemed but a stimulus for renewed effort on his part and he was never
happier than when he could grasp an opportunity and utilize it to the fullest
extent or untangle a knotty problem in railway management and control.
Mr. Hays was a well known figure in club circles, belonging to the Mount
Royal, St. James, Canada, Forest and Stream, Montreal Jockey, Montreal
Hunt, St. Maurice Fish and Game Club and the Laurentian Club of Montreal
and the Rideau Club of Ottawa. Sir Wilfrid Laurier had termed him "a
valuable acquisition to Canada," and the Montreal Witness said he was "a
splendid example of what brains, pluck and industry can overcome and accom-
plish," while the Montreal Standard styled him "a man of quiet dignity, whose
sanity and strength are seen and felt in all his undertakings."
Mr. Hays was survived by his widow, who was Miss Clara J. Gregg, a
daughter of William H. Gregg of St. Louis, Missouri, and four daughters,
Mrs. George D. Hall, of Boston, Mrs. Thornton Davidson, Mrs. A. Harold
Grier and Mrs. Hope C. Scott, of Montreal.
One of the ships that hastened to the relief of the Titanic recovered the
body of Mr. Hays, which was brought back to Montreal for interment and
laid to rest following one of the most imposing funerals ever accorded a
civilian in this city. Mr. Hays worshipped at the American Presbyterian
church of Montreal and was one of its trustees, but retained his membership
in the First Presbyterian church of St. Louis, Missouri, and in the memorial
services held in the former on the 25th of April, 1912, a sermon by the Rev.
Dr. McKittrick, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of St. Louis, follow-
ing the death of Mr. Hays, was read. He said in part: "The colossal catas-
trophe of the seas which has so recently startled and dismayed the civilized
world could not pass today entirely unnoted in the temples of the living
God. Among those who went down to their unexpected and, it seems to our
vision, their untimely death, there was no man who worthily had a higher
position in the social, industrial and financial world than Mr. Charles M.
Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Since commonly
the boy is father of the man we might almost refer to him as 'our Mr. Hays"
for he was once in our Sunday School, and afterwards a member of our
Board of Trustees. His is an inspiring example to all our boys and to every
boy in the land of wdiat may be accomplished by rightful purpose, industry,
determination, all these by the worthy motives which variously constitute
character. It took all the elements which are found in a manly man to make
first so notable a record as was his in this city, and then to create for him-
self the distinguished name and for his undertaking the great prosperity
which concerning both the history of today reveals."
The following reference to Mr. Hays' life and work was made at the close
of ])ublic worship in the American Presbyterian church, Montreal, on Sab-
bath, April 28th. Dr. Johnston said: "The subject that we have been con-
sidering this morning has unavoidably suggested to you, as it has to me, many
thoughts regarding the life, the death and the work of Mr. Charles M. Hays
whose loss our land mourns today.
"Much has already been said of Mr. Hays as the railway magnate, the
man of enterprise, the devoted hushaiul and father and the loyal friend.
Upon these phases of his character 1 will net therefore further dwell, but
there remains something to be said of that feature of his life which, though
less conspicuous to the general public, nevertheless lay deep and strong
behind all these other characteristics, and was indeed the inspiration of them.
We all in this congregation know the large place which Mr. Hays gave to the
work and worship of the church, and the readiness with which his time and
influence were always lent to its interests. He loved the House of God. That
love, in a measure, was doubtless the result of early training in a home of
whose deep religious character he ever loved to speak in terms of afifection
and appreciation. It was also due in part to his deep sense of what he owed
in his place of great prominence to the community at large, and to a younger
generation in particular, in the way of example. Most of all, however, it
was due to his appreciation of the place that worship should have in every
life, and to his deep sense of the need of every soul for those things that the
House of God and its services can give. This attitude instead of lessening,
as in so many lives it does, as responsibilities increased, and honours accu-
mulated, deepened in Air. Hays with the passing years.
"The continent-wide enterprises with which his name will always be asso-
ciated were not simply enterprises and interests to him. They constituted a
work, a ministry, which it was given him to administer for man, and through
man for God. The tens of thousands for whom he had already thrown open
the door of their exodus from European stagnation and oppression were his
Israel, whom he, in God's name, was leading out into liberty and larger life.
These broad prairies and boundless stretches of Northern Saskatchewan and
the Peace River district, those hitherto impassable Rockies, giving gateway
to the flowering farmlands that slope toward the silver sands of the Pacific —
these were his Canaan, which it was his to conquer, not . with sword and
clash of battle, but with genius and enterprise and the power of science, so
that into the good 'Land of Promise' he might bring the oppressed peoples of
the world, to make a nation strong in liberty and in righteousness.
"Did time permit I could tell you much of how Mr. Hays carried on his
great heart, the toiling multitudes of earth and their needs, and of how it
was to him a vision glorious that he was permitted in some measure to con-
tribute to their uplift and redemption. He, too, like Israel's leader, had
looked upon the burdens of the people. To us it seems that, like Moses, he
has been permitted only to view his promised land from afar. On the
threshhold of completion he has been bidden to lay down his work. A broken
column? A work incomplete? Yes. if this w-orld is all. and this life the only
life, but if death is indeed for the life that lives in Christ, not extinction but
expansion, not frustration but promotion, than surely in some other of the
many mansions in our Father's one great house, they still serve who have -
ceased from labor here, and work with gladness for the liringing in of that
day when throughout all the universe of God there shall be nothing to hurt
nor to destroy, but "God shall be all and in all.' "
The press throughout the .Vmerican continent tmited in tribute to Charles
Melville Hays and under the caption of Montreal's Loss the Gazette of
April 19. 1912, said editorially : "Among the many places which will have
home reasons for bearing the loss (April 15. 1912) of the steamship Titanic
in sorrowful memory there will be few to rank before Montreal. Of residents
who had won or were winning honorable places of usefulness in the city's
commercial life, no less than four ended their earthly career in the dark hours
of Monday when the Atlantic waters closed over the wreck of what had been
one of the world's noblest vessels. First of these, of course, ranks Mr. Charles
M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railways and director and
adviser in many allied and other enterprises. Mr. Hays came to Montreal
as a stranger, when the condition and fortunes of the Grand Trunk Railway
were low indeed. The life had apparently gone out of the direction and a
great propert}-, with greater potentialities, was in danger of passing into
bankruptcy. He and his associates found their task harder also because
they were strangers. It was only a little while, however, before the city
and the country, as well as the proprietors of the railway, recognized that in
the new general manager, which was the title Mr. Hays then had, they had
a man who for capacity ranked with the highest in his profession. With a
slight interruption Mr. Hays has had chief executive control since 1897 of
the Grand Trunk Railway. In that time it has been lifted physically to the
standard of a high class, well equipped road, with few superiors in America.
Financially it has Iseen so improved as to meet the interest charges on the new
capital raised for betterments and has been able to pay dividends on some of
the older issues that once seemed to have lost all value as investments. In
late years he was a chief moving spirit in the projection and construction
of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, which is now approaching completion.
His work in these connections speaks of his executive ability louder than
can words written or spoken. It is only to be added that in all relations of
life, business or social, he was a plain, courteous and kindly gentleman, to
whom all were ready to pay in full measure the respect that he deserved."
The memorial service read in the American Presbyterian church to which
previous allusion has been made, was one of the most impressive ever held
within the borders of Canada and the tributes to Mr. Hays on that occasion
attested how high was the position which he held in the regard of business
colleagues, of eminent educators, ministers and others. Principal Peterson
of McGill University said in part : "We have done well to come together
in this solemn manner, not to meet in a useless parade of grief and sorrow,
but to pay a sincere tribute to the worth of one who has gone to his last
reward and to express our sympathy to those who suffer the loss of one so
dear, and who have scarcely yet survived the shock of their sudden bereave-
ment. Our men died like heroes — in that last dread extremity they bore
themselves nobly and well.
"And I doubt not that foremost in fortitude was that great-hearted man
who today is mourned throughout the world, Charles M. Hays, who was
then eagerly returning to take his controlling part in those great enterprises
with which his name will always be associated, and no doubt looking forward
with joy to returning to his accustomed work and surroundings here. The
- vast transportation system over which be so well presided, and to which he
gave fresh life, has just paid him well earned tribute in those moments of
organized, concerted, silence stretching across this continent — the awed hush
of reverent respect and tender sympathy from every section of the railway
service and imm every rank and class in the community at large. It was a
moving incident. l)Ut only a slight indicatitni (if the esteem in which he was
held cverywliere, and of the loss wliicii the railways and the people have
"Mr. Hays came to Montreal in 1896, shortly after I came here, and since
then it has been my privilege to know him well, and to meet him frequently
in university and other affairs. Only a short time before Mr. Hays left for
Europe I had a walk with him, when he talked to me of his plans for the
future, and discussed university and other educational matters, with the
grave and serious hope for future advancement which marked his thought.
Little then did either of us think it possible that so terrible a disaster should
cut short his vigorous and useful career. He was a real leader ol men. a
true captain of industry, carrying a huge burden of work and responsibility
on his shoulders, and always carrying it as a strong Christian man should.
We shall go forth from this solemn service to our customary duties, graver
and sadder men. It may be that we shall not have the melancholy duty of
following to the grave the remains of this man whose work interlinked a vast
continent. He has found his grave in the ocean, and it may be literally said
of him that the whole world is his tomb. Certainly his memory will not soon
die; for long will the memory live of this impressive memcirial of his
sad fate and the sorrow of his stricken family. And when the far-reaching
plans for which he stood sponsor are realized we shall often go back in
thought to what this city, this dominion and the empire at large owes to
the ability, the integrity and dauntless energy of Charles Melville Hays."
One of the glowing and well deserved tributes paid to the memory of
Charles Melville Hays was spoken by Rev. T. S. Mc^^'illiams, D. D., of
Cleveland, Ohio, who said : "The man whose loss we mourn today, and
whose memory we would honor was not merely a national, he was an inter-
national figure. The great enterprise of which he was at the head, and, to
an unusual degree the guiding and animating spirit, was not merely a national,
but an international railway. It seems fitting therefore that one from the
United States should have a small part in this memorial service. The humble
tribute which I bring is not merely that of a former pastor — as such I was
privileged to say a few words on Sunday last. Nor is my tribute that of a
personal friend — as such my place would not be here in the pulpit, but in
position with the mourners, amongst those who most deeply and genuinely
feel a sense of personal loss. Mine is the privilege today of bringing a neigh-
boring nation's tribute, if you will ; of assuring you that many of the Ameri-
can people share with you the sorrow and sense of loss which you feel so
keenly. In the United States the late Charles M. Hays was born, and there.
he spent the larger part of his life. Of our country he remained a citizen to
the last. Yet there were few men more genuinely devoted to the interests of
Canada or more intelligently attached to British institutions than he. Few,
if any, in Canada saw with clearer vision the great possibilities of the future
of your country and believed more intensely in the great destinies of Canada.
"To speak of Mr. Hays' preeminent ability as a rai\way man is scarcely
necessary. \\'e have only to look around to see the monuments to his genius.
There are two immense office buildings that ornament your city ; there is
that wonderful steel bridge over Niagara's gorge and the great station at
Ottawa. There is the rejuvenated and vastly extended Grand Trunk Railway.
And. perhaps greatest of all, there is the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, des-
tined at no distant date to span this continent, making accessible natural
resources of incalculable value, and bringing into practical part of the
national progress vast regions at present inaccessible to the agriculturist.
These are great enterprises which have attracted the admiring attention of
the world and stimulated rival systems to greater activity', while bringing
millions in money to your land, and, what means much more to you, an
unprecedented tide of immigration. It is but just to say that such enter-
prises as these have been no small factor in the building up of that great
progress and prosperity which characterizes Canada at the present time.
"The credit of such achievements is, of course, to be shared with Mr.
Hays' earnest colaborers — and he would have been the first to give them such
credit — but to Mr. Hays is certainly due the credit of the initiative. For a
man at the early age of thirty-eight years to rise from the bottom of the
ladder to the presidency of such a railway system as the \\'abash, and later
to be selected as president of the Grand Trunk, charged with its rehabilita-
tion, and to so conduct its affairs that after only five years its securities had
enhanced in value by eighty-six millions of dollars ; to be called to the
presidency of the Southern Pacific, and then called back again to the Grand
Trunk to consummate yet vaster plans — these are proofs positive and suf-
ficient of his preeminent railway genius. The tribute of silence in which we
a few minutes ago reverently joined — a silence in which we were joined by
that great army of employes from ocean to ocean — was not the silence of
obedience to an enforced order. It was the genuine heart-felt tribute of men
of all ranks to a leader whom they had loved and lost.
"The contagion of his example spread through every part of that great
system. Himself a hard and rapid worker his own example was a sufficient
incentive to do away with indolence and incompetence. His presence any-
where on the system encouraged and thrilled to better work not by fear of the
tyrant's command to go, but they thrilled at the leader's call to come.
"Mr. Hays was first, last and all the time a great railway man. But it would
be unjust to speak merely of that. He possessed other qualities that impressed
me even more than that. He was throughout his life a man of lofty and unbend-
ing principle. I personally know that his early ending of his connection with a
great railway system, sacrificing a position to which was attached great honor and
an immense salary, and his going out of that office, not knowing whither he
went, was a wonderful example of the triumph of principle over what appeared
to be personal interests. It stands as a proof of Mr. Hays' unwillingness to
be the tool of a designing genius no matter what that might seem to offer
him in the way of personal remuneration. And in the great positions he held
it was his constant endeavor to be just to all. It was his endeavor by day
and his prayer liy night to always carry an even balance between the employes
of his company and those who had invested their living in it with even
justice to both. Knowledge of this permeated tlu- wliole system, and brought
a realization amongst the men that the main endeavor of the leader was not
to get out of the employes as much as possible and give them in return as
fittle as ])<>ssilile, liut thai they were really working with, iifit for. their presi-
dent, in the interests of all.
"And he was a public-spirited man in many other spheres. That he was
a generous friend of education is proven in that he was a governor of McGill
University; that he was a benefactor to suffering humanity is shown by the
hospitals of which he was a governor. But far more than these public posi-
tions were innumerable cases in which he proved himself a generous but
unostentatious friend to the needy. And may I for a moment draw aside
the sacred veil, and speak of his home life. As a father, husband, brother,
comrade, to all in his household he was ever the genial, pure, high-minded
Christian gentleman — the idol of his home, as he deserved to be. His reli-
gious influence was unmistakable and caused him inevitably to work, for the
right. I am confident that his deep religious sense of duty was at the bottom
of much that we admire in his career — he was utterly honest, not because
he believed it to be the best business policy, but because he had faith in the
right; he was filled with genial optimism, not from blindness to the facts, but
because he knew them.
"That such lives should be allowed to be interrupted by such disasters as
that we now mourn is a problem which cannot be satisfactorily answered.
It may be said that no man's place is impossible to be filled. But Methodism
has never found another John Wesley, and the Grand Trunk will look and
wait for long before it finds another Charles Melville Hays."
One of the most able, successful and progressive of the younger generation of
professional men in Montreal is Dougall Gushing, connected with important legal
interests as a member of the firm of Barron & Gushing, notaries. He is a native
son of the city, born May 3, 1886, his parents being Charles and Lily (Macaulay)
Gushing. The family is of old American establishment, the great-grandfather
of the subject of this review. Job Gushing, having been born in Massachusetts in
1765. The father was born in May, 1848, and he was for a number of years
the senior member of the firm of Gushing & Barron and known as an able and
reliable notary. He was in addition a director in the Sun Life Assurance Com-
pany, on the board of governors of the Young Men's Christian Association and
deacon in Calvary Congregational church, a man of wide interests, high stand-
ards and useful and important accomplishments. His death occurred September
30, 1910. He and his wife became the parents of seven children. R. Macaulay,
Dougall of this review, Charles, Arthur, Eric, GeofTfrey and Edith.
Dougall Gushing was reared in his parents' home and acquired his preliminary
education in the grammar and high schools of Montreal. He afterward attended
McGill L'niversity, from which he was graduated B. A. in 1907 and B. G. L. in
1910. In the following year he established himself as a notary in his native city,
associating himself with Robert H. Barron, his father's former partner. The
firm of Barron & Gushing is today, as it has been for many years past, one of
the strongest of its kind in the city, for Dougall Gushing has followed closely in
his father's footsteps, and has proved himself brilliant, reliable and energetic
in the conduct of his professional interests.
Mr. Gushing belongs to Phi Kappa Pi, which he joined in McGill University'
and is a member of the Seventeenth Regiment, Duke of York's Royal Canadian
Hussars. He is one of the popular and enterprising young men of Montreal
and has already gained a creditable place in a profession in which his superior
merit and ability will undoubtedly win for him ultimate distinction.
Hon. Samuel Gale, one of the ablest members of the legal profession in
his day, and a very prominent citizen of Montreal, died in that city on Satur-
day, April 15, 1865. He was the son of a Mr. Gale who, born in Hampshire,
England, came to America in 1770 as assistant paymaster to the forces. He
married there a Miss Wells, of Brattleboro, and soon after left the army,
and took up his residence in the colony of New York. During the Revolution
he stood firmly by the old flag under which he had served, and was. for some
time imprisoned as a loyalist. After the Revolution, he came to reside in
Canada, upon an estate granted to his wife's father by the crown, as indemni-
fication for the losses brought upon him as a loyalist in the Revolution. He
was subsequently secretary to Governor Prescott, whom he accompanied
to England, and there assisted to defend him from the attacks made upon
his administration, ^^'hile there he w-rote an essay on Public Credit, addressed
and submitted to Pitt. The following is the inscription on his tombstone at
Farnham, in Shefiford county :
"Here rests Samuel Gale, Esq., formerly acting deputy paymaster general
of H. Majesty's forces in the Southern Provinces, now the U. S. of America ;
subsequently Secretary to H. E. the Governor-in-chief of H. M. dominions
in N. A.; Author of Essays on Public Credit, and other works; born at
Kimpton Hants, England, October 14, 1748; died at Farnham, June 27, 1826."
Samuel Gale of this review was born at St. Augustine, East Florida, in
1783. He was educated at Quebec, while his father was secretary, and came
to study law at Montreal under Chief Justice Sewell, in 1802, having Chief
Justice Rolland and Mr. Papineau as fellow students. Mr. Gale was admitted
to the bar in 1808, and ere long secured a large practice. In 1815 he was
appointed a magistrate in the Indian territories, and accompanied Lord Sel-
kirk when he went to the northwest. Later, when Lord Dalhousie was
attacked for his Canadian administration, Mr. Gale went home as bearer of
memorials from the English-speaking Lower Canadians in the townships and
elsewhere, defending his lordship's conduct. In 1829. he became chairman of
the quarter sessions, and in 1834 was raised to the bench to replace Mr. Jus-
tice Uniacke, who preferred to resign the seat on the bench to which he had
just been appointed rather than come back to Montreal during the cholera,
then raging here. Judge Gale retired from the bench in 1849, forced into
retirement by cfmtinucd ill health and the gradual coming on of the infirmities
of old age.
He had married in 1831J a Miss Havvlcy, cjf St. Armand West, by whom
he had three daughters. Mrs. Gale died in September, 1849. Oi the
daughters the only one now living is Anna R., widow of T. Sterry Hunt, of
Montreal, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work ; while of the other two,
Agnes Logan married Andrew Stuart of Quebec, a son of Chief Justice
Stuart and of a very prominent family in that city, and the third l)ccame the
iJaroness von Friesen, who died December 10, 1875, in Berlin, CJermany.
Born of parents who had both sufifered for their loyal adherence to the
British Crown during the American Revolution, and educated in their views
Mr. Gale was, as long as he busied himself in politics, a stanch conservative
and defender of British unity and British supremacy. He wrote a series of
letters to the Montreal Herald (in those days the organ of the stoutest con-
servatism) over the signature of "Nerva" which produced a strong impression
on the ])ul)lic mind at that time : and in espousing the cause of Lord Dal-
housie and upholding the old constitution (under the title constitutionalists
taken by the conservatives of that day) against the advocates of democracy
or responsible government, he was but consistently pursuing the course on
which he first set out. While u]3on the bench he maintained in an elaborate
and very able judgment the right of the Crown to establish martial law here
in 1837, refusing to theorize about what abstract rights man had or ought
to have, declaring simply and firmly what the law. as he read it, established
the prerogative of the sovereign to be in a colony. Both as a lawyer and
judge he won the respect of his confreres alike by his ability and learning.
For many years previous to his death he was deeply interested in the
freedom of the slave. He could not speak with patience of any compromise
with slavery and waxed indignant in denunciation of all who in any way aided,
abetted, or even coimtenanced it. When the Anderson case was before the
Upper Canada courts he was one of the most active among those who aroused
agitation here. When the Prince of Wales visited this country he got up
a congratulatory address from the colored people of Canada which, however,
was not received, as the prince was desired by the Duke of Newcastle, not
to recognize differences of race and creed wherever it could be helped.
Judge Gale was a man of high principle and ever bore an unblemished
moral character. Once in his early career at the bar he was forced by the
then prevailing customs" of society to fight a duel. His antagonist was Sir
James Stuart, who had quarreled with him in court and Mr. Gale was severely
wounded. It was an event which, we believe, he profdundly regretted, and
gladly saw the better day dawn when men ran no risk of forfeiting their .
position as gentlemen by refusing to shoot, or be shot at, in order to redress
real or fancied insults. He was a scrupulously just man, most methodical and
punctual in business matters. There were in his writings great care, and
precision and clearness of language. In his letters, too, and even in signing
his name, the same trait was observable. He often used to condemn the
stupid custom of men who signed their names with a flourish, yet so illegibly
that no one could read, but only guess at, the word intended. He was not
ostentatious of his charities, yet they were not lacking. Some years before
his demise he made a gift of land to Bishop's College, Lennoxville, and during
the last months of his life, when age and illness were day by day wearing him
out, he found relief for his own distress in aiding to relieve that of the needy
and afflicted.
\\'ith him passed away one more of those men, who Hnk the creative past,
in which were laid the foundations of our civilization, with the Imstling pres-
ent and of whom the generation of today knows naught ; of men more
proud and precise in their manners than we are : and of such rectitude and
sense of honor, that we feel deeply the loss of the influence of their example.
A loyal subject, a learned and upright judge, a kind, true, steadfast friend,
was lost to the community in Judge Gale.
Dr. Rollo Campbell, of whom it was said that no man ever spoke ill, was the
son of Dr. Francis W. Campbell and was born in Montreal on the 6th of June,
1864. His life record covered a comparatively brief span. He was educated
under private tutors and in Bishop's College, where he pursued his professional
course, being graduated from that institution at Lennoxville, P. O., with honors
in the class of 1886, at which time the M. D. degree was conferred upon him.
His early professional experience came to him as interne in the Western Hos-
pital at Montreal, where he remained for a year, gaining the wide knowledge and
training that only hospital practice can bring. He then went to Europe, pursuing
his studies in London and in Edinburgh. Upon returning to his native land he
located in Montreal for practice and it was not long before he had established
an enviable reptitation as a conscientious, capable physician of untiring energy,
thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to do a kindness to those in
need of his services. He was especially interested in surgery and his researches
along that line were broad and varied.
From the time of his graduation Dr. Campbell was on the teaching staff of
Bishop's College, first as demonstrator of anatomy, to which he was appointed
in 1897, and later as professor of surgery. For many years he was on the con-
sulting staff of the Montreal Dispensary and was one of the assistant surgeons
of the Western Hospital, in which institution he was greatly interested. He was
likewise an examiner for the New York Life Insurance Company.
A feature in his professional connections was his service as surgeon for
seventeen years of the Fifth Royal Scots of Canada, in which regiment he was
very popular. At one time he was president of Bishop's Medical College Grad-
uates' Society and he was physician to several fraternal societies. He also belonged
to the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society and along more strictly .social lines he
was connected with the Metropolitan Club, the Montreal Military Institute and
the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association. Of the latter he was a life mem-
ber and was captain of the Bicycle Qub of that organization.
Dr. Campbell was married in Montreal in 1892 in .St. Paul's Presbyterian
church to Miss Marion May Fletcher, a daughter of Henry Fletcher, who for
thirty years was tide surveyor of the port of Montreal, and his wife, whose
maiden name was Margaret Ann Mclnnes. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell became
parents of two children: Gladys .\gnes and Fdilh Margaret. Tho family circle
was broken ]>\ the hand of death when on the 31st of May, 1904, Dr. Campbell
passed away. Speaking of him at this time a fellow graduate of Bishop's Col-
lege said: "He was a fine fellow. I think I can safely say that I never heard
anyone speak ill of him. He was kind and thoughtful and devoted himself to
his work. In fact, I fear that he worked too hard on account of that conscien-
tiousness which would not allow of his neglecting any seeming duty. He will
be greatly missed, not only by his fellow practitioners, but by all who knew
him and respected him."
While Robert Kurczyn Lovell entered upon a business already established,
he has displaved the enterprise and determination which are among his salient
characteristics in the methods which he has followed in conducting his business
affairs. Montreal numbers him among her native sons, but he comes of Irish
and German ancestry. He is the eldest son of the late John Lovell. who was a
prominent publisher of Montreal from 1835 until his death in 1893. His mother
is Mrs. Sarah Lovell, a daughter of N. P. M. Kurczyn, who was a German
merchant of Montreal.
In the acquirement of his education Robert K. Lovell passed through con-
secutive grades to the high school. In 1867 he became connected with his father
in business, becoming a partner in 1880 and so continuing until the latter's death
in July, 1893. The business was conducted under the same style until 1903
when it was incorporated. Since 1903 he has been president of the firm of
John Lovell & Son, Ltd., publishers of Lovell's Gazetteer of the Dominion of
Canada and Newfoundland, Lovell's Alontreal Directory, Lovell's Montreal
Business Directory and numerous other publications. In all of his business
affairs he never deviates from the highest standards. He is an Anglican in
religious faith.
For over twenty years Major William O. H. Dodds has been connected with
the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, being at present the assistant
manager for Quebec and the maritime provinces. He was born in Yarmouth,
Nova Scotia, July 3, 1867, a son of the late Charles Dodds, a manufacturer of
that province, who died in June, 1893. The mother of our subject, who was
before her marriage Miss Agnes Smith, died in December, 1910.
William Dodds received his education in the Yarmouth high school and the
Yarmouth Academy of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. He completed his school edu-
cation in 1884 and then entered the employ of the Bank of Yarmouth, remaining
with that institution until 1887. From 1887 to 1888 he assisted his father in
the wholesale and retail dry-goods business, but in the latter year came to Mon-
treal, entering the wholesale dry-goods trade, with \\hich line he continued until
1892. In that year he joined the staff of the Mutual Life Insurance Company
of New York as cashier and, rising through various positions, was made the
assistant manager of the concern for Quebec and the maritime provinces, which
office he yet holds. Mr. Dodds has also been one of the promoters of the Con-
sumers' Cotton Company.
On November 29, 1910, Mr. Dodds married Jean Hamilton Holt, eldest
daughter of Robert W. Tyre, of Montreal. Mrs. Dodds is greatly interested in
athletics and in 191 1 was elected president of the Ladies' Montreal Curling
]\Iajor Dodds is also a well known amatetir athlete. He was formerly presi-
dent of the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union ; is a member of the executive
committee of the Amateur Skating Association of Canada ; and was selected as
one of the team of the Montreal Curling Club to proceed to Scotland in Decem-
ber, 1908, but was unable to go. He has long been in the volunteer military
service, being formerly a captain in the Fifth Regiment, Royal Scots. He sub-
sequently commanded the Third Battery, Montreal, and then organized the
Twenty-first (Westmount) Battery, which he commanded from October 26,
1907, to April 9, 1910. He is now engaged in the reorganization of the First
Regiment, Grenadier Guards of Canada. In January, 1906, Major Dodds was
elected president of the Montreal Military Institute and is now councillor of the
Boy Scout movement.
Mr. Dodds is a Presbyterian and gives his political support to the conserva-
tive party. He is a member of the Montreal Club, the Alontreal Military Insti-
tute, the Montreal Curling Club, the ^Montreal Amateur .Athletic Association,
the Montreal Hunt Club, the St. James Club, the Royal Montreal Golf Club and
Isaie Prefontaine, no less highly esteemed for his business capacity and
enterprise than for his public-spirited citizenship, has contributed along vari-
(His lines to the welfare and progress of the city in which he makes his home.
A native of Beloeil, he was born in 1861 and in the pursuit of his education
attended Montreal College, from which he was graduated with honors. From
the outset of his career he has made his labors count as factors in general
progress and improvement. He has been a close student of conditions and
problems of the time and along practical lines has worked for betterment.
He has taken a warm interest in the commercial de\elopmcnt of the city
and ha.s been ])rominently identified with various bodies working toward
that end. He was ])resident of the Chamber of Commerce of Montreal for the
year 1908-9 and for six years was president of the School of High Commercial
Studies. In 1909 he became ])resident of the Federation of Chaml)ers of
Commerce for the jirovince of Quebec and was continued in that high and
ini])ortant office for three years. He has also been a menil)cr of the Board
of Trade and has been a cordial coo])erator in the movement for jiroviding
facilities for sj)ecializc(i instruction and training of those engaged in manu-
facturing and other industrial pursuits.
His wide research and investigation enable him to speak with authority
upon many questions bearing upon the business condition of the city and its
possibilities for progress along industrial and commercial lines. He is an
idealist, whose methods are practical, and is a man of action rather than of
Jn 1883 he married Miss Eliza Pigeon, a daughter of Olivier Pigeon, of
\'ercheres, Quebec. He belongs to both the Club St.- Denis and the Cana-
dian Club and in the city has a wide and favorable acquaintance. The Mon-
treal llerald has termed him "a man of capacity and 'high character."
Dr. Francis Wayland Campbell, practitioner, educator and editor of medical
journals, winning distinction along each line, was born in Montreal on the 5th
of November, 1837, a son of the late RoHo Campbell, at one time publisher of
the Montreal Daily Pilot and a native of Perthshire, Scotland. Dr. Campbell's
more specifically literary education was obtained at Dutton Academy and the
Baptist College, and in preparation for a professional career he studied medicine
in McGill University, from which he was graduated with the M. D. degree in
i860. He at once located for practice in his native city, where he continued
until his death. After the completion of his course at McGill he spent some time
in study abroad, investigating the methods and watching the clinics of eminent
physicians and surgeons of London, Dublin, Edinburgh and Glasgow. In 1861
he passed with high rank an examination before the Royal College of Physicians
of London.
In October, 1861, Dr. Campbell married Miss Agnes Stuart Rodger, of
Greenock, Scotland, and in November returned with his bride to Canada, open-
ing an office for practice in Montreal. Success came to him almost immediately
because his equipment was good and because of his recognition of and marked
devotion to the duties of the profession. He was offered the editorship of the
hospital report department of the British-American Journal, accepted it and
continued to serve in that connection until 1864, when the publication of the
paper ceased. The Canada Medical Journal was soon afterward started and
Dr. Campbell joined Dr. Fenwick in its editorial management, being thus asso-
ciated from 1864 until 1872. In the meantime he had joined the medical faculty
of Bishop's College, whereupon Dr. Fenwick declined to associate with him any
longer in the publication of the Canada Medical Journal. The result was the
discontinuance of that paper. , Dr. Campbell decided to contest the field with Dr.
Fenwick, who began issuing the paper independently, the Campbell publication
being known as the Canada Medical Record, of which he remained editor and
proprietor until his demise. In 1872 Dr. Campbell joined Drs. David, Small-
wood, Hingston and Trenholme in organizing the medical faculty of Bishop's
College, after which he was appointed professor of physiology and was elected
by the faculty as their registrar. His writings were considered a valuable con-
tribution to the literature of the profession and his publications were liberally
patronized by those holding to the highest professional standards.
Dr. Campbell was a member of the volunteer militia from 1854 and in i860
was appointed assistant surgeon of the First Battalion, Volunteer Rifles of
Canada, now the First Battalion. He served with his regiment on the eastern
frontier, being at Hemingford and at Durham during the Fenian raid in 1866.
In the fall of that year he was promoted to the rank of surgeon of the regiment
and again during the brief Fenian raid of 187 1 was with his command at Pigeon
Hill, at St. Armands and St. Johns. After being for a great many years sur-
geon of the Prince of Wales Rifles he was appointed, on the formation of the
Regular Canadian Militia, to the office of surgeon of the Infantry School Corps
at St. Johns, Province of Quebec, and held the position for nineteen years, being
then retired at the age limit with the rank of surgeon lieutenant colonel. At that
time the regiments were known and still are as the Royal Regiments Canadian
Infantry. In 1894 he established the \'. R. I. Magazine and became its first
editor. Lennoxville conferred upon him the honorary degree of D. C. L. in 1895.
Two years later his son, Dr. Rollo Campbell, was appointed demonstrator of
anatomy in Bishop's College. Another matter of interest and importance in the
life record of Dr. Campbell was that he held for forty-three years the position
of chief medical examiner for the New York Life Insurance Company at Mon-
treal and his son. Dr. Rollo Campbell, was his assistant. He was honorary
president of the Military Institute for several years and was one of the founders
of the Western Hospital of Montreal. He was called the father of that institu-
tion and two years ago the hospital placed a very handsome bronze tablet to his
memory in the institution. At the time of his death he was dean of the medical
faculty of Bishop's College at Montreal. His degrees were M. A., M. D. and
L. R. C. P. of London. Honor and distinction came to him in many ways, and
at all times he bore his honors with becoming modesty.
Dr. Campbell was a liberal conservative in politics. He belonged to the
Montreal Military Institute and was a past master of the Victoria Lodge of
Masons. Of scholarly attainments, finding keen pleasure in scientific research
and actuated, too, by a broad humanitarian spirit, his professional service as
practitioner, educator and writer was of marked value to the public and con-
stituted a notable contribution to the world's work in the field of medical and
surgical progress.
Cleophas Edward Leclcrc. who for fifteen years was a member of the board
of notaries of Quebec, his home being in Montreal, his native city, was born
September 26, 1844. Almost his entire life was passed in Montreal, where he
supplemented his early education by a classical course in the College of Ste.
Therese de Blainville in the district of Terrebonne. Having determined to
become a notary public, he entered upon his professional studies under the direc-
tion of Mr. F. Des Bastien, registrar of the county of Vaudreuil, and was
admittcfl to practice on the T5th of October, 1866. For fifteen years he was a
member of the Quebec board of notaries and for three years was its vice presi-
dent. He stood high in his profession, and the clientage afforded him came in
recognition of his superior ability.
On the i6th of November, 1875, Mr. Leclerc was married to Miss Caroline
Eliza Archambault of St. Hyacinthe, and they became the parents of six chil-
dren : Robertine ; Rene, who is managing director of the Credit-Canada, Lim-
ited; Achille ; Alice, the wife of Arthur Hubour, who is engaged in the drug
business at the corner of Demontigny and St. Denis streets; Ovide; and Rita.
Death came to Mr. Leclerc at his home at No. 655 St. Hubert street on the 23d
of November, 191 2, when he was sixty-eight years of age. Lie was a man of
fine personal appearance, his broad forehead indicating strong native intelli-
gence. He was of dignified appearance and mien and looked at life from the
standpoint of one who recognized its obligations and duties as well as its privi-
leges and opportunities. He had an extensive circle of friends so that his death
was deeply regretted by many outside his own household.
Prominent on the roll of leading business men of Montreal stands the name
of George Caverhill, a merchant who for an extended period has been connected
with commercial life and figures prominently in connection with corporate inter-
ests having to do with the business enterprise and consequent prosperous devel-
oprnent of the city. He was born October 18, 1858, at Beauharnois, P. O.. and
is of Scotch descent. His parents were Thomas and Elizabeth Spiers (Buch-
anan) Caverhill, the latter a representative of the Buchanan family of Lenny,
while the former was a member of the border family of Caverhills, residents
of Scotland from 1200.
In the attainment of his education George Caverhill attended successively
the Montreal high school, the Gait Collegiate Institute and McGill University.
From the outset of his business career he has been connected with mercantile
interests. In 1877 he entered the employ of Crathern & Caverhill, of Montreal,
and, later ambitious to engage in business on his own account, utilized the
opportunities of becoming a partner in a wholesale hardware firm, his partners
being his brother, the late Frank Caverhill, J. B. Learmont and T. H. Newman.
The four organized the firm of Caverhill, Learmont & Company, wholesale
hardware merchants of both ^Montreal and W'innijjeg. This by no means indi-
cates the scope of his investments and his activities. That he is today one of
the most important business men of the province is indicated in the fact that
he is vice president of the Montreal Loan & Mortgage Company, a director of
the Dominion Iron & Steel Company, Canadian Cottons, Ltd., Montreal Trust
Company, Montreal Light, Heat & Power Company, and is identified with a
number of organizations to promote trade and business relations. In 1904 he
was chosen president of the Montreal Metal & Hardware Association, was made
first vice president of the Montreal Board of Trade in 1906 and its president
in 1907.
In 1887 Mr. Caverhill was married to Miss Emily Margaret, daughter of
John Caverhill. She takes active interest in philanthropical and charitable work
and is a member of the general committee of the \'ictorian Order of Nurses.
Together with her husband, she is a life governor of the Protestant Hospital
for the Insane. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ca\erhill were presented to the late King
Edward at Windsor Castle in June, 1905.
In addition to his previously mentioned activities, Mr. Caverhill is a gov-
ernor of the Montreal General Hospital, and is a life member of St. Andrew's
Society of ^Montreal. He has a great love of animals and has won fully two
hundred and sixty prizes with his kennel of skye terriers. Mr. Caverhill's polit-
ical allegiance is given to the liberal party, and in 191 1 he opposed the Tafl-
Fielding reciprocity compact. Prominent in club circles, he holds membership
with the Mount Royal, St. James, Canada, Canadian, Forest and Stream, Lachine
Boating and Canoe, Montreal Hunt, Montreal Jockey, Montreal Polo, Reform,
Royal Montreal Golf and Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Clubs, all of Montreal.
He is a man of liberal culture and broad general information, having largely
promoted his knowledge through extended travel in the East Indies, South
America, Japan, Egjpt, Greece and Italy. His opinions carry weight on all
questions in which he has become deeply interested, and his interest in any plan
or project is ever the source of activit}- in its support.
Louis Joseph Arthur Surveyer, one of the best known business men of
Montreal, his ability and enterprise finding exemplification in his substantial
success, was born May 16, 1841, in the town of Beauharnois, in the province
of Quebec. His father was Dr. Joseph Surveyer, a well known physician of
Beauharnois and surrounding parishes, and his mother bore the maiden name
of Eugenie Duclas Decelles.
L. J. A. Surveyer was educated at St. Laurent College and entered upon
his business career as a clerk in a general store in St. Johns, P. Q. After
eighteen months he came to Montreal and entered the retail hardware store
of Messrs. Ferrier & Company on Notre Dame street. After nine months'
service in the employ of that firm they sold their business and Mr. Surveyer
entered the employ of Mr. Thomas Davidson in his retail store, continuing
in that employ for seven years. He was ambitious to engage in business on
his own account and so wisely used his time and talent that he was now able
with a capital of six hundred dollars to open a store of his own. His venture
proved successful from the' beginning and has been developed and built up
to its present extensive proportions so that Mr. Surveyer is now ranked with
the leading business men of the city.
In 1868 Mr. Surveyer married Miss Amelie Pelletier, who died thirteen
months later. In 1873 he married Miss M. A. Hectorine Fabre, a daughter of
the late E. R. Fabre, and the youngest sister of the late Archbishop Fabre.
Of this union there were born eight children, seven of whom are living, as
follows; I'.dward Fabre, a lawver in Montreal, of whom there is further
mention in this work; Eugenie, now Mrs. N. K. Latlamme of Montreal;
Arthur, of Surveyer & Frigon, consulting engineers ; Paul, a lawyer in Mon-
treal; Gustave, of Montreal; Marie; and Therese, now Mrs. Jules Faurnier of
Montreal. Mr. Surveyer is a member of the Canadian Club and of the Alli-
ance Nationale. There is found in his life history the strong proof of the fact
that the road to opportunity is open to ambition and energ)', and that it leads
to the goal of success.
Nerval Dickson, practicing as a notary in IMontreal in partnership with R.
B. Hutcheson, and controlling an important, representative and growing client-
age, was born in Howick, Quebec, in 1878 and is a son of Robert Dickson who
came to Canada from Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1830.
Nerval Dickson acquired his preliminary education in Huntingdon Academy,
Huntingdon, Quebec, and afterwards entered McGill University in Montreal,
receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1901 and his degree in law in 1904.
Immediately afterward he began practice in Montreal, continuing alone until
May, 1910, when he formed a partnership with R. B. Hutcheson under the firm
name of Hutcheson & Dickson. Mr. Dickson has proved an important and help-
ful factor in the success of the firm, for he possesses a deep and comprehensive
knowledge of the underlying principles of his profession and has a well deserved
repiitation as a reliable and competent notary. The firm controls a growing and
extensive patronage and has a high standing in legal circles of the city.
Rev. Abraham de Sola, LL. D., who for many years was so familiar a figure
in literary circles in Montreal and who earned so wide and deserved a reputation
as an Oriental scholar and theologian, was a descendent of an illustrious Spanish-
Jewish family. The marvelous history of Israel must ever be of peculiar inter-
est to mankind, and perhaps no chapter in the post-biblical portion of that history
possesses more charm than that which relates about the Jews of Spain and Portu-
gal, or Sephardim, as they are styled. These lived free and untrammeled during
those mediaeval times when their brethren in less favored countries were weighed
down by the burden of oppression, and with the Saracens they kept alive the
flame of learning and science in the Iberian peninsula at a time when it burnt
lowest in the rest of Europe. Power, rank and honor were theirs ; and when
afterwards clouds obscured the sky of their prosperity, and the storm of persecu-
tion burst pitilessly over their heads, their record of heroic martyrdom and
thrilling adventure is a tale as fascinating as that of many of the most imagina-
tive pages of fiction.
Among the many bright names which illumined Spanish-Jewish history, that
of De Sola stands prominent. The De Solas had settled in Andalusia as early
as the sixth century, whence they had come from Judea by gradual stages through
northern Africa. They held various offices under the Saracenic caliphs at Toledo
and Cordova, and afterwards when they removed to Navarre they were received
with like favor by the Gothic princes. From their estate in this province, their
surname had its origin. A particularly distinguished member of the family was
Don Bartolomeu de Sola, who, in reward for his services, was ennobled and,
after being a minister of state, held for a while the position of viceroy of Navarre.
During the fourteenth century another De Sola distinguished himself fighting
under the Infante of Aragon and figured conspicuously in the Spanish wars of
that period. During the succeeding centuries the family continued to hold an
illustrious place, owing to the large number of eminent scholars, physicians and
statesmen it produced. Their fortunes, however, changed when King Ferdinand,
having by the conquest of Granada destroyed the last vestige of Moorish power
in Spain, decided to drive therefrom all who did not conform to the dominant
faith ; and in 1492 was promulgated the terrible edict of expulsion, which, at
one blow, deprived hundreds of thousands of Spain's most intelligent and indus-
trious inhabitants of happy and prosperous homes. The De Solas took refuge in
Holland, but a branch of the family continued to hold business connections with
Lisbon, and eventually some of them settled in the Portuguese capital, where they
amassed much wealth. Watched by the Inquisition, they, like many other Por-
tuguese Jews, for some time evaded the danger by assuming to become Marannos
or Nuevos Christianos — as converted Jews were styled — while they secretly
remained loyal to Judaism. In the latter part of the seventeenth century, however,
suspicion was directed towards them, and David de Sola (who to elude his per-
secutors had assumed the name of Bartolome) was apprehended and charged
with having relapsed into Judaism. Although placed under the most fearful tor-
ture nothing seems to have been proved, as he was allowed to afterwards go
free ; but he was physically broken dow-n by his terrible sufferings. Escape from
the country by a suspect was then extremely difficult, but in the next generation
his son, Aaron de Sola, managed to secure refuge on board a British man-of-war
and to make good his escape with his family to England ; not, however, before
two of his relatives had been imprisoned, tortured and condemned to death at an
auto-da-fe, by the Inquisition, for secret adherence to Judaism.
It was in 1749 that Aaron de Sola fled with his wife and family to England,
and now that they were freed from the terrors of the Inquisition they openly
avowed once more their loyalty to the faith of their fathers. From England they
took passage for Holland, where they rejoined their relatives, and taking up their
residence in Amsterdam they soon again rose to distinction in the various learned
Previously to this — in the year 1690 — one of the preceding generation, Isaac
de Sola, had settled in London and had ac(|uired a high rejiutation in the Hebrew
community there as an clo<|ucnt preacher and author. Several volumes of his
works are still extant.
Four sons had accompanied .Aaron de Sola in his flight from Lislion in 1749,
of whom the eldest, David, was the great-grandfather of the Dr. .Abraham de
Sola who forms the chief subject of this sketch. The youngest of Aaron de Sola's
sons, Dr. I'enjamin de Sola, attained to a foremost jilace among the ])ractitioners
of the eighteenth century. He was court jihysician to William \' of the Nether-
lands and was the autlior of a large number of medical works. The other two
sons of Aaron de Sola settled in Curacao, and one of them was the grandfather
of General Juan de Sola, who became so distinguished as a commander of cavalry
under Uolivar and Paez when the South American states revolted from Spain.
He took part in the decisive battle of Carabobo, and led the charge on Puerto
Cabello when that city was stormed by Paez, receiving a salire wound during the
tight. After the restoration of peace he held important public offices during the
Paez regime.
The Rev. Abraham de Sola, LL. D., was born in London, England, on the
i8th of September, 1825. His father, David Aaron de Sola, was senior minis-
ter of the Portuguese Jews of London, to which city he had been called from
Amsterdam, and was eminent as a Hebrew author, having produced among many
other works an elegant translation of the Jewish Forms of Prayer; also, in con-
junction with Dr. Raphael, an edition of Genesis, very valuable to biblical stu-
dents on account of its commentaries and copious notes, and the first English
translation of Eighteen Treatises of the Mishna. His mother was the daughter
of Dr. Raphael Aleldola, chief rabbi of the Spanish-Jewish congregations of
Britain. The Aleldolas had given eminent chief rabbis to Europe for twelve
generations. Abraham de Sola received careful tuition in all the usual branches
of a liberal education. He became early engrossed in the study of Oriental
languages and literature and of theology, and continued to devote his attention
to those subjects until he acquired that profound knowledge of them wdiich sub-
sequentl}' won him so prominent a place among scholars. Having been offered
the position of rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish .Congregation of
Montreal he accepted the call and arrived in this city in the beginning of 1847,
and here, for over thirty-five years, he continued to minister to the spiritual w'ants
of his people. His able pulpit discourses soon attracted attention. Dr. de Sola's
abilities, however, were not destined to be confined exclusively to his official
duties. Before leaving London he had been associated in the editorial work of
a Hebrew journal. The \'oice of Jacob, and soon after his arrival in Canada
he delivered a course of lectures on Jewish history before the Mercantile Lit-
erary Association. In 1848 he published his "Notes on the Jews of Persia under
Mohammed Shah," and also "A History of the Jews of Persia." Within the
same year there appeared his important work on "Scripture Zoology." Soon
afterwards he published his "Lectures on the Mosaic Cosmogony." This was fol-
lowed by his "Cosmography of Peritsol," a work displaying such erudition
that it gained a WMde circulation in Europe and was reprinted there in several
languages. His next work, "A Commentary upon Samuel Hannagid's Introduc-
tion to the Talmud," was a book which deservedly attracted much attention, owing
to the light which it threw upon an interesting portion of rabbinical literature
and to its depth of Talmudic knowledge. In 1853 he published, conjointly with
the Rev. J. J. Lyons, of New York, a work on the Jewish Calendar System,
chiefly valuable on account of its excellent prefatory treatise upon the Jewish
system of calculating time.
Dr. de Sola's mastery of Semitic languages and literature early attracted the
notice of our learned bodies, and, after first acting as lecturer, he was, in 1853,
appointed professor of Hebrew and Oriental literature at McGill L^niversity. The
high abilities which he displayed as occupant of this chair proved the wisdom of
the appointment, and he continued to hold the position during the rest of his life.
For some time Dr. de Sola had been engaged in the preparation of one of his
most important productions, "The Sanatory Institutions of the Hebrews." The
work was published in two parts and was an exhaustive exposition of the
hygienic laws of the Hebrews, as exhibited in both Scriptural and rabbinical writ-
ings, critically examined in the light of modern scientific knowledge. It was a
production which evinced how deeply the author had penetrated into scientific
as well as rabbinical paths of learning. Shortly afterwards he published a sup-
plemental work to it, entitled "Behemoth Hatemeoth."
The prominence to which Dr. de Sola had now reached among men of let-
ters led McGill University to confer upon him the degree of LL. D. in 1858.
In i860, Dr. Hall, the editor of The British .\merican Journal, devoted to
physical and medical science, induced Dr. de Sola to assist that publication with
his pen, and, among other contributions, his series of articles "Upon the Employ-
ment of Anaesthetics in Cases of Labor, in Connection with Jewish Law," call
for particular mention.
Dr. de Sola's wide range of studies had made him very popular both as a
public lecturer and as a contributor to various literary papers. The themes of
some of these were afterwards much amplified by him and republished in their
elaborated and completed form. At comparatively short intervals he gave to the
public his works on "Scripture Botany," "Sinaitic Inscriptions," "Hebrew Xumis-
matics," "The Ancient Hebrews as Promoters of the Arts and Sciences," "The
Rise and Progress of the Great Hebrew Colleges," and "Philological Studies in
Hebrew and the Aramaic Languages." Turning his attention again to Jewish
history, he, in i8fx). wrote his interesting "Life of Shabethai Tsevi, the False
Messiah." The following year he completed his "History of the Jews of Poland,"
and in 1871 he published his "History of the Jews of France."
Dr. de .Sola closely identified himself with many of our literary and scien-
tific associations, notably with the Natural History Society, in which he was an
active colaborer of Sir William Dawson and Sir William Logan. He was for
many years president of the society and received H. R. H. Prince Arthur (after-
wards Duke of Connaught) when that prince visited the society in 1870. His-
address upon "The Study of Natural Science," delivered upon that occasion,
called forth a letter of approbation from Queen Mctoria.
During all his intense literary activity Dr. de Sola was taking a very promi-
nent part in all matters afi^ecting the Jewish people. His mastery of Jewish
theology, in all its branches, had earned him wide renown among his own race
and had gained him a high place among the very foremost rabbis of the day.
Convinced that the fences which orthodoxy placed around the citadel of his an-
cestral faith were the best safeguards against disintegrating forces, the upholders
of historical Judaism found in him an able and jjowerful champion. Equally
noticeable were his bold attacks upon the weak points of tlie skeptical school of
modern biblical criticism. His intimate knowledge of all those branches of
learning which hear upon this subject made him particularly formidable in this
respect. The Jewish press and pulpit and the lecture platform were the vehicles
by which he usually reached the jjublic on these subjects. He had, indeed, since
his first arrival in Canada been a jjarticularly active contril)Utor to Jewish jour-
nals, more especially to the Occident of I'hiladelpliia, with which he was for
years identified, being in intiniale literary relations with its editor, the gifted
Isaac Leeser.
Dr. de Sola's ability in the jmlpit led tcj his frequently being invited to lecture
in the United States, where he had ac(|uire(l nnich prominence and popularity.
On the 9th of January, iJSjJ, he was invited by General (irant's govern-
ment to jierform the ceremony of opening the United States congress with prayer,
and for the first time was witnessed the unique spectacle of one who was not a
citizen of the United States nor of the dominant belief officiating at the open-
ing ceremonies at the assembling of congress at Washington. 'J'he broad lib-
erality of this act, upon the part of the United States government, was fraught
with particular signiticance at that time, owing to the fact that diplomatic rela-
tions between liritain and the United States had then but lately been strained to
dangerous tension by the "Alabama Claims," and this high compliment to a Brit-
ish subject was the first evidence of the growth of a better feeling between the
two countries. Sir Edward Thornton, the British ambassador at Washington,
formally extended to Dr. de Sola the thanks of the British government, and
Mr. Gladstone — then prime minister, also personally communicated his satis-
Upon the death of Isaac Leeser, Dr. de Sola purchased the stereotyped plates
of his works and issued a new edition of that author's translation of the Bible
according to Jewish authorities. He also brought out a revised translation
of the Jewish Forms of Prayer, in six volumes, based upon the editions of D. A.
de Sola (his father) and of Leeser. He was invited to become .the successor of
Mr. Leeser in his ministerial office but declined. He had previously refused sev-
eral similar offers.
Dr. de Sola's onerous duties were at this time further increased by his being
offered the chair of Hebrew at the Montreal Presbyterian College, and later on
he accepted the appointment of lecturer in Spanish literature at McGill Univer-
sity, a literature and language with which he was specially familiar and to which
he was particularly attached.
But such incessant application to work could not but prove exhaustive, and his
naturally vigorous health broke down under the strain. A year's rest, spent
in Europe, proved sufficiently beneficial to enable him to return to some of
his duties. For a while he also resumed his contributions to the Jewish press,
and among other interesting writings we notice his "Yehuda Alcharizi and the
Book Tachkemoni." In 1880 he published his last important work, "Saadia Ha-
Gaon," a book giving a very valuable description of the writings and life of
one of the greatest of Jewish philosophers and also containing an interesting
account of the court of a prince of the captivity.
But failing health was destined now to check forever the labors of his active
pen, and while in Kew York, on a visit to his sister, he was taken ill and his death
occurred on June 5. 1882. The remains were brought on to Montreal and there
interred. He had not yet comjsleted his fifty-seventh year when he passed awav.
In his death the Hebrew community sustained a loss whose magnitude could
scarcely be over-estimated. His self-sacrificing devotion to the service of his
race, his ceaseless labor in everything which could elevate and promote both
their moral and intellectual welfare, his (|uick readiness to assuage, with kind
counsel and help, the lot of those in adversity, and the rare talents which he had
displayed in his niultifarions writings, had won for him the warmest admiration
and attachment of his people and had gained him a reputation among them that
was w'orld-wide. His loss, indeed, was scarcely less regretted by Gentile than by
Jew, for the prominence which his scholarly attainments had acquired for him
among Canadian litterateurs, the active role which he had for thirty-five years
played in our various learned bodies, and the distinguished position which he
held in our leading university, achieved for him an illustrious place among
Canada's public men.
Dr. de Sola was married in 1852 to Esther Joseph, the youngest daughter
of Henry Joseph, of Berthier, one of the earliest Jewish settlers in this country.
Cjf his several children, the eldest son, the Rev. Aleldola de Sola, succeeded him
as rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of Montreal, and another
son, Clarence I. de Sola, is general manager of the Belgian syndicate, "Comptoir
The history of Canada's great industrial and commercial growth during the
past thirty or forty years is but the history of such men as Robert Meighen
one of the foremost business men of his generation, whose intense and intelli-
gently directed activity constituted a potent force in the material development
and progress of not only the city and province of his adoption but various
other sections of the Dominion as well. His birth occurred at Dungiven, near
Londonderry, Ireland, April 18, 1838, his parents being Robert and Mary
(McLeghan) iMeighen, whose family numbered five children. The family
history shows a long line of Irish ancestors.
Robert Meighen was educated at Perth, Ontario, for following the father's
death the mother brought her family to the new world, settling at Perth, where
her sons were educated and established themselves in business as retail and
wholesale merchants. The firm of A. Meighen & Brothers has for many years
been one of the most extensive mercantile firms doing business in the old
Bathurst district. Robert IMeighen carried on business in partnership with
his brother at Perth, Ontario, until 1879, when he removed to Montreal and
entered into business relations with his brother-in-law. Sir George Stephen,
later Lord Mount Stephen, whom he succeeded as president of the New Bruns-
wick Railway, which now forms part of the Canadian Pacific Railway system.
Successful from the outset of his business career, Mr. Meighen continually
extended his efforts into other fields. He became one of the founders of the
Lake of the Woods Milling Company, establishing and operating mills and
elevators at Keewatin and Portage la Prairie, which are among the largest aiul
best equipped in the world. Shortly after the organization of this company
Robert Meighen became its president, which position he retained till the time
of his death, directing its policy and formulating tiic plans upon which the
mammoth business was constructed. This represented, however, but one phase
HK: .
of his activity. He carried his efforts into many fields, none of them failing
to profit by his cooperation.
"The Gazette," at the time of Mr. Meighen's death, said in part: "Mr.
Meighen was a self-made man and was proud to designate himself as such.
From the day he entered business pursuits at Perth, many years ago, down to
the time he became a director of the Canadian Pacific Railway, an institution
Ix' liad championed from its inception, in commerce, in finance and in imperial
politics, Robert Meighen was never at home except on the firing line. Although
the fact is only perhaps known to the newspaper fraternity and to some of the
leaders of tariff reform in England, he advocated closer relations between the
mother country and the outlying dependencies of the empire even before Mr.
Chamberlain took the platform in England, as the champion of such a policy.
"Mr. Meighen was known in eastern Ontario as a clever business man, a
follower of Sir John A. Macdonald, and as a man who had ideas and could
fearlessly express them on the stump and at the fireside, many years before
he came to Montreal. It was ere his removal to this city that he had secured,
most successfully, the right of way for the Ontario & Quebec Railway, now
the Montreal & Toronto section of the Canadian Pacific, and later on he was
entrusted with the promotion of a bill wliich was of the utmost importance to
that railway. Mr. Meighen was not a member of parliament, but he stated his
case to the members outside and in the loljbies of the house with such forceful-
ness, such clarity of view and in so straightforward a manner that few could
withstand his cogent arguments. It was a tribute to his power that Sir
Richard Cartwright's denunciation of him was quite as vehement as the thun-
derbolts which the chief antagonist of the great railway project' used to launch
against Sir John Macdonald, Sir Charles Tupper and the other parliamentary
giants of the day.
"Mr. Meighen believed not only in the Canadian Pacific project itself, but
also in the ultimate value of the great tracts of land lying for a thousand miles
along to the north of where the line was being run away up to the Saskatche-
wan, and, if he died a rich man, it was due to abiding faith in the future of
Canada's western domain and in the ultimate development of the Dominion as
a whole. It was in reply to a jocular observation from Mr. Choate, the then
American ambassador at the court of St. James, who had asked Mr. Meighen
when Canada was going to throw in her lot with the United States, that the
Montreal imperialist declared that it was customary for the larger unit to absorb
the smaller, and no doubt at her pleasure Canada would follow the established
"A good many shrewd Montreal merchants smiled when Mr. ^leighen came
from a small Ontario town to this city as the promoter of a great industry,
but many months had not passed before they discovered that both in commerce
and finance a rival worthy of their keenest steel had taken his place amongst
them and ever after, when any important subject was up for discussion on the
floors of the Board of Trade, the opinions of the man from Perth, uttered with
characteristic Irish eloquence and wit, invariably commanded respect and atten-
tion. His fellow members did not always agree with him, but they were always
ready to admit that he was sincere and that he spoke the truth as he felt it.
"Returning from England some years ago, when everything spelt unrest in
industrial Britain, Air. Aleighen gave an interview to The Gazette which has
perhaps been quoted more frequently by politicians on both continents, as well
as by Canadian public men of all parties, than any other of his utterances. Mr.
Aleighen, who was always a great reader, declared that England at that time
could only be compared to Athens when Diogenes, the Greek philosopher, went
out with his lantern looking, as he said, for a man. He said, however, in the
course of that interview, that the man would be found, and sure enough it
was not long before Joseph Chamberlain was entering upon his whirlwind cam-
paign in favor of imperial preference and the absolute unity of the British
empire. Air. Aleighen was denounced more than once at the Montreal Board
of Trade, but a good many of the men who came to scoff remained to pray,
to use Air. Aleighen's own graphic language. Three years ago, when a resolu-
tion was to be introduced before the Alontreal Board of Trade on the policy
of imperial preferential trade. Air. Aleighen was particularly anxious that it
should be fathered by a leader in commerce and finance. He prepared the
resolution, called upon the late Sir George Drummond, president of the Bank
of Alontreal and universally admitted to be the first authority on matters of
trade and finance in the Dominion, asking him to move it. Sir George Drum-
mond's answer was characteristic of the man. "Air. Aleighen,' he replied, 'this
resolution meets my views exactly, but the honor of moving it belongs to you
and you alone and I will take a second place. You will mo"ve the resolution
and I will be only too happy to second it.' Air. Aleighen delivered a masterly
address on that occasion and the resolution was carried.
"His greatest energy was centered in the development of the company
over which he presided up to the hour of his death, yet he stated not very long
ago that he was shaping things in such a manner as would permit younger
men to assume the responsibilities of management and that after the million-
dollar bond issue had been retired he would then feel that he could take a rest.
"The late president of the Lake of the Woods Company was from the
outset an uncompromising opponent of the Washington reciprocity pact and
he did not hesitate to state on every oft'ered occasion that the ratification of
such a treaty would be a severe blow aimed at the unity of the empire, and a
decided mistake in the widest interests.
"He was the confidential friend and associate in various business enter-
prises of both Lord Mount Stephen and Lord Strathcona. These eminent men
had implicit confidence in Air. Aleighen's business judgment, and as a matter
of fact many other men high up in imperial statecraft came to him for advice
on both Canadian and British trade matters. Indeed, some of the best speeches
delivered on the unionist side during the last two British elections drew their
information from, and were in part, inspired by the ideas of this foremost,
perhaps, of Canadian tariff reformers."
The same paper said editorially : "A v^'orthy and widely respected citizen
was lost to Alontreal by the death yesterday morning of Air. Robert Aleighen.
In business he won marked success. He helped in no small way to show the
great possibilities of the milling trade of Canada and so profited the country
as well as himself and his associates. He judiciously employed the wealth that
came to him and greatly increased his store. The largest business enterprises
sought his counsel on their (hrectorates and ])rolite(l by his connection with
them. He was a man of ideas in matters outside of commerce, and held and
advocated views about the country and the empire with vigor and courage and
the broadest loyalty. In private life his sincerity, earnestness and kindliness
caused all men to give him their regard. In his capacity as merchant, citizen
and man he rose to high stature ; and at a rijje old age closed a worthy career,
leaving a memory that is a help to what is good and creditable in business life."
Among his business connections, not already mentioned, Mr. Mcighen was
managing director of the Cornwall Manufacturing Company, a director of the
Canada Northwest Land Company, the Bank- of Toronto, the Dominion Trans-
portation Company, the St. John Bridge & Railway Company, the Montreal
Street Railway and the New Brunswick Land Company. His activities like-
wise extended to other fields havjng to do with many subjects of vital interest
to city and country. He was a director of the Montreal Parks and Playground
Association and was president of the New Brunswick Fish and Game Club.
He was likewise vice president of the King Edward Memorial Committee of
Montreal, was chairman of the Canadian board of the Phoenix Assurance
Company and was a governor of the Royal Victoria, the Western and Maternity
Hospitals of Montreal. The Montreal Standard named him as one of the
twenty-three men at the basis of Canadian finance, and it was a recognized
fact that few men were more familiar with the problems of finance or did more
to establish a safe monetary system. Mr. Meighen belonged to various prom-
inent social organizations, including the St. James Club, the Mount Royal Club,
the Canada Club and the Montreal Club.
He was a Presbyterian, a member of St. Paul's church and' chairman of its
board of trustees. All his life Mr. Meighen was a firm believer in the copart-
nership of capital and labor and in the coexisting duties, on a fair basis, of one
to the other. He realized and carried out the idea of their inter-dependency.
\\'hen labor had contributed to the success of capital he never allowed it go
without recognition and its just reward, with the result of absolute confidence
on the pnrt of his employes in his fairness and regard for their interests, and
a willingness to give, in turn, their loyal and honest support to capital. Above
all Mr. ]\Ieighen had keen human sympathies. He delighted in the energetic
young man cutting out his road to success, but this did not prevent him from
having patience and sympathy with those who, perhaps through lack of natural
gifts or unfortunate circumstances, found life an uphill pull. In astonishing
numbers both kinds of men seemed to bring their successes and their failures
to him. and to both, provided they showed honesty of purpose, he would give
his time, his advice and his help in the open-hearted way characteristic of a
man who had not a single ungenerous impulse in his nature.
At the time of his death when the press throughout Canada was giving
appreciations of his ability and of his success one of his intimate friends
remarked, "They have omitted the biggest thing about him — his heart" — and
so it was. When these two, great heart and much ability, go hand in hand
and work together, one vitalizing, as it were, the conceptions of the other, a
potent force is felt to be abroad. W'el! is it for our Canadian business world
to have had such a force in its midst as the late Robert Meighen truly was.
He died when still, one might say, at the height of his activities and with a
heavy burden of work upon him, but to work was his pleasure. His loss was
deeply deplored by all who knew him and he left behind him a record of a
man who in all things was the soul of honor and an example to those who
come after — "Follow on."
Mr. Meighen left a widow, Elsie Stephen, daughter of the late William
Stephen, formerly of Dufftown, Scotland, and three children. Lieutenant Col-
onel F. S. Meighen, who has succeeded his father as president of the Lake of
the Woods Milling Company, Mrs. R. Wilson Reford and Mrs. R. O. Harley.
Twenty years' connection with the real-estate business has brought William
Ernest Bolton into prominence and today he figures as a controlling factor in
some of the leading real-estate companies of Montreal. He was born in this
city April ii, 1873, a son of Richard and Elizabeth (Alinchin) Bolton. His edu-
cation was acquired in the schools of his native city, and early in his business
career he became identified with real-estate activity in which connection he has
remained for many years as a well known and successful real-estate broker.
He has been identified with many important property transfers and with important
development of real-estate interests. He is now a director of the Montreal
Loan & Mortgage Company ; president of the Birmingham-Montreal Realty Com-
pany, Limited ; a director of the Midland Investment Company. Limited ; of the
Richelieu Realty Company, Limited : of the Renforth Realty Company, Limited,
and of the Riviera Realty Company. Limited. These are among the most
important corporations in that branch of business having to do with the property
interests and consequent development and progress of the city.
In Plainfield, New Jersey, in 1905, ^Mr. Bolton was united in marriage to
Miss Catherine Hamilton McClure and they have become the parents of two
sons, Richard and Hamilton. Mr. Bolton votes with the conservative party but
the honors and emoluments of public office have no attraction for him. When
business leaves him leisure for social enjoyment he spends his time at the Mon-
treal Club, the Beaconsfield Golf Club, the Winter Club, the Montreal Country
Club and the ?»Iontreal Amateur Athletic Association, in all of which he holds
Foremost among the younger generation of business men in Montreal and
one who had attained a high standing in the financial circles of the city, was
Thornton Davidson, whose untimely death in the sinking of the steamship
Titanic, April 15, 191 2, ended a career that had not only been successful, but
gave great promise for the future.
Thornton Davidson was a native of Montreal, and was born on the I7.th of
May, 1880. His father was the Hon. C. Peers Davidson, D. C. L., a distin-
guished jurist, and his mother Alice Mattice, second daughter of WiUiam Mat-
tice of Cornwall, Ontario. Reared in Montreal, Thornton Davidson attended
the city schools, graduating from high school. Throughout his active business
career he was connected with financial interests, later becoming manager of the
Montreal branch of the New York house of Charles Head & Company.
In 1908 he established the firm of Thornton Davidson & Company wliich
soon took a prominent position among the leading brokerage and investment
security houses in the city. In 1909 Mr. Davidson became a member of the
Montreal Stock Exchange. His thorough capability and great energy were
factors in the success of the business which he established and of which he
remained the head until his death. His personal popularity made him a valued
member of the club life of the city, where he held membership in the St. James,
Racquet, Montreal Hunt, Montreal Jockey, Montreal Polo, Royal St. Lawrence
Yacht, Manitou and Canada Clubs, and also in Montreal Amateur Athletic
On November 3, igo6, in Montreal, Mr. Davidson was married to Miss
Orian Hays, daughter of Charles Melville Hays. Returning from Europe in
company with his wife and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hays,
on the ill-fated Titanic, Mr. Davidson was among those brave men who on
April 15, 1912, gave precedence to women and children and went down with
the ship. Such an act is just what his friends would have expected of Thorn-
ton Davidson in such an emergency. His associates knew him as a capable
business man and a most genial companion, but they recognized in him also the
strength of character which manifests itself in the highest type of manhood
when a crisis arises.
Important professional connections indicate the high standing of Dr. \\ il-
liam Fawcett Hamilton of Montreal, who, in addition to an extensive private
practice has done much hospital work. He is a son of Gustavus W. and Eleanor
(Goodwin) Hamilton, and was born in Baie Verte, New P.runswick. His early
education was acquired in the schools of his native town and in Upper Sack-
ville and then, having determined upon the practice of medicine as a life work,
he entered McGill University of Montreal, from which he was graduated with
the class of i8gi, receiving the degrees of M. D. and C. ^I. He has now suc-
cessfully practiced his profession in this city for more than two decades and has
advanced steadily to a place of prominence as a representative of the medical
profession. From 1891 until 1894 he was medical superintendent of the Mon-
treal General Hospital and in the latter year became assistant phvsician of the
Royal Mctoria Hospital, and upon the death of Dr. James Stewart, in 1906, he
was appointed attending physician of that institution. He has proven himself
a man of abilitv and public opinion has accorded him rank with the eminent
physicians of the city. He is now associate professor of clinical medicine at
McGill Universitv and as an instructor displays capability in imparting readilv.
clearlv, conciselv and forcibly to others the knowledge that he has acc|uired. In
1909 he was elected a member of the Board of \ictoriaii Order of Murses, and
he is a member of the Association of American Physicians and vice president
of the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society. Through these connections he
keeps in close touch with the advanced work of the profession and has himself
been a leader along the line of professional progress.
In June, 1897, Dr. Hamilton married Miss Janet Alills of Westmount, P. Q.
Aside from his activity in the professional field Dr. Hamilton has done important
public service as a director of the Young Men's Christian Association and as
senator of the Montreal Wesleyan Theological College. He is an active and
helpful member of the Methodist church, and his social nature finds expression
in his membership in the University Club and the Montreal Country Club.
Hon. Michel Mathieu has engraven his name high upon the list of ^lontreal's
eminent jurists, but has now retired from active connection with the profession,
spending the evening of life in the enjoyment of well earned rest. He has
passed the seventy-fifth milestone, having been born at Sorel, province of Que-
bec, December 20, 1838, a son of the late Joseph and Edwidge (Vandal)
Mathieu. His education was acquired under private tuition and in the College
of St. Hyacinthe, followed by a professional course in Laval University. He
was admitted to the notarial profession in 1864 and was called to the Montreal
bar as an advocate in 1865. His practice of his profession has been combined
with active public service. In 1866 he was chosen sherift of Richelieu and con-
tinued in that position for six years. He successfidly practiced his profession
at Sorel and while at the bar was closely associated with journalism bearing
upon his profession, being the publisher of La Revue Legale, together with
some annotated reports. In 1880 he was created king's counsel by the Marquis
of Lome. He became widely known as an educator, for in 1886 he became a
memlier of the law faculty of Laval University, receiving in that year the
degree of LL. D., and Ijecoming dean of the faculty, which connection he still
It is a well known fact that members of the bar more than representatives
of other professions are prominent in public office. The reasons for this are
obvious and need no amplification here, for the ([ualities which fit one for suc-
cess in law practice also prepare him for the thorough understanding of invoKed
problems affecting the public welfare, and the habit of analytical reasoning is
as forceful and valuable in one connection as in the other. Judge IMathicu sat
for Richelieu in the house of commons, representing the conservative interests
from 1872 until 1874. He was then defeated hut represented the same con-
stituency in the local parliament from 1875 "'''■' 1878. He took his place upon
the bench as puisne judge of the superior court on the 3d of October, 1881, and
for twenty-eight years interpreted law in o])inions which were notably free from
partiality and bias. His decisions indicate strong mentality, careful analysis
and a thorough knowledge of the law. The judge on the bench fails more
frequently, perhajjs, from a deficiency in that broadmindedness which not only
conipreliciuis the details of a silualioii c|uiekly and that insures a complete self-
control under even the most exasperating conditions than from any other cause ;
and the judge who makes a success in the discharge of his multitudinous, delicate
duties is a man of well rounded character, finely halanced mind and of sj^lendid
intellectual attainments. That Judge Mathieu is regarded as such a jurist is a
uniformly accepted fact. He figured also in public life as a royal commissioner
to inquire into certain matters concerning the good government of the province
in 1892. He presided at the celebrated Shortis case for murder in the '90s ; in
1910 he lectured on the Canadian constitution and in July of that year he was
appointed a royal commissioner to revise, consolidate and modify the municipal
code of Quebec.
Judge Mathieu was married in 1863 to Marie Delina Thirza, a daughter of
the late Captain St. Louis of Sorel, province of Quebec. She died in 1870 and
in 188 1 Judge Mathieu wedded Marie Amelie Antoinette, a daughter of the late
Hon. D. M. Armstrong, M. L. C. The death of Mrs. Marie A. A. Mathieu
occurred in April, 1898. Judge Mathieu now resides at The Marlborough in
Montreal. His religious belief is that of the Roman Catholic church. Some-
thing of his standing is indicated in the words of Dr. J. Reade, who spoke of
him as "much esteemed, especially by the students and younger members of the
bar," while the Montreal Gazette said of him, "He is a judge, painstaking and
capable and with a grasp of the law and its meaning that few can equal." His
influence has been far-reaching and beneficial ; it has touched the general inter-
ests of society along many lines and has been a factor in maintaining the legal
status upon which rests the stability and ])rosperity of a country, the life and
liberty of the individual.
Along the path of broad usefulness and activity Hon. Charles Seraphim
Rodier advanced to prominence and success. He was a pioneer contractor,
lumber merchant and manufacturer of Montreal and eventually came to figure
prominently in tinancial circles. He was born in this city, October 14, 1818,
and his life record spans seventy-two years, drawing to its close on the 26th
of January, i8go. His grandfather was a physician in the French army and
leaving Paris came to Canada, settling in Montreal in the middle of the eigh-
teenth century. His father was Jean liaptiste Rodier, who married Miss Mon-
treuil, daughter of a well known navigator who commanded vessels sailing from
The op])ortunities accorded Charles Seraphim Rodier in his youth were
somewhat limited. He pursued his education in a church school, but at the
age of fourteen years put aside his text-books in order that he might earn his
own living. He was apprenticed to the carpenter's trade and for his services
received a wage of one dollar per day. Thus from a humble position in the
business world he steadily worked his way upward until long prior to his death
he had reached a place in the millionaire class. He applied himself thoroughly
to the mastery of his trade and when hut eighteen years of age began contract-
ing on his own account and gained a good patronage. About the year 1846 he
began the manufacture of threshing machines on St. Peter street, now St. Mar-
tin, and for the remainder of his life was to be found almost daily at his office
at No. 62 St. Martin. The business prospered from the beginning and machines
that were made there over a half century ago are still repaired there. Each
step in his business career brought him a broader outlook and wider opportuni-
ties. He was the owner of freight and passenger vessels and was one of the
founders of the Jacques Cartier Bank, in which he placed one hundred and
forty-five thousand dollars. He acted as both vice president and director of that
institution and was connected with several joint stock companies, his opinions
carrying weight in their management, for his advice was always considered
sound and his judgment discriminating in regard to business affairs.
Aside from his personal interests, he was for over fifty years active in pub-
lic life. In 1838 he was elected alderman for St. Antoine ward of Montreal but
could not take his seat until later when he became of age. For nine years
he served in the council, being elected three times by acclamation. Politically
he was a stanch liberal-conservative and three times he refused a senatorship,
but later, at the urgent request of his family and friends, he accepted in 1888,
being gazetted senator on the 17th of December, of that year, for the division
of Mille Isles. He last attended parliament the week before his death and was
last at his desk on the 24th of January, 1890. He gave careful- consideration to
the grave questions which came up for settlement and stanchly supported any
movement which he considered of vital worth. His activities also extended to
other lines. He was president of the St. Jean Baptiste Society ; was warden of
Notre Dame church ; and president of St. Mncent de Paul Society. He was
also lieutenant colonel of the Si.xty-fourth lieauharnois Battalion at the time
of its formation and he was ever a generous contributor to religious, educa-
tional and charitable institutions.
Senator Rodier was united in marriage in 1848 to Miss Angelique Lapierre,
a daughter of Andre Lapierre. The death of Mr. Rodier occurred January 26,
1890, when he had reached the age of seventy-two years, while his wife sur-
vived until March 24, 1907. They were the parents of four sons and four
In business circles of Montreal the name of Alexander C. Henry was well
known, for from 1899 until his death, three years later, he was purchasing agent
for the entire system of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the magnitude and
importance of his duties making his position a most difficult and responsible
one. He was born at Beamsville, Canada, in 1849, and after mastering the
branches of learning taught in the public schools he attended the Upper Canada
College, at Toronto. Subseeiuently he removed to Montreal, and gradually working
his way upward in business connections became, in 1884, assistant ])urchasing agent
for the Canadian Pacific Railway, and in 1899 was made general purchasing
agent for the entire system. His ability, fidelity, indefatigable energy and enter-
prise l)rou<,'lit him to llic [jroniinent position which he occuiiied. At the time of
his deatli Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the Canadian I'acific Railway,
paid high tribute to his memory and bore testimony to his honesty, w-hich was
manifest in his careful accounting for every penny, although in his capacity of
purchasing agent he expended over one hundred and two million dollars.
On the 30th of November, 1882, in Montreal, Mr. Henry was united in
marriage to Miss Agnes Wilson, of England, and to them were born three chil-
dren, two of whom are living, H. Gordon, being a resident of Cleveland, Ohio,
and the other, A. Wilson, of Montreal. Mr. Henry held membership in St.
James the Apostle church. He was a public-spirited citizen, active in support
of any movement which he deemed of vital worth in the upbuilding and progress
of the community. He belonged to St. James Club, the Forest and Stream
Club and others, and he had an extensive circle of friends who held him iri tlic
highest esteem. Mr. Henry passed away on February 2, 1902.
In manufacturing and commercial circles of Montreal the name of George
Frederick Benson is well known. Important business concerns have profited
by his cooperation, have felt the stimulus of his energy and enterprise and have
been (|uickened by his close, application and careful control. Many of Mon-
treal's best known and most successful business men are numbered among her
native sons, to which class Mr. Benson belongs. His father, William T. Ben-
son, a native of Kendal, W'estmoreland, England, was a member of the federal
parliament for the constituency of South Grenville, Ontario, in which county
the village of Cardinal (formerly called Edwardsburg) is situated. There the
late W. T. Benson resided for twenty-seven years, after establishing there in
1858 the industry, so well known for many years throughout the Dominion of
Canada as The Edwardsburg Starch Company and now forming the Edwards-
burg Works of The Canada Starch Company, Ltd. The late W. T. Benson
married in England, before coming to Canada, Helen Wilson of Acton Grange,
Cheshire, England, and their only son was George Frederick Benson, the sub-
ject of this review.
He was educated in England at Uppingham School and Oxford University,
but returned to Canada, after the sudden death of his father in 1885, to
take charge of his father's varied interests. After first confining his work to
the management of the firm of W. T. Benson & Company, importers of foreign
wools and chemicals at Montreal, he was elected president of The Edwardsburg
Starch Company in 1894, and since the formation of The Canada Starch Com-
pany in 1906 he has been its president and managing director. He is likewise
a director of the West Kootenay Power & Light Company, and thus his inter-
ests have become extensive and important, connecting him with leading manu-
facturing, commercial and industrial interests, not only in the east but also in
the west.
In October, 1800, Mr. Benson was united in marriage to Miss Etheldred
Norton, a daughter of the late George Frothingham of the well known firm of
Frothingham & \\'orkman, and they reside at No. 15 Ontario avenue, Montreal.
Mr. Benson gives his political allegiance to the conservative party and in
religious faith is an Anglican. He has been an active member of the Montreal
Board of Trade, and was treasurer for the year 191 3. He has a wide acquain-
tance among leading club men of the city, holding membership in a number of
the most important clubs of Montreal, including the St. James. Mount Royal,
Canadian, Canada, Forest and Stream, Montreal Hunt, Montreal Racquet, Royal
Montreal Golf and Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Clubs. He is also a member of
the Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto and an active member of the
Thousand Islands Yacht Club in the Thousand Islands district, where he has
a most attractive summer residence.
Louis N. Dupuis is one of Montreal's well known business men and citizens,
whose connection with varied and important commercial enterprises in that city,
has gained for him success and high standing as well as an enviable position in
business and financial circles. He was born at St. Jacques I'Achigan, Montcalm
county, Octol^er 17, 1855, a son of Joseph Dupuis and Euphrasie Richard. He
attended Archambault's Catholic Commercial Academy now called Plateau
school and entered upon his business career as junior clerk in the employ of his
late brother, J. Naz. Dupuis. in 1868. While at this time, ^Ir. Dupuis was but a
lad, yet he applied himself closely and learned the business rapidly.
He was one of the founders in 1876 of Dupuis Freres, Limited, one of the
best known mercantile houses in Montreal, and during the first ten years of this
firm's existence he took an important part in the management of its affairs and
was no small factor in its success.
On the 1st of January, 1886, Louis N. Dupuis retired from the firm, since
which time he has given his attention to various commercial enterprises, his
sound judgment constituting an active and effective force in capable manage-
Mr. Dupuis has been for a number of years extensively identified with real
estate interests in Montreal, and in this connection has taken a prominent part
in the city's development. He is president of the Eastmount Land Company,
also president of La Compagnie General d'Immeubles. Limitee, and president
of the Merchants and Employers Guarantee and Accident Company. In these
companies as well as in others with which he has been identified, his sound
business judgment and foresight have been substantial contributions to their
On the 25th of April, 1881, Mr. Dupuis was married at L'Assom])tion to
Miss Marie Melanie Panct Lcvesque, the second daughter of Pierre Thomas
Panet Levesque, a land surveyor. Mr. Panet Levesque was seigneur of d'Aille-
boust and Ramsey, which two seigiicuries are situated in the county of Joliette,
P. Q. Mr. and Airs. Dupuis have ten children, living: Anne Marie; Amelie;
Pauline and Celine; Pierre Louis, a well known young advocate of Montreal
who was married on the 15th of January, 1913, to Miss Carmcl Girouard,
daughter of Joseph Giroiiard, ex-member of parliament of St. Benoit, Two
Mountains; Rosaire, one of the rising young notaries of Montreal, and of whom
further mention is made elsewhere in this work ; Francois ; Camille ; Roger ;
and Jean.
Mr. Dupuis holds to the political faith of the conservative party and to
the religious faith of the Roman Catholic church. He is a Knight of Columbus
of Conseil Lafontaine and belongs to the Chapleau Fish and Game Club and
the Canadian Club. Thoroughly progressive in his ideas, he has kept well
informed both by reading and travel. As long ago as 1874, Air. Dupuis visited
Fort Garry, now the city of Winnipeg, when the journey required fourteen
days from Montreal, and too, when the Red River country was considered the
"Far West." He has since then visited the Pacific coast no less than five times,
as well as various sections of the United States. He is equally familiar with
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as continental Europe, as it was
formerly his custom to make semi-annual trips to Europe in connection with
his business affairs. He enjoys the outdoor life, especially the sports of the
forest. His public service has been well performed. At the end of 1909 he
was selected by the citizens committee to form part of the new administration
of the city as commissioner and was elected by the city at large in the election
held on the 2d of February, 1910.
Rouer Joseph Roy, jurist, linguist and an interested student of literary,
scientific and antiquarian subjects, was born in MiMitreal. January 7, 1821, his
parents being the late Joseph Roy, M. P. P., and Amelia (Lusignan) Roy. The
former, of French descent, rose to a position of prominence, representing his
riding in the provincial legislature. His wife was connected with the distin-
guished family of Rouer de Villeray.
Rouer Joseph Roy attended Montreal College, from whch he was graduated
with honors in the presence of Lord Durham. Having determined upon the
practice of law as his life profession, he entered the law office of the Hon. Mr.
Sullivan in 1838 and after four years of thorough and comprehensive study was
called to the bar, in 1842. Almost from the beginning his career was a successful
one and after several years devoted to active law practice he was appoiiUed joint
•city attorney for Montreal in 1862, filling that position continuously until 1876,
when he became the sole legal advisor of the city, remaining in that office until
he resigned in 1898. He afterward filled the position of consulting city attorney.
In 1864 he was elected syndic of the Quebec bar and so continued for four vears.
In the same year he was made c|ueen's counsel as well as being elected president
of the connnittee in charge of the bar library, which office he continuously and
honoral)ly filled for thirty years. In 1S87 he was unanimously chosen batonnier
of the Montreal bar and the following year was chosen batonnier general of the
province. He held high professional rank and on several occasions appeared
before the judicial committee of the privy council 'n England.
In January, 1857, Mr. Roy was married to Miss Corinne Beaudry, a daughter
of the late Hon. J. L. Beaudry, M. L. C, who in 1857 was mayor of Montreal.
Mr. Roy not only enjoyed a high reputation as a lawyer but also as a scholar,
being widely known as a linguist, speaking fluently Greek, Latin, Italian and
French as well as English. For many years he occupied the presidency of the
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society. He was one of the last survivors of the
Sons of Liberty, an organization which played a most important part at the time
of the rebellion of 1837. His religious faith was that of the Roman Catholic
church and he filled the office of church warden of the parish of Notre Dame.
His life was characterized by a nobility that lifted him above those traits which
mar character and when death called him on the 27th of July, 1905, only words
of commendation and respect were spoken concerning his life work. ' He had
done things worthy to be written and had written things worthy to be read, and
he left to posterity an unblemished name, linked with many deeds that won him
prominence and honor.
A man of force, experience and capacity, Charles Mackay X^otton has made
for himself an enviable position at the bar of Quebec and is numbered among
the most able and successful advocates of Montreal, where he is in active practice
as a member of the firm of Cotton & Westover. He was born in Durham town-
ship, IMissisquoi county, Quebec, February 22, 1S78, and is a representative of
a well known Canadian family of English extraction, being a son of Sheriff
Cotton, a grandson of Dr. Cotton and a great-grandson of Rev. Charles Caleb
Cotton, B. A. (Oxford), who came from England in 1799 and was one of the
pioneer Anglican clergymen in the eastern townships.
Charles Mackay Cotton acquired his preliminary education at Cowansville
Academy, Feller Institute, Grande Eigne, Quebec, and afterward entered McGill
University, Montreal, from which he was graduated with the degree of B. A.
in 1899, winning the high honor of the gold medal for general proficiency. From
the same institution he was afterwards graduated B. C. L. in 1902, taking at
this time the Macdonald scholarship. In his student days he gave every evidence
of the ability and power upon which his present success is founded for besides
the honors above mentioned he was class orator in science, arts and law. His
recorfl in McGill University is very creditable and one of which he has every
reason to be i)roud, and its promise has been fully justified by his later accom-
plishments in the professional field. Mr. Cotton was called to the bar as advocate
in 1902 and immediately afterwards went abroad in order to get the advantages
of foreign travel and to supplement his excellent legal training by further study.
He attended lectures at the law schooPof the University of Montpelier in 1903,
thus completing an exhaustive and comprehensive legal education.
Mr. Cotton opened his first office in Sweetsburg, this province, practising
in partnershij) with J. C. McCorkill, and proving able, farsighted and discrimi-
nating in the discharge of his professional duties. From Sweetsburg he came
to Montreal, and he is today one (if the representative citizens of this community.
prominent in his profession and a leading factor in the promotion of those jiro-
jects and measures which have for their object municipal growth, advancement
and ])rggress. The firm of Cotton & Westover is one of the strongest of its
kind in the city and connected through a wide and representative patronage with
a great deal of important litigation. Mr. Cotton is recognized as an able advo-
cate, possessed of a comprehensive knowledge of the law and a practical aiiility
in its a]iplication, and his developed powers and wide experience are bringing
him constantly increasing prominence in his chosen field.
Mr. Cotton is a member of the Anglican church and was formerly a captain
in the Fifteenth ShetTord Field Uattery. A strong liberal, he takes an intelligent
interest in public affairs, opposing ])olitical corruption wherever he finds it and
supporting by word and action pure and clean politics. Viewed from any .stand-
point his has been a useful and successful career, and the future undoubtedly
holds for him further honors and continued prosperity.
William Alexander Hastings, for many years vice president and general
manager of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Ltd., and one of the best
known men in his line of business in Canada, was born at Petite Cote, March
6, 1852, a son of George and Margaret (Ogilvie) Hastings. George Hastings
came from Boston, Massachusetts, and located at Petite Cote where he was
engaged in farming.
William A. Hastings pursued his education in the schools of his native city
and began his business career as a clerk in the Exchange Bank. His progress
was rapid and he was promoted to manager of the Bedford (Quebec) branch,
and later manager of the Exeter branch. Subsequently he was appointed treas-
urer of the St. Joseph (Missouri) Gas Company, serving until 1882 when he
became identified with the milling business in which he achieved such notable
success. In that year, with his brother, George V. Hastings, he became asso-
ciated with the Ogilvie Company at Winnipeg, building and opening the flour
mills there with great success. In 1888 he severed his connection with the above
firm and became vice president and general manager of the Lake of the Woods.
Milling Company, filling this prominent and important position until his death,,
which occurred on May 23, 1903.
Mr. Hastings had thoroughly acquainted himself with the business in its.
different phases so that he was well qualified to assume the control of one of
the largest businesses of its kind in the Dominion, and to his rare judgment and
marked executive ability is credited, to no small extent, the high degree of pros-
perity enjoyed by the company whose aflfairs he so ably directed.
Robert Meighen, president of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company,
said that he had been associated with Mr. Hastings for thirteen years and that
any business which passed through his hands passed through the hands of God's
noblest work — an honest man. Others bore equally strong testimony as to his.
enterprise ami his thorough reliability. He never weighed an act in the scale
cf public policy but always measured his deeds by the standard of upright
In 1884 Mr. Hastings was united in marriage to Miss Georgina Roy Ure,
daughter of the late George P. Ure, and they became the parents of the following
children: Margaret Ogilvie, who died in infancy; William Roy, of Montreal;
and John Ogilvie, of Montreal.
Mr. Hastings was lacking in none of the qualities which make for upright
manhood and progressive citizenship, and his cooperation with any movement
or plan largely insured the successful outcome of the same. In 1890 he became
a member of the Corn Exchange and in 1893 was elected a member of the com-
mittee of management, in which office he continued until 1898, serving for the
last three years of that period as treasurer. Throughout his entire life Canada
numbered him among her best citizens and the record which he made reflected
credit upon the Dominion, constituting a factor in its material development.
One of the best known men in the grain trade in Canada and one whose
untimely death cut short a business career that had been highly successful and
was full of greater possibilities for the future was Robert Dennison Martin,
who was born at Selby, Ontario, October 18, 1854, a son of William and Eliza-
beth (Thompson) Martin. The father was a farmer and the boyhood of Robert
Dennison Martin was spent in the manner of a farmer's son of that locality
and period. His education, acquired at the place of his nativity, was somewhat
limited. He remained in the district in which he was born until after attaining
his majority. Hearing of the possibilities of the western country, he went to
Manitoba and near Deloraine he secured a homestead which he developed and
improved. As he managed to gather together a little capital, he turned his atten-
tion to merchandising, becoming a member of the hardware firm of Faulkner
& Martin at Deloraine, an association which continued for a number of years
after his removal to Montreal. It was at Deloraine that he first became con-
nected with the grain business in which he was destined to win notable success.
In the buying of grain he became associated with Alfred P. Stuart under the
firm name of The R. D. Martin Company, a partnership that continued until
the death of Mr. Martin.
After a few years residence in Winnipeg Mr. Martin came to Montreal in
1899, and with the exception of a year spent in Napanee and a year in King-
ston, Montreal was his place of residence throughout the remainder of his life.
The business of The R. D. Martin Company enjoyed a steady and prosi>crous
growth and to its development Mr. Martin devoted his entire attention and rare
ability. Since his demise the business has been continued under the name of
the British Empire Grain Company, Limited. Mr. Martin suft"ered from ill
health for several years prior to his demise which occurred at his beautiful new
home at No. i Murray avenue, Westmount, which was completed only a few
weeks prior to his demise, which occurred on the 28th of June, 1905.
It was on the i8th of May, 1894, at Winnipeg, that Mr. Martin was united
in marriage to Miss Helen Moncrieff Morton, who was born in Perth, Scotland,
a daughter of Duncan and Jessie (Watson) Morton. The father died when
Mrs. Martin was but two years of age and her mother survived until a few
years ago. Mrs. Martin came to Canada in 1892 and resided in Winnipeg
previous to her marriage, a brother having preceded her to that place. She is
one of five children born to her parents, four of whom survive, as follows :
Jessie, the wife of George Banks of Perth, Scotland ; Duncan, residing in
Winnipeg; Helen M., who is Mrs. R. D. Martin; and Madeline, the wife of
Andrew C. Craig of Winnipeg. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin were born five chil-
dren: Charles Stuart, a student in McG'ill University; and Helen Elizabeth,
Edith Laura, Jessie Watson and Robert Henry, all at home.
Mr. Martin was quiet and domestic in his tastes and habits. He held mem-
bership in only one club, the Canada Club, and did not enter actively into its
affairs. He was very fond of his family and found his chief delight in the
home circle, being a loving and kind husband and father. As a business man
he was alert and energetic, ready for any emergency and he seemed to pass
by no opportunity that pointed to honorable success. Contemporaries and col-
leagues had the highest respect for him and more than that, he gained the
warm friendship and esteem of a large majority of his acquaintances. Although
a later arrival in Montreal than many of his business associates, he gained
prominence among them and attained an enviable position in the business world.
He was a member of the Board of Trade and his opinions carried weight among
its representatives and in other connections which had to do with the city's wel-
fare. He was truly Canadian in spirit and interests and his devotion to the
public good was one of his notable traits of character.
J. Louis A. Guimond. a notary pul)lic practicing in Montreal and interested in
business enterprises which connect him with activity in the real-estate field, was
born in the town of Beauharnois, in the province of Quebec on the 14th of
February, 1877. His father was Cyrille Guimond, a merchant and manufac-
turer, who married Justine Dubreuil of Pointe-aux-Trembles. In the pursuit
of his education he attended the Seminary of St. Hyacinthe and was graduated
in letters with the class of 1896, while his scientific course was pursued in College
St. Laurent, from which he graduated in 1898. He has since been an active
representative of the notarial profession in which connection he has secured a
large clientage that makes his practice a profitable one. His life has been one of
intense and intelligently directed activity and aside from his professional duties
he is acting as a director and is a shareholder in a real-estate company. He is
likewise secretary-treasurer of two municipalities and thus takes a helpful interest
in public afi^airs as well as in the conduct of private business interests.
On the 24th of May, 1909, at Iberville, P. Q., Mr. Guimond was married to
Miss Marie Louise Gayette. a daughter of Calixte Gayette. Their children are
Paul and Ives Guimond. The reliErious faith of the familv is that of the Catholic
church and in politics Mr. Guimond is a liberal-nationalist. He is energetic,
accomplished and successful and by the consensus of public opinion he is ranked
with the representative men of Montreal. He comes of an old and respected
line of ancestors who settled in the province of Quebec in the seventeenth century.
Since that day they have not only been active and progressive in business, but
loyal in citizenship. Mr. Guimond's lines of life have been cast in harmony with
the record of an honored ancestry and his forbears have been no more loyal to
city, province and country than he.
A man who has founded success in the legal profession upon ability, compre-
hensive knowledge, long experience and untiring industry, is Robert H. Barron,
since 1895 in active and successful practice as a notary in Montreal. He has made
continued and rapid progress iit his chosen field of labor, each year bringing him
to a point in advance of the previous one, and today the firm of Barron & Gushing,
of which he is the senior member, is one of the most reliable of its kind in the
Mr. Barron was graduated B. A. from McGill University in J892 and acquired
his professional training in the same institution, completing the law course in
1895. In October of that year he began practice in Montreal, being taken into
partnership by Mr. Charles Gushing and Mr. Robert A. Dunton ; this association
continued until 1900, and Mr. Barron then continued in partnership under the
firm name of Gushing & Barron until the death of Mr. Gushing in September,
19 10. Mr. Barron then practiced alone for about one year, when he associated
himself with Dougall Gushing, his present partner and a son of his former part-
ner. Barron & Gushing control a large and constantly growing business, and the
firm is known to be strong and reliable. Mr. Barron is held in high honor in
professional circles of Montreal, and his prominence stands upon the substantial
foundation of ability and merit.
The legal fraternity of Montreal finds an able representative in Arthur Delisle,
who not only has achieved favorable reputation in a private capacity but has
ably represented the district of Portneuf in the provincial parliament. Gapable,
earnest and conscientious, he has been connected with important litigation before
the local courts and his clientele is representative. He comes of an old and dis-
tinguished family whose ancestors came from France in the year 1669, on the
15th of October of which year arrived in Quebec Louis de I'lsle, of Dompierre,
of the bishopric Rouen, accompanied by his young wife, Louise des Granges, of
St. Brice of Paris, settlement being made at Pointe aux Trembles, of Quebec.
Arthur Delisle was born at Portneuf and is the son of Jean and Anathalie
(Frenette) Delisle. In the acquirement of his education he attended I. aval
Normal School Seminary of Ouel)ec and La\al University of that city, taking
his degree of Master in Law (cum laudc) on the 23d of December, 1882. After
locating for practice in Montreal important Inisiness came to him and as the
years have passed he has become known as one of the most able men in his pro-
fession in the city. He has ever)' faculty of which a lawyer may be proud, unusual
familiarity with human nature and untiring industry making him one of the most
forceful members of the bar. He was appointed queen's counsel in 1898.
On April 22, 1890, at Quebec, Mr. Delisle was united in marriage to Blanche
Hudon, a daughter of Theophile Hudon, a prominent merchant of Quebec. They
have two children, Marguerite and Gaston. While attending the Laval Normal
School Mr. Delisle received the usual course of military training under the sujier-
vision of the high officers at the citadel of Quebec, receiving such instruction there
in the years 1876 and 1S77. This experience has been of great benefit to him
as it infused into the young man the lasting benefits of military exactness and
punctuality. From 1891 until 1896 he represented the district of Portneuf in
the house of commons, retiring in the latter year in order to give his seat to Sir
Henry Joly de Lotbiniere. Public-spirited and progressive, Mr. Delisle takes
an active interest in the progress his city is making as one of the great metropoli-
tan centers of North America and is ever willing and ready to support worthy
enterprises projected for general improvement and growth.
In the death of Dr. David Greene, Montreal was forced to record the loss
of a most capable member of the medical profession. He added to broad scien-
tific knowdedge and thorough training a deep human sympathy combined w^ith an
almost intuitive understanding of his fellowmen. ^Moreover he recognized to
the fullest extent the weight of responsibility and obligations resting upon him,
and his fidelity to duty became one of his strongest characteristics. A native
of Ballyshannon. in the north of Ireland, he died on the 21st of March, 1891,
at Montreal. Quebec. He prepared for college at the Royal School of Portoria,
Enniskillen, and was graduated from Trinity College at Dublin. He became a
licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and from 1858 until 1864
practiced in the north of Ireland. It was in his native town of Ballyshannon
that Dr. Greene wedded Miss Ellen Green, who with a son and several daughters
sunive him. But one of the children was born on the Emerald isle and with
this daughter Dr. and Mrs. Greene came to the new world in 1866, making their
way to Montreal, Canada. For a time Dr. Greene was actively engaged in prac-
tice in this city and then removed to Granby, where he practiced for many years,
but afterward returned to Montreal. His intellectual powers were marked and his
scholastic and literary attainments were of a high order. It was a liberal education
in itself to know him well and profit by his wonderful store of knowdedge, which
he unconsciously imparted to his close friends in conversation that was brilliant
and fascinating. His associates recognized that his comradeship meant expansion
and elevation. Being endowed with a warm heart and splendid mental gifts, he
left the impress of his individuality upon those with whom he was brought into
close and intimate relations. While he took high rank in his profession, his
attainments were varied and brought him fame in other connections. He was
a devout member of the English church, and his influence was always on the side
of right, progress, truth and reform.
The surviving children of Dr. and Mrs. Greene are: Alice, Maud, Gertrude,
\"ida, Geraldine, and Whately Stokes. The last named pursued his education
in the schools of Montreal and in March, 1898, made his initial step in connection
with the banking business as an employe in the old Ontario Bank, with which
he was connected for eight years. Through the past seven years he has been
with the Royal Bank of Canada, and is now manager of the Laurier Avenue
branch at the corner of Park avenue and Laurier avenue West. Mr. Greene
married Miss Gertrude Anne Sheppard, only daughter of the late Charles Stanley
Sheppard, and they have one daughter, Lorna Gertrude. Mr. Greene has made
for himself a creditable place in financial circles as did his father in the field of
professional service, and the name has long been an honored one in Montreal.
In financial circles in Alontreal we have to mention Mr. Georges Gonthier
as one of the most familiar figures. A member of the well known firm of St.
Cyr, Gonthier & Frigon and a public accountant of some standing and repute,
he has nevertheless found time to promote many measures of great commercial
and public utility, and to prepare the way for the foundation of one of our
most important institutions (L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales).
Mr. Gonthier was bom in Montreal in November, 1869. After a period of
arduous study and preparation he entered upon his business activities in 1890.
and since that time has advanced steadily in his profession winning the good-
will and esteem of everyone, so that we now see him occupying such positions
of trust and public confidence as that of treasurer and director of the Chamber
of Commerce and president of the Institute of Accountants and Auditors of
the Province of Quebec. In fact, it was Mr. Gonthier himself who was chiefly
instrumental in bringing about the establishment of the last mentioned institute,
and he played no small part in its subsequent organization, for which his wide
business experience and knowledge coupled with what we might term an unri-
valled commercial sagacity, especially fitted him.
He was moreover one of the founders with the late Mr. Poindron of the
Canado-French Trade' Development Committee, since merged into the Coniitc
France-.\mcrique under the presidency in Canada of the Hon. Raoul Dandurand.
Nor are Mr. Gonthicr's activities limited to the field of practical achieve-
ment. He has entered the lists as a public lecturer on financial and accounting
subjects where he has won for himself considerable renown. In i)articular his
essay on "Bonds as an Investment'' has been highly praised and was even pub-
lished in the financial journals at Paris. It is not surprising therefore tlvit he
has considerable influence in Belgium and in France.
It would be superfluous to add anything- further to demonstrate the sterling
qualities and well deserved reputation of Mr. Gonthier. It may, however, be
interesting to accountants and auditors in general to know that it was mainly
through his efforts that the law was passed to render compulsory the keeping
of proper accounts to all who engage in business.
Huntly Ward Davis, member of the firm of Hogle & Davis, architects, was
born in Montreal, October 22, 1875, a son of M. and Lucy (Ward) Davis, the
latter a daughter of Hon. J. K. Ward, M. L. C. Huntly Ward Davis attended
Eliock school at Montreal and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from
which he was graduated as Bachelor of Science in June, 1898. He prepared
for and has always followed the profession of architect, working in early man-
hood under A. T. Taylor, who became senior partner of the firm of Taylor,
Hogle & Davis, but has since withdrawn, leaving the firm Hogle & Davis. l\Ir.
Davis is a conservative, and his membership relations are with St. James Club
and with the Church of St. James the Apostle. On the 26th of October, 1910,
in Montreal, he was married to Evelyn St. Claire Stanley Bagg. daughter of
the late Robert -Stanley and Clara (Smithers) Bagg. and they have a daughter,
Evelyn Clare Ward Davis.
This is an age of specialization. It is the unusual rather than the usual
thing for any man to attempt to gain proficiency in the various departments of
the law ; on the contrary he usually concentrates his efforts upon a single branch
of jurisprudence, with the result that he reaches a position which otherwise he
could not hope to gain. Following this general course, Francois X. Roy has
devoted his attention to commercial law, in which connection he has a large and
distinctively representative clientage. He has been a lifelong resident of the
province of Quebec, his birth having occurred on the 13th of August, 1863.
His educational training was received at the College of Nicolet and in Laval
University. He also spent a year in special study at Sherbrooke in 1886, was
for a year under the direction of the law faculty at Bishop's College, and then
passed the usual examinations that secured his admission to the bar.
Choosing Montreal as the seat of his labors, Mr. Roy here began practice
in association with the late Hon. C. A. Geoffrion, and later w^as with D. R.
Murphy, K. C. He had become so well established in practice as a successful
commercial lawyer that in igog he was created king's counsel. He has become
a recognized authority in the department of law in which he has chosen to
specialize, and as such is called to all parts of the province, his opinions being
largely received as authority upon points of commercial law. He is now attor-
ney for the Williams Manufacturing Company, Henon-LeBlanc, Ltd., and sev-
eral other commercial firms of [Montreal. He readily grasps the relation of
cause and effect, and in the preparation of his cases his analytical power is
strongly manifest. In presenting a cause before the courts he is logical, and his
deductions follow in orderly sequence.
Mr. Roy is a liberal in politics and in all his political interests is actuated
by a spirit of progressiveness as affecting both provincial and Dominion affairs.
He has ever stood for improvement, reform and advancement, and for many
years has held the office of treasurer of the Reform Club. Aside from this he
is a member of Le Club Canadien, L'Alliance Nationale, L'AUiance Francaise,
La Societe St. Jean Baptiste and other societies. He stands as a high type of
the French element in the citizenship of Montreal, combining with the admir-
able and strongly marked characteristics of a French ancestry the progressive
spirit of the modern age, a spirit which falters not in the accomplishment of a
task until success is achieved.
Napoleon Urgel Lacasse, attorney at law practicing in Montreal as a mem-
ber of the well known firm of Bastien, Bergeron, Cousineau, Lacasse & Jasmin,
was born at St. Vincent de Paul, in the county of Laval, P. Q., July ii, 1877.
In the early records of the French families it is found that there are several
variations to the family name which appears also as Casse, Casse and Du
Tertre. Angelique Lacasse was born in 171 5 and died at Beaumont, August 22,
1738. Antoine Lacasse, who was born in 1706, married Marguerite Sionnaux
and died November 27, 1778. The parents of Napoleon Urgel Lacasse were
Zephirin and Rose Delima (Fortier) Lacasse. Under the parental roof he
spent his boyhood days while studying in St. Mary's College and Laval Uni-
versity of Montreal, wanning his Bachelor of Arts degree on the 13th of June,
1898, and that of Bachelor of Laws on the 21st of June, 1901. P'ollowing his
graduation he entered immediately upon the active practice of his profession
and was alone therein until the ist of July, 1912, when he entered into his
present partnership relations. He is recognized as one of the strong and able
members of the bar among the younger practitioners, and his experience and
study are continually promoting his knowledge and ability. Aside from his
profession he is financially interested in several joint stock companies and has
extensive real-estate investments.
Mr. Lacasse has been married twice, on the 28th of September, 1903, to
Eugenie Barbeau and on the 31st of March, 1913, to Miss Yvonne Barbeau,
daughter of the late Godfrey Barbeau, a merchant of Ste. Genevieve count}-.
P. Q. The four children of Mr. Lacasse are: Jean Frani;ois Bernard, Jacques
\'incent I'errier, Josephine Helonc Marcellc and Suzanne Andrcc \"ictoire. The
religious faith of the family is that of the Cathcilio church, 'i'he mihlary experi-
ence of Mr. Lacasse covers more tiian three years' service as commanding officer
of St. Mary's College Cadets from i8(/> until 1898 inclusively. He was one of
the winners in the cadets contest in 1893 for the Duke of Connauglit prize,
also in 1894 and 1895.
In politics he is a conservative and has made puhhc battles for his prin-
ciples in elections in the counties of Terrebonne, Jacques Cartier, Laval and
Yamaska. However, the practice of law he considers his real life work, regard-
ing it as abundantly worthy of his best efforts, and in his chosen profession he
has made continuous and gratifying progress.
Dr. Frank Duller was one of the most celebrated opthalmologists of the new
world, occupying, as practitioner and educator, a position in which he had few
peers. His scientific research and his broad reading gave him a knowledge far
superior to that of many able members of the profession, and in the wise utiliza-
tion of his time and talents he made valuable contributions to the world's work.
Dr. Duller was born at Campbellford, Ontario, May 4, 1844, a son of Charles
G. and Frances Elizabeth (Doucher) Duller, of Hillside, Campbellford. After
attending the high school at Peterboro, from which he graduated in due time,
he took up the study of medicine in \'ictoria College at Cobourg, completing his
course with the class of 1869. He then went to Germany, where he spent
two years in the study of the eye, ear, nose and throat, acquainting himself with
the advanced methods of eminent men in the profession. \Vhile at the University
of Berlin he received close personal instruction from \'on Helmholtz and \'on
Graefe, and, during the Franco-German war, served as assistant surgeon in a
number of military hospitals of northern Germany. In 1872 Dr. Duller went
to London and studied for some years in "Moorfields" — the Royal London
Ophthalmic Hospital. He was for two years chief house surgeon of this hos-
pital, and he introduced to London the '"direct"' method of opthalmoscopy. In
England he became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Dr. Duller
began practice in Montreal in 1876 and rapidly advanced to a foremost position
in his profession. For seventeen years he was the opthalmic and aural surgeon
in the Montreal General Hospital and resigned to take the same position in the
Royal \'ictoria Hospital. He was the first opthalmologist to be appointed to the
General Hospital — and so remarkably recent is the development of opthalmology
in the new world that, prior to that time, every physician and surgeon treated his
eye cases in his own clinic. For many years Dr. Duller was professor of ophthal-
mology and otology in McGill University, being appointed professor when the
chair was foujided in 1883. He was equally able in his large private practice
and enjoyed an ever widening reputation. Dr. Duller received the English degree
of M. R. C. S.
Dr. Duller was a powerfully built man. restless and very energetic. His
students used to say of him, '"Duller is a great teacher, but he wears us out."
He was forever engaged in arduous mental work but also took keen interest in
matters outside of his profession. He was frank, straightforward and kind —
a strong generous nature.
Dr. Duller married Elizabeth Belton Langlois, of Quebec, who died Novem-
ber 20. 1895. By this marriage there were two children, Marguerite and Cecil.
In 1898 he married Miss Jean Brien, of New York, and they had three children,
Francis, Audrey and James, the latter dying in 1909.
Dr. Buller was a member of the Church of England. He died October 11,
1905. He was followed to the grave by the entire medical profession of Montreal
and numerous physicians from a distance. Also many of the city's poor were
present at the obsequies — a fact which, had he been able to know it, would have
touched that great heart which had so keenly felt their sorrows.
A colleague of Dr. Buller writes as follows: "In very delicate cases, where
he feared to trust patients in the hands of untrained attendants, and they were
too poor to hire professional nurses, he has been known to stay with the patients
all night, after an operation, and attend to the dressing himself, lest the eye, so
tender and in such a precarious condition, might suffer needless pain or be injured
through a slight mistake."
"Dr. Buller will be especially remembered because of three inventions: (i)
the Buller eye-shield (composed of a watch-crystal and strips of sticking-plaster
and oftenest employed to protect an unaffected eye when its fellow is afflicted
with gonorrheal infection). (2) Temporary tying of the cacalieuli for the pre-
vention of wound infection in operations on the eye-ball. (3) The Buller trial
frame. Yet his inventions and investigations were very numerous and, for the
most part, successful in every way. Thus, concerning his investigation into
"Methyl Alcohol Blindness," conducted jointly with Dr. Cas^y A. Wood, De
Schweintz declares the work to be 'by far the most important contribution to the
subject and one to which too high praise cannot be given.' " Scientists, members
of the profession and all mankind delighted to honor him because of what he
had accomplished. High above any desire for pecuniary reward was his deep
interest in humanity and an earnest purpose to make his life a serviceable one
to his fellowmen.
Foremost among those men whose life's record seems an inseparable part
of Canada's industrial and commercial growth during the period of their
activities, is that of William Watson Ogilvie, whose identification with the
milling business covered a period of nearly a half century. The position of
Mr. Ogilvie in this important industry was unquestionably at the head. He did
more to develop it than any other man before or since his time, and the great
success he achieved was fully merited.
William W. Ogilvie was born at Cote St. Michel, Montreal, February 14,
1835, of Scotch ancestry, and belonged to the Banffshire family of that name.
He received his education in Montreal schools, and in entering on a business
career chose that which was his by inheritance, the milling business.
His grandfather, Alexander, erected in 1801, a mill at Jacques Cartier, near
Quebec, where was ground the first flour under British rule that was ever
exported to Europe. This old mill was really the foundation of the immense
business that was built up by W. \V. Ogilvie. In i860 he entered into partner-
ship with his brothers, .Mexandcr ;infl John, grain merchants and proprietors
of a mill at Lachine Rapids. The growth of the business was soon responsible
for the building of the Cjlenora i'^lour Mills on the Lachine canal. The busi-
ness continued to grow, and the Ugilvies erected mills at Goderich and Sea-
forth, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba; and later, the Royal Mills at Montreal.
The three brothers operated together until 1874, when the elder brother retired,
and on the death of his brother, John, in 1888 the entire business management
devolved upon William W. Ogilvie, whose well developed powers were entirely
adequate to the demands made ui)on him in the further control and manage-
ment of this extensive enterprise, of which he became the head. Li addition
to the properties mentioned, Mr. W. W. Ogilvie afterward purchased the
City Mills, Montreal, and at the time of his death had accepted plans for a very
large mill at P'ort William. Some years previous to his demise to facilitate
the administration of his western business, the Ogilvie Milling Company of
Winnipeg was formed in which Mr. Ogilvie was the dominant factor. The
Ogilvie Flour Mills Company, of the present, was organized in 1903 and is
practically the successor of the Ogilvie Milling Company and various other
interests in this line, belonging to Mr. Ogilvie's estate.
Mr. Ogilvie and his brother John were the pioneer wheat buyers in ^Lani-
toba. He had traveled through Canada's present wheat fields years before
they were cultivated and many times afterwards. From the first small ship-
ment of five hundred bushels from ^^lanitoba in 1876, the shipments, in Mr. Ogil-
vie's lifetime, to his own mills increased until they reached the enormous total
of eight million bushels of No. i hard wheat, all purchased by his own expert
buyers from the farmers, at his seventy elevators, extending all over the wheat
section of Ontario and the northwest.
In the maiuifacture of flour Mr. Ogilvie spent a lifetime and spared neither
time, labor or expense in bringing his product to the very acme of perfection.
By steady industry and indomitable energy and most of all the superior quality
of his products, upheld at all cost, the business grew until it not only became the
largest of its kind in the Dominion, but the most extensive flour business in
the world controlled by one man.
Mr. Ogilvie was the first to introduce into Canada the patent process of
grinding by rollers. In 1868, he visited Hungary where this system originated,
for the purpose of investigating it. He saw at once its value and adopted it.
He invented improved machinery used in the milling business, and was always
ready to adopt the improvements of others that were practical.
It was said that he had better knowledge of wheat and wheat lands than
any man in Canada. His business furnished a market for wheat growers
and proved a stimulating influence in the agricultural development of the great
wheat-raising section of middle and western Canada. His labors were directly
responsible for much of the growth, progress and prosperity of Manitoba and the
provinces farther west, and his worth as a business man and citizen was acknowl-
edged by all.
Mr. Ogilvie's identification with commercial interests was large and diver-
sified. He was a director of the Bank of .IVIontreal ; the Montreal Transporta-
tion Company; the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company; the Old
Dominion Board of Trade; and the Sailors Institute. He was president of the
Corn Exchange Association ; St. Andrew's Society ; and the Montreal Horticul-
tural Society; governor of the Montreal General and the Royal Victoria Hospi-
tals; president of the Manufacturers' Association, and served as a member of
the Harbor Board.
In regard to agricultural and horticultural interests he manifested an interest
and enthusiasm that were contagious, his efiforts constituting an example that
many others followed. He served both on the council and board of arbitration
of the Montreal Board of Trade and was president of that body in 1893-4. In
matters of citizenship he was extremely public-spirited and what he accom-
plished represented the fit utilization of his innate talents and powers. His
political belief is indicated in the fact that in 1896 he was president of the
Liberal Conservative Club of Montreal. He was a forceful speaker in both
French and English and frequently, in his earlier days, addressed public meet-
ings during political campaigns.
As a young man he served as lieutenant and subsequently as a captain in
the Montreal Cavalry under his brother, being thanked in brigade orders by
Colonel Pakenham in 1866.
He was one of the prominent members of St. Andrew's church. Mr. Ogilvie
always gave with a free hand toward various public institutions, and there was
no movement of importance to which he did not contribute. His benefactions
were liberal, varied and by no means local. He gave thirteen thousand dollars,
towards making up a deficit for completion of the Jubilee wing of the Win-
nipeg General Hospital. He was one of the first to subscribe' to the patriotic
fund for the families of those who went with the Canadian contingent to the
Transvaal war. Mr. Ogilvie was a man of great business capacity and to a
most remarkable extent maintained a personal knowledge of his diversified
His death on January 12, 1900, was very sudden. He had been at his office
attending to business as usual, after which he attended a directors' meeting of
the Bank of ^Montreal. On his way home he was taken ill and passed away
soon after reaching there.
Many of the leading mercantile houses and public offices flew their flags
at half mast through respect for him. The Montreal Gazette at time of his
death, said on January 13, 1900, editorially:
"It is long since any event caused such a painful shock in ^Montreal as did
the death yesterday of W. W. Ogilvie. Strong in body, clear in mind, actively
interested in the details of great concerns, he was one of the last whose taking
away would be thought of. His loss will be felt the more because of its sud-
denness and it is a great loss to the city's commercial life. Mr. Ogilvie's
business intelligence and energy long ago raised him to a place not among
Canada's alone, but among the world's great merchants.
"It was a just pride that he felt in directing the greatest milling interest in
the world under one man's control ; and the pride was more than personal. He
early saw what the northwest meant to Canada, lioth commcrciallv and nation-
ally, and it was a pleasure to him to feel that as his business spread it was mak-
ing known the resources of the country, in all of whose affairs he took the
deepest interest.
"The success that he gained in his own business caused his counsel to be
sought in the direction of other great enterprises. He was a director in the
country's greatest financial corporation, and in other institutions in which he
had investments. On the Corn Exchange and on the Board of Trade, his was
an influential voice, and it was always raised in behalf of that which was best
and broadest.
"He knew how to give generously to a good cause. He earned the respect
of all who were brought into contact with him and especially that of the hun-
dreds of men who served him in the enterprise of which his was the directing
"It was a big place that he won through his heart as well as by his head
and it will be long ere there will be found another capable of filling it."
Mr. Ogilvie was survived by his widow and four children, three sons and a
daughter, Albert Edward, William Watson (died 1906), Gavin Lang and Alice
Helen. Mrs. Ogilvie previous to her marriage in 1871, was Helen, a daughter
of Joseph Johnston of Paisley, Scotland.
R. A. Baldwin Hart, prominent as a representative of one of the old families
of Montreal, manager-executor of the Theodore Hart estate, and a public-spirited
citizen, was born in Montreal, December 5, 1852, a son of Theodore Hart. For
a long period the family had been represented in this city, the name figuring
prominently in connection with its history. His education was acquired in the
schools of Montreal and his life was spent in his native city.
In 1900 in Montreal Mr. Hart was united in marriage to Miss Mary Isabella
Owen, who survives him, the death of Mr. Hart having occurred on the nth of
September, 1903, when he v\'as yet in the prime of life. He was very fond of
outdoor sports. He was a wide reader and kept abreast with the events of the
day and the progress of the times. Charitable and kindly in spirit, he listened
attentively and sympathetically to a tale of sorrow or distress and no worthy
object failed to receive substantial assistance from him. Civic affairs were a mat-
ter of interest to him and he supported movements which he deemed of benefit
to Montreal. His was indeed a well rounded character in which the varied
important interests of life received due consideration and he stood as a high type
of Canadian manhood and citizenship.
Alan Judah Hart, founder of the Hart Manufacturing Company, of Mon-
treal, is a descendant of one of the oldest English speaking families of Canada,
the ancestry being traced back to one who came from New York with General
Amherst in 1759. For many generations the family was represented at Three
Rivers, Canada. Lewis A. Hart, father of Alan J. Hart, has for forty years
or more been a notary in Montreal. He was liorn at Three Rivers and was edu-
cated in Montreal, supplementing his preliminary studies by advanced courses
which won him the degrees of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Civil Law. He
married Fanny Elizabeth Benjamin and they became the parents of four sons
and four daughters: Claude Benjamin, a commission merchant; Arthur Dauiei.
a manufacturer's agent; Philip Beyfus, a commercial traveler; Alan judah;
Ethel Muriel ; Mabel Ruth ; Gladys Judith ; and Dorothy Marguerite.
Alan Judah Hart was born in Montreal, October 4, 1879. He was educated
in Montreal and for some years was employed by E. A. Small & Company, manu-
facturers of men's clothing, and later was with A. H. Sims & Company, manu-
facturers of ladies' clothing, acting as superintendent of the house for three )ears.
In 1902 he established the Hart Manufacturing Company for the purpose of
manufacturing ladies' tailor-made suits and cloaks and in the conduct of this
business he has been very successful. Mr. Hart is a director of H. \'ineberg
& Company, Limited, manufacturers of the Progress Brand clothing and has
become widely and favorably known in commercial circles.
Mr. Hart married Miss Eva Vineberg, a daughter of Harris Yineberg, and
they have a family of five children : Edward Henry, Gordon David, Lawrence
Ezra, Alma Ruth and \'era Esther.
Mr. Hart is a life governor of the Montreal General Hospital and a director
of Mount Sinai Sanitarium at Ste. Agathe. He was likewise a member of the
e.xecutive board of the Canadian Manufacturers Association, serving in that
capacity in 1912 and 1913, and he is a member of the Montreal Board of Trade
and of the Royal Arcanum. His interests and activities are varied and important,
winning him recognition of his worth in both commercial circles and in public
Hon. Louis Joseph Forget, whose name is written large on the pages of finan-
cial and industrial history of Montreal during the past forty years, left the impress
of his great constructive force and energy upon mammoth projects which are
figured as some of the Dominion's leading enterprises. He was born March
II, 1853, at Terrebonne, P. Q., a district that has produced many eminent states-
men, writers, merchants and financiers. He was one of the nine sons of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Forget and was descended from a family that came to Canada
from Normandy in 1600. Among those nine sons there were two priests, one
of whom declined episcopal robes, a notary,, two lawyers, two contractors, one
farmer and he who was destined to become a power in the financial world,
Louis Josei)h Forget. His education was acquired at Masson College and his
entrance into business circles was in connection with a dry-goods establishment.
He had almost reached the determination of trying his fortune in the I'nited
States when he chanced upon a newspaper that contained an advertisement of
office help being needed by Thomas Caverhill. Mr. Forget ai)i)lie(l for the posi-
tion the next morning and was accepted. From the beginning of his work with
Mr. Caverhill the young man displayed unusual aptness as well as great eager-
ness to learn. He was not an ordinary boy. He took great interest in his work
and often asked questions about other features of the business that did not
ii(i\. L(U IS .1. F()K(;i:t
come within his particular line of duties, but a knowledge thereof added to his
capability and rendered him fit for promotion and ojiportunity offered later.
It is only natural that a young man of this character should attract the atten-
tion of his employer. Mr. Caverhill took great interest in him and was instru-
mental in causing Mr. Forget to enter the brokerage business. The financial
exploit during Jay Gould's celebrated Black Friday in Wall street reflected no
little credit upon Mr. Forget, displaying in notable manner his insight and
ability, and soon afterward he was nominated for membership in the Montreal
Stock Exchange by his former employer. It is interesting in this connection to
note that he was the first French-Canadian to be admitted to membership in
that body and that before he had reached his majority he purchased his seat
therein at a cost of nine hundred dollars. He began business as a stock broker
in Montreal in 1873, from which time until his death, thirty-eight years later,
his prominence and success in the investment security business were not over-
shadowed by that of his contemporaries. He founded the financial house of
L. j. Forget & Companj-, one of the foremost in its line in Montreal and
remained its head during his life time. The Paris branch of L. J. Forget &
Company at 7 Rue Auber, was the first to be established in continental Europe
by a Canadian financial house and readily secured a clientele that materially
broadened the operations of the firm.
Senator Forget was elected president of the Montreal Stock Exchange in
1895 to succeed H. S. Macdougall and in May, 1896, was reelected. His busi-
ness and financial connections had been constantly broadening and had long
since included a prominent identification with the foremost financial and indus-
trial projects of the time. In 1892 he became president of what was then the
Montreal City Passenger Railway Company, now the Montreal Tramways Com-
pany. He remained its directing head until 191 1, in which connection he accom-
plished what has meant much to Montreal. To no one man is the city indebted
as largely for the upbuilding and development of its transportation system as to
Senator Forget. Under his regime the motive power was changed from horses
to electricity and the market value of the company's stock advanced from around
one hundred dollars to three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and a half per
In 1895 Senator Forget became president of the Richelieu & Ontario Navi-
gation Company. At that time the affairs of the company were far from being
on a dividend-paying basis and the rehabilitation of its interests was but another
illustration of Senator Forget's constructive genius. He resigned his position
as head of the com])any in 1905, but in the meantime the stock was paying a
six per cent dividend and the affairs of the company generally were in a better
condition than ever before.
One of the great achievements of Senator Forget was in carrying through
the merger of the Montreal Light, Heat & Power Company and in doing so he
accomplished what many predicted to be utterly impossible, saying that nothing
but failure and financial disaster could result. This was in 1900 before the
days when big business interests were merged into mammoth enterprises and
the amount involved, seventeen million dollars, seemed to stagger even the most
progressive element in financial circles. Like all of his undertakings, ]\Ir. For-
get had not entered into this without due consideration and he had implicit con-
fidence in its success. It is doubtful if any but he could have swung that deal
and how well he succeeded is best indicated in the value of the securities of
the company in investment circles.
He was a prominent figure in the notable contest which took place between
the Dominion Coal Company and the Dominion Iron & Steel Company. Origi-
nally a director and vice president of the coal company he espoused the cause of
the steel company in its fight o\er the coal supply and ultimately the matter was
carried to the privy council and was there decided in favor of the steel company.
Mr. Forget was elected vice president of the steel corporation when eventually
the two companies were merged and he continued to take an active part in the
administration of the affairs of the company to the time when his health began
to fail. Evidence of his wonderful insight and sagacity in business matters is
shown in the fact that when the trouble first arose from which resulted the
extended litigation between the Dominion Iron & Steel Companv and the
Dominion Coal Company Senator Forget went over the point in contention in
his characteristic deliberate manner and at once concluded that the claim of the
steel corporation would be sustained by the courts, notwithstanding the contrary
opinion of some of the greatest legal authorities and business men of the day
and time proved that his judgment was correct.
He was the first French-Canadian to be elected to the directorate of the
Canadian Pacific Railway and was a member of its board at the time of his
death. His greatest enthusiam was aroused while viewing the untold resources
of the west during the many times he accompanied Sir Thomas Shaughnessy
and R. B. Angus on their annual tours of inspection. When the life work of
Senator Forget was ended the Montreal Daily Star said in part : "By the death
of Senator Forget a man of affairs has been lost to Canada. A man of wide
vision who saw far into the future and who modeled his career accordingly. A
glance through the financial district at the half-masted flags at once conveys an
idea of the number and the prominence of the institutions that Senator Forget
had been interested in. Senator Forget stood out in Canadian finance, but
more than that, he was a true Canadian citizen and had done his share towards
the public weal, forgetting not his duty towards the state in the midst of tre-
mendous private enterprises. He was a man of sympathies. At all times
courteous and approachable, he could thrust aside great business matters to
attend to the small wants of individuals, nor was he ever found wanting or
indififerent when charity ofifered a plea.
"In finance Senator Forget was a true leader. He was one of the first
men to loom large in high finance in Canada. He realized many possibilities
which other men have realized too — but he followed that by action. He had
the courage to follow bis convictions and many solid institutions which today
enjoy in themselves prosperity and largely aid in the advancement of the
Dominion, owe to him debts'which can never be repaid to the individual, though
they will be to the people of the country. His financial ability brought him
into prominence in connection with several of the largest corporations in ihc
Dominion, prominent nmijng which were the Montreal .Street, the Richelieu &
Ontario Navigation Comjiany and the Montreal Light, Heat & Power Com-
pany, the Dominion Coal Company, and the Dominion Iron & Steel Company.
"Senator Forget was one of the colossal figures about whom have surged
the tides and currents of Canadian finance. The news of his death this morn-
ing was as much of a shock as a surjjrise, both to those with whom he had
been so long associated in connection with the organization and the manage-
ment of the great financial and industrial enterprises of the Dominion and to
the thousands of others to whom his name had come to be the shibboleth of
"But if Senator Forget represented one thing more than success it was
absolute unswerving fidelity to his word. In all the heat and confusion of
the stock market amidst the treacheries which sometimes attend on high financ-
ing and the deception and duplicity which beset the path of the successful man
everywhere, there was never a question of his own unfaltering veracity.. Sen-
ator Forget was wisely charitable, an intelligent patron of the arts, and a strong
supporter of all movements which made for the better government of the city
and the state. He will long be remembered for what he was as well as for
what he did."
Another Montreal paper said of him : "His rise to financial fame is writ-
ten on the business history of Montreal, and the story of his success in the
financial world is the history of the development of the city. Although Sen-
ator Forget's estate will count up into the millions, its accumulation was not
effected by continuous plain sailing."
Obstacles and difficulties of grave import arose, but his financial capacity
and strict integrity had won the confidence and trust of friends who rallied to
his support, and although he saw the storm clouds gather, he was able to turn
threatened disaster into brilliant achievement. His investments were most
judiciously made and his judgment concerning important financial transactions
seemed never at fault. Once his mind was made up as to the value of a
security nothing could shake his confidence, and much of his success in life was
due to his unerring judgment.
Slow to make a promise or express an opinion. Senator Forget never failed
to fulfill a promise and when he gave his opinion it was the expression of his
hone-st conviction and indicated a course which he would follow in a similar
position. If he advised an investor it meant that he would not hesitate a
moment in investing his own money in the same security. His unquestioned
loyalty to his friends covered his entire business career. His recommendation
of a security to an investor meant that he would fully support that security
and there were instances in his career when even his vast resources were taxed
in such support. This was true in connection with the Montreal Stock Exchange
in a security where large sums were invested on his recommendation. The
implicit confidence that capital had in his judgment enabled him to finance and
successfully carry out projects that probably no other man of his time could
have handled. His word was as .good as his bond. His denial of a rumor
killed it immediately just as an .admission from him settled all doubt. He
could see through a proposition readily and would decide important and exten-
sive matters quickly. His decision was never hasty or ill advised but came as
the result of the fact that he had mastered many grave business affairs and
with readiness comprehended every phase of a situation that came before him.
He was a man of strong personality. His was never the command of the
tyrant to go but ever the call of the leader to come. He was never vacillating
in his opinions of the best methods to be followed or the manner in which a
given work was to be done. He was a most considerate and appreciative man
and was always ready to encourage one who was striving upward. He was
not a talkative man, that is he talked but comparatively little, yet he talked to
the point and with great earnestness and thinking men listened to him with atten-
tion. He never laughed aloud, but his smile was one full of humor, enjoyment
and good nature. Judging his manner by first appearance might do him an
injustice, for a habit of earnest thought had brought a deep furrow in the fore-
head that might be regarded as a frown. An acquaintance, however, always
received the most polite attention from him and his unfailing courtesy of man-
ner showed him to be a perfect gentleman in the highest and best sense of the
His interest in benevolent and charitable projects was wide and his support
thereof most generous. He became a director of the Notre Dame Hospital and
was a governor of both the General Hospital and the Western Hospital. He
was a governor of the Art Association and life governor of the Numismatic
& Antiquarian Society; also president of the board of governors of Laval Uni-
versity. His political career is an interesting one, for he was not always a
supporter of the liberal-conservative party. Although a fellow townsman of
Sir Adolphe Chapleau, the Senator had been allied with Sir^ Henri Gustave
Joly de Lotbiniere in that leader's contest with Chapleau, Angers and the rest
of the conservative leaders of his time. In federal politics, however, Hon.
-Mr. Forget declined to follow the free trade policy of Mackenzie and Cart-
wright, which had been forced against his will upon Rodolphe Laflamme, and
from the days of the national policy the Senator worked with the present con-
servative party. He was appdinted to the upper house during the elections of
1896 and was the last conservative senator to enter that branch of the Canadian
parliament. Senator Forget seldom addressed the senate, yet his advice in
committee was of great value to his fellow members and it was here that the
close friendship sprang up between Senator Forget and the ex-prime minister.
Sir Mackenzie Bowell. The Senator was a loyal follower of R. L. Borden as
leader of the conservative party, both in parliament and in the country. He
realized that it was a very difficult matter for any leader to find complete favor
in the eyes of all the provinces, but he was confident that Mr. Borden gave his
services to the party and to the country in a patriotic manner and consequently
deserved the support of a united party in both houses. The ^Montreal Gazette
some years ago termed him "an astute and enterprising man of afifairs." He
was more than that. He was a constructionist and builded where others saw
no opportunity ; he was a patriot without narrow partisanship ; a Roman Cath-
olic and stanch churchman without a particle of race jjrejudice, in evidence of
which fact his closest friend in the senate of the Dominion was an ex-grand
master of the Orange Grand Lodge of British North .\merica — Sir Mackenzie
Bowell. High honors had been accorded him, distinction and notable success
had come to him. These things made him an eminent citizen, but, more than
that, attractive social qualities and genuine personal worth had gained him the
highest regard, confidence, good-will and friendship of his contenii)oraries and
While Senator Forget was a member of a number of clubs, he manifested
keenest interest perhaps in the Mount Royal Club, of which he was one of the
founders. Among the other clubs to which he belonged were the St. James, of
which he had been president; the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; the Forest
and Stream; the Montreal Hunt; the Country Club of Ottawa and the Man-
hattan Club of New York.
In May, 1876, Senator Forget married Miss Maria Raymond, a daughter of
Gustav A. Raymond of Montreal. They were the parents of five children:
Loulou, now Mrs. W. W. Skinner; Raymond, who died at the age of four
years; Blanche, now Mrs. Guy Boyer; Marguerite; and Pauline. The two
younger daughters accompanied their parents abroad and the family was sojourn-
ing at Nice when Senator Forget passed away, April 7, 191 1.
Thorough preparatory training and broadening experience well qualify
Charles M. Black for the important and- responsible duties that devolve upon
him as secretary and treasurer of the insurance brokerage firm of R. Howard
& Company of Montreal. He has many friends in this city, to whom his life
record will prove of interest. He was born in Wiimipeg in 1890, a son of William
Allan Black and a grandson of Charles R. and Elizabeth (Hall) Black, of Mon-
treal. There is a mingled strain of English and Scotch blood in his veins. The
birth of William A. Black occurred in Montreal, November 17, 1862. His edu-
cation was acquired in the schools of his native city, and for some years he was
in the service of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway Comi)anies.
In 1882 he went to Manitoba and the following year became connected with the
Ogilvie Milling Company, one of the foremost enterprises of that character in
the country. Gradually in that connection he worked his way upward and in
1902 was appointed general manager of the western division, while in 1910 he
was elected one of the directors of the company. Still further promotion has
come to him in his election as vice president and managing director of the Ogilvie
Flour Mills Company. He is likewise a member of the Winnipeg Board of Trade,
a councillor of the Winnipeg Grain and Produce Exchange and a member of
the grain survey and grain standard boards. He is likewise a director of the
Home Savings & Investment Company, Molson's Bank and Larose Consolidated
Mines and is managing director of the Kaministiquia Power Company and presi-
dent of the Manitoba Cold Storage Company. He belongs to the Winnipeg and
Manitoba Clubs. He was married in 1888 to Mary Campbell, daughter of Alex-
ander McEwan, of Edinburgh, Scotland.
The illustrious example of his father has fired the ambition of Charles M.
Black, who was reared in Montreal and Winnipeg. Making good use of time,
talents and opportunities, he has steadily progressed and is today a well known
factor in insurance brokerage circles of Montreal. The business of the firm of
R. Howard & Company was established in 1901 and was organized under the
present firm style on the ist of February, 1913, when Charles M. Black became
a member of the firm, of which he has since been secretarv and treasurer, with
Robert Howard as the president. He had received thorough initial liusiness
training in three years' connection with his father, and he is also secretary and
treasurer of the Financial Investment Company. A young man of determination
and energy-, he carries forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes,
and obstacles and difficulties in his path serve but as an impetus for renewed
effort on his part.
High on the list of Montreal's worthy citizens who have passed from this
life appears the name of John Pratt, who from 1839 until 1872 was one of the
prosperous merchants of the city. He was born at Berthier, en haut, on the
20th of July, 1812, and after a well spent life of sixty-four years passed away
July 22, 1876. He was survived for only a few weeks by his brother, Mr. C.
F. Pratt, with whom he had commenced his business career and with whom he
was almost continuously associated thereafter.
The father was a merchant at Berthier and in 1833 the sons, Charles F. and
John, left the paternal home to establish a business house in Quebec under the
firm name of C. F. Pratt & Company. Having succeeded almost beyond his
expectations in that city, John Pratt opened a branch establishment at Three
Rivers and, as in Quebec, won almost immediate prosperity in the conduct of
the enterprise. Soon the brothers found that their sphere of action was too
limited and in 1839 they extended the scope of their interests by founding the
well known leather house of John Pratt & Company in Montreal.
In 1852 the Quebec house was closed, the brothers concentrating their ener-
gies upon the conduct of the Montreal business, out of which they made colossal
fortunes, that of Mr. John Pratt amounting to about a million dollars. The
tanneries at Roxton Falls were started by the Pratts, who for many years stood
at the head of the leather business. In 1869, however, they put aside industrial
and commercial interests, but while Charles Pratt confined himself to private
aflfairs, his brother, John Pratt, whose name introduces this review, unable with
his active temperament to remain comparatively unemployed, engaged in the con-
duct of several joint stock companies, with which he had identified himself. At
the time of his death he was president of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation
Company, over whose board he had presided since 1867. He was president of
the Banque du Peuple, of the Rubber Company, and others ; and was vice presi-
dent of the Citizens Assurance Company, a position which he also occupied in
connection with other joint stock concerns. He was on the board of directors
of the Valleyfield Cotton Company, an enterprise which he had done much to
promote. Indeed, it may be said of Mr. Pratt that he was an undoubted author-
ity on all business matters, being sagacious, practical, enterprising and energetic.
He seemed to recognize almost from the beginning the possibilities of any
undertaking, and he never faltered until his purpose was accoinplished.
In 7863 Mr. Pratt was placed on the harbor board, but the succeeding year
the government of Sir John Macdonald removed him from office, doing exactly
the same by Hon. John Young and Mr. Thomas Cramp. In 1S74, however, he
was placed upon the newly constituted lioard, of which be was an active, ])rac-
tical and influential member. His natural modesty impelled him, upon several
occasions, to decline nomination for parliament, to which, there is no doubt, had
he so desired, he would have been elected. Politically he was a thorough
reformer and even by those who differed from him, his opinions were looked
upon ivitl". great respect. He was at all linies a thorough gentleman, a faithful
and considerate friend and a real philanthropist.
On the 3d of March, 1840, Mr. Pratt married ISlarie Mathilde Roy, the
widow of Charles Ovide Perrault, who was killed in the rebellion oi 1837, Mrs.
Pratt died July 29, 1897. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Pratt were:
Marie Mathilde, who was married in 1862 to Desire Girouard; Charles Alfred,
a practicing physician, who in i8f)() married Alphonsine Leclair and resides at
Longueuil; Eveline Marie Louise, the wife of Joseph Gustave Laviolette, of
Montreal; Virginia, who was married September 30, 1878, to George H. Mat-
thews; Aloysia, who was married June 17, 1878, to Percy Franklin Woodcock,
the well known artist; Frederick Emile George, who was married ]\Iay 31, 1883,
to Albina Thibault, the widow of his younger brother; and Louis Edouard
Albert, who married Albina Thibault and died August 11, 1880.
On the 27th of July, 1876, the body of Mr. John Pratt was taken from
the family residence. No. 310 Lagauchetiere street to the church of St. Jacques,
St. Denis street, and thence to the family vault in the Roman Catholic cemetery.
The attendance at the church was immense, comprising all the influential and
re])resentative citizens, both French and English, of Montreal. At the church
the burial service was celebrated by Rev. A. L. Sentenne, cure of the parish,
assisted by Rev. Father Fleck, superior of the Jesuits.
Perhaps no better indication of Mr. Pratt's high standing could be given than
by quoting a letter received by Mrs. John Pratt, reading :
"Dear Madam :
'"We, the harbor commissioners of Montreal, take the liberty of intruding
upon you to express our sympathy and condolence to you and your family in the
irretrievable loss sustained by the death of your late husband, our friend and
colleague in the harbor trust. Our late friend rendered such efficient service in
the management of this important trust and was so fully in sympathy with every
movement for the good of his country and this city in which he lived, as to
secure the esteem and confidence of every member of the commission. At such
.a time we are aware that nothing can be said to assuage the natural grief of
yourself and family, still we hope, Dear Madam, it will prove consolatory to
you and yours, that your husband, our friend, has filled up his season of life
with so many good deeds and in so exemplary a manner, and that although he
has now gone from among us, he will be remembered by all who knew him.
This we trust will be to you and your family a source of comfort and help you
to bear with fortitude and resignation your present great affliction.
"Thomas Cramp,
"Hugh McLennan,
"Andrew Allan,
"Charles H. Gould,
"John Young,
"Adolphe Roy,
"P. Donovan.
"Harbor commissioners' office, Montreal, July 28, 1876."
The board of directors of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company, at
its meeting on Friday, the 2Sth of July, 1S76, passed unanimously the following
resolution :
"Resolved: That this board of directors have received with much regret
intelligence of the death of the late president of the company, Mr. John
Pratt, whose long and valuable services in its behalf secured for him the
gratitude, not only of the directors, but of every shareholder in the com-
pany. The directors desire to offer to his family the deep sympathy of every
member of the board in the loss they have sustained, and to assure them of
the high esteem in which the late i\Ir. Pratt was universally held.
"Hugh Allan, president.
"J. N. Beaudry, secretary.
"Thomas Caverhill.
"Andrew Allan.
"William McNaughton.
"Adolphe Roy.
"D. Masson.
"M. H. Gault.
"Robert Anderson."
One of the most prominent members of the provincial bar was T. W.
Ritchie, who specialized in the practice of commercial law in Alontreal and rep-
resented many important corporations in his professional connection. A native
of Hatley, Quebec, he was born in 1828. After careful preparation for active
law practice he was called to the bar in 1852 and opened an office in Sher-
brooke. In i860 he removed to Montreal and became a member of the firm of
Rose, Monk & Ritchie. It was in 1867 that he was appointed queen's counsel.
No dreary novitiate awaited him at the outset of his professional career. He
brought to its starting point several rare gifts, strong individuality, marked
strength of character and high professional ideals, in addition to comprehensive
knowledge of the principles of law and ability to correctly apply these. He
continued in active practice as a member of the firm of Rose, Monk & Ritchie
until Mr. Monk was appointed to the bench. The partnership relation under
the firm style of Rose & Ritchie then continued until Sir John Rose left Canada
for England. Mr. Ritchie was then joined by J. L. Morris and W. Rose, but
the latter left soon afterward and later Mr. Morris retired. Mr. Ritchie then
took in as partner Mr. G. H. Borlase, who remained with him until 1879, when
he retired. Mr. Ritchie then admitted his son W. F. Ritchie to a partnership
under the firm style of Ritchie & Ritchie'. The father was one of the mo.st prom-
inent members of the bar of the province, ranking high as an advocate in the
department of commercial law and sustaining many important professional
relations. At the time of his death, on the 4th of Septcml)er, 1882, he was
solicitor to the P.ank of Montreal and the Hudson's Bay Company and was both
director and solicitor to the Montreal, Portland & lioston Railway. For many
years he acted as crown prosecutor for the district of Montreal. The court
records attest his high standing and his ability whereby he engraved his name
high on the keystone of the legal arch. It is the theory of the law that the
counsels who practice are to aid the court in the administration of justice, and
perhaps no representative of the Montreal bar has been more careful to con-
form his practice to a high standard of professional fthics than did T. W.
One of the well known members of the medical profession in Montreal, Dr.
Albert George Nicholls has made continual progress, and in the field of scien-
tific attainment and research is recognized as one of the most eminent in the pro-
fession in the city. His investigations, carried far and wide, have brought forth
many valuable truths, and his contributions to medical literature are largely
accepted as standard.
Dr. Nicholls was born at Shotley Bridge, Durham, England, April i6, 1870,
a son of the late Rev. John Nicholls and Mary Elizabeth (Harland) Nicholls.
The father was the well known pastor of St. Mark's Presbyterian church in
Montreal for twenty-two years. In England he became identified with the Meth-
odist clergy and was given charge of churches at Shotley Bridge, Durham ;
Chester-le-Street, Hetton and Blyth, Northumberland. He was born at Willen-
hall, Staffordshire, England, in 1840, and had reached the age of fifty-eight years
when he passed away in Montreal on the 4th of May, 1898. He had been a
resident of Canada for almost a quarter of a century, having arrived in this
country in 1874. It was after he came to the new world that he connected him-
self with the Presbyterian church and for twenty-two years remained pastor of
St. Mark's. The names of few are so closely interwoven with the history of
moral progress in this city, tor some years he was a member of the Protestant
Ministerial Association, was editor of the Bible Reporter, and was a frequent
contributor to the press upon questions relative to the work of the church and
the extension of Christian- influence. At the time of the smallpox epidemic
in Montreal he served on various committees formed to relieve the situation and
opened his church for the distribution of relief. He was also one of the origi-
nators of the Fresh Air Fund and while thoroughly versed upon dogmas and
the principles of theology, his religion was ever of that jiractical character which
found expression in good deeds, in ready sympathy, and in immediate helpful-
ness. The survivors of his family are Mrs. Nicholls ; Dr. Albert George Nicholls,
whose name introduces this review ; and a daughter. Miss Amy Nicholls, B. A.
Education received high rating in the Nicholls home and the son was afforded
excellent opportunities for acquiring knowledge that w-ould fit him for any field
of labor to which he might choose to devote his efi^orts. He attended McGill
Model School, the Montreal high school and afterward entered McGill Univer-
sity, where he won the Bachelor of Arts degree and became gold medallist in
classics in 1890. Three years later his alma mater conferred upon him the Master
of Arts degree and in preparation for the medical profession he pursued a course
of study in McGill, which won him the M. D. and C. M. degrees in 1894. In
IQ09 the Doctor of Science degree was conferred upon him and in 1908 the
honor of F. R. S. C. Holding to the highest professional standards and wishing
to reach the highest possible point of proficiency, Dr. Nicholls has gone abroad
for study, doing post-graduate work at Erlangen, Prague and \"ienna. A suc-
cessful practitioner in Montreal, he has devoted much time to original research,
more especially in the scientific side of medicine. He is perhaps best known for
his work in connection with typhoid fever, Brights disease, tuberculosis and some
of the more obscure phases of chronic inflammation and his views have been
referred to in several of the more recent authoritative text-books. He is the
author of more than forty monographs and other publications on medical sub-
jects, and his writings have largely been accepted as standard by the profession
in this section of the country. He was joint author with Professor Adami of
The Principles of Pathology, a work of recognized value. He is equally well
known as a lecturer on clinical medicine and assistant professor of pathology
and bacteriology in McGill University. He is out-patient physician to the
Montreal General Hospital and assistant physician and pathologist to the West-
ern General Hospital.
In May, 1907, Dr. Nicholls was married to Miss Lucia Pomeroy, the youngest
daughter of the late William H. Van Vliet of Lacolle, P. Q., and they have three
sons, George Van Vliet, John \'an \'liet and Robert Van Vliet. Dr. Nicholls
is a conservative and an ardent imperialist. His religious affiliation is with the
Presbyterian church, and he is a member of the University Club, Montreal, and
the Authors' Club, London.
Those life forces which work for betterment, for progress and improvement
elicit his attention and receive his support, and he is today recognized as a man
of splendidly developed talents and well balanced powers, so that he has become
a forceful factor in the world's work.
Success in business resulting entirely from capable management, keen dis-
crimination and unfaltering enterprise came to Captain George Hillyard Mat-
thews, who for many years was president of the Sincennes-McNaughton Line.
His birth occurred in Montreal on the 14th of August, 1S46, and he passed
away at the comparatively early age of fifty-seven years, dying on the 19th
of January, 1904. He was a son of George Matthews, of Mount Victoria,
Hudson and 'Montreal. The father came to Canada from Essex, England, as a
young man and in this country married a Miss Hudson, also a native of England.
They became the parents of six children, including Captain Matthews, who
received his military education at Sandhurst, England, in 187 1. The following
year he entered the army and served for a period of eight years, when he
resigned. He was an honorary member of the officers' mess of the Third
Victoria Rifles and also honorary president of the Army and Navy \'eterans
Association. He never ceased to feel a deep interest in military affairs and
believed in tlie maintenance of a high standard of service in connection with
the army and navy.
Captain Matthews' business affairs also brought him prominently before
the public. For many years he was president of the Sincenncs-McNaughlon
Line and during his term of office the major portion of the harbor fleet of
tugs was built under his supervision. As opportunity offered he made judicious
investments in real estate and became the owner of a large amount of prop-
erty in Montreal. l^'oUowing the death of llaron de Longueuil, he took charge
of his estate, which he wisely managed.
In 187S Captain Matthews was united in marriage to •■Miss Virginia Pratt,
a daughter of John Pratt, one of the early settlers of Montreal. He held
membership in the St. James Club and he was interested in various signifi-
cant and vital questions of the day, especially in fish and game protection.
He also took an active interest in politics. He was acquainted with all of the
different phases of public life having to do with the prosperity and progress
of his city and province, and his aid and cooperation could always be counted
upon to further movements for the general good.
One of the best known insurance and financial men of Montreal was the late
David Burke, who passed away on December 5, 1913. He was born in Char-
lottetown, P. E. 1., in 1850, being the youngest son of Edward and Mary (Acorn)
Burke, both of whom were natives of Prince Edward Island. He received his
early education in the schools of that province. In early manhood he turned his
attention to the insurance business, being but si.xteen years of age when he entered
upon the field of labor in which he was to attain to importance, making his name
one well known in insurance circles not only in Canada but also in the L^nited
States. In 1869 he came to Montreal, where he was associated in business with his
brother, the late Walter Burke, then general manager for Canada of the New
York Life Insurance Company. On the death of the latter in 1879 the com-
pany retired from Canada owing to differences with the insurance depart-
ment at Ottawa. In 1883, being willing to conform to the regulations set down
by this department, the company reentered Canada, and Mr. David Burke was
appointed general manager. In 1897 he retired from his connection with this
firm to organize an insurance company of his own, the Royal Victoria Life Insur-
ance Company, which was absorbed by the Sun Life in 191 1. He thus bent his
energies to administrative direction and executive control and his opinions were
largely accepted as authority upon matters connected with the complex problems
of insurance and the control of the business. In 1882 he was elected an associate
of the British Institute of Actuaries, being one of its oldest members, and
in 1897 was made a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society of Great Britain. In
1904 he was honored with election to the vice presidency of the Economic and
Statistical Society of Montreal and in 1906 was chosen president of the Canadian
Life Insurance Ofificers Association. For two years he held the presidency of the
Life Managers Association of Canada, a bodv formed solelv of the executive
heads of insurance companies in Canada, each company being represented in the
association by only one member. He studied every phase of the insurance busi-
ness with a thoroughness that made his opinions standard, and he was the author
of a valuable paper published in 1908 entitled "Insurance as a National Economy."
The Montreal Witness spoke of him as one "recognized as a most capable insur-
ance administrator," and his contemporaries and colleagues speak of his business
ability and resourcefulness in terms of high admiration.
Mr. Burke was married in 1875 to Miss Rose Maclear, the youngest daughter
of the late Thomas Maclear, founder of the Maclear Publishing Company of
Toronto, and they were parents of four sons and two daughters, as follows :
Edmund A., the noted vocalist ; Louis, of New York ; Alan, of Boston ; Maurice
N., of Montreal; Mrs. Fred C. Budden, of Montreal; and Miss Marjorie Burke,
of Montreal.
Mr. Burke was a member of the St. James Club and in religious faith an
Anglican, while his political belief placed him in the position of an imperial pro-
tectionist. His views of life were those of a broad-minded man who delved deep
into the questions of vital importance and who proved himself the master of those
forces which made up his life's experience.
Dr. James John Edmund Guerin, medical practitioner and educator, and an
influential figure in the political history of the province, having served with dis-
tinction as a member of the Marchand and Parent cabinets and later as mayor of
Montreal, was born July 4, 1856, in the city which is still his place of residence, a
son of the late Thomas Guerin, C. E., chief hydraulic engineer of the department
of public works, Ottawa, and a brother of the Hon. Edmund Guerin, one of the
judges of the superior court, Montreal. Dr. Guerin made his studies at the Alon-
treal College, and later entered McGill University for the purpose of pursuing a
course in medicine. He was graduated M. D., C. M. in 1878, and has since engaged
in active practice in his native city where he has also done important hospital work.
He is the president of the medical board of the Hotel-Dieu Hospital and one of
the governors of the Notre Dame Hospital; in educational circles he is well
known as professor of clinical medicine in Laval University. He holds to the
highest professional standards of ethics and enjoys the warmest regard of fellow
practitioners. He is a director of the Royal Edward Institute and a governor of
the Victorian Order of Nurses, and in 1909 he was appointed a member of the
royal commission to prevent the further spread of tuberculosis.
Capable and prominent as is Dr. Guerin in his chosen profession, he has also
became equally widely known in connection with political activity and has done
much important work. In 1895 he was elected president of the St. Patrick's
Society and was reelcted in 1896 and 1897. In the former year he was a delegate
to the Irish National Convention at Dublin. In October, 1895, he was returned to
the legislature for Montreal in the liberal interests by a majority of twelve hun-
dred and fifty-four. In 1897 he was reelected in the general election and was called
to the Marchand cabinet without portfolio on the 25th of May of that year. He
was a minister without portfolio in the Marchand and Parent administrations from
1897 to 1904, and in 1901 was appointed member of the coimcil of public instruc-
tion of the province of Quebec. His opinions carried weight in provincial councils
and a discussion of any vital question with him at once indicated how widely and
thoroughly he was informed concerning the points at issue. In February, 19 10,
as the. candidate of the citizens' party he was elected mayor of Montreal by a
majority of twelve thousand nine hundred and eighty-three and in his administra-
tion sought at all times to further the best interests of the city. He conducted its
civic affairs along economical lines and yet never fettered municipal progress by
a narrow conservatism. He represented the city of Montreal at the funeral of
King Edward iri London in 1910 and at the coronation of King George and Queen
Mary in 191 1. In 191 1 he was created a Knight Commander of the Order of St.
Gregory the Great, and in 1912 he received the degree of LL. D. from Trinity
College. Dublin.
In 1883 Dr. Guerin was married to Miss Mary Carroll O'Brien, daughter of
the late Lion. James O'Brien; she died in 1886. Dr. Guerin resides at No. 4
Edgehill avenue. His religious faith is that of the Roman Catholic church. Aside
from serving as president of St. Patrick's Society he has been president of the
Shamrock Lacrosse Club and of many other organizations. He is a member of
the Mount Royal Club, the University Club and the Montreal Jockey Club. His
activity along various important lines indicates his worth and value as a citizen,
and his indorsement at the polls testifies to the confidence reposed in him by his
fellow citizens. Plis ideals of citizenship are high, while in his professional career
he manifests the keenest appreciation for the responsibilities and obligations which
devolve upon him.
Andrew Stuart Ewing, for almost half a century one of the best known busi-
ness men of Montreal, was born in 1838 at Lisdillon House, Londonderry, Ire-
land, and was a representative of an old family of Irish origin, his parents being
Samuel and Margaret (Hamilton) Ewing, who crossed the Atlantic to Canada
with their family when their son, Andrew, was seven years of age. He was
educated in the public schools of Montreal and in i860 entered into partnership
with his brother, Samuel H. Ewing, in the ownership and management of the
extensive coffee and spice mills formerly owned by his father, who founded
the business in 1845. I" i860 the firm style of Samuel Ewing & Sons was
assumed and in 1892, after the retirement of Samuel H. Ewing, Andrew S.
Ewing became sole proprietor of the business which was conducted at No. 55
Cote street. The enterprise was one of extensive proportions and yielded a sub-
stantial profit as a result of careful management and wise direction.
During the last fifteen years of his life Mr. Ewing was a prominent member
of the Alontreal Board of Trade and was interested in its various projects for
promoting the material progress of the city and advancing affairs of municipal
and civic interest. In politics he was a conservative and a strong supporter of
the national policy.
Mr. Ewing died at his home in Montreal, January 8, 1902, and was survived
by his widow until June, 191 3. The surviving children are Andrew Stuart and
Royal L. H. Ewing and two daughters, Mrs. Robert Starke and Miss Adelaide
Ewing. The sons are members of the firm of Ewing & Ewing, real estate and
insurance, which was established in September, 1906, by the brothers in con-
nection with A. F. Gault, but the last named retired from the firm j\Iay i, 1912.
A. Stuart Ewing is a member of the Art Association of 2\Iontreal, the Canadian
Club, the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht
Club, the St. James Club, the Manitou Club and the. Park Toboganning Club, of
which he is vice president.
Mr. Royal L. H. Ewing is a member of the Art Association of Montreal, the
Montreal and Canadian Clubs, the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, the
Mount Royal Lawn Tennis Club, the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, the St.
James Club, the Manitou Club and the Park Toboganning Club. The sons are
worthy successors to their father, not only in business activity but also in that
business integrity for which the family name has always stood.
Dr. Frank Richardson England, an alumnus of Bishop's College of ^Montreal
and now w-ell known as a practical educator as well as a successful practitioner,
was bom August 21, 1862, at Cowansville, province of Quebec, and is the eldest
son of Francis and Jane (Ruiter) England, of Dunham, Quebec. The family
comes of L'nited Empire Loyalist stock and the parents are now deceased.
While Dr. England acquired his early education at Waterloo, he pursued his
medical course at Bishop's College in Montreal, from which he was graduated
with the class of 1885, the degrees of M. D. and C. M. being then conferred
upon him, and obtaining the Wood and Nelson gold medals. He was professor
of diseases of children at Bishop's College in 1887 and professor of surgery
in the same institution in 1894. In 1905 he was graduated at McGill College
(ad eun). The profession has honored him with official distinction, for in 1906
he was chosen president of the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society and the
following year was vice president of the Canadian Medical Association. He is a
governor and fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is now, 1914,
surgeon of the Western Hospital at Montreal and in his surgical practice dis-
plays comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, of the component parts of the human
body and of the onslaughts made upon it by disease or left to it as a legacy by
progenitors. He is cool and collected at critical moments and combines strength
with tenderness, seeking ever the ultimate good of patient and of profession.
Dr. England was married twice. In 1887 he wedded Carrie Ann, youngest
daughter of the late R. L. Galer, of Dunham. Following her death Dr. England
married Octavia Grace Ritchie, B, A., M. D., of Montreal, the youngest daughter
of the late Thomas W. Ritchie, Q. C. She was born in Montreal and became a
student in McGill University, winning the degree of Bachelor of Arts, together
with first class honors in natural science in 1883. She was afterward graduated
from Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Quebec, with the degree of M. D. and C. M.
in 1891. She was one of the first class of ladies to graduate from McGill and
tlie first woman to receive a medical degree in the province of Quebec. Mrs.
England took a scholarship at Kingston and later pursued a post-graduate course
at Vienna, Austria. She has done much to arouse public feeling in favor of the
medical education of women in Quebec and was secretary of the organization
called the Donalda Students to procure this concession. She is now a governor
of the Western Hospital and was assistant gynecologist there from 1894 until
1896. She has lectured on medical subjects before the Women's Club and tlie
Young Women's Christian Association. She is a member of the Montreal
Medico-Chirurgical Society and was a delegate to the Quinquennial Congress of
the National Council of Women at Toronto in 1909. She is president of the
local council of the National Council of Women. In 1897 s'""^ became the
v.'ife of Dr. Frank Richardson England of Montreal. Both continue actively
in the practice of the profession, and each has a large clientage, indicating the
prominence to which they have attained.
William John White, whose autliorship no less than his practice has gained
him eminence and success, is regarded as one of the foremost representatives of
the Montreal bar. Contemporaneous writers pronounce upon him high encomiums
for his contributions to legal as well as to general literature. A native of Peter-
boro, Ontario, he was born January 29, 1861, a son of the late 'Richard White,
D. C. L., and Jean (Riddel) White. After completing his studies in the Mon-
treal high school he entered McGill L^niversity, where he pursued a classical
and legal course, winning the B. A. degree in 1881, the degree of Bachelor of
Civil Law in 1882, while in 1885 the Master of Arts degree was conferred upon
him and in 1902 that of Doctor of Civil Law. He completed his legal studies
at the Sorbonne in Paris and in 1883 entered upon the active work of the pro-
fession as an advocate. He has since successfully practiced and was created
king's counsel in 1899. He is now senior partner of the law firm of White &
Buchanan and is recognized as one of the leaders of the Montreal bar. In 1901
he was made batonnier. His law practice has been of an important as well as of
an extensive character. He was retained as counsel by the Mexican government
in the boundary dispute between the L^nited States and Mexico in 191 1. His high
standing in his profession and his thorough understanding of vital and significant
governmental problems have brought him into prominence in various international
aft'airs. He ser\ed as a member of the boaid of investigation appointed by the
minister of labor in the United Shoe Machinery case, and his opinions have
been sought on variotis questions of far-reaching importance. He represented
the Montreal bar at the annual meeting of the New York State Bar Association at
Albany in 1902 and at the Illinois State Bar Association in 1906, and on the
latter occasion read a paper on The Law of Quebec. He is the author of a
treatise on Canadian Company Law which was published in 1901.
Aside from his profession Mr. White has been connected with several business
enterprises and public projects of importance. In 191 1 he became one of the
directors of the Sherwin-Williams Company of Canada, and from 1906 to 1908 he
served as alderman of the city. He is a director and was elected the vice presi-
dent of the new Technical School of Montreal. He was one of the founders of
the Society of Historical Studies and was chosen to the presidency of that organi-
zation for 1891-2. He was likewise one of the organizers of the Society of
Canadian Literature and of the Canadian branch of the American Folk Lore
Society. From 1889 until 1891 he published a monthly magazine known as
Canadiana and Dr. John Reade termed him "A writer of taste and force," while
the Montreal Witness spoke of him as "A thoroughly capable man." Mr. White
belongs to a number of the leading clubs, including the St. James, University,
Outremont Golf and the Montreal Jockey Clubs of Montreal ; the Rideau Club
of Ottawa ; the Quebec Garrison Club ; and the Constitutional Club of London,
England. It is in his law practice, however, that he has won the recognition
that has placed him in the present enviable position which he occupies. He has
ever in his practice been faithful to his clients, fair to his adversaries and candid
to the court. In many cases with which he has been connected he has exhibited
the possession of every faculty of which a lawyer may be proud — skill in presenta-
tion of his own evidence, extraordinary ability in cross examination, strong grasp
of every feature of the case, power to secure favorable rulings from the judge,
unusual familiarity with human nature and untiring industry. These qualities
have gained him notable success in law practice.
At the time of his death half a century was drawing to its close since the
subject of this sketch, the late Robert Reford, first established a commercial
connection with Montreal. The outstanding position which Mr. Reford occu-
pied in the life of the city was the natural outcome of qualities which quickly
bring men to be recognized as a source of strength to whatever spheres in
which they may move. He was a man of very pronounced ability, tenacious-
ness of purpose, firmness of decision and of forceful character but by those
who knew him best he will be remembered, chiefly for those high standards
of honor which were his for the straightforwardness and uprightness of all
his dealings with his fellowmen and for the strong sense of justice which
throughout his long career he was so often called upon to exercise.
Robert Reford was born at Moylena, which for generations had been the
family seat near Antrim, Ireland, in 1831 and was a lad of fourteen when in
1845 he came with his mother, three brothers and one sister to make his home
in Canada. The family arrived at Quebec the night of the great fire when the
lower town was almost completely destroyed. After a very brief stay in Mon-
treal they settled in Toronto, where Mr. Reford completed his education. He
was, however, still but a boy when he became engaged in business and, though
he was indentured to work for his first employer for two years at a fixed salary,
it is indicative of the great natural capacity which he possessed and of his
steadiness and alertness in business, that at the end of the first year his salary
was increased fivefold and again at the end of the second year that amount
was doubled. In three years time, still barely on the threshold of manhood,
Robert Re ford had proved his ability to such an extent as to be offered a
partnership with William Strachan in a wholesale and retail grocery business
which the latter was about to open. This offer was accepted but the firm dis-
solved after a few years duration and Mr. Reford started a business on his
own account, which he continued to conduct alone for several years, only taking
Richard Dunbar as a partner when he acquired, by purchase, from William
Ross, another large wholesale business of the same nature. The two businesses
were run separately, one as Reford & Dunbar, the other in partnership with
the late John Dillon, as Reford & Dillon, wholesale grocers and merchants. It
would indeed have been strange if a man, imbued with the spirit of enter-
prise and courage, as was Mr. Reford to a very remarkable degree, had been
content to remain without some wider scope for his abilities than that offered,
even by a successful wholesale business. It was not long before he took the
initial step which was to lead him so far along the path of that \ast question of
Mr. Reford was one of the pioneer workers in this direction, entering the
carrying trade, in the early '60s. He amassed a considerable fortune during the
forty odd years he was engaged in shipping pursuits but never did he lose
sight of the fact that Canada's interests as a whole are intimately and indivisibly
bound up in every phase of the shipping industry, nor did he ever fail to con-
sider and work towards the benefit of those wider interests of his adopted
The operation of vessels on the Great Lakes was the beginning of Mr.
Reford's shipping enterprises. In i860 he equipped the schooner "Seagull"
and sent her with a general cargo of Canadian produce to Port Natal, South
Africa, thus being the first man to undertake direct shipping connection between
Canada and that part of the world.
In 1865, associated with his old friend William Ross, the firm opened a
branch in Montreal. This was the commencement of the present Montreal
firm. The business was now assuming large trading proportions with Great '
Britain, the United States, China, Japan, the West Indies and other foreign
countries ; nevertheless it soon began to confine itself more strictly to ocean
shipping. The firm became agents and part owners of the Thomson and Donald-
son lines. When the story of the growth of Canada's shipping comes to be
written the name of Robert Reford will loom up largely on its pages. Mr.
Dillon severed his connection with Mr. Reford in the shipping business in 1897
and it was then that the present company, the Robert Reford Co., Ltd., was
incorporated, with very extensive steamship services of six different lines to
many of the world's principal ports and with branch offices established in
Quebec, Toronto, St. John, New Brunswick, and Portland, Maine. Canada
owes not a little to Mr. Reford for contributing so materially to the opening
up of new markets for her produce along the east coast of Great Britain, and
also for the building up of further valuable trade connections by giving direct
shipping comnumication between Canada and the Mediterranean ports. Every
aspect of the carrying trade had been studied by him with that thoroughness
and regard for detail which characterized the man in everything he undertook.
His opinions and advice on shipping and on transportation generally were appre-
ciated as those of an expert, and sought after by people from all over the
Apart from his shipping enterprises, which remained the main issue of
his commercial life, the most important of his other business activities was his
interest in the Mount Royal Milling and Manufacturing Company. Mr. Reford
founded the company in 1882 for the milling of rice, with mills in Montreal
and \'ictoria, British Columbia, and acted as its president up to the time of
his death. He was also president for many years of the Charlemagne & Lac
Ouareau Lumber Company, president of the York Lumber Company, presi-
dent of the Crown Trust Company and vice president of the Labrador Com-
pany; and a director of the Bank of Toronto, of the Lake of the Woods
Milling Company and of the Baton Manufacturing Company.
From 190 1 to 1905 Air. Reford was a member of the Montreal Board of
Harbour Commissioners and in 1903 was a delegate to the fifth congress of the
Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, but no doubt his chief public service
was rendered first as a member and then as chairman of the Royal Commis-
sion on Transportation. 1904-1905. The work involved in this important com-
mission necessitated its members visiting every Canadian port, from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, with a view to recommending all possible desirable improvements
for the increase of and facilitating the transportation trade appertaining to the
Dominion, both ocean and inland. The commission sent in an- exhaustive report
to the government in December, 1905, based on very thorough personal obser-
vations and study, together with the result of carefully gathered evidence of
those residents in the difi^erent sections of Canada who were best fitted to judge.
It strongly advocated the building of the Georgian Bay canal and the forma-
tion of national ports on the Atlantic and Pacific, the St. Lawrence and the
Great Lakes. Further, it was urged that there should be a fast all-round-the-
world British steamship service which would bind together more closely all
portions of the empire, by taking advantage of the shorter ocean route which
services between Canada and Europe, via Great Britain on the east, and Asia
and the Orient on the west, could offer, if Halifa.x and Galway were used as
the termini for the Atlantic coasts. Mr. Reford's work on this commission was
stupendous, but none of it was done in the light of the public eye. Few
knew of the great personal sacrifices which it demanded and which were
willingly made by this man of then seventy-four years. In fact all his life Mr.
Reford avoided rather than sought any kind of prominence or recognition.
Many of Montreal's educational and charitable institutions looked to him
for guidance and help and whether the requests came to him for his advice, or
for financial support, provided he was in sympathy with the object, to either
his response was equally ready and generous. He was a governor of McGill
L'niversity and was the first to respond to an appeal for aid by donating fifty
thousand dollars towards a fund for the increase of salaries of the professional
staff. In 191 1 when the cam])aign for the general funds of the university
was made, it found in him one of its leading spirits and most ardent supporters.
Again he gave proof of his faith in the higher education of men's minds as
being an asset of immeasurable national value and set the inspiring example
of a one hundred thousand dollars contribution.
Could we mention all the hospitals, homes for the aged poor and for little
children, and in fact every kind of philanthropic institution which knew and
enjoyed his generous help, the list would indeed be a long one and few such
in Montreal omitted from it. Some ' of his largest donations were to the
Montreal General Hosi)ital of which he was a life governor and to which in
recent years he gave thirty-five thousand dollars; to the Young Men's Christian
Association he gave ten thousand dollars, and a like sum to the Diocesan
Theological College.
In manner the late Robert Reford was somewhat abrupt but this arose
inirely from that eagerness and energy which every move of the body seemed
to betray, and not from any unkindly feeling. He was an exceptionally clear
thinker, his mind worked with precision; his plans were made and carried
out with imvarying promptitude and method which perhaps supply the key
to his amazing capacity for the accomplishment of work. Self indulgence knew
no place with him and to the end he adhered to his stern habits of life, grant-
ing himself but little respite and no holidays. From the age of twenty-two
when he was made captain of No. 4 Company in the Queen's Own Rifles his inter-
est in civic affairs never waned. He fought untiringly for reforms, often with a
lack of support which would have discouraged most men, but this North of
Ireland man was not of such stufif. He was of the kind which the hand of
Providence seems to have scattered far from their native shores, over the face
of the British Empire to give it that salt, without which it could have no
Mr. Reford was twice married ; first to Miss Margaret McCord, daughter
of A. T. McCord, chamberlain and treasurer of the city of Toronto, who died
within a year after the marriage. In 1866 he married Miss Katherine S. Drum-
mond, daughter of Andrew Drummond of Stirling, Scotland. Mrs. Reford
survives him, as do five of his children, they being: Robert Wilson Reford,
president of the Robert Reford Co., Ltd.; A. D. Reford; L. L. Reford, M. D. ;
Mrs. H. B. .MacDougall; and ]\Iiss Kate Reford.
Mr. Reford was a member of St. George's church and a stanch believer
in the power of the church to be a light unto the lives of men. In all things
he acted as he believed and so the community is bereft of a personality of
strength, of courage and of truth.
Morris Stansfeld Blaiklock entered the service of the Grand Trunk Railway
over thirty years ago and since 1907 has held the position of engineer of main-
tenance and survey in connection with this road. He is a son of the late Fred-
erick William Blaiklock. who died in 1900, and Elizabeth (Whittaker) Blaiklock,
who died in 1889. The father was public land surveyor and head of the Cadas-
tral Bureau of Montreal. The family has long been prominent in engineering
circles, the grandfather of our subject. Captain Blaiklock, having been one of the
Royal Engineers. A brother of our subject was the late Major W. F. Blaiklock,
of the Royal Scots. The family is of English origin.
Morris S. Blaiklock was born in the city of Quebec on the 19th of July, 1859.
He pursued his early education in a private school in Quebec and upon the
removal of the parents to Montreal in 1870 attended the high school in this city,
rounding out his course by receiving private tuition. He then studied architecture
for three years and in 1879 entered the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway as
assistant engineer, remaining in that position until 1889, when he became resident
engineer for the St. Clair Tunnel Company in connection with the same road,
holding this office until 1892. In that year he was promoted to the position of
inspector, continuing as such until 1897, when he became engineer of the eastern
division of the Grand Trunk Railway. In 1902 he was appointed superintendent
of the eastern division and in 1907 engineer of maintenance and survey for the
system. He has held this latter office ever since. He is one of the foremost men
in his line, basing his success upon native ability, a vast experience and executive
force of rare quality.
On November 12, 1889, Mr. Blaiklock married Miss Mary Elizabeth Tunstall,
eldest daughter of the late Gabriel C. Tunstall, of Ste. Anne de Bellevue, province
of Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Blaiklock have two children, Jessie B. and Stansfeld.
The family residence is at No. 405 Mackay street, Montreal. Mr. Blaiklock is
a member of the Church of St. James the Apostle (Episcopalian). Politically
he is an independent conservative.
Progressive citizenship in the twentieth century finds a prominent exemplar
in Alexander Michaud, mayor of the city of Alaisonneuve, who is an active
factor in public affairs and business life of the city. His clear insight, his
keen sagacity and his public spirit have made his influence a potent factor in
bringing about not only Canada's commercial progress, but also her moral uplift.
He might be termed a practical idealist, for, while he strives for the better-
ment of many civic and commercial conditions, the methods which he employs
take cognizance of present day situations and opportunities and present none
of the impractical views of the dreamer. In a word, he is a man of action
rather than of theory.
Mr. Michaud is a representative of one of the old French families of
Quebec, while the maternal line is of an unadulterated Irish strain. He was
born January 27, 1868, at Back River, Quebec, a son of J. B. and Norah (Con-
nolly) Michaud. His education was acquired at the Christian Brothers school
and in the Plateau Academy of Montreal. In 1881 he entered the employ of
his father, who was a well known miller and flour merchant, remaining with
him until 1885. During that period Alexander Michaud, while acting prin-
cipally in a clerical capacity, also acquired a good general knowledge of the
business in its various departments. In 1885 he accepted a position with .\. L.
Hurtubise & Company, grain merchants of Montreal, with whom he remained
for several years in the capacity of bookkeeper and confidential clerk. His
ability gained him recognition, followed by promotion, and at the time he
resigned his position in that house he was manager of the business.
It was then that Mr. Michaiid organized the firm of AJichaud Brothers
& Company, which soon took a foremost position among the leading wholesale
grain and export firms of 'Montreal. Its existence covered a period of about
fifteen years and an extensive business was conducted, constituting another
forward step in the career of Alexander Michaud. However, recognizing
the fact that the field of real-estate activity and land speculation in Montreal
afforded great opportunity for profitable investment, he withdrew from active
connection with the grain trade and entered the real-estate business. It is
unusual for a man who has been so long identified with one line of business
to make so radical a change, but the subsequent success of Mr. Michaud is
indicative of his splendid business foresight and capability. The success that
he has achieved in the real-estate business has been substantial, is well deserved
and represents methods that have lent dignity to the undertaking. There are
few, if any, who have more intimate or comprehensive knowledge of realty
values or wliose judgment is more to be relied upon and these facts have
served to bring him an extensive and desirable clientage.
In connection with his public career a Montreal paper has said: "Perhaps
the field in which Mr. Michaud was best known to the citizens of Montreal
is political. He was an alderman and was president of the finance committee
of Maisonneuve from 1905 to 1909 and was elected mayor by acclamation three
times in succession. During this time Maisonneuve has made those wonderful
strides in growth which have been the admiration of the entire country and
have placed herself on a footing which is attracting the attention of the entire
world. The part played in this great advance in manufacturing and com-
merce by the city is not a little due to the energy and foresight of her mayor,
who has brought his business acumen and farsighted commercial judgment
into play in running the civic side of affairs, the same as he did as a merchant
or miller. Mr. Michaud prefers to talk about Maisonneuve rather than about
himself, about the opportunities there are there for capital, the splendid loca-
tions for factories and the many other inducements which have made the city
one of the leaders in commercial advancement during the past five years. It is
an interesting subject and more Aladdinlike than Africa diamond mines or
the gold strewn coasts of Alaska." It may be mentioned here that Maison-
neuve, though surrounded by the city of Alontreal, is an entirely separate city,
having its own autonomy..
Perhaps the most unique point in Mr. Midland's public career is its cause.
Like many other men who had been similarly attracted to that locality, Mr.
Michaud took up his residence in Maisonneuve but with neither time nor inclina-
tion for public office. The city at that period had a population of seven thou-
sand. Twenty-four liquor licenses had been issued and the town, in modern
parlance, was "wide open." It was a great rendezvous for hundreds of people
from Montreal who would go down there on Sundays, the open saloons serving
as a great attraction. This disregard of the law and the undesirable notoriety
it gave the town aroused the indignation of the better class of citizens, who,
however, were powerless, owing to the inactivity of those who were in charge
of the city government. Mr. Michaud was one who set about to bring order
out of chaos and while his first article in the local papers attracted attention,
his second and subsequent ones certainly aroused the opposition of the lawless
element whose arrogance had so long held sway. Personal violence was threat-
ened Mr. Michaud and his residence was attacked by a mob that broke every
window within reach. Missiles of every description were hurled inside. This
cowardly attack instead of intimidating Mr. Michaud, only spurred him on to
further action and showed that the Irish blood in him could mean fight — not
fight in the brutal sense of the mob but with that courage that comes of honest
conviction combined with fearlessness. In the face of such bitter opposition
Mr. Michaud became a candidate for alderman, was elected and wielded such
an influence in favor of good government and progress that from the time
he entered politics to the present he has made a most creditable record. No
citizen of Maisonneuve has worked so incessantly or taken greater pride in what
has been accomplished. That city today, with forty thousand population, con-
tains but nineteen licensed saloons, all conducted under strict observance of
the law. He is, indeed, a resourceful man and in the management of public
affairs displays the same spirit of careful watchfulness and wise control that he
does in conducting his private interests. He was named by the provincial
government a member of the Metropolitan Parks commission of IMontreal, of
which body Sir William Van Home is president.
In 1909 Mr. Michaud was the chief factor in the organization of the Domin-
ion Light, Heat & Power Company and during the two years of its successful
operation, before being absorbed by the Montreal Public Service Corpora-
tion, he was prominently connected with its management. He is a man but
little past middle age and his whole capital when starting in life was energy
and ambition, yet he has been highly successful, not only in the way of win-
ning prosperity, Imt also in valuable service to the city and province. He
gets much out of life in comfort and pleasure and has never lived solely to
accumulate wealth, but has ever been a lover of nature and of outdoor life and
it is only severe weather that prevents him from enjoying the four and a half
mile walk daily from his office to his home. In the latter his greatest interest
centers and he is always hapjiiest when in the company of his family. Mr.
Michaud was married February 21, 1898, to Miss Marie \'irolle and to them
have been born four children: Margaret, Paul, Germaine and Alexander. Mr.
•Michaud is an indulgent father and the comrade of his children. For a num-
ber of years he has spent the summers with his family at Old Orchard, Maine.
In the later vears of his life John AlihiL- Urowning Ii\ed retired in Montreal.
He was of Scotch birth, a native of Edinburgh, Ixirn in June, 1826. His father,
Matthew Llrowning, died when the son was a young man and the latter, who had
been educated in the schools of his native country, came to Canada in 1852, when
twenty-six years of age. He loc.-ited at I'leanlL-irnois, where he continued until
'^^73 and then removed to Montreal, where he resided tin-ough the succeeding
fifteen years. In 1888 he went to ISritish Columbia, where he lived for eleven
years, but on the expiration of that period returned to Montreal, where lie spent
his remaining days in well earned and honcirable retirement from business. He
had been a land commissioner and was also connected with the Canadian Pacific
Railway Townsite Company. He displayed excellent business ability in that
connection and handled important realty interests.
In 1855 •^■'- IJrowning was united in marriage to Miss Magdeline H. Norval,
born in 1833, •" lieauharnois, Quebec, a daughter of R. H. Norval, who came
from Edinburgh when twenty-one years of age and remained thereafter a resi-
dent of Canada until his death in 1856. His daughter, Mrs. Browning, has seen
Montreal develop from a comparatively small place into a wonderful city, being
ever an interested witness of the changes which have occurred. It was on tiie
20th of December. igo6, that Mr. Browning was called from this life and his
loss was mourned in the various localities where he was well and favorably
known. He was a member of a number of clubs and won popularity in those
organizations. His public spirit found tangible expression in many ways and his
religious faith was evidenced in his membership in the Crescent Street Presby-
terian church. His life was honorable and upright at all times and he left behind
him an untarnished name.
Prominent for many years among the merchants of Montreal was James
Power Cleghorn and etjually well was he known through his support of charitable
and philanthropic projects and his cooperation in affairs of public benefit. He
was born in Montreal, October 31, 1830, and his life record covered the interven-
ing years to the 14th of December, 191 1, when he passed away. He was a son
of Robert Cleghorn, who came to Montreal at a very early day. The latter
married Miss Eliza Power, a native of Sorel, i^rovince of Quebec, and whose
father was connected with the commissary department of the army. Their family
numbered ten children. Robert Cleghorn was a public-spirited citizen and a man
of domestic tastes, and the influences of a home of culture and refinement left
their impress upon the life of James Power Cleghorn, who with the passing
years rose to prominence along the different lines in which he e.xerted his activities.
He was educated at Howden & Taggart's Academy and entered commercial
circles as junior clerk in the mercantile house of J. G. Mackenzie & Company
of Montreal in 1853. In that establishment he gradually worked his way upward
until admitted to partnership in 1864, after which he had largely control of the
business, which was extensive in proportion and which ranked with the oldest
mercantile liouses of the city. Mr. Cleghorn, however, did not confine his
efforts entirely to one line. In fact he became recognized as a power in other
business connections, both commercial and financial, and was elected to the direc-
torate of the Intercolonial Coal Company, the Sun Life Assurance Company of
Canada, the Merchants & Manufacturers Association, the Canada Accident Com-
pany and Molson'i Bank. He served as president of the Board of Trade and it
was during his incumbency of the office that the site for the present building was
selected. He was also a trustee of the Mount Royal Cemetery Association and the
president of the Intercolonial Coal Company. His cooperation was likewise
sought in behalf of those institutions where humanitarian principles must com-
bine with executive ability in successful management. He was made a governor
of the Montreal General Hospital, of the Montreal Hospital for the Insane and
the Montreal Dispensary. An active member in the Church of England, he
served as a delegate to the synod and cooperated in its work along many helpful
lines. In politics he was a conservative and he stood ever for the welfare of the
On the 14th of February, 1S65, Mr. Cleghorn was married to Miss Anna
Spalding, of Port Hope, Ontario, who was born in Peterboro, Ontario. Five chil-
dren were born to them: George S., connected with the W. R. Brock Company,
Limited; C. Power, a general insurance broker, who married Florence Fech-
heimer, of New York, and to whom have been born two children, James Power
and Helen Power; Emily C. ; Helen G., who died at the age of thirteen years; and
James Herbert, whose death occurred when he was eighteen years of age.
The family residence is at No. 256 Bishop street, and their summer home,
"Blinkbonny" is situated at Como in the province of Quebec. The death of Mr.
Cleghorn left a gap in those circles where he had moved as a central figure. In
business and social relations and in his connection with humanitarian interests
he had established himself in an enviable position by reason of personal worth
and capability, and his name is inscribed high on the list of Montreal's valued
If one w-ould seek a fitting poetical phrase to express the life work of the
Hon. George Washington Stephens these lines might well be chosen :
"He leaves a patriot's name to after times
Linked with a thousand virtues and no crimes."
For an extended period he was in public life, and whether connected with
miuiicipal, professional, or national affairs was always the same public-spirited,
progressive citizen, ever seeking the welfare of the constituency which he rep-
resented. He was born in Montreal in 1832, the second son of Harrison and
Sarah (Jackson) Stephens. The father removed from the state of Vermont
to Montreal in 1828 and for years was a leading merchant of the city.
George W. Stephens was educated at high school, afterward entering busi-
ness circles. He became identified with the firm of Law Young & Company, but
after a time determined to enter upon jirofessional activities, and with this end in
view took up the studv of law. following a law course at McGill University,
which conferred upon him the B. C. L. degree. Called to the bar in 1863, he at
once entered upon active practice and for some time was a partner of the late
John A. Perkins, an eminent barrister of Montreal. Mr. Stephens per-
sonally conducted the catise celebre of Connolly versus Woolrych, which he
brought to a successful conclusion. The case was a notable one, awakening
widespread interest among the legal fraternity and establishing the validity of
an Indian marriage, celebrated according to the custom of the tribe.
After a number of years devoted to successful law practice. Air. Stephens
was obliged to abandon the profession in order to assume the management
HOX. (il':()K(;E \V. STKPHICXS
of his father's estate, and proved himself e(|ually capal^le, sagacious, farsighted
and enterprising in that connection. His al)iHty and his devotion to the gen-
eral welfare led to his selection again and again for public office, in 1868 he
was elected alderman of Montreal and for seventeen consecutive years remained
a member of the city council, during which period he served on several occa-
sions as acting mayor. He did much during that period toward shaping the
policy of city affairs and upholding those interests which are a matter of civic
virtue and civic pride. In fact he became distinguished for his constant opposi-
tion to wrong-doing and dishonesty, and his stalwart support of a prudent and
economical progressive administration. From the time that age conferred upon
him the right of franchise he advocated the principles of the liberal party and
upon its ticket was elected to the provincial legislature, representing Mon-
treal Centre in the Quebec assembly from 1881 until 1886, and so earnestly and
faithfully guarded the public interests as to earn the title "watch dog." At the
general election of 1892 he was returned for Huntingdon and was reelected
at the general election in 1897. On the formation of the Marchand adminis-
tration in May of the latter year he was called into the cabinet, without port-
folio. He was the organizer of the Good Government Association of Montreal
and in January, 1897, received the thanks. of that body for his "vigorous efforts
and judicious action" in the Quebec assembly in reference to certain local
measures. In 1896 he promoted a measure prohibiting indecent play bills and
posters being displayed on the public streets. No one ever questioned the
honesty and virtue of his position and his belief. Though others may have
differed from him in policy they recognized the patriotic spirit which actuated
him in all his public service, and none was more earnest in opposition to mis-
rule in public affairs.
Aside from his active work in the assembly, Air. Stephens utilized many
other opportunities for advancing public progress and improvement. He was
at one time a member of the council of the Montreal Board of Trade, was
president of the Mercantile Library Association and president of the Citizens
Gas Company. He was also a governor of the Alontreal General Hospital
and of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane. His cooperation could ever
be counted upon in support of any measure or plan to ameliorate the hard con-
ditions of life for the unfortunate and, as a member of the Unitarian church,
he took an active interest, in all good works done in the name of charity or
Mr. Stephens married first in 1865, Elizabeth Mary Macintosh and afterward
in 1878, Frances Ramsay Macintosh, daughter of Nicholas Carnegie Macintosh,
of Edinburgh, Scotland. For many years Mrs. Stephens was president of the
Decorative Art Association of Montreal and a recognized leader in social circles.
She has accomplished work of far-reaching importances and benefit in connection
with the Woman's Immigrant Society : the Soldiers' Wives League, which was
organized during the South African war; the Maternity Hospital, and the
Montreal Cooking School. In religious faith she is a Unitarian and in more
strictly social lines is connected with the Canadian Woman's Club, the Ladies
Morning Musical Club and the Royal Montreal Ladies Golf Club. The chil-
dren are two sons and two daughters : Major G. W. and F. C. Stephens ; and
Mrs. J. Wedderburn Wilson and Mrs. A. Hamilton Gault.
Mr. Stephens was devoted to his family and ever held friendship inviolable.
He belonged to both the St. James and Union Clubs and his military experience
covered service as a cavalry major until he was placed on the retired list, his
connection being with the Montreal Rifle Rangers. One of the leading news-
papers styled him "a liberal of the old school, fearless and brave." The same
qualities characterized him throughout his entire life in every relation, and
many who were his associates and contemporaries felt at his passing, which
occurred at his country residence, Lac a I'eau Claire, in 1904, that,
"He was a man. Take him for all in all
I shall not look upon his like again."
Public opinion accords Major \ictor Evelyn Mitchell a position of leadership
among the members of the Montreal bar, not only because of his extensive prac-
tice and the ability displayed therein, but also because of his contribution to the
literature of the profession. His military record also gives him right to public
recognition. A native of London, England, he was born October 17, 1865, and is
of English lineage, his father having been James Mitchell, of 'London, England.
In the attainment of his education he attended the City of London school and
afterward McGill University, where he won his B. C. L. degree and valedictorian
honors in 1896. The same year he began practice as an advocate in Montreal
with the late R. D. McGibbon, K. C. He had been a resident of Canada for eight
years, and thus it was that his preparation for the bar was pursued in McGill.
The ability which he has displayed in practice is indicated by the fact that he
was created K. C. in 1909. He is now a member of the Arm of McGibbon, Cas-
grain, Mitchell & Casgrain and devotes himself to corporation and commercial
law. He published the first English edition of the The Code of Civil Procedure
and in conjunction with J. L. Perron, K. C., brought out an Insolvency Manual.
He is not unknown in the educational field, having lectured on The Legal Aspects
of Trade Unionism and on Warranties and Representations re Contract of Life
Insurance. All this establishes his position as a lawyer well \ersed in his pro-
fession and capable in handling intricate and involved legal problems. He is also
a well known publicist : his letters to the Montreal Star on the naval question
created great interest and showed a thorough knowledge and study of the subject.
Aside from his professional interests Major Mitchell has become known in
business circles and in connection with projects of a public or semi-])ublic char-
acter. He is a director of Penman's, Ltd. ; the Canadian Consolidated Rubber
Company ; Ames, Holden, McCready, Ltd. ; the Canadian Consolidated Felt
Company, Ltd. ; the Charlemagne & Lac Quarreau Lumber Company, Ltd. ; and
many other commercial companies. He is also a director of the Laurentian
Sanitarium and a governor of the Montreal General Ilosjiital and the Western
For some years Major Mitchell was connected with the volunteer military
service, joining the .Sixth Fusiliers in iS8<), and when that regiment amalgamated.
with the Mrst E'rince of Wales Ritles in 1898 he became senior major in that
corps. In 1900 he was placed on the list of retired officers.
Major Mitchell was married in 191 1 to Miss Sarah Proul.x, and they reside
at No. 2>77 f^^' street. Major Mitchell holds membership with the Anglican
church and is well known in club circles, belonging to the St. James, Canada
and University Chiljs, the Royal St. Lawrence Yaciit Club, the Montreal Jockey
Club, Outremont Golf Club, Royal Montreal Golf Club, the Manitou Club of
Montreal, the Railnjad Club and the Alpha Delta Phi Club of New York and the
United Empire Club of London, England.
A well known figure in railroad circles of Montreal is Walter Hardman
Ardley, who since 1913 has acted as general auditor of the Grand Trunk Rail-
way system and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. A native of London, England,
he was born April 24, 1858, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Dunton)
Ardley, the former of whom passed away during the early childhood of his
son Walter and the latter in 1896.
Mr. Ardley was educated in the City of London College and made his advent
in the business world as an apprentice in a London ofifice. Pie came to Canada in
November, 1882, entering the service of the Grand Trunk Railway, in the chief
accountant's office, on November 5, 1882. Steadiness of purpose, faithfulness
and diligence won him advancement. On December 31, 1907, he was made chief
clerk and general bookkeeper and so continued until August 31, 1908, when he
became auditor of disbursements. He held this office until September 30, 1908,
when he became assistant general auditor, and in 1909 he was made general
auditor of the Grand Trunk Railway system and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
Mr. Ardley stands high in the estimation of the officers of the road on account
of the efficient management of his department.
On December 12, 1889, Mr. Ardley married Miss Tamar Jane Phillips, a
daughter of Henry Phillips, of Upway, England. He is independent politically
and a member of the Church of England.
A man who has made his zeal and commanding ability the basis of an im-
portant work not only in the cause of religion but in the public service along
lines of charity and reform is Rev. Herbert Symonds, since 1903 vicar of Christ
Church Cathedral, Montreal. He is a prominent orator and preacher, an able
writer and an untiring worker for the promotion of religious and social advance-
inent and is regarded as one of the vital forces in the spread of movements looking
toward Christian unity. He was born in Rickinghall-Inferior, Suflfolk, Eng-
land, December 28, i860, and is a son of George and Hannah (Wright) Symonds.
He studied in Framlingham College in England and in Trinity L'niversity,
Toronto, Ontario, from which he was graduated with the degree of B. A. in 1885,
receiving the degree of Al. A. and the prize for an EngHsh essay and sermon
in 1887. He holds the honorary degree of D. D., given him by Queen's Uni-
versity in 1901, and the honorary degree of LL. D., conferred upon him by
McGill University in 1910.
Rev. Herbert Symonds came to Canada in 1881 and four years later was
ordained deacon in the Anghcan church. He received orders as a priest in 1887
and from that year to 1890 was a fellow and lecturer in Trinity University in
Toronto. The next two years he spent as professor of divinity in the same nisti-
tution and in 1892 was made rector of St. Luke's church in Ashburnham,
Ontario. He resumed his work as an educator in the year 1901, being made head-
master of Trinity College School in Port Hope, Ontario, serving in that capacity
from 1901 to 1903. In the latter year he was transferred to Montreal and made
vicar of Christ Church Cathedral in this city, and he has since held the position,
which afTords him an excellent scope for his talents and abilities and in which
his work has carried him forward into important relations with Anglican aiifairs.
He was president of the ]\Iontreal Protestant Ministerial Association in 1905,
first president of the Canadian Society of Christian Unity and in 1910 a dele-
gate to the World's Missionary Congress, held in Edinburgh, and the Anglican
Church Congress, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Mr. Symonds married, in March, 1883, Miss Emma Blackall, fourth daugh-
ter of the late Mossom Boyd, of Bobcaygeon, Ontario, and both are well known
in social circles of Montreal. Since 1907 Mr. Symonds has served as Protestant
school commissioner and he is well known in military circles, having been from
1896 to 1907 chaplain of the Third Prince of Wales Canadian Dragoons and
since that time chaplain, with the honorary rank of major, of the First Regiment,
Prince of Wales Fusiliers. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and is a
past grand chaplain of the grand lodge of Quebec. A writer of great force and
power, he has made many contributions to The Week and Expository Times of
England and other papers and is the author of articles on Trinity LTniversity and
University Federation, published in 1894, on Christian Unity, published in 1899,
and The Anglican Church and the Doctrine of Apostolical Succession, 1907. He
is regarded as one of the ablest preachers in the Anglican pulpit at the present
time and has made this talent also a force in the accomplishment of a great
and lasting work.
Very few if any men in Montreal were any better known in their respec-
tive lines of business than was Henry Hogan, in coimection with the hotel busi-
ness. He occupied a position among his contemporaries that made him a unique
personage. The story of his life is best told by the history of the hostelry,
St. Lawrence Hall, that his name had made famous and over which he had
charge for upwards of a half century. Mr. llogan was born at La Tortue, near
Laprairie, on the 12th of .April, 1S20, and was a son of Nicholas Hogan, who
served in the British army in the Peninsular war and at Waterloo under the
Duke of Wellington. He was engaged in the woolen manufacturing business
in Manchester, England, and upon coming to Canada established a mill at
La Tortue. He met his death from drowning, the result of the giving way
of the rail on a boat, which precipitated him into the St. Lawrence river. He
was survived by a widow and several children.
Henry Hogan was but a boy when he came to .Montreal and his early
training in a business way began in the line of business of which he made
such a great success in later life, the hotel business. In 185 1 he became pro-
prietor of what was then called the Hogan Hotel, in which enterprise he was
in partnership with Messrs. Borden and Conipaine, but both men retired early,
being succeeded in the firm by Frederick Penn, who remained a partner with
Mr. Hogan until 1869. After that time the latter was alone as sole proprietor
of St. Lawrence Hall. In 1856 he was one of the prominent factors in the
grand banquet given by the citizens in the Hall to mark the opening of the
Grand Trunk Railway, on which occasion many distinguished citizens were
his guests. In i860 he entertained the members of the suite of the Prince of
Wales, later His Majesty, King Edward \T1. In those days Mr. Hogan enter-
tained many people of title and prominence. The story of this hotel has its
own connection with the history of Canada, for under the roof of St. Lawrence
Hall there occurred many things that led to the present-day development of the
Dominion. Here Mr. John A. Macdonald, later the great Sir John, met his
sturdy opponent, Mr. George Brown, and exchanged views on the best means of
uniting the scattered provinces. From this beginning confederation was
achieved and Mr. Hogan performed his share in these events and at all times
faithfully carried out the duties of citizenship. St. Lawrence. Hall was for
many years the best known hotel in Canada and one of the best known on the
continent. Princes of the royal blood, soldiers and statesmen, political refugees,
artists and poets, stars of the operatic and dramatic stage partook of its hos-
pitality and their names recall events of bygone days. The opening of Victoria
bridge brought many notables to the Hall, and during the progress of the' Civil
war in the United States the clank of the sword was heard at St. Lawrence
Hall, which became the headquarters for the Confederate representatives and
southern refugees. Jefferson Davis and John Wilkes Booth were guests of
the Hall, and during the Trent affair it was the headquarters of the officers.
During the trial of John Surratt, the register of the Hall was taken to Washing-
ton and has never been returned. After the Civil war. General Sherman, of
the Union army, and also one of the most prominent Confederate generals
visited Montreal and were entertained by Mr. Hogan, as was Henry Ward
Beecher and other distinguished Americans. The banquets held at St. Law-
rence Hall were noted affairs, the place being the scene of many brilliant social
The ancestral records of the Hogan family included the names of many
prominent in military circles and Henry Hogan also took a deep interest in these
affairs, being for years commanding officer of the Montreal Field Battery, of
which he was lieutenant in 1855, afterwards became colonel and assumed com-
mand, retiring with that rank in 1866. Mr. Hogan had been connected with
numerous business enterprises aside from his hotel interests. He always had
implicit confidence in the future of Montreal and made investments that proved
highly profitable. His business ability won him success and prominence in his
chosen field and his capability, tact and resourcefulness made him an ideal host,
whether entertaining a little private gathering of friends or a large concourse of
notable and eminent citizens at a banquet. In religious belief he was a Unitarian.
His death occurred October 9, 1902, and he was survived by a widow, two sons,
Henry H. and Lawrence H., and also two daughters: Anna W., now the
widow of Major Low, of the British army ; and Marion E., who died unmarried.
Martin Montgomery Reynolds enjoyed the reputation of being one of the
foremost experts in railroad accounting and finance. He had thirty years of
experience along that line and was connected with roads in the United States
and Mexico until he came to Canada in 1908 as fifth vice president of the Grand
Trunk Railway and third vice president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
At his death, which occurred June 17, 1914, he held the position of vice president
in charge of the financial and accounting departments.
Martin M. Reynolds was born in Syracuse, New York, and educated there.
His first notable position in the railroad world was that of auditor of the Mexican
National Railroad, which office he held until 1892. He then went to Vermont as
general auditor of the Central \'ermont Railroad, which office he held until 1896.
From 1896 to 1899 he was auditor for the receivers of this road, and from 1899
to 1902 auditor for its successor, the Central Vermont Railway. From 1902 to
1904 he was comptroller of the National Railway of Mexico and in 1904 accepted
in addition to this office the comptrollership of the Mexican International Rail-
way and the Interoceanic Railway of Mexico, continuing in this office until 1908.
In that year he came to Montreal as fifth vice president of the Grand Trunk
Railway and third vice president of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and in 1910
was promoted to the third vice presidency of the Grand Trunk. From 191 1
Mr. Reynolds was vice president in charge of the financial and accounting
departments of the Grand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific and aftiliated lines.
His office was one of the most important in the service. ]Mr. Reynolds was also
a director of the Canadian Express Company.
In 1894 Martin M. Reynolds was united in marriage to Miss Flora Livingstone
and they resided at the Linton apartments, Montreal. Although he was in
Montreal only a few years he quickly became imljued with the Canadian spirit
and his aims and interests became thoroughly Canadian.
Charles A. Briggs was an active business man of Montreal, well known and
respected. He conducted a retail fur store under his name on Notre Dame street,
and careful management and wise direction of his interests wrought the sub-
stantial success which eventually came to him. A native of Montreal, he was
born October 3, 1839, a son of Russell Briggs, who came to this city from Ver-
mont and here sjient his remaining days. Charles A. llriggs was indebted
to the public-school system of Montreal for the educational opportunities he
enjoyed. In early life he acquainted himself with the fur business and eventu-
ally became proprietor of a retail fur store on Xotre Dame street. He closely
applied himself to the conduct of the business and his able management and
reliable methods were strong elements in his growing success.
In 1S62 Mr. Briggs was united in marriage to Sarah S., a daughter of Mans-
field Holland, who in early life came from Maine to Montreal and was actively
identified with the infant industrial development of the city, building the firsi
rolling mill here and also a nail and spike factory, making the first railroad spike
manufactured in Canada. His plant was located on Mill street and there he
continued actively and successfully in business throughout the remaiixler of his
days, his death occurring in 1883. He was then seventy-four years of age, his
birth having occurred in 1809. He was twenty years of age when he arrived in
Montreal in 1829, becoming a most active factor in its business circles, for, with
the growth of his enterprise, he employed many men. His wife was in her
m.iidenhood Miss Gould and by their marriage they became the parents of twelve
children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Briggs became the parents of seven children :
Charles Russell ; Celia ; Florence ; Edwin ; Dr. George Nixon ; Henry, who died
young; and Ethel.
Air. Briggs held membership in St. James Cathedral, to the support of which
he made generous contribution. He stood stanchly in support of many of those
factors which work for the betterment of the individual and for the community
and at the same time he conducted a successful business indicative of his ability
and his enterprise.
Standing deservedly high in the respect of all who knew him, John A. Pillow
was regarded as a progressive business man and valuable citizen of Montreal,
of which city he was a native. He was educated in the public schools and for
many years ranked as one of Montreal's oldest and best known manufacturers.
In his business career he made advancement step by step, gaining thus a broader
outlook and wider opportunity. He made wise use of the advantages that came
to him and eventually reached a position of prominence in manufacturing circles.
It was in the late '60s that he succeeded to the rolling mill business of T. D. Bige-
low & Company, which was one of the oldest establishments of the city, having
been founded for a century. Forming a partnership with Randolph Hersey, he
continued the business under the firm name of Pillow & Hersey. Later this was
converted into a stock companv and Mr. Pillow was elected to the presidency. He
stood deservedly high in the regard of his contemporaries in commercial circles.
Business men knew him as one whose word was thoroughly reliable, who met
every obligation and kejH every engagement, and the record which he thus made
was one which any might envy. He was very thorough and competent in all
that he did, neglecting no details and at the same time developing his interests
along the broad lines characteristic of business enterprise at the present day.
Mr. Pillow was united in marriage to Annie Elizabeth Hillyer, and their sur-
viving children are two sons, Laurence B. and Howard W. He was a man of
domestic tastes, devoted to the welfare of his family and finding his greatest
happiness in promoting their interests. He rejoiced in his prosperity not merely
from the standpoint of success but because of the opportunity which it gave him
to provide liberally for his family and to give generously to the poor and needy.
He attended the American Presbyterian church and in his life exemplified his
Christian faith. He was much interested in the welfare of his native city, coop-
erating in many movements that have promoted its interests along various lines.
He belonged to the Board of Trade and his social nature found expression in
his membership in St. James Club, the Forest and Stream Club and the Man-
hattan Club of New York. Death called him February i6, 1902. He had
remained a lifelong resident of his native city and his worth was widely recog-
nized by those who had been his associates in business and by those who met him
in social relations.
James Elliot, for more than half a century one of the best known bankers
of Montreal, was born June 2, 1840, in this city, and was the eldest son of the
late Andrew and Sarah ( PuUan) Elliot. The father was a native of Northumber-
land, England, and following his arrival in Montreal in 1832 became a well known
contractor of the city.
After acquiring a thorough education in the Montreal high school James
Elliot entered the dry-goods establishment of the late Air. Alexander Molson,
and after a time spent in that connection entered jNIolson's Bank in i860. In
1870 he became accountant and further promotion came to him in recognition of
his ability in his appointment to the position of manager of the Montreal branch
in 1879. Step by step he advanced in his connection w-ith financial interests
until he became recognized as one of the foremost bankers of the city. In
May, 1900, he was appointed general manager, which position he ably filled until
his death, December 19, 191 3. In l)anking circles he was recognized as a man
of exceptional ability, prudence and sagacity, and was termed both a model man
and a model banker. That he occupied a position of distinction in business and
financial circles was evidenced by the large number of business men who paid
their last tribute of respect to his worth when he passed away.
Mr. Elliot was for many years a councillor of the Canadian Bankers Associa-
tion and was otherwise officially connected with interests of importance to the
public, being a life governor of the Montreal General Hospital, a vice president
of the Montreal Prisoners Aid Association and an active factor in philanthropic
work. Mr. Elliot was also an attendant at the Melville Presbyterian church. His
political support was given to the conservative party. .Although he was past the
allotted age of three score years and ten when called from this life, Mr. Elliot's
friends w^ere drawn largely from the younger generation. He was a quiet, unos-
tentatious gentleman of the old school, whose delight outside of his business
was his home and garden on Cote St. Antoine road. This home was one of the
early residences in Westmount and when erected more than a cjuarter of a
century ago was surrounded by open fields.
Mr. Elliot was unmarried. After jjroviding with great libendily for near
relatives he be(|ucathed five thousand dollars to the Montreal General Hospital,
five thousand dollars to the I'rotestant Hospital for the Insane and a thousand
dollars each to the Western Hospital, McKay Institute, Grace Dart Home, the
Protestant House of Industry and Refuge and the Salvation Army. His bequest
to these many organizations showed his broad-mindedness and his deep interest
in the welfare and uplift of his fellowmen.
Joseph Arthur Couture, a notary public practicing in Montreal and in Maison-
neuve, was born on the 29th of December, 1881, at Sherrington in the county
of Napierville, P. Q., his parents being Jules and Domethile (Bourgeois) Couture
He represents two of the old French families of the province. His great-grand-
father and his grandfather, both of whom bore the name of Frangois Couture,
were farming people, the former following agricultural pursuits at Lacadie, while
the latter was a farmer at St. Cyjirien in the county of Napierville. He married
Sophie Ward and their family included Jules Couture, who married Domethile
Bourgeois. Her father, Pierre Bourgeois, was at one time a farmer at St. Jean,
P. O., and later at St. Cyprien, where he was residing at the time of his death.
His wife was a member of the Granger family. Jules Couture was born in St.
Cyprien, county of Napierville, and made farming his life work, but since 1900
has lived retired, his home being in the village of Napierville. His wife was born
in the parish of St. John, P. O., and died on the 15th of September, 1907. They
had a family of twelve children, of whom three daughters and five sons are
Joseph Arthur Couture, the youngest of the family, attended the parish school
to the age of ten years and afterward studied with the parish priest of Sherring-
ton for three years. He next entered Montreal College, where he pursued a five
years' classical course and later became a student in the Seminary of Philosophy,
where after two years, or in 1902, he w'on his degree of Bachelor of Letters. In
September of that year he matriculated in Laval University where he studied law
in preparation for the notarial profession, receiving his LL. L. degree in 1905.
He was received as a notary in July of the same year and in September began
practice in the village of Napierville. where he continued until the ist of October,
1906. He then removed to the city of Maisonneuve, where he continues in prac-
tice, and at the same time maintains an office in the city of Montreal. He is like-
wise a commissioner of the superior court in and for the district of Montreal.
He carefully prepared for his chosen calling and his knowledge of the law and
his understanding of all phases of the notarial profession have given him high
rank among his associates in that field of labor.
Vol. Ill— 8
Air. Couture is also interested in some syndicates, purchasing lots on the
island of Montreal. He is a director of La Societe du .Boulevard Pie IX, Limitee
and of Salmon River Gold Fields and of the Montreal Consolidated Real Estate
and Investments, Limited. Flis connection therewith has resulted in bringing
him good financial returns, while in his profession he is making continuous
On the 9th of October, 1905, Air. Couture was married to Miss Alathilda Ida
Lachapelle, a daughter of Alfred and Mathilde (Beauchamp) Lachapelle, the
former in his life time a merchant of Montreal. Mrs. Couture died at Maison-
neuve, at the age of twenty-seven years, on the 17th of December, 1913, leaving
no issue. Mr. Couture is a member of the Roman Catholic church and in politics
he was formerly a conservative but became a nationalist as he did not approve of
the naval policies of either the liberal or conservative parties. He is still, how-
ever, a member of the Montreal Liberal-Conservative Club. He was for three
years recording secretary of Court Gounod No. 3240, I. O. F., of which he is
now deputy chief.
The name of Hon. J. O. \ illeneuve is inseparably interwoven with the history
of Montreal and its progress. Modesty at all times characterized his bearing and
simplicity his habits, yet the sterling worth of his character and the high order
of his ability brought him to a position of leadership in connection with municipal
and provincial affairs. He labored untiringly for the best interests of Montreal
while acting as chief executive of the city and was equally faithful in his sup-
port of matters relating to the provincial welfare when serving as senator. A
native of the county of Terrebonne, he was born at Ste. Anne des Plaines, on the
4th of March, 1837, and his life record covered the intervening period to the
27th of June, 1901, when he passed away at the age of sixty-four years. He was
but a young lad at the time of the removal of his father. Octave Villeneuve, and
the family to Montreal, so that he was indebted to the school system of this city
for his educational opportunities. He started in the business world as clerk in
a dry-goods store in 1853, when a youth of sixteen years, and his traits of loyalty
and faithfulness were manifest from the beginning, as is evidenced by the fact
that he remained with one establishment until 1865. Ambitious to engage in
business on his own account, he carefully saved his earnings until his industry and
economy had brought him sufficient capital to enable him to open a grocery store
at Mile End. There he conducted business for some time and subsequently
founded the wholesale grocery house of J. O. Villeneuve & Company, which
rapidly gained patronage and a high and well merited reputation in commercial
circles. He was a farsighted man and one who on recognizing a public need at
once sought to meet it. Realizing the lack of communication between the extreme
northern section of Montreal and the outlying parishes, he established an omnibus
route in i860 between Mile End, Terrebonne, Sault au Recollet and New Glas-
gow, which he later sold to the Montreal Street Railway when it seemed feasible
to extend the railway lines into that section.
Mr. X'illenciuc was I'lciniciuly called U> public office and it is a notable fact
in his career that no public trust reposed in him was ever betrayed in the
slightest degree. I'or more than seventeen years he was mayor of St. Jean Bap-
tiste village and again, when the organization of the town took place, he served
for four years more, carefully guiding the interests of village and town so as
to bring about needed reforms and im]jrovements. I'^ollowing the annexation to
the city in 1883 he re])resented St. Jean I'.aptiste ward from that date until 1894
in the city council and as a member of the finance committee his experience in
financial matters was found to be of great service to the pul)lic. Higher official
honors awaited him, however, for in 1894 he was elected Montreal's mayor and
filled that position for two years, proving a capable executive and one who most
carefully and systematically safeguarded the ])ublic interests. For eighteeji years
he served as warden of the county of Hochelaga and in 1886 was elected to
represent that county in the Quebec legislature, where his record was so com-
mendable that he was reelected in 1890 and again in 1892. In 1888 he was made
a member of the harbor commission and served for several years on that body.
In January, 1896, he succeeded the late Hon. Joseph Tasse as senator for the
De Salaberry division. All this, however, did not cover the many phases of his
activity. For many years he was a member of the Board of Trade, and he had
important business connections, serving as director of the Dominion Cotton Com-
pany, in addition to which he had other large manufacttiring, mercantile and
real-estate interests in the city. He was resident director of the Bancjue Nationale
and a member of the harbor board and a governor of Laval University. He was
also senior partner of the firm of L. \'illeneuve & Company, wholesale lumber
In 1861 Mr. Villeneuve married Miss Susan Ann Walker, a daughter of
Captain James W'alker, of Sorel, Quebec, who survives together with their four
children. Her father was a captain in the regiment stationed at Sorel and was
a son of Dr. Edward Walker, surgeon of that regiment. Jacques Villeneuve,
the eldest of the four children, residing at St. Jerome, Quebec, is proprietor of
a stone quarry and brick manufacturing business there. He married Miss La-
montague and they had seven children, Jacques, Edgar, Charles Eugene, Lia, Adri-
enne, Marguerite and Jeanne. For his second wife Jacques \ illeneuve wedded
Miss Poitevin, and they have a son, Jean. Eugene W., the second member of the
family, was born in Montreal in 1865 and was associated in business with his
father until the latter's death. He brought about the royal commission, giving
a change of administration and management of the city by a board of control.
In November, 1910, at a meeting held at St. Jean Baptiste market hall, he pro-
posed that the centenary of the birth of Sir George Etienne Cartier should be
appropriately commemorated and that steps should be taken for the erection of a
monument to his memory. Since then the monumental enterprise has assumed
not only national but empire scope and representatives of every portion of the
empire will be present at the commemorative celebration September 6, 1914. Mr.
^'illeneuve has served faithfully as president of the executive committee in
charge of the celebration and the erection of the monument. He married Miss
Alice Crompton, and their children are James and Reginald. Frederic Villeneuve,
the third member of the family, is a graduate of Laval University and was after-
wards advocate in Montreal and in Edmonton, .Mberta. For several years he was
editor of Canadian West and for four years, from 1898 until 1902, sat for
St. Albert in the legislature. In 1909 he was appointed librarian of the Mon-
treal Civic Library. He married Miss Howie, of St. Johns. Rachel \^illeneuve,
the youngest of the family, married Alphonse Morin, protonotary of St. Johns.
Their children are Josephine, Louise, Susan, Pierre Villeneuve, Lucie, Madeleine
and Andre, and they reside at No. 629 Dorchester West.
The death of Hon. J. O. \'illeneuve occurred on the 27th of June, 1901, at
the family residence at 862 St. Denis street. Editorially the Gazette said of him :
"Senator Villeneuve is dead at the comparatively early age of sixty-four. His
career was a typical one and included fully thirty years of public service, municipal
and parliamentary. His straightforward conduct and good faith gained him gen-
eral respect and for almost a generation he could count on election to whatever
office in the gift of the county of Hochelaga or city of Montreal he aspired to.
His municipal career was crowned by the mayoralty of Montreal and his political
work by a senatorship. He was a thoroughly well meaning man, of modest bear-
ing and simple habits, whose innate worth was behind his business and public
success. In his death Montreal loses a good citizen and parliament a member of
safe judgment and right purpose." To thus win the merit and plaudit of the
press shows that the life of Hon. J. O. \'illeneuve was one of far-reaching use-
fulness and of importance in Montreal. He neglected no opportunity, slighted
no duty nor passed unheedingly the chances to benefit city or province by helpful
service on his part.
John Dillon, for many years one of the best known merchants of Montreal,
was a member of the firm of Reford & Dillon. He was born in Chambly. March
18, 1836, a son of John Dillon, Sr., a native of Belfast, Ireland, who emigrated
to Canada and for some years resided in Toronto and Montreal, his death occur-
ring in the latter city in 1875. He was father of two sons, George Graham and
John Dillon. The former passed his active business life in Toronto, where he
was connected with the retail dry-goods house of George Bowes & Company.
He died in Toronto, while his widow, Mrs. Catherine Jacques Dillon, passed
away in Montreal. They were survived by a daughter. Miss Elisabeth J. Dillon,
who for many years lived with her uncle, John Dillon, who never married.
It was in Toronto that John Dillon formed a partnership with Robert Reford
under the firm name of Reford & Dillon, wholesale grocers, and in 1867 the
business was moved to Montreal. This association continued for about forty
years and the business was most successfully and capably conducted according
to modern progressive methods. A few years prior to his death Mr. Dillon
retired from the firm, but maintained his interest in other industrial and com-
mercial institutions. Up to the time of his death lie was a director of the
Mount Royal Milling and Manufacturing Company and was also vice i)resi-
dent of the Gould Cold Storage Company. His i)usiness judgment was sound,
his discrimination keen and his enterprise unfaltering. He could see farther
than many a man in Inisincss circles, foretelling the outcome of any enter[)rise
from tlie beginning and, moreover, he liad llie power lo coordinate and unify
forces into a harmonious whole.
Mr. Dillon was much interested throughout his lifetime in charitable work
and among other institutions with which he was actively associated was the
Old Brewery Mission. He was an active member of the Dominion Square
Methodist church, which he joined as a charter member upon its organization.
The Montreal Star in announcing his death on the 15th of May, igo8, said,
"In the death of Mr. John Dillon which took place this morning very sud-
denly at his residence, 19 McGregor street, Montreal loses one of its oldest
and most respected citizens. Mr. Dillon, who had been in good health, was
speaking to a relative about 1 1 130 today, when he was overcome by heart
failure, his death taking place almost immediately. Thus passed onward one
who always strove to do his duty by his fellowmen."
Carlos A. Hayes, who for a number of years was connected with the Grand
Trunk Railway, lastly as freight traffic manager, was on July i, 191 3, appointed
general traffic manager of the Canadian Government Railways, with headquarters
at Moncton, New Brunswick. Mr. Hayes has long been prominently connected
with Canadian railway service and has in that way contributed toward the open-
ing up of vast natural resources in the Dominion.
He was born in West .Springfield, Massachusetts, March 10, ■1865, and when
a boy of seventeen entered the railway service in 1882, continuing along that line
with various roads in the United States until the year 1892, when he was made
New England agent and, in 1896, manager of the National Despatch-Great
Eastern Line. He held this position until 1903, when he became connected with
the Grand Trunk Raihvay as assistant general freight agent in Chicago. Readily
grasping railroad proljlems and possessed of the true generalship of a railway
executive, he was chosen in 1908 to succeed J. E. Dalrymple as general freight
agent of the Grand Trunk, with headquarters at Montreal, and there remained,
first as general freight agent and later as freight traffic manager, until his recent
appointment. Mr. Hayes is a well known figure in Dominion railway circles and
stands high in the estimation of business men.
John Edward Martin, K. C, a well known member of the Montreal bar. was
born in September. 1859, at Shefiford, in the province of Quebec. He received his
early education in the public school at Waterloo, P. O., and at McGill Normal
School, and later entered McGill L'niversity, where he graduated with the Degree
of Bachelor of Civil Law in 1883, being the medallist of that year.
In July, 1884, he was admitted to the practice of law and began the practice
of his profession at Sweetsburg, P. O., in partnership with the late Senator
Baker. In 1S93 he removed to Montreal and for over twenty years has been a
member of the law firm of Foster, Martin, Mann, Mackinnon & Hackett, and his
constantly expanding powers brought him prominently before the public as an
able lawyer and led to his being named king's counsel in 1903.
The litigated interests intrusted to his care have on the whole been of a
most important character, and he has successfully practised before all the courts
of the province, the supreme court of Canada, and has frequently appeared before
the judicial committee of the privy council in London, England.
Mr. Martin has specialized in corporation and insurance law, and his prepara-
tion of cases is always thorough and exhaustive, and the court records indicate
his ability in securing verdicts favorable to his clients.
He was a member of the council of the bar of Alontreal for several years
and batonnier of the bar of Montreal and batonnier-general of the bar of the
province of Quebec during the year 1913-1914. In 1913 he was elected an
honorary member of the American Bar Association.
Mr. Martin has been married twice. His first wife, Xellie, daughter of
J. Rooney of Sweetsburg, P. O., died in January, 1909. In December, 1910, he
married Emily \'iolet, daughter of James Patterson of Gtielph, Ontario.
In politics Air. Martin is a conservative, and he is a member of the Anglican
church. He is a member of the Mount Royal, Forest and Stream, Canada and
the Laurentian Clubs. He has a wide acquaintance among the leading residents
of the city, where his ability and personal worth have gained for him the high
regard of those with whom he has come in contact.
James Alexander Lawrason Strathy, long a factor in financial circles in Mon-
ti^eal, was born in London, C)ntario, July 22, 1857, where his father, James B.
Strathy, was at one time collector of customs. The mother, Mrs. Elvira Strathy,
was a daughter of Dr. Hiram D. Lee and of United Empire Loyalist stock.
Liberal educational opportunities were accorded the son, who was educated in the
Moncrieff Preparatory School, in Hellmuth College at London, Ontario, and in
Upper Canada College. At the age of seventeen years he came to Montreal and
entered the employ of the brokerage firm of Gordon Strathy & Company, later
becoming a partner in the business. He subsequently was admitted to the Mon-
treal Stock Exchange, while six years later he became a member of the Board
of Trade. In the following years he devoted all his time to the Montreal Trust
& Deposit Company, of which he was one of the organizers. I le was appointed
general manager of the business and remained with the company until his death.
He was also a member of the executive committee of the Royal Electric Com-
pany and in business connections gave evidence of his ability to handle important
interests and solve intricate problems.
Mr. Strathy was a justice of the peace of Montreal and in official position
made a record equally creditable with that >vhich he won in business. He was a
member of St. Andrew's Society and vice president of the United Empire Loyalist
Association. Distinction ancl honors also came In him alnn" niilitarv linos, his
military record dating from his appoiiitiiient as second lieutenant of the Fifth
Royal Scots of Canada, in iHlSo. He was advanced to the rank of captain in
1884, became major in 1891 and was made lieutenant colonel, commanding his
regiment, in 1893, so continuing until his connection with the regiment ceased
in December, 1897. In 1894 he became vice president of the Canada Military
Institute at Toronto and the same year was appointed to the staff of the governor
general of Canada as an extra aide-de-camp.
Mr. Strathy was widely known in sporting circles. As a gentleman rider he
was the winner of the Montreal Hunt Cup Steeplechase in 1880, 1881 and 1886
and of the American Grand National Jriunt Steeplechase at Saratoga in 1882
and of the steeplechase open to gentlemen riders. His political allegiance was
given to the conservative party and the interests and duties of citizenship found
ample recognition in his life activities.
Un the 9th of January, 1885, Lieutenant Colonel Strathy was married to
Miss Margaret, daughter of Andrew Robertson, of Montreal, and they became
the parents of six children, of whom five are living: Marguerite F., Isabella D.,
Alison L., R. Lee A. and Elvira AL The family circle was broken by the hand
of death when on the 7th of October, 1901, Lieutenant Colonel Strathy passed
away. He was a popular member of the St. James Club and his position as a
business man and in military and sporting circles classed him with the repre-
sentative residents of his city.
John Rigney Barlow, a civil engineer, who in 1900 was appointed to the posi-
tion of city surveyor of Montreal, has since served in that capacity and is one
of her best known civic officials. A native of Scotland, he was born at Stornoway.
Lewis, on the 29th of July, 1850, a son of the late Robert Barlow of the Canadian
Geological Survey. The first five years of his life were spent in the land of
hills and heather, after which the family came to the new world. John R. Barlow
was reared in Montreal and started in the business world in the employ of the
Canadian Geological Survey, with which he remained from 1872 until 1875.
He then entered the service of the corporation of Montreal in 1876, and did
important duty in that connection. He was engaged in the construction of water
works in the town of St. Henri and did other important duties. He became
assistant city engineer of Montreal in 1880 and was made deputy city survevor
in 1882. Further advancement came to him in his appointment to the position
of city surveyor in 1900, and he is now acting in that capacity. He thoroughly
understands the scientific principles which underlie his work as well as every
practical phase of the business and now occupies an enviable position among the
civil engineers of Alontreal.
In March, 1877, Mr. Barlow was married to Margaret Coutts. a daughter of
the late Rev. William Darrach, and they reside at No. 78 St. Luke street. Mr.
Barlow is a member of the Engineers Club and also of the Canadian Society
rif Civil Engineers, in which he was elected to membership in 1887. His fraternal
relations are with the Masons, and his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian
church. His professional relations have brought him an extensive acquaintance,
uhile his sterling traits of character have gained him firm hold upon the affec-
tionate regard of those with whom he has been brought in contact.
Clearly detined purposes and close application were salient features in the
career of William Smith, who died in Montreal on the 14th of March, 1910,
when nearly eighty-four years of age. He was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland,
September 20, 1826. and came to Canada when a young man. He practically
spent his remaining days in this city. He at first engaged in the dry-goods busi-
ness, which he followed for many years with good success. Eventually he
became a manufacturing tobacconist and again prosperity attended his efforts
in the commercial field. He also owned valuable real estate, having taken
advantage of early opportunities for investment along that line. The sound-
ness of his judgment and the clearness of his vision were indicated in the rise
in his property values, making his holdings well worthy of consideration.
Mr. Smith was married in Montreal to Miss Margaret Watson, daughter of
George and Margaret (Selkirk) Watson of Montreal. He continued to make
the city his home until his life's labors were ended in death, when he had reached
a venerable age. He was a man respected by all and such was the regard
entertained for his opinions, that his advice was frequently sought upon impor-
tant questions. He was an attendant at Erskine church. Air. Smith is sur-
vived by his widow, who resides in what has been for years the family residence,
built by Mr. Smith at No. 56 Simpson street and which home stands on the site
of the former home of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, discoverer of the Mackenzie
river and the first European to cross the Rocky mountains.
Joseph Arthur Bourgault is one of the most prominent figures in real-estate
circles in Montreal, his well defined and carefully executed plans constituting a
potent force in the substantial development and improvement of various sections
of the city. He is yet a young man but has already attained a position that many
a one of twice his years might well envy. He was born May 30, 1887, at St.
Louis de Bonsecours, Richelieu county, P. Q., his parents being Henri and Caro-
line (Loriviere) Bourgault, the former a native of Ste. Victoire, Richelieu county,
and the latter of St. Judes in St. Hyacinthe county, P. Q.
Joseph Arthur Bourgault jnirsued his education in the schools at Sorel, P. Q.,
and was graduated from St. I'ernard College on the lyth of June, 1905. He
started in the business world as a bookkeeper and afterward was traveling sales-
man, but eventually turned his attention to the real-estate business, which he con-
ducts under the name of J. A. Bourgault & Company with offices at No. 97 St.
James street in Montreal. ITis progress has been continuous, and hfs efforts
^ 'fk
"^V "^ '^ B
have been constantly of greater public value, as he has developed and improved
property which hitherto had been an unsightly waste or had little commercial
value. In 191 1 he developed and sold Montmorency Park including eleven
hundred lots which brought three hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars; and
in 1912 he sold a part of Niagara Garden including thirty-two hundred lots, of
which nineteen hundred brought four hundred and twenty thousand dollars. He
also sold a subdivision on the south shore called Woodbine Park including over
eleven hundred lots. All this extensive property has been sold exclusively by
Mr. Uourgault. He is a wide-awake, alert, enterprising young man thoroughly
in touch with the real-estate market. He knows what property is for sale, is con-
versant with values and seems never to make a mistake in his investments. He
was graduated at the National Salesnien Training Association, which has its
headquarters in Chicago, and he is a member of the Headquarters International
Realty Company of that city.
On the 25th of November, 1912, in Montreal, Air. Bourgault was married to
Miss Berthe Daignault, a daughter of the late J. Daignault. They have gained
many friends during the period of their residence here. Mr. Bourgault has
attractive social c|ualities which render him popular socially and add not a little to
his success in the management and control of an e.xtensive and growing real-
estate business.
In Montreal stand many evidences of the ability and skill of Daniel Wilson
in a number of the larger and more substantial buildings of the city, where for
a long period he engaged in the business of general contracting. He was born in
Avoch, Scotland, March 2, 1827, and was in the seventy-ninth year of his age
when he passed away. He had been a resident of Canada since 1853, having come
to the Dominion to take charge of stone quarries at Pointe Claire for the con-
struction of the \'ictoria bridge. After the completion of the bridge he entered
upon the work of general contracting and erected many of the largest buildings of
Montreal, including the Royal Insurance building, Molson's Bank, the Merchants
Bank, the Mutual Telegraph building, the Erskine church, the Windsor Hotel,
and others. He retired from business about 1886, having met with notable suc-
cess that brought him a gratifying income.
Mr. Wilson was prominent in public affairs. For eight years he represented
St. Antoine ward in the city coimcil and was interested and active in support
of various projects w'hich have had to do w-ith the welfare and upbuilding of this
city. He was also Protestant school commissioner for a number of years and
aside from positions having to do with the public service he was connected
officially with various charitable and benevolent projects. For six years he was
on the board of the Outdoor Relief and the Protestant Hospital for the Insane,
was a life governor of the General Hospital and a trustee of Mount Royal Ceme-
tery Association. He was also one of the oldest members and for eleven years a
deacon and twelve vears elder of the Crescent Street Presbvterian church and
when other interests left him leisure for sports, he enjoyed curling and became
one of the founders of the Caledonia Curling Club.
Mr. Wilson was married in Scotland to Miss Margaret Stephen, who died
in Montreal in 1856, being the mother of two children: James, a resident of
Montreal ; and Margaret, the widow of Henry Downs, of St. Paul, Minnesota.
In Alontreal, in 1858, Mr. Wilson married Miss Catherine MacGregor, a daughter
of Daniel MacGregor, and to this union six children were born : Robert, a con-
tractor residing in \'ancouver; Lillias Ann, who died in young girlhood; Lillias
Isabella, the wife of Peter C. Small, of Vancouver ; Christina, who married
James Sutherland and died in Montreal in 1896; Kate, who is Mrs. William A.
Coates, of Montreal; and John William, a contractor of Montreal.
On the 14th of February, 1906, Daniel Wilson was called from this life, leav-
ing behind him a record of many good deeds undertaken for the benefit of his
fellowmen and consummated in following the highest ideals of manhood and
responsibility toward those with whom and for whom he lived.
Arthur Ecrement, who for many years has figured prominently in the public
life of the province and is a well known representative of thejiotarial profession,
was born at St. Gabriel de Brandon, on the 29th of June, 1879. Liberal educa-
tional opportunities were accorded him and after attending Montreal College and
Laval University he entered upon public life. In fact his activities have always
been of a public or semi-public character and his labors have been of far-reaching
and beneficial effect. For five years he was secretary to the Hon. R. Dandurand,
speaker of the senate, and he was also secretary of the liberal organization of the
district of Montreal. He was first elected to the house of commons in 190S, in the
liberal interests, and his efforts as a member of that body have been pursued with
a singleness of purpose in the interest of general progress and good government.
He brings to bear in the discharge of his duties executive ability, keen insight
into the situation and a loyalty to the public good that is above ([uestion.
One of the most popular and able ministers in the .Anglican church in eastern
Canada is Rev. Frank Charters, who for the past seventeen years has done
earnest and zealous work as rector of St. Simon's church, Montreal. He is a man
of force, experience and capacity, high in his ideals, earnest in his purposes and
straightforward in his methods, and his labors have been potent forces in the
spread of the doctrines in which he believes and in the promotion of the moral
development of the community in which he resides.
Dr. Charters was born in Montreal, March 16, 1865, and ac(|uirc(l his ]irc-
liminary education at .Arnold school and Fettis College. He afterward entered
McGill Universitv. from which he was graduated with the class of 188S.. In the
same year he completed a course in the Montreal Diocesan College, and in 191 1
he was given the honorary degree of D. C. L. from the University of Bishop's
College in Lennoxville. He is a governor of the Montreal Diocesan College and
a member of the corporation of the University of Bishop's College. He was
ordained deacon in the Anglican church in 188S and received full orders in the
following year, going immediately afterward lo Iron Hill and West Brome,
Quebec, of which he became Incumbent. In i8g6 he was transferred to Mon-
treal, and here since that time he has done earnest and capable work as rector of
St. Simon's parish. This congregation was organized in 1892 and the church
building erected in the same year by Dean Carmichael. Rev. Samuel Massey was
first pastor and officiated until the spring of 1896, Dr. Charters succeeding him.
The latter has proved a capable and efficient rector, fully conscious of the obliga-
tions and responsibilities which devolve upon him, and he has accomplished in
the course of years a great deal of consecrated work among his people, whose
love he holds in large measure. He is, moreover, a man of good business ability
and foresight, and the affairs of his parish have been ably administered and the
funds carefully conserved. Dr. Charters has two hundred and seventy-five fami-
lies under his charge and manages a church property valued at fifty thousand
dollars. He is very popular among people of all denominations in Montreal and
his unostentatious life, filled with well directed and zealous labor and characterized
by earnest personal service, has brought him the esteem and confidence of all who
are associated with him.
The life record of John T. Wilson spanned si.xty-four years. He was born in
Greenup, Scotland, February 9, 1841, and died in Montreal on the 23d of Feb-
ruary, 1905. His parents were John and Mary (Thomson) Wilson, the former a
sea captain. The youth of John T. Wilson was marked by events and experiences
such as come to the lot of all. He reached a turning point on the journey of
life, however, when he bade adieu to friends and native country and sailed for
Canada. Settling in Alontreal, in 1866, he became one of the city's foremost busi-
ness men, his name being engraved high on the roll of those who contributed
most largely to the commercial greatness and consequent prosperity of the citv.
He was for forty years the senior member of the firm of Wilson, Paterson &
Company, importers and general manufacturers' agents, continuing in active busi-
ness until his demise. The volume of trade developed with the growth of the
city and had its inception in the progressive methods, initiative spirit and
undaunted enterprise of the partners.
When business hours were over and the cares of the day were put aside, Mr.
Wilson greatly enjoyed a game of golf or billiards. His interest, too, reached
out to many of those projects which recognize the needs of the city and the
claims of humanity. He attended St. Paul's Presbyterian church. For ten years
he was a member of the council of the Board of Trade and was ever keenly
alive to the projects instituted by that society for the benefit and upbuilding of
the city. He belonged to the Canadian and St. Tames Clubs of Montreal, and
the Hunt Club. His business activity was evenly balanced with his honorable
methods in trade; his interest in club life and in manly outdoor sports giving him
the necessary rest and recreation from that line of work which takes strong hold
upon the emotions and calls forth the more tender sentiment in nature. In a
word, his was a well rounded character and his place as a representative citizen
of Alontreal none contest.
Successful in business, Charles Byrd rejoiced in his prosperity not so much
because of the opportunities which came to him from his wealth, but because it
enabled him to again and again aid his fellowmen. In this he was prompted by
no sense of duty but by a higher interest in humanity — a genuine regard for
his fellow travelers upon life's journey. His hand was ever downreaching
to aid those who were struggling to raise and he shed around him much of the
sunshine of life not only through his material assistance, but also through the
words of encouragement and inspiration which he spoke.
Mr. Byrd was born at Lachute, province of Quebec, March 4, 1848, and was
therefore sixty-three years of age when he passed away at Nassau, Bahama
Islands, on the 3d of March, 191 1. He had been a resideit of Montreal from
early manhood, embarking in the grocery business upon his arrival here. This he
abandoned to enter the Munderloh firm in 1868, at which time its founder, Wil-
liam C. Munderloh was in control. After the death of this gentleman Mr. Byrd
entered into partnership with Henry Alunderloh, son of William C. Munderloh,
in the continuation of the business. In 1909 the firm was organized as a joint
stock company and Mr. Byrd had active voice in its control, assisting in formulat-
ing plans which had to do with its substantial growth and progress. It became
one of the important enterprises of the kind in the city and through his connec-
tion therewith Air. Byrd won notable, gratifying and enviable success.
Mr. Byrd was united in marriage in 1873 to Miss Kate Macdonald, a daughter
of the late Alexander Roy Macdonald of Montreal. During the last years of his
life Mr. Byrd was in poor health and, accompanied by his wife, had spent two
winters in the West Indies. He went again in February, 191 1, in order to
escape the rigors of the Canadian winter and there passed away on the 3d of
His memory is enshrined in a halo of good deeds, for lie was continually
active in support of organized charities or in individual assistance. He gave
liberally to a number of the benevolent organizations of Montreal and served on
the board of management of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane at \'erdun to
which he made a contribution of five thousand dollars. He was also one of the
board of managers of the Montreal General Hospital to which he gave ten thou-
sand dollars: was vice president of the TVotestant House of Industry and Refuge
at Longue Pointe, to which he gave ten thousand dollars ; was vice ]iresident of
the Moore Home and an officer of the Irish l^rotestant I'enevolent Society, to
which his contribution was five thousand dollars. lie gave twenty-five hundred
dollars to the Western Ceneral Hosjjital ; two thousand dollars to the Alexandra
#" 1
Hospital ; two thousand to the Montreal Protestant Ori)han Asylum ; five hun-
dred dollars to the Boys" Home; one thousand dollars to St. Patrick's Society,
a goodly sum to the Erskine church for home movements and a sum of twenty-
five thousand dollars for foreign movements. He was an elder of the old St.
Gabriel church on St. Catherine street and afterward joined the Ivrskine Presby-
terian church when it was amalgamated with the Chalmers church. .\ high-
minded Christian gentleman, the principles of his religion permeated his life in
all of its different connections and his contribution to the world's progress along
moral and religious lines was a valuable one.
The life record of David Morrice might be summed up in the term successful
achievement. It has, however, been more than the success that is calculated in the
terms of dollars and cents, for his outlook of life has ever been broad, his concep-
tions of its opportunities accurate and his recognition of its duties and obliga-
tions correct. He has as fully and carefully met the last mentioned as he has
his chances in a business way. While he has passed the eighty-fourth milestone
on life's journey, in spirit and interest he seems yet in his prime. To him might
be applied the words of Victor Hugo : "The snows of age are upon his head,
but the spring of youth is in his heart." He was born in St. Martin, Perthshire,
Scotland, August ii, 1829, and after acquiring his early education there, started
in business life as an employe in dry-goods stores, remaining for some time in
that connection in Dublin, Liverpool, Manchester and London. The growing
western country attracted him with its almost limitless opportunities, and in 1863
he established himself in Montreal where he founded the business that has since
become one of the most important commercial enterprises of the city. Under the
name of The D. Morrice Company the business is now one of extensive propor-
tions. Manufacturers' agents and general merchants, they have one of the largest
and best appointed establishments of the city, and Mr. Morrice is also at the head
of important productive industries and is said to be one of the best authorities
in cotton matters in the Dominion. He is president of Penman's Limited ; of
the Canadian Cottons, Ltd. ; and of the Montreal Investment & Freehold Com-
pany. He is likewise a director of the Bank of Montreal ; of the Dominion Tex-
tile Company ; and of the Mount Royal Cemetery Company. While he has now in
large measure retired from active management of these interests, his opinions
still carry w'eight in business councils, and his judgment and discrimination are
those of a man of not more than three score years and ten. \\'hile conducting
important and extensive commercial and manufacturing interests, he has found
time to become a factor in the management and control of many projects for the
benefit of his fellowmen in the alleviation of the hardships of life for the unfortu-
nate. He is now vice president of the Montreal Tubercular Association ; president
of the Montreal General Hospital : j^resident of the Montreal Sailors' Insti-
tute; president of the Mackay Institute for the Deaf and Dumb; and governor of
the Montreal Boys' Home. He has long been an interested member of the Mon-
treal .Art Association of which he is one of the councillors and he maintains
an equal interest in Christian education as chairman of the board of managers
of the Montreal Presbyterian College, in which position he has remained for
forty-two years. He has ever been a firm believer in the early religious training
of the young and has labored untiringly to advance the interests of moral direc-
tion for the youth of the land. In 1905 he was chosen vice president of the Quebec
Simday School Union and in iyo2 was president of the Presbyterian Sunday
School Association. In 1882 he erected the David Morrice Hall of the Montreal
Presbyterian College at a cost of ninety thousand dollars. His gift to the Mon-
treal General Hospital in 1906 made that institution richer by twenty-five thousand
dollars and in 1910 he gave ten thousand dollars to the Montreal Art Association.
On the 14th of June, i860, Mr. Morrice married Anne S. Anderson of Toronto,
and of their children, William J. and David J., are connected with The D. Morrice
('ompany. The others are Robert B., who is connected with Penman's Limited;
Arthur A., a resident of Toronto; James Wilson, a distinguished artist; and a
daughter, who is now the wife of Allen G. Law, of the firm of Law, Young &
Company of ^lontreal. The son, James Wilson Morrice, born in Alontreal in
1864, attended the city scliools and the Toronto University and afterward
developed his art talent by study in Paris. He has not only won high reputation
in that city but also in London and is considered one of the greatest painters of
Brittany coast scenes. He has been a frequent exhibitor at the Paris Salon and
one of his pictures has been purchased by the French government and another by
the Canadian government for the National Art Gallery at Ottawa. He largely
paints landscapes, yet gives some attention to figures and in all of his work
there is an even balance maintained between technique, creative faculty and poetic
Mr. David Morrice is now eighty-four years of age, but still maintains deep
and active interest in the church and in the benevolent and civic projects with
which he is identified. Moreover, he still holds membership in the St. James
Club, the Montreal Club, the Mount Royal Club, the Montreal Hunt Club and
the Forest and Stream Club. Someone has said, "there is an old age which
need not suggest idleness or lack of occupation ; on the contrary there is an old
age which grows stronger and better, mentally and morally as the years advance
and gives out of the rich stores of its wisdom and experience for the benefit
of others."' Such is the record of David Morrice.
One of the able advocates of Montreal and one who has filled with honor
various official positions, is J. F. Dubreuil, a descendant of a distinguished family
which has found mention in Abbe Tanguay's "I )ictionnaire Genealogique." In
this book L'Abbe Cyjjrien Tanguay mentions among the earliest ancestors of the
house of Dubreuil the following. Christo];)her Dubreuil, born in ifKjfi; Jean Dti
Breuil, born in 1655, a son of Pierre and Catherine (Gosselin) Du lireuil, married
September 28, 1682, at Montreal; wife died December 22, 1685: one child: mar-
ried August 6, 1686, Ste. Famille Marguerite Gaultier: seven children. Jean
Eticnnc Dubreuil was a tiotaire royal and a hrotlicr of the al)ove nicntioned Jean.
He married twice and had a family of many sons and daughters.
J. F. Dubreuil was born at Lachine, province of Quebec, January 24, 1845,
and is a son of Joseph and Helene (Barre) Dubreuil, the former of Pointe aux
Trembles and the latter, of Montreal. The father was for many years a notary
])ublic. J. F. Dubreuil received his education at the Jesuit College of Montreal,
famed for its thorough teachers, and completed the course of instruction by
graduation on February 6, 1866. He subsequently engaged as an advocate and
as he was able, capable and conscientious, soon enjoyed a profitable practice, his
services being demanded by a representative clientele. He served from 1873 to
1882 as deputy clerk of the crown and peace, and from June, 1883, until June,
1889, as deputy sheriff of Montreal.
On January 26, 1869, at Sorel, Mr. Dubreuil was united in marriage to Miss
Marie L. C. Beaupre and they have the following children : J. F. L., vice presi-
dent of the Commercial Travelers Association ; George, who is employed in the
registry office at Hochelaga; Charles, of Richelieu, Ontario; and Raoul, who is
with the Canadian Electric Company.
In his political faith Mr. Dubreuil is a conservative, giving his support to that
organization. For many years he has made Montreal his home and has witnessed
the change from a comparatively small city to that of a world's metropolis, having
participated in bringing about the transformation according to the best of his
ability. He is deeply interested in the growth of the city along material, as well
as intellectual, lines and as he has always lived a life of conscientious righteous-
ness, is highly esteemed and respected in the community where he is widely known.
No worthy enterprise of Montreal sought in vain the assistance of John
Rankin, and his public spirit found expression in tangible effort for the general
good. At the same time he conducted important business affairs as representative
of large corporate interests of his native land. He was born in Lanark, Scotland,
in 1825, and had traveled far on life's journey when death called him February
27, 1908. Coming to Canada in 1854, he carried on business first under his own
name and afterward as senior partner in the firm of Rankin, Beattie & Company.
He also represented J. & P. Coates, the world renowned thread manufacturers
of Paisley, for many years, and was instrumental in establishing for them a
large Canadian business. He was likewise financial agent for the house of Arthur
& Company, of Glasgow, and in the further development of his business interests
became one of the founders of the Shedden Company and of the Guarantee
Company of North America. As his worth and business talent became recognized
his cooperation was sought along many lines and when keen business judgment
prompted his investment in any interest he was almost at once accorded voice
in the management. He became a promoter of the New York Daily Graphic,
the Consolidated Bank and of the Montreal & Sorel Railway, now a part of the
Delaware & Hudson system. As a business man, his position was second to none
and his record was one which any man might be proud to possess. He never made
engagements that he did not keep, nor incurred obligations that he did not meet,
and his name became a recognized synonym of integrity and enterprise in com-
mercial and industrial circles. At River David, in 1861, Air. Rankin was married
to Miss Louisa S. C. Wurtele, a daughter of Jonathan Wurtele, in his life time,
Seignor of River David. The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Rankin: James L., a contractor of Montreal; Archibald J., who resides in Edmon-
ton, Alberta, where he is a clerk in the government offices ; John, who is a civil
engineer, residing at Victoria, British Columbia ; Norman S., who is connected
with the Canadian Pacific Railway at Calgary ; Allan C, a bacteriologist in the
employ of the Siam government, at Bangkok ; A. G. Ernest, who is a notary of
Montreal; Louisa M., who is Mrs. John Fair, of Montreal; and Isobel S., at home.
None ever questioned Mr. Rankin's interest in the city and the general welfare
of its people. He stood for all those things which are a feature in civic better-
ment and his interest in moral progress was evidenced in his membership in St.
Paul's Presbyterian church, of which he was secretary and treasurer when the
present edifice was erected. He was also a governor of the Montreal General
Hospital. His high standing is further indicated in the fact that his name was
on the membership roll of St. James Club. To him were accorded the "blest
accompaniments of age — honor, riches, troops of friends."
The summer home of Mrs. Rankin is "Manor House," Pointe Seche, County
Kamouraska, Quebec.
While Dr. Emmanuel Persillier Lachapelle has gained prominence and won
honor in various directions, perhaps the one act which will longest stand as
an enduring monument to his worth and work will be the creation of the board
of health of the province of Quebec, of which he is now the president. His
efforts were a potent factor in bringing about the organization of this board,
the far-reaching effects of which are immeasurable. In this and other connec-
tions he has entered upon a campaign of education for the purpose of bringing
to the public a knowledge of sanitary and health conditions that will forever
prevent widespread contagion and check the ravages of disease even in indi-
vidual cases. A man of strong character and wide knowledge of men and
things, his life work has by no means reached its full fruition. Li private and
hospital practice he has gained eminence and his name is associated with one
of the strongest and best equipped medical schools of the country.
Dr. Lachajjelle was born on the 21st of December, 1845, at Sault au Recollet,
Quebec, his jjarents being Pierre Persillier and Marie Zoe (Toupin) Lacha-
pelle, descendants of some of the earliest settlers of New France. His father
was born at Cote des Neiges, in the county of Hochelaga, in the province of
Quebec. Making his home at Sault ;iu Reo)llet he followed farming and was
proprietor of grain mills. His ])arents were Pascal Persillier and Marie
(Ladouceur) Lachapelle, who lived at Cote des Neiges. The maternal grand-
parents of Dr. Lachapelle were Charles P. and .\ngelique (Leduc) Toupin, of
Montreal. The ancestors came to this countr\- in the early days of the French
colony and were married at Laprairie, near Montreal, on the south shore of
the St. Lawrence river.
After acquiring a classical education in the -Montreal College Dr. Lachapelle
entered upon the study of medicine in the old Montreal School of Medicine
and Surgery and after a brilliant course was admitted to practice in 1869.
From the first years of his professional life he devoted considerable attention
to the question of hygienic science. He continued his reading and research
after leaving college and is still as keen and devoted a student as ever. He
has long been ranked as a successful practitioner of high standing in Montreal,
especially prominent in the field of hygiene.
In 1872 Dr. Lachapelle was appointed surgeon of the Sixty-fifth Regiment,
Mount Royal Rifles, and retained the appointment until 1886. He was unable
to accompany the regiment on active service to the northwest in 1885,. owing
to the demands of his ]3rofessional engagements, but he personally superin-
tended the preparation of the medical equipment which the regiment took on
service and secured the services of an assistant surgeon, who went with the
Dr. Lachapelle took a very active part in the refounding of the medical
legislation and in 1878 was elected a governor and the treasurer of the College
of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Quebec, retaining an official
connection with that important body almost continuously since, while for nine
years he has held the position of president. At the time of the memorable small-
pox epidemic in Montreal in 1885-6, when hundreds of new cases of t"he disease
were reported daily, until the death rate claimed ten thousand victims, and
when the city was practically placed in a state of quarantine in respect to the
rest of the continent, Dr. Lachapelle came to the front as an 'outspoken and
fearless advocate of the drastic measures adopted to check the disease. The
contagion was spreading so rapidly throughout the country that it became neces-
sary to take advantage of an old statute law and to create a central board of
health which would apply throughout the province means for prevention and
cure. Such a course had previously been adopted in Montreal. The moment
the horror of the great pestilence was at an end Dr. Lachapelle proceeded to
organize the forces of medical science for the conservation of the health of the
people. He was chiefly instrumental in getting the provincial government to
pass a law for the creation of a provincial board of health with powers
coterminus with provincial bounds. Prior to that time there was only a
local authority operating within restricted bounds. From that time forward the
body which Dr. Lachapelle may be said to have created was to have jurisdiction
over the whole province. The beneficial results of this measure were soon seen
in better methods, improved sanitation and, above all, in the general vaccination
of the people who had been so terribly scourged because of the lack of this
preventative in 1885. For the most important and valuable work which he did
in this connection Dr. Lachapelle received high encomiums from all sections
of the American continent and from foreign lands as well, not the least flatter-
ing being the recognition of the French republic in 1898 which conferred upon
him the Order of the Legion of Honor. With the establishment of the provincial
board of health he was appointed its president, a position which he has since
filled with credit to himself and great advantage to the entire province.
Moreover the name of Dr. Lachapelle has been intimately associated with the
effort to improve medical legislation and to raise the standard of medical educa-
tion in Quebec. On the establishment of a branch of Laval University in
Montreal, decided upon in 1878, and the inauguration of the medical faculty in
temporary class-rooms in the old Chateau du Ramezay, on Notre Dame street, he
was one of the most ardent instigators and supporters of the movement and con-
tributed in a great measure to its success. At the present time he holds the
positions of dean of the medical faculty at the university and of professor of
hygiene; from 1876 until 1894 he was proprietor and editor of L'Union Medicale.
In 1885 he had the honor of presiding as president over the convention of the
American Public Health Association. He had the honor of being elected an
associate member of the Societe Frangaise d'Hygiene of Paris. He has been
closely and prominently associated with the Notre Dame Hospital ever since its
establishment and can almost be called its founder. The splendid institution
which owes its establishment partly to the clinical requirements of the then
recently founded medical faculty of Laval was incorporated in 1880, Dr.
Lachapelle being a member of the board of governors and holding the position
of general superintendent until 1906, while to the present time he is president of
the hospital.
A stanch member of the liberal party, Dr. Lachapelle has often been iirged to
become a candidate in nomination for political preferment but although willing
to use his influence for the benefit of his party he has invariably declined to
accept a nomination because of a sense of duty toward his professional interests
and benevolent engagements. In 1902 he was urged by many of the most influ-
ential citizens of Montreal, both French and English, irrespective of party to
accept nomination for the mayoralty. He did accept provisionally but later
withdrew to avoid racial complications. When the city government was changed
about three years ago it was deemed fitting that one so eminent as an authority
on sanitation and hygiene and one so dignified and high-minded as a fqremost
citizen should be a member of the new board which was henceforth to administer
the affairs of the city. The Doctor has little inclination for publicity but yielded
to the appeals addressed to him and became controller of JMontreal. He has
made a most admirable official, the value of his service being widely recognized.
It is his desire to accomplish the best possible measures of reform during his term
of office, and his efforts have already been productive of great good. He was
elected in 1910 for a term of four years.
Aside from his professional and public activities previously mentioned Dr.
Lachapelle is also a director of the Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien and of other
financial institutions and life insurance companies. He has been identified with
various national and benevolent movements and in 1876 had the lionor of serving
as general president of the St. Jean P)aptiste Society. He is also a member of
the liritish Medical Association, the Canadian Medical Association, the .American
Public Health .Association, Societe Medicale de Montreal, the Medico-Chirurgical
Society of Montreal, the Royal Edward Institute of Montreal and the Canadian
Anti-Tuberculosis League. He has been attending pliysician to the Ilntel-Dieu
and other institutions, and served as a delegate from tlic Canadian go\ernment
to the second Pan-American Medical Congress held in Mexico in i8()(), and to
other similar bodies. He has been a frequent contriljutor to medical literature,
writing largely for the Union Medicale du Canada and other periodicals. He
is a councillor of the University Club and a member of the metropolitan parks
commission. In religious faith he is a Roman Catholic and in j)olitical belief a
liberal. He belongs to the Mount Royal, University and Montreal Jockey Clubs.
By reason of notable ability he has attained to a position of prominence and
power and has been termed "a second Laurier." Were his ambitions along politi-
cal lines he would undoubtedly attain distinction in that field. He prefers,
however, the even broader field of professional activity wdierein his scientific
investigation and research combined with practical knowledge and skill have
gained him eminence and made his life work of signal serviceableness to
Bernard Melancon, a notary public who has engaged in the practice of his
profession for more than four years in Montreal, was born at St. Jacques
I'Achigan on the 20th of August, 1S81, a son of Moise and Elodie (Gaudet)
Melancon, the former a zouave who participated in active military duty in iSfK)-
70. The son attended College Ste. Marie, a Jesuit school, and Laval University
of Montreal. He prepared for the notarial profession, becoming a notary on the
i6th of July, 1909, after which he was associated with M. M. Loranger under
the firm name of Loranger & Alelancon. Subsequently he became a member of
the firm of Mayrand, Loranger, Ecrement & Melancon, but now practices as a
member of the firm Loranger, Seguin & Melancon, with offices at No. 99 St. James
street, Alontreal. He is conducting a successful business and stands well in the
profession, possessing the comprehensive knowledge so necessary to success as
well as the energy and ability which must precede progress in any profession or
business line.
Mr. Melancon is a nationalist in political faith and allegiance and in religious
belief is a Roman Catholic. He was married at Montreal on the i8th of June,
1912, to Miss Annette Jodian, a daughter of L. O. Jodian, who died on the 17th
of May, 1913. Mr. Melancon is yet a young man, but has already made progress
that many an older member of the profession might well envy, and his past record
gives indications of future advancement.
The earliest record of the Hurtubise family leads back to one Louis Heur-
tebise (the spelling having been changed later), who was born in 1667 and mar-
ried on May 3, 1688, at Montreal, Jeanne Gatteau and died on January 24, 1703.
The present generation of this old and distinguished French-Canadian family is
represented by Gabriel Hurtubise, a civil engineer and land surveyor, who is
independently established in business under the firm name of Hurtubise &
Hurtubise, his brother Louis being his partner. He was born on November 3,
1883, in the city of Montreal, and is a son of Edwin and Emelie (Brault) Hur-
tubise, both of whom have passed away. The father was prominent in insurance
circles in Montreal as a member of the tirm of Hurtubise & St. Cyr, representa-
tives of the Royal Insurance Company, and died on the 30th of December, 191 3,
in Montreal.
Gabriel Hurtubise enjoyed advantageous educational facilities at St. Mary's
College, pursuing his more professional studies at the Polytechnic School of Laval
University, from which he graduated on June 14, 1907, as civil engineer, and on
June 10, 1909, as land surveyor. He has since been prominently engaged in this
line in ^lontreal, having had charge of most important contracts. He began his
career under F. C. Laberge, C. E. and Q. L. S., of Montreal. At present lie is
a member of the firm of Hurtubise & Hurtubise, who are doing an extensive
and profitable business.
On Alay 30, 191 1, at Montreal, Mr. Hurtubise was united in marriage to Miss
Yvette Brault, a daughter of H. A. A. Brault, a well known notary of this city.
In his political views Mr. Hurtubise is independent, preferring to entirely follow
his judgment in support of candidates. His religious faith is that of the Catholic
church. Fraternally he is a member of La Fontaine Council of the Knights of
Columbus. Yet a young man, Gabriel Hurtubise has already made his mark in the
world and has taken his place in business circles of Montreal. Ambition has
been the beacon light of his life and his career again is proof of the fact that
ambition, coupled with industry and energy, will lead to success.
George Browning Cramp was for many years a veteran member of the
Montreal bar and a distinguished representative of the profession, his opinions
being largely accepted as authority on questions of real-estate law, in which
department of jurisprudence he specialized. He was born in England in 1833,
a son of Rev. J. M. Cramp, who came to Montreal to accept a position at the
Baptist College. For years he was at the head of Acadia University in
Nova Scotia and was one of the prominent educators in the maritime provinces.
In the schools of England and of Nova Scotia George B. Cramp pursued his
education and qualified for the bar as a student in the law office of J. J. Day, K. C,
an eminent member of the bar. Thorough and careful preliminary training
resulted in his being called to the bar about 1855 and he entered upon active
practice in connection with his former preceptor. The latter had been called to
the bar in 1837 and was one of the most distinguished lawyers of Alontreal
at an early day. Following his retirement, Mr. Cramp entered upon active pro-
fessional association with A. F. Lunn, K. C, under the style of Lunn & Cramp.
a connection that was continued until the death of Mr. Lunn in 1894. Four
years later, or in 1898, Mr. Cramp was joined by J. Armitage Ewing, K. C, under
the style of Cramp & Ewing, and two years later they admitted George S.
McFadden, at which time the firm name was changed to Cramp, Ewing &
McFadden. This relation was maintained until tlic death of the senior
partner, who was then in his eightieth year. Wliile well versed in the
various departments of tiie law, he specialized in the field of real estate
and became an expert on legal (|uestions relative thereto. He was regarded
as an expert in the matter of titles. He was retained in a consulting
capacity by such corporations as McGill University, Liverpool & London
& Globe Insurance Company, the Montreal Loan & Mortgage Company, and the
White Star Dominion Line. He remained throughout his entire professional
career an active and discriminating student of law, constantly broadening his
knowledge by reading and investigation, as well as experience.
Mr. Cramp held membership in the Mount Royal Club and the St. James
Clul) and was a casual attendant of the Olivet Baptist church. For many years
Mr. Cramp spent the summer season at Saratoga, New York, or at Lachine,
while his city residence was at No. 62 McTavish street, where his sister, the last
survivor of the family, now resides. He passed away February 16, 1913,' at the
age of eighty years, leaving behind him the record of a well spent life, in which
he had wisely employed his time and talents.
High on the list of mechanical and hydraulic engineers appears the name of
Thomas Pringle. Scientific study, investigation and experience brought him to
the enviable position which he long occupied, making his word authority upon
many problems relating to the profession. He was born in Huntingdon, province
of Quebec, in 1830, and died in Montreal on the 7th day of May, 191 1. His
father, David Pringle, was a farmer of Himtingdon and it was there that the
son was reared and educated, but in 1850, when a young man of twenty years,
he engaged in business in Montreal as a milling engineer and for many years
was prominently connected with many water power developments and mill build-
ing operations throughout Canada. Every phase of the milling business seemed
familiar to him and each forward step that he made seemed to bring him a wider
outlook and broader opportunities. He later interested himself in the Mont-
gomery Cotton Mills, the Hochelaga and St. Ann's Mills, of the Dominion Cot-
ton Company, and the ]\Iagog Print Mills, owned by the same corporation. His
connection with all these different important projects constituted him a forceful
factor in the industrial development of the country. He was thus associated
with many of the chief productive industries of Canada and beyond this he became
one of the foremost consulting engineers. It was in the '60s that his attention was
first attracted to the water power possibilities of the Lachine Rapids, which were
subsequently utilized by the Lachine Rapids Hydraulic & Land Company. At
that early date, now more than half a century ago, he made preliminary plans
and wrote a report upon the feasibility of the development in the interests of
Hugh Fraser, founder of the Eraser Institute. Mr. Pringle predicted then that
the water power would some day be used and he lived to see the day when the?'
prediction was fulfilled. In 1891 he was again asked to report on this power
in the interest of the Royal Electric Company, and the following year was asked
to report on the Chambly water power for the same concern. In 1892 his eldest
son was admitted to the business under the firm style of T. Pringle & Son,
hydraulic engineers, and during the succeeding three years close observations
were made and much data accumulated concerning the water power resources
of the country, the firm being regarded as authority upon many questions relative
Mr. Pringle retired from the firm in 1898 but the business has since been
continued by his son under the same name. His services were greatly sought,
owing to his sound judgment, his scientific attainments, his keen insight, and his
practical experience. He was considered the soul of honor and none ever ques-
tioned his integrity. He assisted many men to gain a start in life and many
others were benefited by his powers of perception and keen insight. His services
were in constant demand as an arbitrator when insurance companies were con-
cerned in milling matters. John McDougall took delight in giving him credit
for the creation of the large McDougall fortune and others acknowledged their
indebtedness to him in a similar way. As a natural mathematician he perhaps had
no superior in all Canada and he was regarded as one of the most distinguished
members of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.
In 1861 Mr. Pringle was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Ross, a daugh-
ter of Alexander and Isabella (Lang) Ross, of Chateauquay Basin. The
mother, who came from Scotland in 1832, made her home at Chateauquay Basin,
until death called her at the notable old age of ninety-seven years. Alexander
Ross was a builder and assisted in the construction of the locks at Lachine Canal
but his death occurred when he was yet a young man. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle
had two sons: David Alexander, a mechanical engineer of Montreal; and R.
E. T. Pringle. of Toronto, an electrical engineer.
One of Montreal's foremost business men, whose prominent identification
with the financial and industrial life of this city has made him an important
factor in business circles, is Andrew J. Dawes, president of the National Brew-
eries, Ltd., and also president of Dawes & Company, Ltd. The latter is the
oldest established industrial institution in the Dominion, and was founded more
than a century ago by Thomas A. Dawes, the grandfather of Andrew J. Dawes,
who was the first of the family to leave England and settle in Canada.
Thomas A. Dawes was first connected with the brewery at River St. Pierre.
Ambitious to engage in business on his own account, he established the Dawes
Brewery in 181 1, placed it upon a substantial and profitable basis and was later
joined in its management by his sons, Thomas A. and James P., who were
admitted to a partnership in the business. When James P. Dawes passed away
in 1878 his share in the business passed to his two sons, James P. Dawes, Jr.,
and Andrew J. Dawes, who then became associated with tlieir uncle, Thomas A.
Dawes, in continuing the business which developed steadily until it became one
of the most extensive enterprises of its kind in the Dominion.
Tliomas Dawes, Jr., son of Thomas Dawes, the founder of the family
in Canada, was familiarly and afifectionately styled Tom throughout Lachine
and wherever he was known. He there resided for nearly eighty years and
it was said that such was tlie regularity of his haijits that one could tell the
time of day by his actions. He always took the same train into town each
morning and the same walk in the evening and visited the bank at the same
hour each day. His life w^as to the utmost methodical and systematic, and he was
modest in demeanor and of retiring disposition. He occupied a beautiful home
on the river bank of Lachine with his maiden sister. There he passed away on
the 14th of May, 1908, when he was in the seventy-ninth year of his age, his
birth having occurred in Lachine on the 19th of Sei>tember, 1829.
James P. Dawes, Sr., another son of Thomas Dawes, the founder of the
family in Canada, married a Miss Leishman, who died in 1856, leaving three
sons, James P, Andrew J. and Thomas A. James P. Dawes, Sr., was promi-
nently identified with the business during his active life, and contributed his
part towards its progress and expansion. He died in 1878. His son, Andrew
Joseph Dawes is now at the head of the mammoth business, which had its incep-
tion in the brain of his grandfather and took on material form through his efforts,
and grew and developed through the labor of representatives of the family in
intermediate generations to the present.
To accumulate a fortune requires one kind of genius ; to retain a fortune
already acquired, to add to its legitimate increment and to make such use of it
that its possessor may derive therefrom the greatest enjoyment and the public
the greatest benefit, requires another kind of genius. Mr. Dawes belongs to that
generation of business men called upon to shoulder responsibilities diflfering
materially from those that rested upon their predecessors. In a broader field of
enterprise they find themselves obliged to deal with affairs of greater magnitude
and to solve more ditificult and complicated financial and economic problems.
Such is the position in which Andrew J. Dawes found himself and he has proven
at all times equal to the occasion and the demands made upon him.
Born in Lachine, June 15, 1846, he received his education in that town, and
also in Montreal. His business career began early in connection with the inter-
ests of his father and on the death of that parent he assumed additional respon-
sibilities in the business, which have been continued to the present time. Mr.
Dawes has been a prominent factor in the development of the business. With
its gradual growth facilities were increased, new buildings were added and the
plant has thus expanded until it is represented by immense blocks of buildings,
covering several acres on each side of the main street in Lachine. Aside from his
extensive interests in the brewery business, Andrew J. Dawes is prominently
identified with various projects and organizations for the development and
improvement of the province along horticultural and agricultural lines, being
especially interested in the subject of fruit growing.
He is a director of the Montreal Horticultural and Fruit Growing Associa-
tion ; is president of the Council of Agriculture of the Province of Canada, and
at one time was president of the Lachine Horticultural Association. He is a
director of the Merchants Bank and holds the same official position in regard
to the London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, Ltd. He is well known
in social and club circles and was president of the Auto Club of Canada from
1903 to 1906, while his membership relations extend to the Mount Royal, St.
James, Forest and Stream, Royal Montreal Golf, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht,
Montreal Hunt, Auto and Aero, Montreal Jockey, Montreal Polo, and St.
George Snow Shoe Clubs and to the Rideau Club of Ottawa.
Mr. Dawes married Miss Mary O. A. Wilgress, of Lachine, and they have
two daughters: Rachel M., the wife of F. L. Bond, of Alontreal; and Frances
H., the wife of B. Hazen Porteous, of Montreal.
A man of unusual energy whose exceptionally well preserved physical con-
dition enables him to display a capacity for business more becoming to one twenty
years his junior, success has made possible for Mr. Dawes the enjoyment of
many social pleasures and interests. Yet prominent club man, that he is, Mr.
Dawes' first interest is the e.xtensive business of which he is the controlling
head and he is everywhere recognized as a forceful, resourceful man, ready to
meet any emergency and ever looking beyond the exigencies of the moment
to the opportunities and possibilities of the future.
It is a trite saying that there is always room at the top, for while the lower
ranks of life are crowded, comparatively few have the ambition and the energy
to climb to the heights in connection with business or professional interests.
Recognizing and utilizing his opportunities and wisely employing his time and
talents, T. Sterry Hunt became recognized as one of the eminent Canadian
scientists, his ability winning for him the unusual honor of being made a fellow
of the Royal Society of London. He was born in Norwich, Connecticut, Septem-
ber 5, 1826, a representative of an old New England family. It was his parents'
desire that he should become a representative of the medical profession, but a
strong inclination toward the study of chemistry, mineralogy and geology pre-
vented him from becoming a physician. In 1845 he pursued his studies under
Professor Benjamin Silliman of Yale L'niversity and later became his assistant.
His constantly expanding powers marked him a man above the ordinary and dis-
tinguished honors came to him as the years passed. As early as 1846 the result
of his original researth work was published in an article which he wrote for the
American Journal of Science. When the Geological Survey of Canada, then
recently organized by Mr. (later Sir) William E. Logan, required the service of a
competent chemist and mineralogist, Mr. Logan applied to Professor Silliman to
supply the man and Mr. Hunt was recommended for the position, which he
accepted early in 1847. His connection with the survey continued until 1872,
when, much against the wish of the government, he resigned. His work embraced
a large amount of field geology. The most difficult problems presented by the
geological formation of Canada are those of its crystalline rocks. To this study
Mr. Hunt addressed himself from the beginning and made the first clear exposi-
tion ever presented of the earlier rocks of the country. He afterward gave the
names of Laurentian and Huronian to these rocks and in his investigations,
analyses and scientific research laid the foundation of what he regarded as his
life work. He also gave constant attention to the economic and practical depart-
ments of the survey and was the first to make known the deposits of phosphate
of lime in Canada and call attention to its commercial value for fertilizing pur-
poses, collecting and sending specimens of the same to the foreign exhibits of
185 1, 1855 and 1867. He analyzed soils, investigated the petroleums of Canada
and their distribution, and his studies of the mineral waters of the Dominion
were the first and most complete ever made. His work in many respects con-
stituted the foundation, basis and stimulus of all later iiuestigation.
During his connection with the survey work Mr. Hunt took part in the great
exhibitions of 1856 and i8C)7, acting as judge at both, while his services in a
similar connection were sought at the Centennial Exposition in I 'hiladelphia in
1876. His fame was world-wide as the result of his investigations and researches
were made known, for he took the lead in much pioneer geological work on the
North American continent.
From 1856 until 1862 Dr. Hunt was professor of chemistry at Laval Uni-
versity in Quebec and was continued as one of its honorary professors until his
death. His annual course of instruction there comprised forty lectures in the
French language and for some years he was also lecturer at ^IcGill University.
In 1872 he accepted the chair of geology in the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in Boston, there remaining until 1878, when he resigned in order
to concentrate his efforts upon further study and professional work. His scientific
attainments have gained him recognition .both on the American and European
continents. Harvard University created him Master of Arts in 1852 and from
Laval and McGill L^niversities he received the degree of Doctor of Science. In
1881 he had the unusual honor of receiving the degree of Doctor of Laws from
Cambridge University of England, and in special recognition of his eminence as
a geologist he was created a fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1859. In
1874 he was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States and in 1882 he was one of those called upon by the Marquis of
Lome to aid in the organization of the New Royal Society of Canada, becoming
that year chief of the section of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1884 he
was elected its president. Thus year after year honors were conferred upon
him — honors well merited yet worn with becoming modesty. He was one. of the
founders of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at
Philadelphia and in 1870 was elected to its presidency. He was also an early
member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers and was its president in
1877, while in 1880 he became the foimder and president of the American Chemi-
cal Society. Among the decorations conferred upon him was that of the Legion
of Honor, bestowed by Napoleon III, and the cross of St. Mauritius and St.
Lazarus from the king of Italy. He contributed much to scientific literature and
was a well known lecturer on scientific subjects. He frequently went abroad
for study, spending much time in that way in Great Britain, Switzerland and
Italy. A chemical green ink which he invented in 1839 was the cause of giving
the name of greenbacks to American currency. His explorations on the Ameri-
can continent had extended from the Gulf of St. Lawrence southward to the Gulf
of Mexico and westward to the Pacific.
In January, 1878, Dr. Hunt was married to I\Iiss Anna Rebecca Gale, the
eldest daughter of Justice Samuel Gale of Montreal, who was judge of the court
of queen's bench for Lower Canada. His wife was Mary M. Hawley, who was
born in Montreal and was educated in this city and abroad. One of their daugh-
ters became the Baroness von Friesen, of Dresden. After the death of the
father in 1865, Mrs. Hunt traveled extensively in Europe in company with her
two sisters. She is the author of one or two volumes of poems of considerable
merit, so that her name, like her husband's, is known in literary circles. Dr.
Hunt passed away in February, 1892. His contribution to the world's work was
a valuable one. His investigation, research and native intelligence constituted
the key which unlocked for us many of the portals beyond which lay nature's
mysteries. The earth and its construction were largely to him an open book and
he made it a readable volume for others, placing his investigations before man-
kind in a way that has constituted the foundation for further research.
Lieutenant Colonel Frederick William Hibbard has been frequently before
the public as a speaker and writer upon topics of public interest. Although never
a candidate he was for years a participant in both federal and provincial politics
and has appeared on numerous public occasions both in the province of Quebec
and in that of Ontario. He is the senior member of the firm of Hibbard, Boyer
& Gosselin, and a successful member of the Montreal bar. Ireland claims him
as a native son, his birth having occurred in Dublin on the 19th of October, 1865.
His father was the late Lieutenant Colonel Ashley Hibbard, of Montreal, and his
mother was Sarah Ann Hibbard, the second daughter of the Rev. Ambrose
Lane, M. A., perpetual curate of St. Thomas, Pendleton, Manchester, England.
After spending some years under private instruction, Lieutenant Colonel
F. W. Hibbard entered McGill University, where he took his Bachelor of Arts
degree in 1886. After a couple of years spent in teaching he returned to the
university for the study of law, graduating as B. C. L. in 1891. In addition to
the degree of B. C. L. received in that year he was also gold medallist. In 1892
he received the degree of M. A. He began practice as a barrister in 1893 ^"*^ was
created king's counsel in 1907. His advancement at the bar has been continuous
and long since he left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful few.
From 1907 until 1910 he was crown prosecutor for the district of Montreal, and
his clientele of a private character has been extensive and important. In literary
circles he is known and has given papers and addresses upon a number of sub-
jects. In 1903 he was president of the St. James Literary Society of Montreal.
His popularity as a lecturer is based both upon the entertaining and the instruct-
ive nature of his discourses. He has addressed various audiences upon the fol-
lowing comprehensive subjects: — Canadian Constitutional Government, The
Land Defence of Canada, The Value of Organized Efifort in Municipal Aflfairs,
The Prophecy of the West, and Canadians at Home and Abroad. He is not
merely a theorist, for his ideas have many times taken practical, tangible form,
and in 1910 his fitness for the position led to his appointment to the presidency
of the Quebec i)ublic utilities commission. In military circles his name is known,
for he holds a first class certificate from the Royal School of Artillery, and in
1894 joined the Second Regiment Canadian Artillery as a lieutenant. He was
advanced to the rank of captain in i8<)5, major in 1897, lieutenant colonel in
command in 1901 and R. O. in 1906. He was one of the artillery officers of
the Second Canadian Contingent at Queen Victoria's Jubilee, received the Diamond
Jubilee medal from the hand of King Edward, and was presented to the late
Queen \'ictoria at Windsor Castle. In 1900 he was elected to the presidency of
the Montreal Military Institute and in 1905 became vice president of the Uomin-
ion Artillery Association.
Lieutenant Colonel Hibbard was married in November, 1898, to Miss Emily
Laura Baker, the third daughter of Joseph S. Baker, of Dunham, P. Q. He
finds recreation in golf and has been president of the Outremont Golf Club. He
is a member of the St. James and University Clubs and the Quebec Garrison
Club. A liberal in politics, he has been active in support of the principles of his
party, recognizing the duties and obligations as well as the privileges of citizen-
ship. In religious belief is an Anglican, having twice served as warden of his
church, is a member of the synod of Montreal and of the executive committee of
the diocese. Mr. D. A. Lafortune, his colleague as crown prosecutor, has char-
acterized him as "a man of dignity and learning." His lifelong habit of study and
investigation, his deep and continuous interest in important public questions, and
his earnest purpose, prompting him to action in behalf of the public welfare, have
made him a citizen of value in advancing progress and working toward that
better ordering of things which is always the goal of progress.
Among the better known advocates of Montreal is J. Adelard Ouimet, who is
a member of the firm of Ouimet & Guertin. He is one of the most successful
men in his line, and by his career carries forward the tradition of the family
which to a large extent has been connected with the legal fraternity. The grand-
father, Michel Ouimet, was justice of the peace of St. Rose, in the county of
Laval, and also took an active part in the insurrection of 1837. The father of
J. -Adelard Ouimet was Landre Ouimet, and his wife was in her maidenhood
Miss Euphemie Bourque. A brother of our subject, also named Landre Ouimet.
was for ten years an alderman for St. Jean Baptiste ward and an uncle on the
paternal side was judge of the court of appeals and president of the City and
District Savings Bank.
J. Adelard Ouimet was born at Ste. Scholastique, in the county of Two
Mountains, on the 7th of March, 1868. He pursued his classical studies in the
Seminary of Ste. Therese and at the University of Ottawa and his law course
at Laval University, being admitted to the bar in 1895. He then became a
partner of the well known legal firm of Ouimet. Emard, Maurault & Ouimet, but
after the appointment of the Hon. J. A. Ouimet, his uncle, to the judgeship of
the court of appeals he entered into partnership with A. Delisle, Q. C, then a
member of parliament for Portneuf county, hut two years later decided to engage
in practice independently. In May, 1913, he formed a partnership with C. A.
Guertin, Q. C, under the firm name of Ouimet & Guertin. He possesses every
quality of which a lawyer may be proud — skill in the presentation of his evi-
dence, marked ability in cross-examination, persuasiveness before the jury, a
strong grasp of every feature of the case, the ability to secure a favorable rul-
ing from the judge, unusual familiarity with human nature and the springs of
human conduct and, last but not least, untiring energy. He has often occasion
to demonstrate his ability and has handled many important cases since his admis-
sion to the bar, his clientele being of the most representative character. He is
dignified and impressive, deliberate in manner, his speeches always command-
ing attention. Entirely free from ostentation and display, he largely relies upon
the simple weight of his character and is ever prepared to meet any attack of the
opposing counsel, as his mind works with a rapidity which often excites the won-
dei and admiration of his colleagues.
On the 3d of September, 1901, Mr. Ouimet was united in marriage in Mon-
treal to Miss Dersina Vaillancourt, a daughter of Benjamin \'aillancourt, a well
known grain merchant of Montreal, and they have one son, George Etienne.
As is but natural, Mr. Ouimet has taken a conspicuous part in the public life of
his city and province, having participated in all elections since iSgo, not only in
the province of Quebec but also in Ontario. He is a conservative in his political
affiliations and stanchly upholds the principles of his party. He was the founder
and first president of Le Club Morin, holding the executive office during 1893
and 1894. From 1894 to 1896 he was also president of Le Club des Jeunes Con-
servateurs and is an active member of Le Club Cartier, of which he served as
treasurer from 1910 to 1912. He is also a military man. After having been in
the Sixty-fifth Regiment for ten years, he then joined the Eighty-fifth Regiment,
becoming captain in 1900. He will be major of that regiment in 1914. Frater-
nally he is chief ranger of the Catholic Order of Foresters and is a member of the
Royal Guardians and of the Catholic Foresters Club. His religious faith is that
of the Roman Catholic church, to the work of which he gives his moral and
material support. At the Ottawa University he was the founder of La Societe
des Debats Canadien Frangais in 1889 and served as its first president. In 1908
he was also elected president of L'Association St. Jean Baptiste of St. Jean
Baptiste parish. Mr. Ouimet is a successful lawyer in the truest sense of the
word, a man unusually broad-minded and intelligent, tolerant and of wide experi-
ence, never mercenary or grasping, believing in something greater than mere
material wealth, who in the course of a distinguished career, spent simply and
unostentatiously, has been a factor for good along various lines. His public-
spirited citizenship has been a boon to Montreal, who proudly claims him as one
of her citizens, and Mr. Ouimet returns the honor which the city's people enter-
tain for him by a loyalty which could not be more devoted.
Charles Francis Smith, for half a century a leading figure in the business and
social life of Montreal, was born in Aylesford. Hampshire, England, in 1841. He
had reached the psalmist's allotted span of three score years and ten when death
called him in Montreal on the 30th of September, 191 1. His position was one
which gained for him not only the respect but also the admiration and love of his
associates. Important and extensive as were his business enterprises, they con-
stituted but one phase of an existence that was largely devoted to charitable
works and civic affairs and he was no less esteemed for his generosity and
unfailing kindness than he was admired for his business acumen. His residence
in Canada covered a period of forty-eight years. He came to this country as
a member of the standing army. The shed in which he and his fellow soldiers
slept the first night after landing at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, is still stand-
ing near the beautiful summer home which he afterward built for himself there.
His entrance into commercial circles in Montreal was made as proprietor of a
shoe store on St. Mary street. He afterward entered into jjartnership with the
late James McCready and upon the latter's death became sole proprietor of the
business and so remained for almost one-third of a century ; yet in order to give
his employes the opportunity of sharing in the profits of the business he formed
a limited company nine years prior to his demise. In April, i<>ii, the Inisiness
was sold to D. Lome McGibbon, although Mr. Smith retained an interest in the
new company, — the Ames, Holden, IMcCready. Limited, — of which he became a
Public affairs as well as private interests profited by the efforts, the sound
judgment and keen discrimination of Mr. Smith. He was at one time alderman
of Montreal : was a member of the finance committee and was again and again
urged to become a candidate for the mayoralty. Native modesty, however, caused
him to remain in private life even when it was almost a certainty that he would
be elected to any office to which he might aspire. He was the only English mem-
ber of the French Commercial School which was established by the Gouin gov-
ernment, and he belonged to the Board of Trade for five or six years, being first a
member of the council and rising through the offices of treasurer and vice presi-
dent to that of president, being elected by acclamation. He was also a vice
president of the Dominion Express Company ; managing director of the Lauren-
tide Pulp Company ; a director of the Merchants Bank ; a director of the Montreal
Trust Company ; a director of the Dominion Textile Company ; was at one time
the president of the Western Hospital, and had been for years one of the gov-
ernors of both the Notre Dame and General Hospitals, and vice president of
the Royal Alexandra. He was a well known figure in the city's fashionable clubs,
belonging to the Mount Royal and St. James Clubs, the Royal Montreal Golf
Club, the Forest and Stream Club and the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club. He
was also a charter member of Canada Council of the Knights of Columbus ; a
prominent parishioner of St. Patrick's church, as well as warden of the same ;
a director of St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum, and president of the Catholic Sailors'
Club. He was also a well known member of St. George's Society.
His kindness of heart was invariable, he was especially devoted to his home
and shunned ostentation. At St. Andrews where he spent every summer,
one of his greatest pleasures consisted in the comi)anionship of those friends
of his who lived near him, of whom Sir Thomas Shaughnessy was among the
number. Taking a great interest in matters pertaining to education, he was one
of the founders of the Catholic high school, and a member of the administration
of Laval L^niversity, and though, well known in life as a conservative in politics,
he was appointed by Hon. Lomer Gouin as governor of L' Ecole des Hautes Etudes
Commerciales. Besides being a practical manufacturer, Mr. Smith gave special
attention to tariff' matters, and his contributions to the campaign against unre-
stricted reciprocity in 1891, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Erastus Wiman and
their friends endeavored to establish free trade between Canada and the United
States, did more than a little to secure the protectionist victory of that year.
For years Mr. Smith did not actively participate in civic affairs, but in 1890,
when a reform wave was sweeping over the commercial metropolis he was
asked to come forward as a candidate in one of the civic divisions. He hesitated
for some time, but finally consented to contest the west ward if his warm per-
sonal friend, the late Mr. Frank Hart, would also seek a seat in the city council.
At that time the late Colonel Stevenson was a landmark in civic politics as well as
in military and social circles, and so well was the colonel known that there were
many who considered that with him as an opponent Mr. Smith had hardly a
fighting chance. It was contended that a Roman Catholic could not be elected in
such a pronounced Protestant district as the west ward, but the success achieved
by Mr. Smith in that contest proved that the reform candidate's reputation was
too well established to leave him a victim of the religious cry. He served in the
council during 1890 and 1891, on the finance committee, and though assured that
he could have a second election by acclamation, he declined both the aldermanic
and mayoralty honors that were offered him.
In a quiet and unostentatious manner he was a generous contributor to deserv-
ing charities, irrespective of nationality or creed. He was one of the most
prominent English-speaking Catholics in Montreal. As a personal friend of
Archbishop Bruchesi, ^Ir. Smith was frequently consulted in the church's
temporal afl^airs.
Mr. Smith twice married: His first wife was Miss Mary A. AIcGlynn
and his second wife who survives him, was Miss Margaret M. McNally, daugh-
ter of the late Bernard McNally. Two sons were the issue of the first marriage,
Clarence F. Smith, vice president and general manager of the Ames, Holden,
McCready, Limited, and Frederick H. Smith, who lived in the West Indies, until
his death in April, 1912. To the second marriage the following children were
born: Rose M. ; Charles F., who died on August 20, 191 1; Alarguerite AI. ;
Francis C. ; May G. ; and Geraldine M.
The Montreal Herald said of Mr. Smith : "There was no better citizen of
Montreal than the late Charles F. Smith. He had made his way in the world
by dint of rare power of business organization. In addition he was a man who
made friends and held them. He had no taste for public life himself, but he had
a deep interest in public affairs and in the men who in public life supported
his views. It was so in the affairs of the Board of Trade and resulted in his
becoming president of that body. It was so in civic affairs and resulted in his
being much against his inclination, elected to the council. It was so in Dominion
politics, and if he has passed away before his party friends had the ojiportunity
of showing their appreciation, it is certain that the fighting ranks of the conserva-
tive party had few more prudent or more generous counsellors.
"Mr. Smitli went to the city council with Mr. I.aportc. Mr. .Ames and the
late Mr. Hart at a time when the city had just been aroused to the need of
wholesale reforms. He played a part of much importance, for with two or
three other trained business men he sat in at the centre of things, on the oW
finance committee and supervised a general cleaning up of the city hall. It was the
good work of those days that made possible the larger reforms of later year.s."
The Montreal Gazette said editorially of him: "By the death of Mr. Charles
F. Smith another able and successful man has been taken from Montreal's com-
mercial life. Mr. Smith through years of painstaking energy built up a success-
ful business, from which the city benefited as well as himself.
"In the process he won the respect of all with whom he became associated.
Commercial organizations valued his advice. The Board of Trade counted him
as a wise counsellor. When the city's affairs were in need of improvement he
served in the council and with his associates did useful work in its behalf. He
could have had other public offices had he desired, hut his preference was for
private life. He has passed away at a ripe age, held in regard alike for the quali-
ties of his mind and of his heart, and leaving a memory that will encourage others
to follow his footsteps."
Since 1908 Gerald O. R. Eliott has occupied the position of assistant marine
superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company's Atlantic steamship
lines. He was born March 28, 1874, in Dalhousie, India, and is a son of George
Augustus and Helen (Jardine) Eliott.
Gerald Eliott received his education at Taplow grammar school, the Maiden-
head high school and then served as a cadet on H. M. S. School Ship Conway.
Naval life having a particular attraction for him, he entered the mercantile
marine and served for some time in sailing vessels of the White Star line. He
was an officer in connection with various steamship lines and was doing service
on boats which carried British troops during the South African war. In 1901
he joined the Canadian Pacific steamship lines and served as an officer on various
ships until he was appointed to his present important position of assistant super-
intendent in 1908.
Mr. Eliott's naval career includes the following appointments: midshipman,
^ R. N. R., 1890; appointed acting lieutenant in H. M. S. Jupiter in 1900, having
gone through the gunnery and torpedo course ; received naval reserve decoration
for fifteen years' service in commissioned rank ; retired in 1912 as commander.
In 1908, in Toronto, Ontario, Mr. Eliott married Miss Edith Aspden, a daugh-
ter of Thomas Aspden, of Lancashire, and later of Chicago, Illinois, and Toronto.
Mr. Eliott is a member of the Church of England and upholds conservative prin-
ciples at the polls. His club is that of the Commercial Travelers of Montreal.
Aurelien Boyer, a man of recognized professional ability and prominence,
who since 1899 has been an associate member of the Canadian Society of Civil
Engineers, was born in Montreal and pursued his education in schools of the
city. He was graduated with honors as civil engineer and metallurgist from
Ecole Polytechnique, a department of Laval University, with the class of 1896
and at once entered upon the active work of his chosen profession. He was in
charge of the survey and location of the Yukon telegraph line and resigned from
the department of public works of Canada after his appointment as superinten-
dent of government telegraphs and cables for Quebec and the maritime provinces.
In 1905 he was chemical engineer and local manager of the A. D. Gall Petroleum
& Chemical Company, having charge of their wood distillation plant at Mont
Tremblant, Quebec, and in 1909 became vice president and chief engineer of the
Duckworth Boyer Engineering & Inspection Company, Ltd., which was latei"
consolidated with the Canadian Inspection Company, Ltd., under the name of
the Canadian Inspection & Testing Laboratories, Ltd. Of the latter company
he is now vice president and treasurer. Scientific knowledge, acquired skill and
ability have brought him to a place in the front rank of those who are engaged
in similar enterprises in the province.
In June, 1903, Mr. Boyer married Madame Elmira Corinne Dufresne, of
Three Rivers, Quebec. He belongs to the Engineers Club and the Winchester
Club. He is now a member of the board of administration of L'Ecole Poly-
technique and a director of Association des Anciens Eleves de L'Ecole Polytech-
Lieutenant Colonel James George Ross, president of the 'Ross Realty Com-
pany, Ltd., and favorably known in Montreal as a prominent figure in financial
circles, was born in this city, October 18, 1861, a son of the late Phillip Simpson
and Christina Chalmers (Dansken) Ross, both of whom were natives of Scot-
land. His early education was acquired in private schools, with later attendance
at the high school of Montreal and subsequent attendance at the Ontario Agri-
cultural College in Guelph, from which he was graduated with the class of 1881.
Mr. Ross went to the northwest upon an extended trip with a view to settling
there, but returned to Montreal and associated himself with his father, who was
a representative of the profession of chartered accountant. Shortly afterward he
was admitted to partnership with his brother, the business being carried on
under the firm style of P. S. Ross & Sons, and on the death of his father he
became the head of the firm. He is a chartered accountant and a member of the
Association of Accountants and is a fellow of the Dominion Association of
Chartered Accountants. Aside from his business in that connection he is presi-
dent of the Ross Realty Company, Ltd.. and as such figures prominently in real-
estate circles, negotiating and managing many important property transfers.
Mr. Ross has always evinced a great interest in military matters. In 1879
he joined the OiUario Field Battery, retiring in the \ear 18S3. In 1884 he
held a commission as officer in the \'ictoria Rifles, retiring in 1S91 with the rank
of captain. In i8()8 he joined the Fifth Royal Highlanders and in 1899 was
gazetted captain while in .August, igo<). he was promoted to the rank of major
and in May. 1909, was made lieutenant colonel. In 1907 he received the Long
.Service medal for officers having served for twenty years. He is in active con-
nection with the Montreal Board of Trade and is a director of the Crown Trust
^^^^K'' ^ W
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Company. Tlis interest and support extend to charitable and l)enevolent projects
and he is a hfe governor of the Montreal Western Hospital. Fraternally he is
a Scottish Rite Mason, while in club circles he is widely and favorably known,
his membership being in the St. James Club, Canada Club, Beaconsfield Golf
Club, Canadian Club, Montreal Curling Club, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club,
Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, W'estmount Athletic Club and the Junior
Army and Navy Club of London, England. In his younger days he was very
active in athletic sports, especially in running, and he handled the snowshoe with
expert skill. In 1887 it was claimed that he was "the best man in Canada who
ever strapped on a racing shoe." In the winter of 1888 he accompanied Lieu-
tenant Schwatka in the explorer's trip through the Yellowstone Park and was the
only man who came out in as good shape as he went in.
In March, 1891, Mr. Ross married Miss Alice Margaret Alonk, daughter of
the late John Monk, an advocate of ^Montreal, and they have two daughters,
Marjorie and Evelyn.
One of the best known merchants of the past generation in Montreal, and a
man whose well ordered life and high business principles commanded the respect
of all who knew him, was born in 1804, in Yorkshire, England, and came to Canada
with his parents in 1817, the family home being established in the south part of
the province of Quebec near the Vermont line.
Thomas Mussen early entered business life in Montreal, becoming a clerk
with the firm of William Smith & Company with whom he remained for about
ten years. He was careful with his earnings and in 1827, he had saved sufficient
capital to enable him to purchase a small stock of dry goods, opening a store on
St. Paul street, near Jacques Cartier Square, then the heart of the retail district.
The business prospered from the first and when larger cjuarters were demanded
he removed to Notre Dame street, at the corner of St. Gabriel, being the first
merchant to locate on Notre Dame street, and afterwards located at the corner
of St. Lawrence boulevard and Notre Dame street, where he continued until
1865. In that year the store was removed to Craig street, near St. Lawrence
boulevard, where he continued until his new building was erected at the Lomer
of St. Lambert and Notre Dame. There the business was successfully continued
by him until his death April 5, 1892. Each remoxal had indicated a demand
for larger quarters. The business was marked by continuous growth and devel-
opment under the strong guiding hand of Mr. Mussen, who came to be ranked
with the leading merchants of the city. His store was one of the leading luui-
mercial establishments of the province. After the death of Mr. Mussen. the
business was carried on by his sons. William W. and Henry S., until 1900
when it was 'discontinued, the brothers retiring from active business. William
W. Mussen died in T0O4 and Henry S. Mussen passed away in 1912.
Harold Beaufort Mussen, son of William W., and a well known insurance
and real-estate broker of Montreal, after acquiring his education in the schools
of his native city, entered the employ of the Canada Atlantic Railway, where his
Vol. m— 10
developing powers and ability won him promotion until he became general agent.
He continued with them until October, 1904. when after a service of twelve
years he withdrew to engage in business on his own account.
In the death of Peter Lyall Montreal lost a citizen who left the impress of
his individuality for good upon the community in which he lived. He was a man
of fine personal appearance, and his splendid physique was an indication of the
strength of his mental and moral nature. For many years he was connected with
business interests as a prominent contractor, being the head of the Peter Lyall
& Sons Construction Company, Ltd. While in his seventieth year at the time
of his death, he had always remained in active connection with his business until
a few days prior to his demise.
Scotland numbered Mr. Lyall among her native sons, his birth having occurred
at Castletown, Caithness, Scotland, where he gained a practical knowledge of the
contracting business before crossing the Atlantic in 1870. When he sought a home
in the new world Montreal was his destination and he made his initial step in
circles here in the employ of his cousin, the later Peter Nicholson. Six years
were sufficient to bring him a wide acquaintance that he believed justified him in
embarking in business on his own account. He was joined by his two sons,
William and Traill O. in 1892. who are still connected with the business that was
established in Montreal in 1876. The third son, Peter D. Lyall, is head of a large
contracting firm in Winnipeg. From the time that he started out independently
Peter Lyall was successful and his name figured prominently in connection with
building operations in Montreal and this part of Canada. He kept in close touch
with all phases of the business and with all progressive steps therein. Many of
the business structures of Montreal still stand as monuments to his ability, his
energy and his notable ambition. He carried out the erection of the Quebec
Bank Building, the Royal Victoria Hospital, Macdonald Engineering buildings
at McGill, the Sun Life building, the Canada Life, the Grand Trunk general
offices, the Coristine building, the new Board of Trade, the Stock Exchange,
the Guardian Life, the Dominion Express and Transportation buildings, and
hundreds of others. Some of the finest residences of the city also stand as
monuments to his handiwork, notably among which are the homes of the late
Sir Edward S. Clouston and George L. Cains. From the time that he started
out in business his rise was continuous. It was soon evident that he understood
the building business, both from a scientific and practical standpoint, that his
reliability made him worthy of a liberal patronage, and that his energy and
indomitable spirit made possible the prompt and faithful execution of his con-
tracts. Success came to him soon and was well merited, so that he gained place
among the prosperous residents of the city. His ability in management, his
power of carefully formulating plans and then executing them with determination
was seen in his cooperation in the organization of a numl)er of companies which
have constituted leading factors in industrial, commercial and financial circles.
He was one of the promoters of the Lachinc Rapids Hydraulic S: Land Company,
formed in 1896, and of the Midway Land Company in the same year. He was
one of the organizers of the Laprairie Brick Company in iy04.
Mr. Lyall was united in marriage to Miss Ciiristina Oman, who, Hke her
husband, was a native of Castletown, Caithness, Scotland. They became the
parents of three sons, William and Traill O., of Montreal, Peter D., of Winnipeg
and a daughter, now Mrs. D. W. Lockerby, of ]\Iontreal. .Mr. Lyall possessed a
social nature that found expression in his membership in the Canada, Reform,
Canadian, Country and Engineers Clubs. His kindly disjiosition made liim a
favorite in all circles, and among no class of people was he more appreciated than
by his own eniiiloyes. He was deeply interested in all that pertained to affairs
of government and to municipal progress. For many years he was a prominent
member of the liberal party, earnestly striving to promote its success, and in
1904 he unsuccessfully contested the St. Antoine district for the Dominion par-
liament. At one time he was president of the Montreal Reform Club and at all
times took a firm stand in opposition to misrule in public affairs and in support
of all that he believed would uphold the honored tenets of government and pro-
mote the best interests of the people in general. For two years he was a member
of the Montreal city council and brought his splendid business acumen to bear
on civic problems, proving himself one of the strongest men at the council table.
He was afterward eagerly besought to again become a member of the council but
declined. He took a deep and helpful interest in the Citizens Association, being
in hearty sympathy with its purpose, and at the time of his demise was one of its
vice presidents. Above and beyond all this Mr. Lyall was known as a man of
most generous and benevolent spirit, ever seeking to promote the welfare and
happiness of his fellowmen. He could not listen unmoved to a. tale of sorrow
or distress, and to the extent of his ability he extended a helping hand to the
needy. He gave not only freely of his money but also a large portion of his time
to good works. He was president of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane at
X'erdun, and his eff'orts were a potent force in making it one of the excellent
institutions of its character in the country. The Western Hospital found him
ec|ually helpful and generous. Thus he made his presence felt beneficially in
commercial, political and philanthropic circles. To know him was to esteem
and honor him by reason of what he accomplished and the methods he pursued.
The most envious could not grudge him his success, so honorably was it won and
so worthily used.
In insurance circles in Montreal and among business men in general the name
of Alfred B. Dufresne is well known because of his activity in the field to
which he directs his efforts. He was born April 13, 1874, at Joliette, Canada, a
son of J. Alfred and Honorine (Delfausse) Dufresne, who now reside in
Montreal. He was educated in Plateau Academy and at the age of eighteen
years began work as a clerk in the office of the Alliance Assurance Company in
Montreal. During the twelve years he served the company he won promotion
.from time to time until he became chief clerk, his capability and fidelity thus win-
nin.g him recognition and gaining for him substantial advancement. In 1903 he
was appointed inspector for the Mount Royal Assurance Company and so con-
tinued until 1907, when he was appointed chief specific rating inspector of the
Canadian Fire Underwriters Association. In 1908 he was appointed manager
of the Montreal-Canada Fire Insurance Company, filling the position for two
years, or until 1910, when he took up general agency work, now representing the
Northwestern National Insurance Company, the Montreal-Canada Fire Insur-
ance Company, the Anglo-American Fire Insurance Company, the Protection
Fire Insurance Company and the Rimouski Fire Insurance Company, with offices
in (he Duluth building.
On the I2th of October, 1909. Mr. Dufresne was married to Miss Gabrielle
Mathieu, and to them have been born two daughters, Jacqueline and Francoise.
The family reside at No. 171 Esplanade avenue, and Mr. Dufresne is a member of
the St. Denis Club. Much of his life has been passed in the city where he now
resides, and his admirable traits of character, as well as his business ability, have
gained him firm hold on the regard and good-will of all with whom he has been
The name of Charles Albert Duclos figures in professional circles in Montreal
as that of a lawyer whose ability has won for him a large clientage. He is a man
of scholarly attainments, which, added to his knowledge of the law, has gained
him prestige among the successful advocates of the city. A native of Joliette,
P. O., he was born on the 3d of August, 1861, his parents being the Rev. R. P.
and Sophie A. Jeaureneaud Duclos. The father was a French-Canadian, while
the mother was born in Switzerland. The Rev. R. P. Duclos has devoted his
life to the work of the ministry as a representative of the Presbyterian church.
Realizing the value of education as a factor for success in any chosen field of
labor, the father provided his son with good opportunities in that direction and,
after attending the Montreal high school, Charles A. Duclos entered McGill
University, in which he pursued the arts course, winning the B. A. degree in
1881. and then entered ui)iin the study of law, winning the B. C. L. degree, with
the Elizabeth Torrance gold medal in 1884. His high standing in scholarship
constituted the basis upon which his friends builded their belief in his successful
future, and the faith which they manifested has found justification in his profes-
sional career. Following his graduation he at once entered upon active practice
in Montreal, where he has remained continuously since. Aside from his practice
he' is the vice president of the Ross Realty Company, which was organized in
1906, and in that coinicctiDU he has displayed sound business judgment and
In June, 18S9, Mr. Duclos was united in marriage to Isabella S])ence, a
daughter of G. M. liolbrook, of Ottawa, and they reside at No. 488 Elm avenue,
Westmount. Mr. Duclos' fellow citizens of Westmount called him to the office
of mayor, in which he served in 1905-6, giving to the city a businesslike and
progressive administration. He is a conservative in politics, and he stands for
all that means progress along material, intellectual, political and moral lines. His
religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. His social connections are
with St. James, Canada, Ro\-al Montreal (iolf, St. Cieorge Snowshoe Clubs, of
Montreal ; and the Rideau Club, of CJ)ttawa. A]:)])reciative of the social amenities
of life and readily recognizing and appreciating these qualities in others, he has
gained many friends in these organizations. However, he regards the practice of
law as his real life work and bends his energies, in major part, toward his pro-
fessional duties. He was created king's counsel in 1903, and the years of his
active practice now cover nearly three decades — years in which he has made con-
tinuous advancement as the result of constantly developing power in the line of
his chosen profession.
Rev. Canon John Macpherson Almond, rector of Trinity church, Montreal,
is a man whose practical piety has been demonstrated in many ways, as a travel-
ing missionary, on the field of battle, in the pulpit and in quiet w'ork among his
people. His name stands as a synonym for sincerity of purpose, upright living
and breadth of mind, and his accomplishments have already been important
enough to form a notable part of the history of the Anglican church in Canada.
Canon Almond was born in Shigawake. Quebec province, July 27, 1872, and
is a son of James and Mary Ann (Macpherson) Almond. He studied in the
University of Bishop's College at Lennoxville, from which he was graduated
B. A. in 1894 and M. A. in 1901. He was ordained deacon in the Anglican
church in 1896 and priest in the following year, being stationed first as a mis-
sionary in Labrador and becoming afterward traveling missionary for the Que-
bec diocese. In October, 1899, he was commissioned chaplain to the Royal
Canadian Regiment and accompanied it to South Africa, where he was chaplain
to the Nineteenth Brigade, composed of the Gordons, Cornwalls. Shropshires
and Canadians. His conduct during the campaign received high praise, more
particularly in connection with his attendance on the enteric fever patients at
Bloemfontein, and he was given a medal for courageous and untiring work in
all conditions of danger both from the enemy and from disease and discomfort.
Returning to Canada in December. 1900, Canon Almond was made assistant
curate at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Quebec, and as such remained one year, after
which he was appointed rector at Grand Mere. In 1904 he was transferred to
Montreal, where he has since filled the position of rector of Trinity church,
winning the love, respect and confidence of his parishoners and the high regard
of all who have an opportunity of knowing his honorable and upright life. Canon
Almond is a preacher of great power and forcefulness and has won a wide
reputation as a speaker, delivering among others the oration at the decoration of
the soldiers' graves in Montreal on \'ictoria Day. 1905. He was elected presi-
dent of the South African Veterans Association of Montreal in 1908 and of the
Last Post Association two vears later. Since March, 191 1, he has held the office
of chaplain, with the honorary rank of captain, in the Sixth Duke of Connaught's
Royal Canadian Hussars. In 191 2 he was appointed chaplain of the Montreal
jails. Archdeacon Ker has called liim "a splendid preacher," and the Toronto
Globe speaks of him as "a man of zeal, practical piety and unselfishness, with
a knack for executive work" — triinites which he has won by most able and untir-
ing work in many fields. Canon Almond was married in October, 1901, to
Nellie Estelle, daughter of H. G. Beemer of Quebec.
\\tllia:\i langley bond, k. c.
William Langley Bond, one of the well known advocates of Montreal, belongs
to an old Canadian family, his parents being Lieutenant Colonel Frank and
Mary (Scott) Bond. Colonel Bond is a well known financial agent and stock-
broker of Montreal and is the eldest son of the late Archbishop Bond, Primate
of All Canada, and Eliza ( Langley ) Bond. The father has been connected with
banking and financial interests for many years and has also been prominent in
military life.
William L. Bond was born in ^Montreal, January 20, 1873. He attended
the high school in Montreal and then entered IMcGill University, from which he
received the degree of B. A. in 1894 and of B. C. L. in 1897. In 1898 he became
an advocate and shortly thereafter a member of the legal firm of Atwater, Duclos,
Bond & Meagher, of Montreal. Among the famous cases wliich he argued was
tlie Cantin case, which was tried before Jl. Comte, P. C, England. In Novem-
ber, 191 1, he was appointed a K. C.
For a number of years Mr. Bond was captain and adjutant of the Prince
of Wales Fusiliers. He is also honorary treasurer of the Province of Quebec
Rifle Association. In his religious faith he is an .\nglican and was elected lay
secretary of the Montreal Synod in 1907 and also church advocate. In 1910
he was made a governor of the Montreal Diocesan Theological College. Mr.
Bond is prominent in clul) life, being a member of the committee of St. James,
and a member of the Reform, the x\rts, and the Winter Clubs. He is a great
friend of outdoor sports and the lines along which he seeks recreation are indi-
cated by his membership in the Royal ?^Iontreal Golf Club, the Montreal Curling
Club and the Forest and Stream. He also belongs to the Montreal Military
Institute and is an honorary member of the Polo and Country Club.
Robert Anderson Becket, did much to promote musical talent, directly assist-
ing many young musicians, and thus his loss was distinctl\- felt in musical circies,
when death called him on the lAh of May, 1910. Ho had passed the seventy-
fifth milestone on life's journey, his birth having occurred in .'>colland. December,
30, 1834. His father, James Becket, came to Canada with his family in 1841
and was connected with the customs department at Montreal, where Robert A.
pursued his education in jirixate schools. He was a young man in his twenty-
fourth year, when on January ii, 1858, he wedded Anne Wilson, born in Belle-
meana, Ireland, a daughter of Samuel Wilson.
Robert A. Becket had made his initial step in business as bookkeeper for his
uncle, J. C. Becket, on St. James street in Montreal, but in the year of his mar-
riage, removed to Belleville, Ontario, where he embarked in business on his
own account conducting a music and stationery store, for about eight years, or
until 1866, when he returned to this city and became manager for the D. Morris
Ice Company. Some time passed and he became owner of this enterprise, in
which connection he built up a large and profitable business. He organized a
joint stock company called the City Ice Company, Limited, and devoted all of
his time to the conduct of his business, carefully directing its interests. He
was a progressive man and was especially active along musical lines, doing
much to help young musicians. He was also a prominent figure in quartet and
choir work and there was perhaps, no one who did more to stimulate among
the young, a love for music of the higher class, than Mr. Becket.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Becket were born twelve children, of whom five are
living: Christina A.; Dr. George C, of East Orange, New Jersey; Ralph A., of
Montreal ; Fred M., of Niagara Falls, New York ; and Frank W., of New York.
The family attend the Erskine church, of which Mr. Becket was a prominent
member and elder, his religious faith constituting the root from which sprang
his many good deeds, wrought along lines of continuous benefit to his fellowmen.
Harold Earle Walker, practicing at the l)ar of Montreal as a member of the
law firm of Chauvin, Baker & Walker, was born in Westmount, Quebec, in
1882. His father, James Robert W'alker, a native of the city of Quebec, became
senior partner of the well known firm of J. R. Walker & Company of Montreal
and is not only well known in business circles but also through his active con-
nection with public afifairs. At one time he was mayor of Westmount and has
taken an active part in furthering matters of civic virtue and civic pride. He
married Agnes Cooper Earle.
After attending the Abingdon school, Mr. Walker became a student in McGill
University, completing the arts course in 1904 and the law course with the class
of 1907. His standing is indicated l)y the fact that he won the Elizabeth Torrance
gold medal and the Macdonald scholarship. Following his graduation with the
class of 1907, which was indicative of the completion of the thorough course of
law prescribed by McGill, he was admitted to the bar and after a year spent in
France returned to Montreal to enter upon the active practice of his profession,
which he now follows as a member of the law firm of Chauvin. Baker & Walker.
An extensive practice is fast adding to his experience and developing the powers
with which nature endowed him.
In Montreal, in 191 1, Mr. Walker was united in marriage to ]\Iiss Hazel A.
Hart, a daughter of R. A. Baldwin Hart. His religious faith is that of the Pres-
bvterian church, and something of the nature of his recreation is indicated in
the fact that he is a member of the Beaconsfield Golf Club.- He is a typical young
professional man of ihe age, alert, energetic, watchful of opportunities. His
friends anticipate for him future success, and the record he has already made
shows that he has taken a far step in advance since entering upon the active prac-
tice of law.
The history of a country is no longer an account of wars and conquests, but
is a record of notable business activity, of intellectual, aesthetic and moral prog-
ress and political management and control. While never active in the field of
politics, Joseph Bowles Learmont was not only highly successful where his tastes
led, but was as well one of the foremost merchants of the city, and well known in
the business community of Montreal. He cooperated in various interests having
broad humanitarianism as their basic principle, and he was a connoisseur on rare
books and engravings. His interests were wide and varied and brought him into
close connection with many of the leading citizens of the Dominion.
Mr. Learmont was a native of Montreal. From the beginning of his business
career success attended him so that he at length was numbered among the city's
most substantial business men. In all his career there was no esoteric phase, his
advancement having been through constructive and progressive methods. Study-
ing the demands of the times and the conditions of trade he was no small factor in
the growth and development of the extensive wholesale hardware business of
Caverhill, Learmont & Company, of which Mr. Learmont was the senior mem-
ber. This well known house succeeded Crathern & Caverhill (which was estab-
lished in 1854) and occupies a foremost position in its line, with a reputation for
commercial integrity second to none.
Successful business man that he was, commerce constituted but one feature in
the life of Mr. Learmont. He was of decided literary tastes and was frequently
heard on literary and historical subjects. He was, moreover, the author of a
most interesting paper on folk lore, in which extended mention is made of the
folk lore of Canada. Another paper of equal interest from his pen is on The
Canadian Indian. ]\lr. Learmont was widely known as a collector of rare books
and manuscripts, etchings, engravings and autograph letters, his knowledge of
such being that of a connoisseur. His collection of Bibles comprised more than
one hundred rare volumes. He also wrote on engravings, translations of the
English versions of the Bible, children's elementary books, etc.
Mr. Learmont's keen interest in matters historic was probably best shown
in his purchase of Quebec House, the home of Major General James Wolfe,
Westcrham, Kent. England. The motive which inspired liim to make the ]nir-
chase was to secure the pro]5erty for the Canadian people, to be held Iw them in
perpetuity "irrespective of race, language or creed.'' His desire was that the
Canadian ])eople maintain it so that it may be open to visitors and free to all that
are interested in Canada. Mr. Learmont always manifested the keenest interest
in anything associated with Wolfe and had made a collection of engravings of
the famous general. He also possessed an excellent painting of Wolfe's father,
the work of Sir Jam* Thornhill.
-i. ■
■ \
Mr. Learmont was a nicnibcr of the council of the ^[ontrcal Art Association
and treasurer of the local branch and one of the council of the Archaeological
Institute of America. He likewise became one of the early members of the
Anti(|uarian Society of Montreal.
Mr. Learmont was first married to Miss Amelia Jane llolton, a dauf^hter of
the late Hon. L. H. Holton, '\l. P.,- a ])rominent parliamentarian and statesman.
I'ollowing her death, he married, in 18S2, Charlotte Smithers, a daughter of the
late Charles F. Smithers, president of the ISank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs.
Learmont were always in full accord concerning religious and charitable work.
He was connected with the Congregational church anfl a generous sui)])orter of
church and benevolent enterprises. Mrs. Learmont is particularly well known in
efforts to ameliorate the conditions of life for the unfortunate. She is interested
in the movement for providing playgrounds for children ; is vice president of the
Montreal Day Nursery; vice president of the local branch of the Needle Work
(juild, and president and convener of the local branch of the ladies' committee
of the \'ictorian Order of Nurses. She is likewise a director of the City Improve-
ment League ; was one of the directors of the Royal Edward Listitute, and is
one of the honorary presidents of the Young Women's Christian Association.
She was one of a deputation, headed by the Countess of Aberdeen, who pre-
sented Queen Alexandra an address of congratulation from twenty-five hundred
women of Canada.
Mr. Learmont was a member of the committee of management of the Montreal
General Hospital ; a member of the board and a governor of the Montreal branch
of the Mctorian Order of Nurses, and a director of the Charity Organization
Society. He belonged to the Montreal Board of Trade, of which he was for two
years a councilor, and in more strictly social lines was a member of the St. James,
Mount Royal, Montreal and City Clubs. He was termed "a man of exquisite
taste and deep knowledge on special subjects." He was an advocate of all that
is most progressive and beneficial, never choosing the second best but seeking out
those things which are most beneficial to the individual and to the community,
recognizing every man's relation and obligation to his fellowman.
Mr. Learmont died March 12, 1914.
Centuries past the history of a country consisted of a record of wars and
conquests — the contest of man with man ; today the history is the record of
man's contests with material forces and those who are making the history of a
country are the men who are controlling its important agricultural, commercial
and professional interests. It is they who are shaping the annals of the nation
and those who rise to leadership in any given line are the men who are pre-
paring the records that in years to come will be eagerly read as the history of the
past. In this connection the name of Frederick William Thompson stands
prominently forth, for he became one of the foremost figures in connection with
the milling industry of Canada. He was born in Montreal, January 16, 1862,
and was but in the prime of life when he passed away in London, England, May
7, 1912. His parents were the late Andrew and Josephine (DeLesperance)
Thompson. The son was educated in Montreal and in Brooklyn, New York,
living for some years in the latter city. Subsequently he returned to Montreal
and entered the service of the Exchange Bank as a clerk, remaining with that insti-
tution for seven years. It was thus that he gained his preliminarv business
experience which he later turned to account in the management of milling opcia-
tions. In 1882 he joined the Ogilvie ]\Iills in Winnipeg, becoming general man-
ager of the Ogilvie Milling Company in 1888. Following the death of W. W.
Ogilvie in 1900 the entire company's interests were consolicjated and the busi-
ness purchased by I\Ir. Thompson and C. R. Hosmer. In 191 1 the Ogilvies were
made millers to the King. The business gradually grew and developed and
became a focal point in the milling industry of the country, setting the stanuard
for activity along that line. Mr. Thompson was active in coordinating forces
and in developing an enterprise which became second to none in all Canada. He
had wonderful powers of organization and could unite seemingly diverse elements
into a unified and harmonious whole. He considered no detail as too unim-
portaot to claim his attention, while, at the same time, he gave due regard to the
major points in his business. His executive force and management were many
times called forth in other connections.
He had voice in the control of many important business and financial interests
and in affairs of a public and semi-public character. He was a director of the
Canadian branch of the Liverpool & London & Globe Insura^nce Company, the
Montreal Transportation Company, the Canadian Appraisal Company, the Electric
Flour Patents Company, the E. N. Heney Company, the Royal Bank of Canada,
the Manitoba Asstirance Company, and was president of the Keystone Transpor-
tation Company and of the Canada Appraisal Company. He was also the origi-
nator of the Kaministiqua Power Companv and of a large number of other
enterprises which contributed to the history of the country in its commercial and
financial development.
As stated, Mr. Thompson was a prominent figure in relation to many public
and semi-public interests. He was a governor of the Winnipeg General Hospital ;
and a life governor of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane, the Western Home
and the Boys' Home. In igo8 he lectured on Plain Business Facts. He was
president of the Winnipeg Industrial Exchange Association and of the Winnipeg
Board of Trade. He was likewise a vice presideiit of the Winnipeg Rowing Club :
president and patron of the local branch of the Royal Caledonia Curling Club,
and honorary president of the Winnipeg Hockey Club. He was a diractor of
the Montreal Association for the Blind, governor of the Montreal ^^'estern Hos-
pital, councilor of the Montreal Board oi Trade, and in Montreal no less than in
Winnipeg he was greatly interested in all ])ublic enterprises and philanthroiiic
undertakings. In 1903 he was a delegate to the Fifth Commercial Congress
of the Emjjire.
In the previous year Mr. Tliom])son received the Prince and Princess of
Wales, now King George and Queen Mary, at the Ogilvie Mill in Winnipeg and
subsequently presented the Princess with the i)icture of the largest flour mill in
the British Empire. It was in the same year ih.it the largest shipment of flour to
.'^outh .'\merica from the Dominion of Crniada was made.
111 1882 Mr. Thompson was united in marriage to Miss Wilhelmina Reid, a
daughter of the late VVilHam Reid of Bedford, province of Quebec, and their chil-
dren were Marion, Fred, Alice and Helen. The first named became the wife of
D. C. Rea, of Winni[)eg, manager of the Royal ISaiik. Mr. Thomiison was
prominently known in ciuh and social circles, holding membership in the St.
James, Mount Royal, Canada, h'orest and Stream, Royal Montreal Golf, Mon-
treal Jockey, and Auto and .\ero Clubs; Montreal .Amateur .\thletic Association;
the Montreal Curling Club; the Rideau Club of Ottawa; the Constitutional of
London ; Manitoba of Winnipeg ; and the York Club of Toronto.
Perhaps no better estimate of the life and character of Mr. Thompson can
be given than by quoting from an editorial which appeared in one of the papers
at the time of his demise and which read :
"Death has within a year robbed the Canadian milling industry of its two
most prominent leaders. During the years which brought Robert Meighen and
Frederick William Thompson to the top, the flour milling industry underwent an
expansion and consolidation second only to that of the transportation industry
and the metal industries. The process was peculiarly favorable to the rise of men
of strong personal character and large intellectual capacity. It is not surprising,
therefore, to find the leaders of the industry taking a larger part in the public life
of the country than those of almost any other business. Without ever seeking
office or public honors, for which indeed the cares of his business left him no
time, the late Mr. Thompson exercised a very wide and effective influence upon
the beliefs and policies of Canada in business matters. When he spoke it was not
as a mere expert miller, but as an authority of the widest knowledge ; and as he
never wasted a public utterance by dealing with any matter on which he was not
perfectly informed, he was listened to with a respect which neither his wealth
nor his business success alone could have commanded. There are men still living
who can remember when the flour milling of Canada was carried on in hundreds
of small local mills under separate ownership. The process of centralizing the
industry has been pretty well completed now; such companies as that of which
Mr. Thompson was the active head are national in their sco])e and the extent of
their properties.
"He has been cut off in the prime of life and it is difficult to conjecture what
further progress of organization he might have participated in. had he lived.
\Miatever it might be, we can be sure that the interests of Canada would have
been advantaged, for he was a thorough Canadian by birth and by conviction and
ever regarded the milling industry less as a source of wealth than as a factor
in Canada's greatness. In these days the best and most practical form of
patriotism is frequentlv to be found in business."
William H. Hope, for more than thirty years an active business man on St.
Catherine street, near Mansfield, was born, March 9, 1840, in the north of
England, and died September 11, IQ03, so that his life span compassed sixty-three
years. He came to Montreal as a young man and on July 26, 1S78, was married
in this city to Miss Alary E. Percy. Their family numbered seven children : Lena,
who is Mrs. Thomas Bradley, now a resident of New York city; Eva, the wife
of Rev. Himter Laverie. of Forest, Ontario; William G., of Portland, Oregon;
Adam V., who died in infancy ; Sadie, who is the wife of George Wanless, of
Outremont ; Clittord R. ; and Elsie.
Air. Hope was a well known business man, conducting an art store at one
location for over thirty years. His business integrity was above question and he
was respected by all who knew him. In his political faith he was a conservative,
but did not take an active part in politics. He was interested, however, in the pro-
.notion of athletic and outdoor sports for the young. A man of domestic taste,
he found his greatest happiness at his own fireside, doing everything in his power
to promote the welfare of his wife and children. He held membership in St,
Paul's Presbyterian church and his life was actuated by high and honorable
principles that made him a thorough gentleman, courteous, kindly and consider-
ate at all times.
Prominent in the business and financial life of the city, James O'Connor was
numbered among Montreal's well known and successful business men. He was
born at St. Alphonse, province of Quebec, and when a youifg man in his teens,
came to Montreal at which time his capital was but little more than his energy,
pluck and determination. From the time of his arrival here his attention was
largely concentrated upon business affairs and he wisely improved his time and
opportunities, thus advancing step by step until he reached the plane of affluence.
For many years he had charge of the wholesale pork packing house on Williams
street and there laid the foundation for his fortune.
For a number of years before his death, Mr. O'Connor had largely confined
his business activities to the stock market, where he was a prominent figure.
While a man of sound judgment and keen business sagacity, one of his strongest
characteristics was his great courage and persistency. During the great financial
depression of 1907, when security values were slumping in a manner that brought
financial ruin to many, Mr. O'Connor's fortune suffered a large shrinkage. He
had confidence in the future, however, and the pluck to hold on, with the result
that he recouped his losses and added substantially to his fortune, which was esti-
mated at over a half million dollars at the time of his retirement.
He was one of the largest individual holders of Dominion Steel preferred and
also an extensive holder of the common stock. He was likewise a heavy stock-
holder in the Dominion Coal Company.
All his life he was a man of business, which through careful attention brotight
him substantial as well as honorable sticcess. Mr. O'Connor was a figtire that
attracted attention and he made lasting friendships in business as well as in private
life. He was known as a man of his word, and always ready to lend a helping hand
to those less fortunate in life's battle. Many of his acts of kindness and sub-
stantial assistance were known only to the recipients. His acquaintance was large
and inclufled the prominent business and public men of his time.
Mr. O'Connor held membership in St. Anthony's CathoHc church and in
poHtics he was a conservative. In his habits and tastes, he was most domestic,
finding his greatest pleasure in administering to the welfare and happiness of his
family. The most envious could not jjegrudge him his success, so honorably was
it won and so worthily used for the benefit and assistance of others. His nature
was one of extreme generosity and his example is worthy of emulation.
His sudden death on April 15, 1909, left a widow, a son and two daughters.
James O'Connor is a resident of Montreal ; Margaret resides at home ; and Laura
Esther is now Mrs. G. F. Hemsley. Mrs. O'Connor previous to her marriage
which took place in St. Patrick's church, Montreal, was Miss Catherine Curran,
a daughter of John Curran, a prominent and distinguished citizen of this city.
Among the mercantile institutions of Montreal is that of H. Vineberg &
Company, clothing manufacturers for the trade, the inception and building up
of which business is entirely due to the indefatigable efforts of H. Vineberg.
The firm occupies what is known as \'ineberg's building, eight stories in height.
Hundreds of young men have learned their trade and received their start in this
establishment, and that many of them today occupy creditable positions in life
is in a measure due to the lofty principles which are the policy of the firm. Many
have profited by Mr. Vineberg's kindly advice, who took an interest in each
employe of his large enterprise and who, moreover, often helped them to begin
their career in the right direction. Mr. Vineberg has aided many men who are
today prominent in professional life in the city and has ever taken a deep interest
in charitable and church organizations, having particularly given his aid to those
who came to this country in straitened circumstances in order to enjoy the ])riv-
ileges of British freedom, British institutions and the prosperity held out to all
who but want to grasp it in the vast Canadian commonwealth.
Harris Vineberg was born in 1853, on the 25th of December, a Jewish feast
day called Chanuka, in Zidugira, Russian Poland. Zidugira means Jewish bush,
and his ancestors owned the vast forests in Poland from which this name is
derived. It may be mentioned in this connection that the cable address used
by the house of H. Mneberg & Company toda\' is "Zidugira,'' perpetuating in
a manner the memory of that place which gave birth to him and whence he sallied
forth into the world to build his fortune. It seems that this reverent attitude
toward his birthplace, toward his parents and toward his people has been the
guiding star over Mr. \"ineberg's career, the star which has led him to. the goal.
His parents were Lazarus and Malca Vineberg, the former of whom died in
Palestine in 1901 and the latter in 1882.
Their son Harris received a strictly orthodox education from private teach-
ers. After liaving mastered the curriculum he assisted his father in the lumber
business for the last two years which he spent in his native land. However, the
young man could not content himself with the limitations which hedged him in
on all sides under Russian rule and. coveting the opportunity of a wider sphere
of action, he made up his mind to seek that country under which the greatest per-
sonal liberty, the greatest freedom of thought, the greatest tolerance of religious
views prevailed. With an eye to the practical, he selected that part of the
empire which seemed to him to hold out the greatest opportunity.
In September, 1872, Mr. Vineberg came to Montreal on the steamship Sar-
matian. A brother had broken the home ties with him and with this brother
he worked one year in Glengarry county, where he acquired a fair knowledge
of English. He then made for Montreal in order to profit by the opportunities
which the fast growing center of population held out and for seven months he
worked in a humble capacity, earning but two dollars a week. On Satur-
days and Sundays he instructed two boys in the Hebrew language and in this
manner earned sufficient to pay for his board. Quickly accommodating himself,
however, to the new conditions of life, Mr. Vineberg never lost sight of his pur-
pose and, husbanding his small resources, he strove eagerly to establish himself
in business. He opened a small store at No. 662 Craig street, near St. Peter, and
devoted his whole time for one year to that establishment with such good success
that at the end of that period he had to seek larger quarters on McGill street,
where he remained until 1876, when removal was made to Lancaster, Ontario.
Careful of his profits, he was there enabled to establish a general country store
of considerable size which he conducted for four years, — years which brought
him added prosperity. Mr. \'ineberg has ever held a warm place in his heart
for the little village of Lancaster, to which he largely credits his commercial
education. There he had already attained such prominence thdt he was moving
in the best of circles and was associated with and sought out by the foremost
men of that county. In 1880 Mr. Vineberg returned to Montreal, having defin-
itely decided to engage in the manufacture of clothing and, beginning in a small
way in a private house, he formed a partnership with G. Burnett under the
firm style of G. Burnett & Company. Although the firm's policy was such that
it should have resulted in success, it was forced to close out in 1891 and liquidated
in that year. Such means as Mr. \'ineberg had acquired up to that time were
swept away by this unfortunate venture, and when he started again in 1892.
tenaciously holding to his purpose, he had to begin practically without capital.
However, he enjoyed a good reputation and among his personal following were
many who had utmost confidence in his integrity and ability. He seciu"ed the
assistance of Mr. Westgate of the H. B. Knitting Company, and it was this com-
bination which formed the beginning of Progress brand clothing, under which
name the output of H. Vineberg & Company is favorably known to the trade in
all the Dominion. His thorough understanding of the business, his capacity
for detail, his executive ability and understanding of human nature led him to
the position which he now occupies at the head of one of the leading establish-
ments of its kind in the city. The finn was incorporated in 1908 and in 1912
was transformed into a joint stock company, of which Air. \'inel)erg became the
Although Mr. Vineberg's mercantile interests are large, he has found time
and opportunity to ])rove himself one of those men to whom the jirogress of the
city and the welfare of its people is of foremost importance. Deeply grateful for
such success as has come to him — and in his modest way not at all ascribing it to
his personality, his energy, his patience, his judgment and industry — Mr. Vine-
berg welcomes the opportunity of giving to charitable institutions and of aiding
those who strive to make a success of Hfe. He has never forgotten how he once
started himself — a poor Jewish boy without means and friends — and how he had
to struggle to obtain a place in society. It is therefore but natural that he shows
the deepest understanding and the greatest sympathy for those who today find
themselves in similar conditions, even if these are not so trying as those which
the young emigrant from the Sarmatian met. Mr. Vineberg is a director of the
Jewish Colonization Institute, engaged in Jewish communal work. He was presi-
dent of the Young Men's Benevolent Hebrew Society from 1888 until 1892, dur-
ing which time Baron de Hirsch sent the first ten thousand dollars with which the
Baron de Hirsch Institute was founded. Before being president of this society,
Mr. Vineberg was a director and in that capacity wrote to the famous Jewish
philanthropist calling his attention to the needs of such an institution, and it 'was he
who was largely instrumental in founding the institute at St. Elizabeth street. In
addition to his duties in connection with the Benevolent Hebrew Society for
Young Men and the Baron de Hirsch Institute, Mr. Vineberg was one of those
who were most active in promoting its religious school and he was chairman of
the committee having charge over that department for many years. He is a
member of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue and also of the English and Ger-
man Synagogue on McGill College avenue, in which latter he held the position
of secretary for four years. He was one of the leading and most energetic spirits
in moving the synagogue to McGill College avenue from St. Constant street, being
at that time the secretary. He also is a director of the Hebrew Free Loan Asso-
ciation and a member of every Jewish charitable institution in Montreal. How-
ever, that his charity and his interest in those who are afflicted is not limited by
creed is evident from the fact that he is a governor of the Montreal General
During his long business career Mr. Vineberg has been the mentor of many
of the leading merchants and manufacturers of this city who began their careers
in his employ and who learned their trade in his place and there laid the founda-
tions of their fortunes. Hundreds of well-to-do families in Montreal have been
able to establish themselves in comfortable circumstances through their connec-
tion with the house of Vineberg & Company. There are a number of professional
men who occupy an honored place in their spheres of activities and who are
indebted to Mr. \'ineberg for timely help and advice and there are many who are
well known in the city today who reached these shores as emigrants with small
means, and friendless, and who found in him one who was willing to assuage
such troubles as beset them.
Mr. Vineberg is devoting much of his time to the care of his wife, a sufiferer,-
and it is therefore but natural that he does not give so much of his time to the
active operation of his large business interests, the management of the house of
H. Vineberg & Company being entrusted largely to the husband of his eldest
daughter. Yet he is still active and his advice is highly valued and often sought
in commercial circles. He is a member of the Board of Trade and in that con-
nection has always stood for things which would promote progress and pros-
perity in Montreal. He is a member of the Canadian Manufacturers Association
and a director of the Canadian Credit Men's Association. Although he is
interested in all movements that make for efficient government of city, province
and Dominion, for the highest type of sanitary system, the best health conditions,
the beautification of the city, he has never actively entered the political arena.
On October 27i, 1876, Mr. \'ineberg married Miss Lily Goldberg, daughter of
the late Rev. Hyman Goldberg, who far a numb.er of years was assistant minister
of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Vineberg became the
parents of three daughters: Libbie, who married Isidor Cohen, a member of H.
Vnieberg & Company ; Eva, who married A. J. Hart, president and general man-
ager of the Hart Manufacturing Company; and Malca, who is the w^ife of A.
Z. Cohen, a member of the firm of L. Cohen & Sons.
Mr. and Mrs. \'ineberg have twelve grandchildren, and it may be mentioned as
illustration of his deep affection for his family that the pictures of these children
adorn the walls of his private office. When deeply engaged in business thoughts,
these children's faces, no doubt, smile to him encouragement and fill him with
satisfaction in the knowledge that around him are growing up generations of his
own blood who appreciate and love him for what he is to them and will honor
him for what he has done to lighten their life's burdens when they will occupy
the stage of life's activities.
As a member of the firm of Bastien, Bergeron, Cousineau,'Lacasse & Jasmin,
Philemon Cousineau, K. C, occupies a foremost position among the legal frater-
nity of Montreal. Moreover, he has gained a reputation as a legislator and is
considered today one of the foremost authorities on constitutional law in the
province. He has important commercial interests, and his career has had in its
various aspects a lasting influence upon the growth and development of the city.
He was born at St. Laurent. Quebec, on October 23, 1874. and is a son of Gervais
and Angelique (Grou) Cousineau.
Philemon Cousineau was educated at Sainte Therese College and Laval
University, from which he graduated in 1896. Being called to the bar, he began
the active practice of law in July of that year and has ever since continued with
increasing success. He is professor of constitutional and municipal law at Laval
University, whicli institution of learning conferred upon him the degree of
LL. D., after he had presented a thesis on Corporations. He has also been for
some time king's covmsel and enjoys a profitable and representative practice.
Mr. Cousineau is extensively interested in industrial and financial projects
which have had to do with the city's progress, among them Ijeing the Mount
Ro\'al Telephone Company, of which he was president, and previous to its absorp-
tion by the Canadian Light & Power Company he was a director of the Sara-
guay J-ight & Power Company. He is also president of the St. Lawrence
Tobacco Company. He w-as mayor of the town of St. Laurent from 1904 to
1908 and both as an official and citizen has had no little to do with the progress
of that flourishing town.
In 1897 Mr. Cousineau was united in marriage to Miss 1 lehnina ( lendron,
and they have four daughters. In politics Mr. Cousineau is a conservative and in
1908 was elected to the legislature of the province of Queliec from tlie county
of Jacques Carticr and reelected in 1912. He is a trusted counselor of the party
and has done far-reaching work on conupittees as well as on the floor of the
house. Public-spirited in the most noble sense of the word, he has ever stood
for that which is best for the greatest number. In 1913 he was delegate of the
Canadian government to the general meeting of the International Institute of
Agriculture at Rome, Italy.
The house of Hebert has been one of the foremost families of the Dominion
since the early dawn of Canadian history. One of the lirst Canadian farmers,
Louis Hebert, arrived in Quebec with his family in 1617. Tradition has it that
previously he passed some time in Acadia, where he "was the first to utilize the
salt-water marshes of the Bay of Fundy by building dikes to keep out the tides."
He continued to cultivate the soil at Quebec and on February 28, 1626, as a
reward to him and an encouragement to others, the Due de Ventadour, viceroy
of New France, issued a patent granting Hebert "in fief noble to him and his
assigns forever" a seignorial domain on the River St. Charles, near Quebec, and
confirming to him a concession made by the preceding viceroy, the Due de Mont-
morency. It was expressly stated in the deed that these grants were made in con-
sideration of Hebert's "long and painful labors, perils and expenses, incessantly
supported in the discovery of the lands of Canada and that he is the head of the
first family which has settled and dwelt there since the year 1600 till now * * *
having left his relations and friends to go and form this commencement of a colony
of Christian people in those lands * * * which are deprived of the knowledge
of God." Charles Lecroix Hebert, a rich trader and the first fanner on the island
of Montreal, built a residence in 1655 on Jean Baptiste street, which is still
standing and which is shown in one of the illustrations of this history. Hebert,
named Lariviere, was born in 1633 and was a companion in arms of Dollard
and present at the massacre of Long Sault in May, 1660.
Edouard Napoleon Hebert was born in Montreal on March 10. 1874, and is
a son of J. Napoleon Hebert, who was born January 14, 1850. His father, Louis
Hebert, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Quebec in 1810 or 1812
and from that city removed to Montreal, while his father was the proprietor of
the Boulangerie du Roi (bakery of the king) at Quebec. This establishment was
subsequently continued by one of his sons, a brother of the grandfather of our
E. Napoleon Hebert, in the acc|uirement of his education, attended Montcalm
school of this city and subsequently improved his advantages by a commercial
course. He entered upon active business life in connection with Hudon & Hebert,
engaged in the grocery business, for whom he made customs entries and acted
as assistant cashier. He is now treasurer of the "Twelve Companies" and largely
engaged in the real-estate luisiness, being a young man of very great ability, pleas-
ant in manners and of sound judgment. In two years the "Twelve Companies"
with which he is connected have disposed of properties to the value of eleven
million dollars, which gives an indication of the magnitude of their transactions.
Vol. ni— 11
Mr. Hebert is considered one of the best informed men as to realty values here
and his advice and judgment are often sought by large investors and he has in
many ways been instrumental in promoting the growth and furthering the wel-
fare of his city. He is also interested in a cigar box factory which gives employ-
ment to eighty men.
On July 7, 1891, at ^Montreal, Mr. Hebert was united in marriage to Miss
Cecilia Drolet and they have become the parents of twelve children, four sons
and eight daughters. The eldest son, Charles-Edouard, is married and the other
three are Armand, Charles and Jean. The daughters are Gabrielle, Herminie,.
Adrienne, Cecile. Marie-Therese, Germaine, Gilberte and Paulette.
In his political affiliations Mr. Hebert is a liberal, stanchly upholding the prin-
ciples of his party. He is well known in fraternal orders, in most of which he
has held important offices, being connected with the Independent Order of For-
esters and the Canadian Order of Foresters. He is a member of the L' Alliance
Nationale, of the Club Canadien and the Qub St. Louis. His religious faith is
that of the Catholic church and he is prominent in the church of the Immaculate
Conception, in which for twenty-five years he has been organist. A man of great
energy and vast information as regards his business, Mr. Hebert occupies a high
place among the business men of Montreal and can ever be found in the front
ranks of those who have at heart the welfare of their city. Although he has
never cared to participate in official life, he gladly supports worthy public enter-
prises and enjoys the high respect and regard of all who come in contact with him.
in business or social relations. '
Many of the organized efl^orts for benefiting the general interests of society
have felt the stimulus of the cooperation and indorsement of Charles Samuel
John Phillips, whose position in the business world is that of head of the firm of
Morton, Phillips & Company, stationers and printers. He was born in Quebec
on the 13th of October, 1844, and is a son of the late Thomas Osmond Phillips,
of Quebec, and his wife, Agnes Ritchie Leslie, a daughter of Dr. S. W. H. Leslie,
of the army medical department. He was but a youth of thirteen when he
accomi)anied his parents to Montreal, where he has made his home continuously
since 1857, being, therefore, one of the older residents of the city in years of
continuous connection therewith.
It was in Montreal that Mr. Phillips was married in 1873 to Miss Jessie
Amelia Thomson, a daughter of the late William A. Thomson, and her death
occurred in May, 1910.
With the attainment of his majority Charles S. J. Phillips entered business
life and gradually advanced to the position of head of the firm of Morton, Phil-
lips & Company, stationers and printers, which business was established in 1869.
His activities have been exerted with energy, force and eiYectiveness along other
lines, some of which have been of a semi-public and others of a public character.
He was formerly president of the Montreal Citizens League and of the Montreal
Dispensary and is now a director of the Citizens Association. He is likewise a
member of the Business Men's League and is a director of the Mount Royal
Cemetery Company. He belongs to the Natural History Society and is deeply
interested in the Boys Home, of which he is honorary treasurer, and the Boys
Farm and Training School at Shawbridge, Quebec. He has been a student of
the imi)ortant political, economic and sociological questions and has investigated
conditions which bear directly upon the interests of society at large in its rela-
tion to citizenship and the opportunities which are placed before the individual
for his normal develoimient and advancement. His religious faith is that of the
Baptist church, and his political belief that of the conservative party. He is well
known as a member of the Montreal and Canadian Clubs. While the winter
months are spent in the city, he has an attractive summer home, Mes Delices,
at Notre Dame du Portage on the St. Lawrence.
Alexander George Cameron is one of the younger representatives of the legal
profession in Montreal. Since his admission to the bar in 1910 he has made con-
tinuous progress. He was born in Winchester, Ontario, May 11, 1884, a son of
Alexander and Louise (Reddick) Cameron, the former a native of Inverness,
Scotland, while the latter is of Canadian birth.
In the public schools of Winchester Alexander G. Cameron laid the founda-
tion for his education. He was a student in the Morrisburg Collegiate Institute
and received his law training in McGill University, from which he was graduated
B. C. L. with the class of 1910. He at once entered upon the practice of law.
His name is also well known in the business world, being a director of several
comjnercial enterprises.
Mr. Cameron is known in military circles, being a captain in the Fifth Royal
Highlanders of Canada. His political allegiance is given to the conservative party,
and he is prominent in club circles, his membership being in the Royal St. Law-
rence Yacht Club, the Manitou Club, the Kaniwakee Golf Club, the Beaconsfield
Golf Club, the University Club, the Montreal Club and the Montreal Art Asso-
ciation. He is a Presbyterian in religious belief.
Gilbert Scott was for many years a resident of Montreal and a witness of its
development and progress. He came to rank prominently among the representa-
tives of commercial and financial interests and for an extended period was a
member of the Dow Brewery Company of this city. He was born at Chagford,
Devonshire, England, April 16, 1820. In early life he was a clerk in a bank in
London and came to Montreal in 1845. In the '60s he entered into partnership-
with William Dow, a well known Montreal brewer and continued in active con-
nection with the business until his life's labors were ended on the 9th of June,
1891, when he was seventy-one years of age. The other members of the firm
at various times were John Harris, A. C. Hooper, J. Philip Scott, son of Gilbert
Scott, Angus Hooper and Major George Hooper. Capable management led to
the continuous growth and success of the business until the year 19 12, when
the Dow Brewery became a part of the National Breweries Company.
Gilbert Scott was connected officially with many large financial and com-
mercial institutions and was well posted upon financial and commercial matters,
but his fund of knowledge went further and made him familiar with many other
questions and interests of the day. He was a director of the Bank of Montreal ;
senior partner of the Dow Brewery Company; president of the Intercolonial Min-
ing Company ; vice president of the Shedden Company ; a director of the North
British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and of the Canada Sugar Refining
Mr. Scott was married to ^liss Janet Cooper of London, England, who died
in 1875. He was survived by one son, James Philip, who was a member of the
Dow Brewery Company from 1876 until his death, in 1898, and four daughters.
^Ir. Scott was a member of St. Paul's Lodge of Masons and was always
loyal to the teachings and purposes of the craft. He had vivid recollections of
the important points in the history of Montreal, from the time when he located
here in 1845, until his death. As a man, he possessed many attractive social
qualities and was beloved by a large circle of friends.
In the long years of an active professional career Joseph Rielle has made
continuous advancement until he stands today not only as a veteran civil engineer
and surveyor, but also as one of the most capable representatives of his chosen
calling in Montreal. Each year has found him in advance of the position which
he occupied the previous year, because of his developing powers and growing
ability. He was born at Laprairie on the 6th of October, 1833, and received his
initial business training with the firm of Ostell & Perrault, architects and land
surveyors, whose service he entered in 1850 when a youth of seventeen years.
He continued with that firm for four years and then became assistant to Mr.
John Page, chief engineer of public works. He next accepted the position of
assistant engineer to the harbor commission and eventually entered upon the
general practice of land surveying in Montreal and the surrounding district.
He has been connected with extensive surveys for the Grand Trunk and the
Canadian Pacific Railways and the harbor commissioners of Montreal and in
addition to his general practice has made a number of important hydraulic sur-
veys. In 1904 he was presented with a testimonial by memljers of the society
of land-surveyors to mark the fiftieth anniversary of his entry into civil engineer-
ing and land surveying.
While this has been his chief life activity, Mr. Rielle has done important
work in other connections. He was formerly vice president of the Pontiac Pa-
cific Junction Railway, and he has done much work of a public and semi-public
character, whereby the general interests of the country at large have been
greatly promoted. He was secretary and manager of the Montreal Turnpike
Trust for al)out fifteen years. He was a member of the council of Verdun,
Montreal, from 1875 until 1900 and was intrusted with many important public
works. He is a life governor of the House of Industry and Refuge, also of
the Montreal General Hospital, and is president of the Fraser Institute and
Free Public Library of Montreal. His activities have been of a nature that
have contributed largely to the general (levelo]iment and good, but he has
never taken an active part in politics.
Mr. Rielle married Miss Jeannie T. Goldie of Laprairie, P. Q., wiio was
vice president of the Montreal Industrial Rooms and who died in June, 1904.
Mr. Rielle has his home at No. 90 Union avenue and is a member of the St.
James Club. He has now reached the advanced age of more than eighty years,
but is still active in his profession and in spirit and interest seems yet a man in
the prime of life.
No phase of life affecting the political and local status of the province or its
educational or moral development fails to elicit the attention and interest of John
Stuart Buchan and seldom fails to receive his hearty cooperation and support.
He is ever willing to divide his time between his profession and public service,
recognizing ever the duties as well as the privileges of citizenship and the obliga-
tions which devolve upon man in relation to his fellowmen. He is well known
as a practitioner at the bar and his reputation as a capable lawyer has been well
earned. He was born at St. Andrews, P. Q., October 28, 1852, the only son of
the late William and Katherine (Stuart) Buchan, of St. Andrews. The family
is descended from the old earls of Buchan. After attending public schools of
his native city John S. Buchan entered McGill University and won his B. C. L.
degree in 1884. He had determined to make the practice of law his life work,
and following his graduation he became an advocate, since which time he has con-
tinued a representative of the Montreal bar. Here he has worked his way up to
leadership and in 1899 was created a king's counsel. For almost a third of a
century he has been engaged in practice here, and his ability has long since placed
him in a position of distinction among the leaders of the legal profession in
Montreal. At one time he was a member of the editorial staff of the Canadian
Jurist, and in 1904 he was a royal commissioner for the revision of the provincial
statutes. Thus important governmental problems in connection with his profes-
sion have elicited his deep interest and called forth his abilities.
In 1885 Mr. Buchan was married to Miss Katherine McMartin, the second
daughter of F. McMartin, of St. Andrews. She died in August. 1894, and in
1896 Mr. Buchan wedded Annie, the eldest daughter of the late J. H. Henderson,
of Montreal.
Mr. Buchan is an attendant of Christ's Church Cathedral, while his political
faith is that of the liberal party. Political honors and emoluments have had no
attraction for him. His activities, however, along other lines relating to the
welfare and progress of city and province have been resultant. He acted as
solicitor of the Lord's Day Alliance of the province for a time. He was also
chosen a life governor of the Montreal Boys Home in 191 1 and many movements
having broad humanitarianism as their basis have received his indorsement.
He is likewise the vice president of the Natural History Society of Montreal.
He is not unknown in literary circles for under the nom-de-plume of Douglas
Erskine he has published "A Bit of Atlantis" and "Some Notes on Mount
Royal," and various other papers of a scientific nature. When questions of public
welfare are at stake he is never weighed in the balance and found wanting, and
his support of any project and measure is not the result of a hasty conclusion.
On the contrary he brings to all vital questions the habits of the lawyer, carefully
analyzing and weighing the points in a situation and then giving his support
thereto as the result of a firm belief in the worth or righteousness of the case.
Archibald Murray Cassils, who as a wholsale leather merchant gained an
enviable business standing, while attractive social qualities won him many friends,
was but forty-eight years of age at the time of his death, which occurred March
6, 1891. He was born in July, 1843, in Renton, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, a
son of John and Margaret (Murray) Cassils. His education was there acquired
and he remained in his native land until 1856, when he came to Montreal where a
brother was residing. For a number of years he was engaged in merchandising
in connection with the wholesale leather business, and made for himself an
enviable place in commercial circles, by reason of his enterprise, his progressive-
ness and his business integrity. Gradually his trade grew owing to his capable
control of his interests, and success in a stibstantial measure rewarded his labors.
In September, 1873, in jNIontreal, Mr. Cassils was married to Miss Eva A.
Shaw, and they became the parents of three children : Marcia A., the wife
of George P. Butters; William A., who died in 1906; and Angus Shaw Cassils.
Mr. Cassils was a member of the Masonic order and the American Presby-
terian church and his religious belief guided him in all the relations of life,
makmg him a man of high principle and kindly spirit, straightforward in action
and thoroughly reliable in all things. While more than two decades have passed
since he was called from this life, he is yet kindly remembered by all who knew
him owing to his gracious presence and his sterling worth.
George Campbell MacDougall, recognized as one of the ablest memliers of the
brokerage profession, had not passed the fiftieth milestone on lifes journey when
death callcil him. lie was born June 6, 1843, in Ringmore. Devonshire. England,
a son of Major MacDougall, who belonged to the King's Own Borders, and in
1857 came to Montreal. His son, George C. MacDougall, was educated in the
schools of this city, passing through consecutive grades to the high school and
afterward attending McGill University. Throughout his active business career
he was identified with financial interests. He became a clerk in the IJank of
Montreal, worked his way upward until iiis experience, combined with his recog-
nized capabilit)- led to his assij^nnient to a res])onsible position with the Xew York
city branch of the Hank of Montreal, lie remained in the American metropolis
for a few years and while in Xew York won several jirizes for horsemanship at
horse shows there. He afterward entered the Lounsbury & Tenshaw Broker-
age Company, acquainted himself with the brokerage business and returned to
Montreal, where he formed a partnership with his brother, Hartland St. Clair
MacDougall, continuing in the brokerage business until his death. The firm gained
an extensive clientage that made the business one of large volume.
Mr. MacDougall was married twice. He first wedded Miss C. J. Bridges and
they had one son, H. B. MacDougall. In 1887, in Montreal. Mt. MacDougall was
married to Miss Mary L. Macdonald, a daughter of Hon. Donald Alexander
Macdonald, a well known figure in public life, serving as postmaster general in
the Mackenzie administration at Ottawa from 1873 until 1875, "^^^^ ''■^ lieutenant
governor of Ontario from 1875 until 1880. He married Catherine, daughter of
Hon. Alexander Fraser, M. L. C, of Fraserville, Ontario. To George C. and
Mary L. (Macdonald) MacDougall was born a daughter, Beatrice.
Mr. MacDougall was well known as a sportsman, was an expert rider and was
the owner of some fine horses. He was likewise a prominent member of many
clubs, including the St. James, Montreal, Jockey, Forest and Stream and Hunt
Clubs. His death occurred March 31, 1892, and although he was then at the
comparatively early age of forty-nine years, he had achieved distinction in his
line of business and as a sportsman had gained wide friendship among many of
the most distinguished citizens of the province.
Joseph Charles Hector Dussault, a graduate of Laval University and thus care-
fully trained for the profession to which he has devoted his life, has been actively
engaged in the practice of law in Montreal since 1899. His course has been
marked by continuous progress until he has gained a creditable position among
the forceful, capable representatives of the bar. He was bom at Sherbrooke.
Quebec, on the 19th of November, 1876, a son of N. T. and Malvina (Deseve)
Dussault, the former a merchant of Sherbrooke, who was born there more than
seventy years ago and is still engaged in business in that city. He is well known
in the eastern townships and is recognized as a man of prominence in his com-
Liberal educational opportunities were accorded Joseph C. H. Dussault, wdio
pursued commercial and classical courses in the Seminary of Sherbrooke. Re-
viewing the broad field of industrial, commercial and professional activity, he
determined upon the practice of law as a life work and in preparation therefor
entered Laval University at Montreal. On the completion of the regular law
course he was graduated and in 1899 received the degree of Master of Laws.
The same year he was admitted to practice at the bar of the province of Quebec
and entered alone upon the active work of the profession. Advancement at the
bar is proverbially slow, yet he had as the basis of success broad and thorough
understanding of the principles of jurisprudence and gradually worked his way
upward. After three years he formed a partnership with J. A. Mercier and in
January, 1912, they were joined by a third partner, P. L. Dupuis under the
firm style of Dassault, Mercier & Dupuis. Mr. Dussault has ever been very care-
ful in the preparation of his cases. His mind is naturally analytical, logical and
inductive and, therefore, his reasoning is clear, his argument sound and his deduc-
tions clear and convincing. He is also identified with financial activities as one
of the organizers and directors of the Merchants & Employers Guarantee & Acci-
dent Company.
On the 1st of October, 1906, in Montreal, Mr. Dussault was married to Miss
Alice Dupuis, a daughter of J. O. Dupuis, one of the founders of Dupuis Freres
of Montreal. Her father is also widely known in political as well as commercial
circles, his opinions carrying weight in part}' councils. He served as alderman of
Montreal and has been active in molding public thought and opinion. That con-
fidence is reposed in his business ability and integrity is indicated in the fact that
he was one of the liquidators of the defunct Ville Marie Bank. Unto Mr. and
Mrs. Dussault have been born three children, Jeanne, Marcelle and Jacques. The
religious faith of the family is that of the Roman Catholic church. Mr. Dus-
sault is a conservative and strong protectionist. His interest in politics is not a
superficial one, and he keeps well versed on the questions and issues of the day,
yet political honors and emoluments have no attraction for him. He finds recre-
ation through his connection with St. Andrew's Curling Club, of which he is a
charter member. He now has a wide acquaintance in his adopted city, where his
developing powers have brought him professional success, while sterling traits
of manhood have gained him place among the highly esteemed citizens.
Ernest R. Decary, senior member of Decary, Barlow & Joron, one of the fore-
most firms of notaries in A-Iontreal, occupies a distinguished professional posi-
tion, viewed not only from the extent, but as well from the prominence of his
clientele. Mr. Decary is a native of Montreal and was born on December g, 1878.
He received an excellent education, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of
Arts from St. Mary's Jesuit College and beginning his business career alone,
subsequently joined with him Mr. Barlow and Mr. Joron, and he has since con-
tinued in that relationship. This firm specializes in railway and bank work and
they have come to occupy a position second to none in ]\Iontreal professional
Mr. Decary personally acts as notary for the Canadian Pacific Railway, the
Canadian Northern and the Dominion and Traders Banks and the Canadian
Express Company, as well as for many other institutions and corporations.
.Mthough ATr. Decary has never aspired to political office, he is deeply inter-
ested in the growth and expansion of his city and readily gives of his time and
means in support of worthy enterprises. In politics he is a liberal. Pie is a
member of the Montreal, Royal Montreal Golf, University, Royal St. Lawrence
Yacht, and I^'ichine Boating and Canoe Clubs, and has views upon business and
social conditions. Yet a comparatively young man, he occupies a position of
dignity in the life of the city to which his ripe judgment on matters of a com-
mercial or legal nature fully entitles him.
One of the well known legal practitioners of Montreal and a notary public,
Benjamin Napoleon Ladouceur has a clientele both representative and important.
He is yet a young man, barely thirty years of age, but has demonstrated his
ability to capably handle the most intricate legal problems. He was born on
the 15th of January, 1883, at Ste. Marie de Monnoir, and is a son of Mathias
and Azilda Ste. Marie Ladouceur, both natives of Ste. Marie de Monnoir.
The paternal grandfather was Benjamin Ladouceur, called Martin, his birth-
place being Cote des Neiges. His wife was Celeste Vient, a native of Ste. Marie
de Monnoir. The grandfather in the maternal line was Jean Baptiste Ste. Marie
and his wife was Henriette Bedard, also natives of Ste. Marie de Monnoir.
Benjamin Napoleon Ladouceur was educated at the College of Ste. Marie
de Monnoir and took his law' degrees at Laval University in July, 1910. He has
since engaged in practice in Montreal and also acts as notary public. No long
novitiate awaited him for he soon demonstrated his ability along legal lines and
now enjoys an important and lucrative practice. In his political views he is a
nationalist, a party which has for its aim the amelioration of certain conditions
of government which make not for the best of the masses. In some ways it
may be said that it is similar to the progressive movement in the United States
and this movement has largely for its object a restricting influence upon political
malpractices. Mr. Ladouceur also interests himself along other public and semi-
public lines although he has never cared for official positions. He is loyal to the
city of his adoption and ever ready to give his share of time and money in pro-
moting her interests.
The steps in the orderly progression of William Rutherford whereby he has
reached his present advanced position in business circles of Montreal are easily
discernible and each forward step has brought him a broader outlook and wider
opportunities. Born in Montreal. April 22, 1864, he is a son of William and
Elizabeth (Jackson) Rutherford, both of whom are of Scotch birth, the former
coming from Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, and the latter from Biggar, Lanarkshire.
They were representatives of the excellent Scotch type that has done so much for
Canada and its substantial upbuilding. The father was a member of the first
council of Cote St. Antoine. which afterward became Westmount. He was an
enthusiastic curler and greatly enjoyed other outdoor sports. His interests, how-
ever, were largely concentrated upon the development and management of im-
portant business interests. He founded the lumber firm of William Rutherford
& Sons in 1852 and was largely instrumental in developing it into one of the most
extensive lumber enterprises of Canada.
In the acquirement of his education William Rutherford attended successively
the schools of Cote St. Antoine, the high school of Montreal and the private school
conducted by Hon. E. H. Springrice. He crossed the threshold of the business
world as a junior clerk with Gillespie, MotTat & Company, general merchants, and
subsequently became a clerk for the Pillow Hersey Manufacturing Company,
owners of rolling mills, etc. Subsequently he entered the firm of William Ruther-
ford & Sons of Montreal and upon the incorporation of the company became its
treasurer. The Inisiness is today conducted under the style of William Ruther-
ford & Sons Company, Ltd., dealers in and manufacturers of lumber and timber.
The business is now one of mammoth proportions and in his ofiicial capacity Wil-
liam Rutherford of this review is bending his energies to administrative direction
and e-xecutive control. Into other fields he has also extended his efforts and his
business interests are now of considerable volume and importance, jilacing him
among the prominent representatives of commercial and industrial activity in the
province. He is now the president of the Dominion Box Company, Ltd., of the
Grier Timber Company and the Dominion Park Realty Company, Ltd.
On the i6th of May. 1894. in ^Montreal. Mr. Rutherford married ^liss Ida
Bulmer, a daughter of John pjulmer and a representative of a well known ]\Iontreal
family. Their children are William J., John B., Jean, Andrew S. and Marjorie.
Presbyterians in religious faith, the family hold membership in St. Andrew's
church of Westmount. ]\Ir. Rutherford is a liberal in politics, conversant with the
leading questions and issues of the day. He has filled a number of local offices,
having been elected alderman of \\'estmount in 1908, while in 1910 he was chosen
mayor of the city. In 1913 he was made school commissioner of the city and in
1912-13 was a member of the executive committee of the Canadian Manufactur-
ers Association. He is also a member of the committee of St. Andrew's Society,
while along more strictly social lines his membership is in the Canada. Engineers,
Manitou and North Lake Fish and Game Clubs. His success permits him that
leisure which enables him to enjov fishing, hunting and other outdoor and indoor
sports, but he is preeminently a business man and one whose successful methods
might be studied by all who wish to gain prosperity within the legitimate lines of
Among the mercantile houses of Montreal the British ^^merican Import Com-
pany occupies a place of prominence and importance. Under this firm style Carl
Rosenberg is connected with Canadian trade interests. ]\Ir. Rosenberg was born
in Kishenev, Russia, on the 15th of Julv, 1870, a son of Wolf and Bessie ( Dachis)
Rosenberg, both now residents of Montreal. The former has now retired from
active business life.
Carl Rosenberg was one of those who did not tind the op])ortunities which
he soufjlit in his native country and, seeking the benefits of British freedom,
selected the Dominion of Canada for his field of operation and came to Montreal
twenty-five years ago, or in 1889, when a young man of about nineteen years.
After his arrival he went into partnership widi a cousin, who had preceded him
to the Dominion and who was engaged in the importing and dry-goods jobbing
business. The name of the firm was Shiller & Rosenberg and they continued
for two years, when the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Rosenberg became
the leading factor in the establishment of the British American Import Company,
who opened their place of business on St. Paul street, Montreal. His ability as a
merchant, his ready understanding of local market conditions and his indefatigable
energy led to such growth of business that in 1909 the firm was enabled to put
up a large building of their own at 516 St. Lawrence boulevard, into which they
moved in 1910. The British American Import Company occupies a leading place
in its line in Montreal and their reputation is of the highest. Its success is largely
due to the executive ability of Mr. Rosenberg, its founder.
In 1888, when but eighteen years of age, Mr. Rosenberg, while yet in Europe,
was married to Miss Clara Sperling and to them were born the following children :
Hannah, who married Dr. Tannenbaum ; Sarah, now Mrs. Aronson ; and Madge,
Rose, Sadie, David and Moses.
Mr. Rosenberg is a liberal and, adhering to the faith of his fathers, he was
during 1910-11 a director of the Baron de Hirsch Institute, but his fast expanding
business interests forced him to rclin(|uish this position. He is a justice of the
peace ; vice president of the Herzl Dispensary ; a founder and an ex-president of
the Jewish Eagle Publishing Company, holding the latter office for five years ; and
a member of Ionic Lodge, No. 54, of the Masonic order. He is a shrewd and
able business man and his name and that of his firm stand for successful accomp-
lishment in the trade annals of the city.
Rev. Allan Pearson Shatford, known in Montreal and throughout the province
of Quebec as a forceful and eloquent preacher, holding a high position in Masonic
circles as grand chaplain of the grand lodge of Quebec and known in this city as
most earnest, zealous and consecrated in his work as rector of the Church of
St. James the Apostle, was born at St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia, and is a son
of the late James E. Shatford, a resident of Indian Harbor.
Rev. Allan P. Shatford acquired his education in King's College in his native
province, from wdiich he was graduated B. A. with first class honors in English
literature in 1895 and M. A. in 1898. In the former year he was made curate of
the Anglican church at Bridgewater, Xova Scotia, and served in that capacity until
1900, during which time he was ordained deacon in 1896 and priest in 1897. He
was transferred from Bridgewater to North Sydney, Nova Scotia, wdiere he re-
mained as rector until 1906, moving in that year to ^Montreal, where he became
assistant rector of the parish of St. James the Apostle. He was promoted to the
position of rector in January, 1012, and still holds this position which is an ini-
portant and responsible one, for the parish is one of the oldest and largest in
Montreal. It was founded in 1864 by Canon Elligood and the first church was
built by Mrs. Phillips on land donated by her. Canon Elligood continued as rector
from 1864 to 191 1, dying in December of that year at the advanced age of eighty-
seven. He was succeeded by Rev. Allan P. Shatford, the present incumbent, who
is ably carrying forward his predecessor's work, giving his time, attention and
unusual talents to the promotion of the interests of the parish and the sjjread of the
doctrines in which he believes. There are about four hundred and fifty families
in the congregation, and the church property is valued at seven hundred and fifty
thousand dollars. Its administration calls for farsighted and capable work and
^Ir. Shatford has proved equal to the trust reposed in him, aiding the trustees in
every possible way and proving his possession of unusual administrative ability
and organizing power. The church has had some of the most famous ministers
in Canada connected with its affairs at different times, Bishop Dumlin, of the
diocese of Niagara, having been at one time assistant, as were also Bishop Duver-
net, of Caledonia, and Dean Abbott, of Niagara. The aft'airs of the congregation
are in a most flourishing and prosperous condition, and the people of the parish find
in Mr. Shatford a minister well suited to their needs, a man sincere and high-
minded in his aims, of scholarly attainments and well directed ability. His
sermons show great force and power, and his lectures have gained him wide
recognition, winning him mention by the Montreal Gazette as "an accomplished
extempore speaker and a preacher of great power."
Mr. Shatford is well known in ^lasonic circles, exemplffying in his life the
beneficent teachings of that order. He was grand chaplain of the grand lodge
of Freemasons for Nova Scotia from 1903 to 1906 and since that time has been
grand chaplain of the grand lodge of Quebec province. He was a delegate to
the Pan-Anglican Congress held in London in 1908 ; a delegate to the general
synod and to the church congress held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1910, speak-
ing there in a forceful and telling way tipon parochial problems. "Today," in his
opinion, "it is Canada for the world, and we think of England as the center of
an empire which tends to the solidarity of the human race and the universal
brotherhood of man."
\"ictor Morin, prominent in connection with the legal jirofession as a prac-
titioner and as professor of administrative law and doctor of laws in Laval
University, is now at the head of the firm of Morin & Mackay, notaries of
Montreal. His name is also well known in literary circles and his activities and his
writings have had a far-reaching and beneficial effect upon puljlic interests. Born
at St. Ilyacinthe, Quebec, on the 15th of .Vugust, 1865, he is a son of Jean Ba])-
li.ste Morin and Aurelie (Cote) Morin. hi the acquirement of liis education he
attended successively Girouard .'\cademy, the St. Hyacinthe College, from which
he was graduated B. A. in 1884, and Laval University, whicli conferred upon
him the LL. B. degree in 1888 ;ui(l llial of LL. 1). in i(;io. lie studied law in
the office of Pa])ineau, Morin & Mackay and was admitted to the jir.'ictice of
the notarial profession in 1888. For a Ijrief period thereafter he was a resi-
dent of Acton Vale, Quebec, but in i8<jo returned to Montreal and is now
senior member in the firm of Alorin & Mackay. He is also custodian of the
archives of his late partners, 1). \i. I'apineau, C. F. Papineau, Durand and
Morin, whose office was established in 1841. Aside from his business he has
occupied many positions of imi)ortance and of public trust. While a resident
of the town of Acton Vale he was secretary-treasurer of the town from 1888
until 1890. He has been treasurer of the board of notaries of the province of
Quebec since 1897 and he has various important business connections. He was
president of the Imperial Electric Light Company from 1899 until 1901, became
secretary of the Montreal Real-Estate Association in 1904 and is now its
president. He is likewise president of the Credit Metropolitain, of the Caisse
Hypothecaire, of the Montreal Debenture Corporation, of the Recollet Land
Company, and of the Federal Real-Estate & Trust Company ; vice president of
the Security Life Insurance Company, and a director of the Provincial Life
and of the Provincial Fire Insurance Companies. From 1897 to 1910, he was
notary to the corporation of the city of Montreal and resigned this jxisition in
order to run for aldermanic honors. His high standing in his chosen profes-
sion is indicated by the fact that he has been made professor of administrative
law in Laval University and is regarded as one of the prominent law educators
of the country. His public-spirited citizenship finds expression in active sup-
port of many measures and movements for the pubhc good and his cooperation
can always be counted upon when the welfare of city, province or country
is at stake. He has taken great interest for many years past in social questions,
and is vice president general of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, the national asso-
ciation of French-Canadians. He was a director of Montreal Citizens Asso-
ciation from 1908 until 1910 and his position upon the temperance question is
indicated by the fact that he is now the general secretary of the Montreal Anti-
Alcoholic League.
Prominent in the Independent Order of Foresters, Mr. Morin was its
supreme vice chief ranger from 1898 to 1902, and has been its past supreme
chief ranger since 1905; in 1895-6 he edited and published a paper in the inter-
ests of that fraternity called Le Forestier. Since 1890 he has delivered many
lectures to fraternal societies and no man is better qualified to speak on the
beneficent basic principles of the organization.
His authorship has made Mr. Morin equally widely known. He was actively
interested in the literary work of the Cercle Ville Marie as its secretary from
1886 until 1888. He is the author of Vingt Ans Apres, the second edition of
which was brought forth in 1909. He is silver medalist of the Ligue Nationale
de la Prevoyance et de la Mutualite, of Paris, France, and honorary vice presi-
dent of the Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal. His active inter-
est in aflfairs of vital importance to the city has been manifest in his capable
jniblic service as alderman of Montreal, to which position he was elected in 1910.
His political support is given to the liberal party and his religious faith is that
of the Roman Catholic church. He is prominent in club circles, is a member of
the St. Denis and Reform Clubs, and is secretary of the Maison des Etudiants.
His library, which is extensive and well selected, furnishes him his chief source of
recreation and interest.
Air. Alorin was married in 1893 at Biddeford, Maine, to Miss Fannie, daugh-
ter of the Hon. D. Cote. In 1896 he wedded Alphonsine, daughter of Victor
Cote, of St. Hyacinthe. They reside at No. 703 St. Urbain street with their
eleven children, and spend their summer months in their attractive villa on the
slope of Mount St. Brtmo. His life has been so varied in its activities and
so honorable in its purposes as to leave an indelible impress for good upon the
communitv and through his professional, business and fraternal connections Air.
Morin has come to be recojrnized as one of the leading residents of Montreal.
Hubert Adolphe Elzear Grandbois, who since October, 191 1, has been con-
nected with the notarial profession in Montreal, was born in St. Casimir, Port
neuf district, in the province of Quebec, on the 15th of January, 1876, a son of
Michel Adolphe and Marie Auree (Charest) Grandbois, the former a dealer
in wood. The son pursued his classical education in the Seminary of Nicolet,
from which he was graduated in 1895. He afterward entered upon the study of
law in Laval University at Quebec, which conferred upon him the degree of
Bachelor of Laws, in June, 1898. On the completion of his studies he was
admitted to practice as a notary in the following September and located at St.
Casimir, where he remained in active practice from September,, 1898, until Octo-
ber, 191 1. He then came to Montreal, where he has since remained and has
attained high standing among the representatives of the profession owing to
broad and accurate knowledge, close application and fidelity to the interests of his
Mr. Grandbois was married in the city of his nativity on the 7t]i of January,
1899, to Miss Marie Laetitia Belisle, a daughter of Octave Germain and Mar-
guerite (Daly) Belisle. The children of this marriage are Marie Marguerite and
Marie Laurette Grandbois. The religious faith of the family is that of the
Catholic church, and Mr. Grandbois has membership with the Chevaliers de
The late John Edgar, who for many years was connected with the fur industry
in Montreal, was born in Woodstock, Ontario, March 12, 1843. During his boy-
hood the family removed to Hamilton, Ontario, where his school days were
passed. He began his business career in the provision trade with Folingsby &
Williamson ir. Hamilton and later came to Montreal as representative of that firm.
Soon after his arrival in this city, or in 1866, he entered the firm of Greene &
Sons Company, wholesale furriers, in which connection he worked his way
upward, eventually becoming a partner in the business. About the year 1895,
when Greene & Sons Company retired, Mr. Edgar succeeded to the business
which he continued for some years under the firm name of Edgar, Syvift &
Company. W'licn Mr. Swift retired Mr. Edgar formed a partnership with Mr.
Charles Coristine under the firm name of Edgar, Coristine & Company, which
relation was maintained for four years, after which Mr. Edgar continued
the business alone until 191 2, when he retired. He was one of the prominent
furriers of the city, developing and building up a business of extensive propor-
tions, and in commercial affairs his judgment was sound, his enterprise keen
and his diligence unfaltering.
In Montreal Mr. PZdgar was united in marriage to Miss Selina Kidner and
unto them were born five children, three sons and two daughters : John Hamilton,
who is connected with the Canadian Pacific Railway; Frank Clifton, connected
with the Royal Bank of Canada at Montreal ; William Dewar, of the custom
house of Montreal; Katie Selina; and Lillian Maud. The death of the husband
and father occurred September 12, 1913, and was the occasion of deep regret
to many with whom he had been closely associated in business and social circles.
In politics he was a conservative but without aspiration for public office. He
belonged to the Royal Albert Lodge of Alasons and was a faithful member of the
Church of St. James the Apostle. In those connections are indicated the prin-
ciples which governed his life and guided him in all of his relations.
Camille Tessier, a young man possessed of laudable ambition and determina-
tion, is making continuous progress in the field of his chosen profession — that
of the practice of law. He was born at Berthierville, Quebec, July 26. 1887, a son
of Dominique and Odile (Des Rosiers) Tessier, the former a merchant at Berth-
ierville. He is descended from French ancestors who landed here with the-
pioneers of the country. Like the greater part of Canada's first inhabitants,
they were farmers and spent their whole lives in cultivating the lands which
they had first courageously conquered from the wilderness and from the forest
on the north side of the St. Lawrence river, thus contrilnitiiig in large measure
to the actual prosperity of the country'.
Camille Tessier was accorded liberal educational opportunities, which he
improved, thus laying a broad foundation for his later success. He pursued a
course in the commercial college of Berthierville, was a student in the Seminary
of Joliette, attended St. Mary's College at Montreal, Laval Cniversity at Mon-
treal, in which he pursued his classical and professional courses, winning the
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees. He subsequently attended East-
man's Business College of Poughkeepsie, New York. As advocate, barrister and
solicitor he is making for himself a creditable position in professional ranks.
He has been a member of the Montreal bar since the 7th of July, 1910, and the
thoroughness and care with which he prepares his cases and the logic of his
deductions have gained him rank among those who are winning success in the
difficult and arduous profession to which he devotes his energies. He makes a
specialty of commercial law and is a member of the Commercial Law Leag^je
of America. He is working his way to success vigorously but (]uietly and
honestly. Mr. Tessier is a member of the Roman Catholic church. He was mar-
ried in Montreal, on the 28th of January, 1913, to Edmee Paquette, and they
have one child, Jean Marcel, born in Outremont on the 28th of October, 1913.
His courage and a laudable ambition of living a life of usefulness to his family
and to his country have brought Mr. Tessier the high regard of associates and
all who know aught of his career.
The life record of Charles Gideon Hill constitutes an illustration of what the
new world has to offer to ambitious young men. Coming to Canada as an orphan
boy, he steadily worked his way upward, each forward step bringing him a broader
outlook and wider opjjortunities. He became in time a successful merchant of
Montreal and in later years devoted his time to the supervision of his invested
interests, which included large property holdings and stock in many financial and
commercial enterprises. He was seventy-six years of age at the time of his
death, which occurred on the 12th of June, 1893, at the old home at Xo. 247
Bleury street, where he had lived for more than half a century. He was born
in England, but lost his father and mother when quite young,, after which he
crossed the Atlantic and for a time resided in New York. He afterward came
to Montreal and gradually he worked his way upward in a business way, realizing
at the outset of his career, that industry and honesty constitute the foundation
upon which success is built. In time he was the proprietor of a small dry-goods
establishment on St. Paul street and conducted it successfully for many years,
but about 1870, retired from commercial circles in order to supervise his large
estate which also included the estate of William Gait. From time to time he
became interested in business enterprises, holding stock in many leading financial
and commercial concerns. His judgment was sound, his sagacity keen and in the
control of important interests he established his position as one of the leading
and capable business men of the city.
On the 19th of August, 1840, Mr. Hill was united in marriage to Miss
Margaret J. Gait, a daughter of \\'illiam Gait, who for many years was one of the
leading citizens of Montreal. He engaged in the tanning business near Glasgow,
Quebec, and amassed a very considerable fortune. Following his death, Mr. Hill
retired from commercial interests to supervise the Gait estate. To Mr. and
Airs. Hill were born eleven children, eight of whom reached adult age. These
children were : William Gait, deceased ; Charles G., who also has passed away ;
Margaret Ewing, the widow of G. M. Patterson, residing in Cleveland, Ohio;
Robert Ewing, deceased ; .Vdelaide, who married Samuel P. Wigg and resides
in Lakefield, Ontario; Lewis E., deceased; Helena Augusta, residing in Montreal;
Jean Elizabeth, now Mrs. E. A. Hilton ; Peter Alexander ; Emma Louise, who
married Albert A. Adams and is deceased ; and Dr. .\doIphus James Hill, deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill devoted the greatest care to rearing their large family and
bestowed upon the children their tenderest !n\c. Those who grew to adult's
estate were an honor to the family name and in full measure rejiaid the care
of the parents, wiiom they ever held in reverent memory. It is due to the kind
cooperation of Miss Helena A. Hill, — and to her the publishers are indebted, —
that they arc able to present herewith the excellent steel etching's portraying
her parents.
Mr. Hill attended services and held a \>cw in the First Baptist church and
also in the Church of England, in the Cathedral. His membership was in the
latter and his wife, who died in 1882, was a member of the former. Both were
greatly esteemed and an extensive circle of friends indicated their worth and the
high regard in which they were held.
Waldo \V. Skinner, practicing at the Montreal bar as a member of the firm
of Smith, Markey, Skinner, Pugsley & Hyde, was born at St. John, New Bruns-
wick, a son of the late Hon. C. M. Skinner, K. C. His youthful days were
largely devoted to the acquirement of an education in the schools of his native
city and at Upper Canada College, Toronto, and having determined upon the
practice of law as his life work, he entered McGill University in preparation for
the bar, and was graduated B. C. L. in 1901. In 1913 Mr. Skinner was created
a king's counsel. The year following his' graduation he entered upon the active
work of his profession and his course has been marked by continuous progress.
He is now associated with one of the leading law firms of the city, Smith, Markey,
Skinner, Pugsley & Hyde, and is actively interested in much important litigation,
in connection with which he is retained as counsel for the defense or prosecution.
From the outset of his career he has recognized the fact that careful preparation
is one of the indispensable elements of success, so that thorough work precedes
his presentation of his cause in the courtroom. His reasoning is clear and cogent
and his arguments strong and forceful.
In June, 1907, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Skinner and Miss Loulou
Forget, the eldest daughter of the late Hon. L. J. Forget, senator. Mr. Skinner in
his social relations is well known, being a member of the Mount Royal, St. James
and Montreal Clubs, while his interest in sports is further indicated in his mem-
bership in the Montreal Racquet and Royal Montreal Golf Clubs. Attractive social
qualities render him popular in those organizations, in which he has gained many
Organization is the watchword of the age. Promotion in every field of
endeavor is brought about through the agency of organized effort and cooperation,
and thorough study of each situation constitutes the basis of effort in this direc-
tion. This spirit and tendency of the age has led to the formation of many
companies or societies for the benefit of business interests and it is in this con-
nection that Thomas Robb is known, being manager and secretary of the Shipping
Federation of Canada. A native of Scotland, he was born in the city of Glasgow
in the year 1863, his father being the late Thomas Robb, who for some years
was superintendent of police in Glasgow. Spending his youthful days in that
city, the son pursued his education in the public schools and in the Glasgow
Academy. Mr. Robb came to Canada lirst in 1883 and spent one year at farming
in the Niagara district. Returning to England he became identified with the
shipping interests and in comiection therewith was located at different periods in
Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. He returned to Canada in 1902 and
upon the organization of the Shipping Federation of Canada, which is incorpor-
ated by act of the Dominion parliament, he was chosen manager and secretary.
He still continues in the dual position, his efforts being of marked value to the
organization in promoting its object and accomplishing its purpose as he is actively
engaged in all matters relating to navigation and shipping. In 1913 Air. Robb
was appointed member of the royal commission appointed to inquire into and
report upon the "Law Respecting Pilotage" and its administration in the pilot-
age district of Montreal and Quebec.
In 1891 Mr. Robb was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth ]\IcLaren, a
daughter of Andrew McLaren. Their religious faith is that of the Presby-
terian church and Mr. Robb belongs to St. Andrew's Society. He is a justice of
the peace for Alontreal and district. He is likewise a member of the Engineers
Club and of the Canadian Club and has gained the warm friendship of many in
both orsfanizations.
Hon. John Joseph Curran, barrister, jurist and orator, whose life record was
an honor to the land of his ancestors and to the land of his birth was born in
Montreal, February 22, 1842, his parents being Charles and Sarah (Kennedy)
Curran, both natives of Ireland, the former born in County Down and the latter
in County We.xford. Emigrating to the new world they retained the intense love
of native land, so characteristic of the Irish race and instilled the same deep
attachment into their son, who with his increasing age and powers gave freely
of his time and talents for the benefit of Erin's green isle.
In the pursuit of his education Judge Curran attended a Jesuit school and
St. Mary's College at Montreal, where he entered upon a classical course. He
afterward became a student in St. Joseph's College at Ottawa and in 1891 the
University of Ottawa conferred upon him the l.L. D. degree. In the con-
tinuance of his education, he entered McGill University as a student in the law
department and won his D. C. L. degree in 1862. It was in the spring of 1859
thai he began preparation for the Ijar, reading at times under the direction of
such distinguislied lawyers as liernard Devlin, Hon. T. J. J. Loranger and
Andrew Robertson, K. C. While pursuing his classical courses lie cultixated a
taste for literature and oratory and in his student days developed the natural
gifts that in course of time made him one of the foremost Canadian orators. .
It was also in his early manhood that he joined the Irish national movement and
thus his life was taking shape along those lines which were to make him a power
in moulding the history of jjrovincc and country.
The year following his graduation fro;n McGill, or in 1863, he was called to
the bar of Quebec. No dreary novitiate awaited him. Almost immediately his
talents won him recognition and he gained prominence as one of the younger
members of the profession, by the important part which he took in the conduct
of a number of notable criminal cases, including the Shelian, Havern, Kehoe and
Considinc nuirder cases and the Dunbar, Drown, Kearney and T. F. O'Brien
It is said that he had no superior in the conduct of election cases. He was suc-
cessful in the Devlin-Ryan, Tansey-Malone and the James McShane-I-oprairie
contests and all these drew to him the attention and favorable comment of the
profession. He was equally capable in the practice of civil law and was the legal
representative of some of the largest contractors of the continent including men
prominent in business in New York, Ottawa and Montreal. His legal counsel
was sought by men of prominence again and again. Probably his last appearance
as an advocate was when he represented the Dominion government in an arbitra-
tion with the province, the case being heard in the city of Quebec about 1894.
Judge Curran was created a king's counsel by the Marquis of Lome and was
appointed secretary of the commission for the codification of the statutes of the
first De Boucherville government. Lie was called to judiciary honor when made
a puisne judge of the superior court, December 5, 1892. He was appointed
solicitor general in the ministry of Sir John Thomas and continued to hold that
office after Sir Mackenzie Bowell became premier. A contemporary writer said,
"on the occasion of his appointment his lordship was congratulated by the press
without distinction of party, both on public and personal grounds in acknowledg-
ment of his 'indefatigable efforts to promote the interests of his constituents'
and he was presented in i8go, chiefly by citizens in Montreal, with a purse of
seven thousand dollars." Judge Curran remained upon the bench for fourteen
years and proved himself the peer of the ablest jurist who has gained the superior
court bench. There were those who opposed him in the beginning, but all came to
acknowledge his capability, his record being a credit and honor to the bench.
His opinions were models of judicial soundness and his record as a jurist was
such as any man might be proud to possess.
Politically his lordship was a liberal-conservative and he rendered valuable
service to his party. He was elected by a large majority for Montreal Center
to the house of commons in 1882, 1887 and again in 1891, and upon his appoint-
ment to the solicitor generalship of Canada in 1892 he was reelected by accla-
On the organization of a law faculty in connection with the University of
Ottav/a in 1892 Judge Curran was appointed to one of the legal chairs and elected
vice dean. He was also a member of the senate of that university and president
of its Alumni Association. As an orator he swayed all by his eloquence. He
gained high rank as a lecturer and was frequently called upon to address public
In religious faith Judge Curran was a most earnest Catholic and was ever
watchful of opportunity to assist those of his faith in public or in private.
While his health permitted he never failed to appear annually with his colleagues
of the bench and bar in the Tete Dieu procession and his piety and devotion in the
closing years of his life were an encouragement to the old and an edifying
example for the young. As a Canadian his Hfe work was one of conciliation and
he strove to promote harmony between all creeds and colors. He accepted invita-
tions to address gathermgs of foreign colonists, and the Jews, Germans and Italians
knew him well, while among the people of his nationality he was not only loved
but respected. He yielded to none in the breadth of his sympathy and generous
desire for the union of all denominations in the best and noblest objects. Follow-
ing his elevation to the bench he said "that as a public man it had been his
constant aim to bring about the union of hearts and minds among all creeds and
classes," and "he was satisfied that if we desired to have a prosperous country
with a happy and contented people we could only secure those blessings by all
creeds and classes uniting together for one common end, 'the advancement and
welfare of Canada and the empire.' " In August, 1896, Judge Curran was
elected a delegate to the Irish Race convention, which met in Dublin in September
of that year. He had previously been president of St. Patrick's Society of Mon-
treal and prior to his elevation to the bench was one of the directors of the True
Witness Publishing Company. After his trip to the old country in 1907 the Burns
Club honored him with an invitation to a banquet and to respond to a toast to
the memory of Robert Burns. On rising to speak he said, that all had become
brothers the world over since men of such intense love for Old Scotia had, here
in our happy Canadian home, called upon a descendant of old Ireland to do
honor to the name and fame of Scotland's greatest bard. There are few, indeed,
who have greater love for the land which shelters their race than had Judge
Curran. He was perfectly familiar with Irish history, was a reader of Irish
literature and a lover of Irish music, and he was an ardent and unflinching advo-
cate of home rule.
In 1865 Judge Curran married Mary Elizabeth, the youngest daughter of the
late Patrick Brennan of Montreal. His third son, Francis Joseph Curran, follow-
ing his graduation from Manhattan University of New York and McGill Uni-
versity of Montreal, was called to the bar of his native province.
Something of the position which Judge Curran occupied in public regard is
indicated in works written of him ere his demise, which occurred on October
I, 1909. Morgan in his volume of Canadian Men and Women said, "by the
Irish community of Montreal he was regarded as one who had stood the test
of devotion to their common fatherland, but it is to Canada that he has given
his best service and by his fellow-Canadians, without distinction of origin or
creed, he is held in the highest esteem and honor." .A Montreal citizen wrote of
him, "he bears a character without reproach and is as popular in legal and political
circles as he is respected." The Montreal Gazette said editorially, "no consti-
tuency in Canada has ever had a representative who gave up more of his time,
his talent and his energy to the promotion of its interests than did Mr. Curran
during the thirteen years he has enjoyed the confidence of his electors. His
genial kindly nature, his large-heartedness, his conspicuous liberality of mind,
absolutely free from every trace of bigotry, and his splendid oratorical powers
caused him to be in constant requisition whenever men were gathered together in
the promotion of worthy objects for the discussion of public affairs or the
advancement of the material and social welfare of the country." The Montreal
Herald concluded an admirable eulogy with the following paragraph : "Unselfish-
ness and genuine consideration for others, jirobahly explained his personal piipu-
larity and his political success. lie used to say that the man in public life erred
in dodging office seekers. 'When I saw one who looked as if he wanted to get at
me ] always went to him first, and gave him his chance to speak,' he once
explained. He gave freely of his presence where he thought a good cause could
be served, or a good example be set. He did his duty, as he saw it, without
flinching. He was a good citizen, and he leaves a name to be held in honor."
Pierre-Chrysologue Lacasse, who follows the profession of notary in Montreal,
is widely and favorably known in this city. He enjoys a representative clientele
and his practice is extensive as he has gained a wide reputation on account of his
extensive knowledge, which is based on a thorough education. The Lacasse family
is an old and distinguished one in Canada, the first ancestor to come to this coun-
try being Antoine Lacasse, also called Casse or Casse, who came to this country
from Douai (French Flanders) about 1650, or more correctly, between 1639 and
1665. This statement is based upon a reference made in an appendix to the Flistory
of Canada by Abbe Ferland. The paternal grandfather, Frangois Lacasse, was
born at St. Vincent de Paul (Jesus Island) and the forefathers were born in the
same parish. The maternal grandfather, Joseph Brissette, was a native of St.
Cuthbert, of the county of Berthier, where his ancestors also were born. The
father of our subject, Narcisse Lacasse, was born on February 5, 182 1, of the
marriage of Frangois Lacasse with Therese Bastien and died, on December 27,
1892. He was a notary, receiving his commission on June 15, 1849. The mother,
Mathilde Brissette, was born on November i, 1820, a daughter of Joseph Bris-
sette and Marie Lavoie. She died in Montreal on August 29, 191 1, at the
advanced age of nearly ninety-one years. The father followed his occupation in
the parish of Ste. Elizabeth, in the county of Joliette, where his wife was born.
Pierre-Chrysologue Lacasse was born on January 7, 1866, at Ste. Elizabeth,
county of Joliette, in the province of Quebec, and in the acquirement of his educa-
tion attended the model school of Ste. Elizabeth, also receiving private tuition.
In furtherance of his knowledge he then attended Joliette College, now known
as the Seminary of Joliette, and Laval University at Montreal, graduating with
the Bachelor of Arts degree from the latter institution in 1885. From the same
institution he received his degree of LL. B. in 1891. However, on June 3, 1890,
he had already been commissioned a notary and has followed that profession ever
since. On January 29, i8gi, he was admitted to the study of law for the pro-
fession of advocate. His professional reputation is of the very highest character
and he has also extensively engaged in real estate and in dealing in bank and
insurance stock. Among important estates which he has handled as testamentary
executor were those of John Pratt, Thomas Philippe Barron, L. C. Gravel and
The position conceded him by the profession is evident from numerous
important official and semi-official positions which he has held. He was elected
a member of the board of notaries for the district of Montreal in 1897, 1900,
1903, 1906. 1909 and 191 2. He was a member and afterwards president of the
committee of discipline and also of the committee of surveillance of said board
and a member and afterwards president of the commission for the admission to
the study of the notarial profession, which position he now holds. In his political
views he is independent, giving his support to measures and candidates as dic-
tated by his judgment. His religious faith is that of the Catholic church. ^Ir.
Lacasse was connected with military life during a few years as lieutenant in Com-
pany 4, Eighty-third Uatallion of infantry of Joliette.
A man of wide experience and with a wide outlook upon life, he is interested
along lines of endeavor that touch upon the progress of the city and can always
be found among those who loyally support any movement undertaken for public
betterment. He is highly respected and esteemed in the city where he is widely
known and enjoys the confidence and good-will of the foremost citizens of
The tendency of the age is toward specialization and the professional man
who achieves distinction usually concentrates his efforts not upon the broad tield
of his profession but upon some particular branch thereof, and thus develops a
proficiency which he could not otherwise hope to attain. Such was the record of
Dr. Arthur A. Browne, educator and practitioner, who gained eiminence as an
obstetrician. He practiced for more than forty years in Montreal, entering upon
the active work of the profession in early manhood. He was born in Eastern
township, in 1848, and was descended from Irish parentage, and of a family
whose name figures prominently in military circles. His more specifically literary
course was completed by graduation from McGill with the Bachelor of Arts
degree in 1866. A year or two thereafter w^ts devoted to business but feeling
that a professional career would prove more congenial, he entered upon the study
of medicine and was graduated M. D., C. AI.. in 1872. He then spent a year
abroad, during which time he investigated the methods of eminent physicians
and surgeons of the old world, after which he o])ened ari office in Montreal. The
usual experiences of the professional man were his. He had to work his way
upward in face of competition with men who had long been in the profession
and had well established reputations. The conscientious care which he gave to
the cases entrusted to him at length won him recognition and his practice grew
until it became one of the largest in the city. As time passed he concentrated his
efforts more largely upon obstetrical diseases until he gained a wide and most
enviable reputation in that field, his opinions coming to be regarded as authority
upon many involved and intricate t|uestions relating thereto. In 1883 lie was
appointed professor of obstetrics at McGill University, succeeding tlie late Pro-
fessor Duncan McCallum, at the same time taking charge of the University
Maternity Hospital. Three years later, however, owing to his growing jiraclice,
already extensive, and his distaste for the drudgery of teaching, he resigned his
professorship. Yet, he was always intensely interested in McGill and her wel-
fare, and no function held by the medical department was thought to be complete
if Dr. Browne was absent. He was not only thoroughly informed concerning his
chosen calling but possessed a tine literary mind and his broad reading made
him one of the best informed men on general literature among the practitioners
of medicine and surgery in ^Montreal. He was a student of the classics, and all
these things had intluence to make him a noble-minded man, whose life exempli-
Hed the high principles which constituted the basis of his character. He possessed
an artistic taste that found expression in his intense admiration of the beautiful
in both art and nature. Moreover, keen sympathy was one of his strongly marked
traits and featured as one of the elements of his success. He might well be
called "the beloved physician," for his cheery presence as well as his scientific
skill brought comfort and assurance to many households. He inspired and
encouraged his patients and thus assisted them far on the road to recovery.
In Montreal, in 1878, Dr. Browne was married to Miss Jane Labatt, of
London, Ontario, and their children were: H. Dalzell, of Montreal; K. Russell,
of Bassano, Alberta ; Captain G. Sackville Browne, of B Battery, Royal Canadian
Horse Artillery, of Kingston; and F. Dora.
Dr. Browne held membership with the Masonic fraternity and in his life
exemplified the beneficent spirit of the craft. He had passed the sixty-second
milestone on life's journey when his death occurred January 26, 1910. His
eminent aliility gained him honor, his kindliness and consideration won him
gratitude and friendship ; and thus it is that his memory is cherished and remains
as a blessed benediction to all who knew him.
Important corporation and financial interests have felt the stimulus of the
enterprise, keen business insight and intellectual force of Thomas McDougall,
who is known in literary as well as financial circles. He was born at Three Rivers,
P. Q., May 21, 1843, a son of the late John ]\IcDougall, a merchant of Three
Rivers, who sat in the Canadian parliament from 1851 until 1854 and a brother
of the late Hon. Justice McDougall of Aylmer, P. 0. For many years Thomas
McDougall was in the service of the Quebec Bank and was agent of that institu-
tion in 1870. Later he became manager at Montreal and in 1894 was made
assistant general manager, from which position he was advanced to that of gen-
■eral manager in December of the same year. He continued actively in control of
the extensive and important financial interests that came under his guidance until
1909, when he resigned but remained a director of the bank. With him close
reasoning has become habitual, and he has therefore found ready solution for
■difficult and involved financial problems. He was chairman of the clearing house
at Montreal and was active in the meeting of bankers, convened to revise the
banking act in 1890. In 1898-9 he was president of the Canadian Bankers Asso-
ciation, which indicates his place of prominence and influence in the moneyed
circles of the country. He is still a member of the advisory board of the Scottish
Union & National Insurance Company, is vice president of the Shawinigan Water
& Power Company and a director of the Asbestos Corporation of Canada.
In many public connections outside the field of business and finance his name
has figured prominently and his labors have been effectively and helpfully felt.
In 1908 he was the general treasurer of the Quebec tercentenary committee. He
possesses literary taste in high degree. He has written on banks, bankers and
banking, being the author of a well known article entitled, T. Pomponius Atticus,
a Roman Banker.
Air. JMcDougall was married at Three Rivers, P. O., to Aliss Helen Baptist,
a daughter of the late George Baptist. His religious connection is with the
Presbyterian church and in club circles he is well known as a member of the
St. James Club of Montreal and the Quebec Garrison Club of Quebec. His social
qualities and marked ability along many lines as well as his important business
interests have gained him the prominence which is today his.
Jean Baptiste David Legare, one of the most successful real-estate promoters
in the city of Montreal, was born in the parish of Sillery, near Quebec, June 7,
1865. Fortune did not smile on him for many years. His father having died
when the son was an infant of but three months, he was reared in the home of
his maternal grandfather. F. Cote, of St. Foy. While there he acquired his
elementary education and later attended the academies at Sillery and Quebec.
Manifesting laudable ambition from early youth, at the age of eighteen years
he began business life as a clerk in the general store of Louis Botirget in Quebec.
Subsequently he was employed in the wholesale dry-goods houses of P. Garneau
and William McLimont & Sons in Quebec. Later he became a representative
of large grain and flour mills and also became proprietor of a wine and vinegar
manufactory in Quebec. Fate was against him and he failed for seventy-two
thousand dollars. This would have utterly discouraged and disheartened many
a man of less resolute spirit, btit an optimistic nature would not allow Mr. Legare
to acknowledge defeat and still held before him the promise of later success.
He then engaged in promoting various imdertakings in Quebec, but still the
results were not such as were desired.
In 1908 Mr. Legare came to Montreal and continued in the promoting busi-
ness, making a specialty of real estate. This proved to be the turning point in the
career of Mr. Legare and he has since gradually but surely advanced to the goal
of success. In the past five years he has made over three hundred thousand dol-
lars and when the sum he had acquired was sufficient to cancel all of his indebted-
ness he made a special journey to Quebec for that purpose. Mr. Legare says
that through all of the dark days, when the storm clouds gathered al^out him that
threatened disaster and defeat, it was his wife's encouragement and her faith in
his future that buoyed him up and made possible his ultimate prosperity.
The principal companies which Mr. Legare has successfully promoted during
the past five years are : The Greater Montreal Land Investment Company, Lim-
ited; and The Chateauguay Garden City Company, Limited. He was also the
promoter of the town of Chateauguay. He is the owner of twenty-seven lakes
on the seigniory of Mille Isles and the water rights pertaining thereto. A strong
man i)hysically and mentally, liis optimistic temperament makes him an ideal
promoter, 'i'hc various business entcriirises which he has promoted during his
career have contributed a great deal toward the development of the natural
resources of the Dominion.
Mr. Legare was married in Ouebec, in i8<ji, to Alda Garneau, daughter of
Charles Garneau, ex-sergeant of arms of the Quebec assembly. Upon the
maternal side she is descended from the De V'illers and the De Lachevrotiere
families, both being of the noblest families of France. Mr. and Airs. Legare are
parents of a daughter, Yvonne, who was married in 191 3 to Dr. Rene Turcot, and
they reside in Quebec.
One of the greatest individual forces in the promulgation of Baptist doctrines
in Canada, a man who has worked long and earnestly in the promotion and spread
of Baptist principles, giving of his unusual talents, his great energy and tireless
labor to the cause, is Rev. John Alexander Gordon, for fourteen years pastor of
the First Baptist church in Montreal and now the incumbent of the chair of
pastoral theology at Brandon Theological College, active in the work of the
foreign missionary societies and in the spread of temperance doctrines through-
out the Dominion.
Dr. Gordon is of Scottish ancestry and was born in Uigg, Prince Edward
Island. He acquired his early education in the public and high schools of his
native province and in Acadia University, graduating with the degree of B. A.,
and acquired his theological training in the Newton Theological Seminary in
Newton, Massachusetts. He was ordained to the Baptist ministry in 1875 and
has since been prominent and active in the work of the Baptist church. He
received the honorary degree of M. A. from Acadia College in 1894 and the
honorary degree of D. D. from the same institution in 1904. Previous to his
ordination he had been engaged in the mercantile and commission business at
Montague, Prince Edward Island, and his first ministerial charge was as pastor
of the church in that community. He was afterward called to Milton church,
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, where he remained from 1880 to 1885, after which he
went to St. John, New Brunswick, serving as pastor of the Leinster Street Bap-
tist church, and from there went to the First Baptist church, Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island, remaining there until 1893, when he became pastor of the
Main Street Baptist church at Charlottetown. In 1899 he was called to Montreal
as minister of the First Baptist church of this city, a position which he held until
June, 1913, when he accepted the chair of pastoral theology at Brandon Theolog-
ical College. Dr. Gordon has been found most earnest, zealous and consecrated
in his work and has been carried forward by the force of his ability and the
extent of his interests into important relations with religious work of many kinds,
notably that of the local branch of the Lord's Day Alliance, of which he is vice
president ; the Prisoners' Aid Association, of which he is also vice president ; the
Grand Eigne Alissionary Society, of which he is president; and the Maritime Bap-
tist Union. No individual has done more powerful or effective work than he in
the propagation of Baptist doctrines or in the promotion of the church's interests
for he was in 1906 appointed a member of the committee on Church Union and
two years later was one of the promoters and a member of the committee which
organized the Baptist Union. He is a governor of Acadia University and is
especially interested in the work of the Foreign Mission Board of Ontario and
Quebec, of the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Moral and Social
Reform Council. He has written a "History of the First Baptist Church of
Montreal," published in 1906, and in August, 1908, entered a vigorous protest
against the celebration of high mass on the Plains of Abraham as a part of the
tercentenary celebration.
Dr. Gordon married at Kingsborough, Prince Edward Island, Margaret Ford,
eldest daughter of the late John Ford, and to them were born five sons: John,
a resident of Charlottetovvn, Prince Edward Island; Dr. Alvah H., of Montreal;
Peter W., of Calgary; Herbert F., of Winnipeg; and Walter H., city editor of
The Gazette of ilontreal. Dr. Gordon has been a lifelong temperance worker
and reformer and has accomplished a great deal of e.xcellent work along this
line, being uncompromising in his attitude toward the liquor evil and battling
against it always to the extent of his great ability. In Montreal he is known as
a man whose actions conform closely to his principles and whose energy, aggress-
iveness and untiring activity have been elements in the accomplishment of great
and lasting work.
Charles Henry Gould, librarian of AIcGill University and president of the
American Library Association, 190S-09, is son of Joseph G. and Abigail (DeWitt)
Gould, the latter a daughter of the late Jacob DeWitt, M. P., of Montreal. Born in
Montreal on the 6th of December, 1855, Charles H. Gould pursued his education in
the city schools through successive grades until he completed the high school
course, after which he entered McGill University and was graduated B. A. with
first rank honors in 1877, also winning the Chapman medal in classics. Through
the succeeding scholastic year he devoted some time to post-graduate work in
physics. With the completion of his education he entered business circles, in
which he continued for several years. He afterward took up the study of library
economy and also spent some time in travel before entering upon his present con-
nection as librarian of McGill University. For twenty years he has filled his
jiresent position with eminent ability, having entered upoji his duties in Septem-
ber, 1893. He was made governor's fellow in 1891. There is no Canadian, per-
haps, who has made a more thorough study of the work and opportunities of the
librarian than has Charles Henry Gould, and realizing the deficiencies of many
who imdertake the librarian's task, he founded the McGill School for Librarians
in 1904. His prominence in his chosen field is indicated in his election to the first
vice presidency of the American Library Assocation for 1907 and upS and his
subsequent election to the presidency for 1908-9. He has continued his lajjors
at McGill although offered the appointment of associate librarian of the public
library of Brooklyn, New York, in 1908, and tliat of librarian of the Toronto
public library. A fellow of the American Library Institute, he belongs- to the
Cliamplain Society, was president of the Bibliographical Society of America
1912-13 and is a member of other bodies which have for their basis the promotion
of scientific and literary knowledge. He is also a member of the University Club,
and the Canada Journal names him as a loyal and valuable citizen.
Specializing in the field of civil and commercial law, Donat Brodeur has
gained recognition as a man capable of handling intricate and involved legal
problems. He is a native of Montreal, born in March, 1S63. His preliminary edu-
cation was acquired in St. Mary's Jesuit College, with the later professional
course in Laval University, from which he was graduated' with the degree of B.
C. L. with the class of 1.887. H^ '^^'^s called to the bar at the beginning of the
succeeding year, and since that date he has practiced his profession continuously
in this city, now covering a period of a quarter of a century. Each year has
found him in a point in advance of that which he occupied the previous' year both
in knowledge and in ihe nature and importance of his practice. He is a well
known writer on legal subjects and a frequent contributor to legal periodicals.
He has also lectured on law topics before the Canadian Accountants Association
and the Chamber of Commerce. He has ever been a student of his profession,
constantly broadening his knowledge by wide reading and research, and the care
and precision with which he prepares his cases constitute a strong element in his
Attractive social qualities are the basis of his personal popularity, making him
a valued member of different social organizations.
Robert Fowler, a merchant, was born in Montreal, November 17, 1851, and
died in April, 1903. He was a son of Robert J. Fowler, who was born in England
in 1818 and was educated there. He was brought up in the cathedral, having
from the age of ten years made his own way, becoming a choir boy in the church.
In 1847 he crossed the Atlantic going to Sorel, Canada, with Sir Benjamin Levine
and his staff, to teach the daughters music. In 1849 he came to Montreal and
was the first instructor of the city to hold musicales. For forty years he was
professor of music in the normal school and at different times was organist in
nearly all of the churches of the city. He could play any instrument and was
recognized as the best instructor in music, by far, of his day. He was also known
to some extent as a composer and, in a word, his musical talent was highly devel-
oped, while his professional labors and influence were an element in promoting
and cultivating musical tastes and standards in the city. His was an artistic
nature. He wielded the painter's brush with skill and he was, moreover, a great
naturalist. He took deep interest in the city's improvement and in all projects
for civic betterment. He held membership in Christ's Church Cathedral, renting
a pew there for thirty-tive years. His life thus became a potent force in the
artistic and moral progress of the city. He was married in Weymouth, England,
to Miss Annie Wadsworth and they became the parents of five children, who
reached adult age but only one, Annie, is now living. The others were William,
Susan, Robert and John Henry. The death of the father occurred March 14,
igoo, and the mother passed away in 191 1.
Robert Fowler supplemented a public-school course by study in the normal
school of Montreal and started in the business world as an employe in Robert-
son's dry-goods store, in which he acquainted himself with every phase of the
business and gained practical experience which made hiin a successful merchant
when he started out on his own account.
He carefully saved his earnings until his frugality and economy had brought
him sufficient capital to become a partner in the purchase of a stock of goods
and the establishment of a store. The firm of Fowler & Leishman was then
organized for the conduct of a retail dry-goods business and after a few years
Mr. Fowler was able to purchase his partner's interest becoming sole proprietor.
He then devoted his entire time to the business and enjoyed a liberal patronage,
deriving a fair and gratifying profit from his investment.
In Montreal in 1892, occurred the marriage of Robert Fowler and Miss Amy
Hamilton, a daughter of Robert Hamilton. Their three children were Gordon,
Wallace and Doris.
Mr. Fowler belonged to the Episcopal church and to its teachings was loyal
and faithful. He was a member of the Philharmonic Club. He manifested the
qualities of good citizenship and was devoted to the welfare of his family, who,
when he passed away in April, 1903, lost a loving and generous husband and
father, while his associates mourned the death of a loyal, faithful friend.
The history of Montreal's architectural development would be incomplete
were there failure to make reference to Alexander Cowper Hutchison, who,
though in his seventy-seventh year, is yet active in his profession in which he
has long been a recognized leader. His position today is that of consulting archi-
tect and his utterances are accepted as words of wisdom by younger representa-
tives of the profession. Mr. Hutchison is one of the old-time residents of
Montreal. In fact, his entire life has here been passed with the exception of a
period of three years s])ent in Ottawa, Ontario. He has seen this city develop from
less than forty thousand to a metropolitan center of over six hundred thousand
Mr. Hutchison was born April 2, 1838, on the east side of Queen street
between Wellington and William streets, at Montreal and many years later it
fell to his lot in the course of his business, to tear down the <»ld house in which
his birth had occurred, this being done to make room for the Ives and Allen
warehouse which was erected ui)on that site. He comes of old Scotch ancestry.
His father was William Hutchison who came from Ayrshire, Scotland. He
was a builder in Montreal and afterward was connected with the public works
department. The iiiotlier, whose maiden name was Helen Campbell Hall, wa?
also a native of Ayrshire, Scotland.
Such schools as existed in Montreal during his youthful days provided Alex-
ander Cowper Hutchison with his educational opportunities. When but a boy
of twelve years he began to learn the stone-cutter's trade under the direction
of his father and during the winter months for two or three years after he had
commenced work iie attended the school conducted liy the late C. P. Watson.
Subsequently he Ijecame a student in night school and devoted all (jf his sjjare
time to study, having come to a full realization of the value of education. He
possessed an inherited talent for drawing and to develop his powers in that direc-
tion he attended drawing classes that were conducted at the Mechanics' Institute.
He had made raj)id progress from the very first as a stone-cutter and disi)layed
exceptional ability and skill in that direction.
W'hen scarcely out of his teens he was placed in charge of the cut stone work
on Christ Church Cathedral and some of the finest stone work around the altar
in that edifice was cut by him before he had attained his majority. After
the completion of that building he was placed in charge of the cut stone work
of the eastern block of the parliament buildings at Ottawa during their erection,
bis efiforts in that connection continuing through the year 1862. While engaged
in that work he successfully conducted classes in drawing which were largely
attended. On the completion of the government buildings he was called to
Montreal to conduct classes in connection with the Mechanics' Institute, giving
instructions in architectural and geometric drawing. These classes were after-
ward transferred to the Board of Arts and Manufacturers and it was while con-
nected therewith that he took up the active practice of his profession which he
followed for many years. The beauty and utility which have always been salient
features of his designs are evident in many of the principal buildings of Montreal.
Among the many structures designed by Mr. Hutchison independently or
in a partnership relation, and which stand as monuments to his skill and inge-
nuity may be mentioned : Redpath Museum ; McGill University ; Erskine church ;
Crescent Street Presbyterian church ; Warren Memorial church at Louisville,
Kentucky; St. Andrew's church, at Westmount; Montreal high school and a
number of other school buildings; Royal Insurance building; London & Liver-
pool & Globe Insurance Company's building ; Canadian Express Company's
building; La Presse building; Queen's Hall block; Henry Birks & Sons' building;
Lord Strathcona's residence; Macdonald College buildings at Ste. Anne de
Bellevue, Quebec, as well as a large number of residences in Montreal and else-
where together with many warehouses, factories etc. One of the most recent
expressions of his architectural skill is seen in the Chalmers church at Ottaw-a.
He has not only practiced his profession as one of its active followers, but has
also gained renown as an educator in his special field. He has lectured on
ecclesiastical architecture before the Presbyterian College of Montreal and he
was one of the original members, selected by its founder, the Marquis of Lome,
of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art, and remained its vice president until
1907, when he resigned. He has likewise been honored with the presidency of
the Quebec Architects' Association, of which he was one of the founders, and
thus has come to him direct recognition of the honor and respect entertained
for him by the profession.
In political affairs Mr. Hutchison has taken a prominent part but never as
a party leader in the commonly accepted sense of the term. \N'ith him men and
measures have ever been considered before partisanship, and the public welfare
has ever stood before personal aggrandizement. For years he was a member of
the council and was the second mayor of Cote St. Antoine, now Westmount.
His deep interest in and loyalty to the cause of education was demonstrated in
his eighteen years of service as a school trustee. For a number of years he
was a member of No. 5 Queen's Company \'olunteer Fire Brigade. He was
likewise a member of the First Company Rifles which was originally an inde-
pendent company and afterwards became the First Company of Prince of Wales'
Regiment. He was also an officer in a rifle company in Ottawa, while subse-
quently he became an officer of the Montreal Engineers, retiring with the rank
of lieutenant. He took part in the Fenian raids of 1866 and 1870 and was
accorded the Queen's medal.
Mr. Hutchison manifested great interest in church work. He was formerly
an elder in Erskine church, but afterward became connected with St. Andrew's
church at Westmount, which had previously been known as Melville church
but differences of opinion caused a split in the congregation and the portion
that left took the name with them. St. Andrew's church was then organized and
remained on the old site, at the corner of Stanton and Cote St. Antoine road.
Mr. Hutchison was one of its founders and since the organization of this
church has taken a most prominent part in its affairs. He has been an elder
for many years, was superintendent of the Sunday school for thirty years and
since 1886 has continuously served as session clerk. He is a member of the
board of managers of the Montreal Presbyterian College and was a memljer
of the national committee of the Presbyterian Laymen's Missionary movement
in 1909. He has likewise served as president of the Provincial Sunday School
Union of Quebec.
No good work done in the name of charity or religion has ever sought
his aid in vain, and his broad humanitarianism has been manifest in his helpful
support of many movements to benefit the poor and needy or ameliorate the
hard conditions of life for the unfortunate. He is a life governor of the
[Montreal General Hospital, of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane, governor
of the Western Hospital, and president of the Protestant House of Industry
and Refuge. He is an ex-president of the Canadian branch of the Royal Cale-
donian Curling Club and of the Alontreal Caledonian Curling Club, being now
honorary president of the latter and an ex-president of the Heather Curling Club
of Westmount. He was a warm personal friend of the late Hon. Alexander
Mackenzie and he counts among his close associates many of the most dis-
tinguished and eminent residents of Montreal and the province. The Ottawa
Free Press has termed him "one of Montreal's best known and most honored
citizens." He has long occupied positions of distinction, not only by reason of
what he has accomplished along professional lines, but also owing to the fact
that he has made his life of signal service and benefit to his fellowmen in his
support of benevolent and religious plans and projects. His life has ever been
actuated by the highest principles of honor and no citizen of Montreal is more
worthy of high regard.
On ihc lotli of July, 1862, in Cobourg, Ontario, Air. Hutchison was united
in marriage to Miss Margaret Burnet of tiiat place, and they celebrated their
golden wedding in July, 1912. Mr. and Airs. Hutchison have two sons and
one daughter: William B., of the lirm of Hutchison, Wood & Miller, architects,
who is married; Charles Alexander, engaged in ornamental iron work-, who is
married and has two children, Margaret and Lome; and Helen, the wife of
George W. Wood of that firm. She has three sons : Alexander Campbell,
George Arthur and Douglas Fletcher.
Mr. Hutchison resides at No. 240 Kensington avenue and has lived in that
immediate vicinity for nearly fifty years. During his boyhood his parents resided
on the north side of St. James street just a short distance west of Bleury street
which was then one of the attractive residential sections of the city and Mr. Hutchi-
son relates some highly interesting incidents of those early days.
In 1865 when he took up his residence in what is now Westmount, that
district was supposed to be far out in the country. In fact, the nearest residence,
other than homes of farmers, was on Dorchester West near what is now
Greene street. While Mr. Hutchison has passed the seventy-sixth milestone
upon life's journey, he is a well preserved man, active in mind and body. Regu-
lar in his habits, he has never tasted into.xicating liquors or used tobacco in any
form. His great vitality has enabled him- to withstand three very serious opera-
lions since reaching the age of seventy years and his complete recovery has
attracted the attention of members of the medical profession. He is a splendid
type of a high-minded gentleman of the old school, whose natural politeness
and courtesv are in evidence at all times.
David W. Campbell, prominently connected with marine transportation inter-
ests, is now general agent in Canada for the Elder-Dempster Company in the
South African and Mexican service. He was born in Montreal in 1861, a son of
the late John and Sarah (Evans) Campbell, of this city. His youthful days
were spent in his parents' home and his education was completed in the Montreal
high school. He comes of Scotch ancestry and in his career has manifested many
of the sterling traits characteristic of the land of the heather. His initial step
in business was made in the service of Thompson, Murray & Company, then
managing agents of the Beaver line of steamships in Canada. Fidelity, industry
and capability won him promotion from time to time and after twenty years'
continuous connection with the company he was appointed to the position of gen-
eral manager in 1895. While acting in that capacity he was the first to establish
a direct steamship service during the winter months to a Canadian port — that
of St. John, New Brunswick. It was through his instrumentality that the vessels
of the Beaver line were sold to the Elder-Dempster Company in 1898 and two
years later, or in 1900, he became Canadian manager for the latter company.
His efficiency in the field of steamship service management led to his selection,
in 1903, for the position of general superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way Company's Atlantic fleet of steamers at Montreal, in which position he
remained until June, 1905, when he resigned in order to take control for Canada
of the interests of the Elder-Dempster Company in connection with the South
African and Alexican service. He subsequently became general agent in Canada
for the same company, and his efforts have greatly furthered its interests. He
readily recognizes the possibilities of a situation, utilizes the opportunities that
are presented and accomplishes substantial and gratifying results. He is a
director of several shipping companies and is on the board of the Montreal Sailors'
Institute and the Shipping Federation of Canada, all of which are more or less
directly connected with the line of business in which he has so long been engaged.
Moreover, he has done much to popularize the St. Lawrence route. He is serving
on the executive committee of the Canadian Shipping Federation, and his long
experience with maritime interests well qualifies him to speak authoritatively
upon matters with which the federation deals.
Mr. Campbell has for some years been a member of the Montreal Board of
Trade, in 1910 was elected one of its councillors and in 1914 a vice president.
He is also Cuban consul at Montreal.
In November, 1900, Mr. Camplpell married Miss Emily Maud Baird, a daugh-
ter of the late H. N. Baird of Toronto. They hold membership in the Presby-
terian church, and Mr. Campbell belongs to the St. James Club. He favors free
trade with the Empire and has been a close student of many political situations
and questions having to do with the welfare and progress of the Dominion. His
opinions upon such questions are never lightly valued, for experience has devel-
oped in him sound judgment and keen discrimination.
Louis Dufour dit Latour, member of the real-estate firm of Latour & Guindon,
with offices in the Versailles building, Montreal, was born in this city, June 15,
1867, a son of Frangois Xavier Latotir dit Dufour of Lavaltrie, P. O., where he
followed farming, and of Elizabeth (Prud'homme) Latour of St. Sulpice, P. Q.
His great-grandfather was Michel Dufour dit Latour, a church builder, and his
great-grandmother was Charlotte Du Moulin from France.
In the acquirement of his education Louis Dufour dit Latour attended the
College of Chambly — the Brethren of Christian School, pursuing a commercial
course. His early experience in business lines came to him as office boy with the
Thomas Davidson Manufacturing Company, tinware and granite ware manufac-
turers of Montreal. He was in the employ of the company for twenty-six years,
gradually working his way upward as his developing powers and ability prepared
him for further activities and responsibilities. He served successively as custom
house clerk, cashier, bookkeeper and as manager of the Montreal branch of the
business, continuing in that position of responsibility for twelve years. No higher
testimonial of his business integrity, enterprise and fidelity could be given than
the fact that he remained with one company for over a quarter of a century. He
left them in 1909 to open a real-estate office in connection with J. M. Guindon, a
hardware merchant of Montreal, under the firm style of Latour & Guindon at
No. 1202 Mount Royal East street, where they remained from 1909 until 1913.
They then transferred their business to No. 52 St. James street, retaining the old
office, however, as a branch. In May, 1914, the offices were removed to the new
Versailles building on St. James street.
On the 28lh of May, 1888, in Montreal, Mr. Latour was united in marriage to
Miss Marie Joseph Lebianc, a daughter of Alphonse Leblanc and AveHne Amir-
ault of L'Epiphanie, P. O. Her grandfather was a pioneer of L'Epiphanie. Mr.
and Mrs. Latour have three children : Lydia, the wife of Eugene Brissette, who is
with La I'atrie Publishing Company; Rene, a hardware merchant of Montreal;
and Ernest, who holds a responsible position with The Mark Fisher Sons &
Company, Limited.
The religious faith of the family is that of the Roman Catholic church, and
the political allegiance of Mr. Latour is given to the conservative party. That he
is today one of the successful real-estate brokers of the city is attributable entirely
to his own labors and his laudable ambition. Step by step he has worked his way
upward, the trend of his orderly progression being easily discernible.
A man of deep learning, broad knowledge and scholarly attainments, of force,
experience and capacity, Rev. Nathan Gordon has become known as one of the
most able educators in Quebec province, and as one of the successful and conse-
crated workers among the Jewish people of Montreal. He was born in Odessa,
Russia, and took his arts course in the Cincinnati University, from which he was
graduated, B. A., in 1906. He is also a graduate of the Hebrew Union Theologi-
cal College of that city and in 1909 received the degree of ]\I. A. from ]\IcGill
Mr. Gordon came to Montreal in igo6, having been appointed in September
of that year Rabbi of Temple Emmanu-El, and since that time he has accom-
plished a great deal of earnest and zealous work among the people of his congre-
gation, who recognize him as a sincere, upright and God-fearing man. The
■church property is valued at one hundred thousand dollars, and the business
affairs connected with its administration are ably conducted, Mr. Gordon assist-
ing his associates by his executive skill and sound and practical judgment. Com-
bining religious zeal with the ability necessary to make it effective among his
people, he has indeed been a force for good at Temple Emmanu-El and an able
propagator as well as a conserver of the doctrines in which he believes.
A scholar, a deep thinker and a broadly educated man, Mr. Gordon has long
been an ardent student of Oriental languages and literature and has paid particu-
lar attention to the language of his own race, in which he is thoroughly proficient.
In 1909 he was appointed lecturer on rabbinical and mediaeval Jewish literature
and instructor in Semitic languages at ]\IcGill University and in this position has
done a great deal to promote a more general interest in these subjects and a more
widespread knowledge of the customs, language and traditions of the Jews. An
ardent champion of his race and an upholder of its creed, a foe to the injustices
and wrongs which have continually oppressed it, he has supported the cause of
the Hebrew people on every occasion and one of the most eloquent and telling
appeals on behalf of the nationalization of the Plains of Abraham came from
him. The people of Temple Emmanu-El are fortunate in having at their head a
man so fearless in conviction, so able in argument, so uncompromising in support
of his professed beliefs, and the city of ]\Iontreal is fortunate also, having in
Rabbi Gordon an upright, public-spirited and loyal citizen.
Edouard Cholette, a member of the notarial profession of Montreal, is a rep-
resentative of one of the oldest French families of the city, tracing his ancestry
back to Sebastian Cholette, who was born in 1679 «i'''d was married in Montreal
on the 19th of October, 1705, to Miss Anne Hard. They became the parents of
a large family. Edouard Cholette, born in ^Montreal on the 3d of April, 1880, is
a son of L. E. A. and Marie Antoinette (Le Sieur) Cholette, and in the acquire-
ment of his education attended St. Alary's College, from which he was graduated
in June, 1899. He completed a course in Laval University in June, 1903, win-
ning the Bachelor of Arts degree for work done in the classical course and the
Master of Laws degree, indicative of his preparation for the profession which
he now follows. Since his graduation he has practiced in Montreal as a notary
public and has been accorded liberal support.
In religious faith Mr. Cholette is a Roman Catholic. He 'is well known
socially in the city where his entire life has been spent and is a valued member
of the Canadian and St. Denis Clubs.
As vice president and managing director of the Riordon Pulp & Paper Com-
pany, Ltd., Carl Riordon occupies an important position in the commercial life
of the city. He was born June 3, 1876, at St. Catharines, Ontario, and is a son
of Charles and Edith (Ellis) Riordon. Carl Riordon was educated at Upper
Canada College, Bishop Ridley College and Toronto University, where he took
the degree of B. A. in 1896. He entered business fields in the Merritton mill, a
property of the Riordon Paper Mills in St. Catharines, becoming connected with
the sulphite department. He did work in the various departments of the con-
cern and subsecjucntly took charge of the repairs which were made on the Hawkes-
bury mill, of whicli he later became superintendent. In 1902 he returned to the
Merritton mill in the capacity of manager and in trjof) was made general manager
of the Riordon Pajier Mills, which concern absorlied the business of G. H. Perley
& Company in 1910, the firm adopting the name of the Riordon Paper Company
and establishing headquarters at Montreal. In 1912 the Riordon Pulp & Paper
ComiJany took over the l)usiness of the former company. It is one of the fore-
most concerns of its kind in the Dominion. Mr. Riordon is vice president and
managing director and is also flirector of The Mail IVinting Company of Toronto
and the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company.
Mr. Riuriloii lias an interesting military record to his credit, being gazetted
second lieutenant in the Nineteenth St. Catharines Infantry Regiment in 1898.
He was made captain in the following year and in 1901 became quartermaster
with the honorary rank of captain. For some time he led B Company of that
regiment. He retired in 1904.
Carl Riordon married on June 23, 1900, Miss Amy Louise Paterson, a daugh-
ter of the late Rev. Charles Paterson, of Port Hope, Ontario. To this union have
been born five children : Charles Harold, Edith Amy, John Eric Benson, Mary
Kathleen and Peter Hamilton.
In his religious faith Mr. Riordon is an Anglican. He is prominent in club-
dom, being a member of the Mount Royal, the St. James, the University and the
Hunt Clubs of Montreal; the Toronto Club of Toronto; and the liritish Empire
Club of London, England. He also is a member of the Alpha Delta PhiClub of
New York city. His political views incline him toward the conservative party
and although his commercial interests are so extensive as to prevent active par-
ticipation in governmental affairs, he shows great interest in matters of public
importance. In the world of paper making his name is well known and he is
considered one of the foremost authorities along that line. At a comparatively
early age he has attained a position of importance and distinction. He is shrewd,
able, energetic and technically highly trained and his success therefore is but
natural, being typical of the yotinger Canadian business men of the most modern
and progressive tendencies.
Among the successful business men of Montreal is Lawrence Leopold Hen-
derson, general manager of the Montreal Transportation Company. He was born
in Kingston, Ontario, March 5, 1866, a son of Peter Robertson and Henrietta
Jane (Sweetland) Henderson, the former a merchant of Kingston, born in Aber-
deen, Scotland, and the latter of English ancestry. The father died in 1895 and
the mother in 1896.
Lawrence L. Henderson received his education in private schools and in the
collegiate institute at Kingston. In 1884, at the age of eighteen, he entered the
employ of the Montreal Transportation Company as a clerk. Devoting himself
assiduously to the work at hand, he was promoted from position to position in
the various departments of the institution until he became in 1896 agent at King-
ston. In January, 1909, he was made general manager and at that time left
Kingston for Montreal, having since occupied this important position. Mr. Hen-
derson is a director of the National Real-Estate and Investment Company of
Montreal, the Montreal Transportation Company, the Montreal Dry Docks and
Ship Repairing Company, the Rothesay Realty Company, and president of the
Dominion IMarine Association. He is also a member of the ^Montreal Board of
While in Kingston Mr. Henderson was a member of the city council from
1907 to 1908 and of the school board from 1904 to 1906. He also served on the
executive of the Dominion Marine Association. He was prominent as a member
of the Board of Trade of Kingston and upon leaving that town was presented
with a handsome silver salver on behalf of the board and with a silver loving cup
by the employes of the company.
He is a member of the Canada Club, the Engineers Club, the St. George Snow-
shoe Club, the Canadian Club of Montreal, the Country Club of Montreal, the
Frontenac Club of Kingston, the Kingston Curling Club, and the Heather Club
of \\ estmount.
On April 30, 1890, Mr. Henderson was married to Miss Jennie Lena Spencer,
a daughter of the late L. B. Spencer, of Kingston, Their children are Lawrence
Spencer, Mabel Spencer, Ruth Sweetland, Kenneth Robertson, Florence Lillian
and Jean Lewis.
Various corporate interests have felt the stimulus of the cooperation and
enterprising spirit of Albert Pierre Frigon, who today stands in a prominent
place on the stage of financial activity in Montreal, his native city. He was born
on the 14th of June, 1872, a son of Benjamin and Philomene (Cassan) Frigon,
the former a general contractor for more than thirty years. Both he and his
wife are still living. The ancestors of the family were all from France and
the genealogy can be traced back to the lifteenth century. '
Albert P. Frigon was educated in the Catholic commissioner's school,
Archambault's, where he was graduated with the class of 1888. Crossing the
threshold of business life, he became bookkeeper for P. P. Mailloux, a hard-
ware merchant on St. Paul street in Montreal, with whom he remained for
thirteen years, his capability and fidelity being attested by his long connection
with the house. He resigned in 1901 to become Inisiness and financial manager
for the Seminary of St. Sulpice of Montreal and in the intervening years to the
present his activities have constantly broadened in scope and importance. He
is now a controlling figure in various corporate interests and has large invest-
ments in others. At the present writing he is a memlier of the firm of St. Cyr,
Gonthier & Frigon, bankers and brokers, is vice president of Viauville Lands,
Ltd., president of the Star Realty Company, president of the Compagnie Im-
mobiliere d'Outre-Mer, president of the Canadian Siegwart Beam Company of
Three Rivers, vice president of the New Ontario i)\\ & Gas Company, Ltd.,
president of the Societe de Construction Lafontaine, president of the executive
hoard of the General Animals Insurance Company, president Tlmmoljiliere du
Canada, vice president of the France-Canada Company, president of St, Francis-
Valley Railway Company and president of the St. Francis Construction Company,
This recital of his connections indicates clearly the breadth of his interests and
of his capabilities. In various companies he is liending his energies to adminis-
trative direction and executive control and he possesses notable power in
unifying and coordinating seemingly diverse elements into a harmonious and
resultant whole. His opinion upon complex and involved financial problems
is ever accepted with respect and consideration by those well qualified to judge
thereof. He is the vice president of the General Trust Com|iany of Canada,
president of Coniite de Surveillance Caisse Nationale d'Economie and is a
member of the board of La Chambre de Commerce of Montreal.
Mr. Frigon's activities also extend to various public interests which have
no bearing upon his individual prosperity but arise from a deep interest in the
general welfare. He votes with the liberal party but takes no active part in
politics. He is a gouverneur a vie de I'Hopital Notre Dame and he belongs to
Societe St. Jean Baptiste. He is also a Knight of Columbus and one of the
most sincere, earnest and enthusiastic workers of the order, in which he has
held a number of offices. His religious faith is indicated in the fact liiat he is
a past president of a number of Roman Catholic societies. Along more strictly
social lines he is connected with the St. Denis and Canadian Clubs. Of the former
he is a life member and has also been a life member since 1901 of the Mon-
treal Amateur Athletic Association. He is an honorary member of the
Sixty-fifth Regiment. His official municipal service has been that of mayor of
the new village of Sault au Recollet, to which office he was called in February,
1910, and as school commissioner of the same village, to which position he was
chosen in August, 1913.
On the iSth of April, 1898, in Montreal, Mr. Frigon was married to Miss
Malvina Perreault, a daughter of Jeremie and Victoria (Saint Dizier) Per-
reault, both of whom are now deceased. ' Her father was for a term of years
alderman of the city of Montreal and president of r.\ssociation St. Jean Bap-
tiste of Montreal. For thirty years he conducted business here as a dry-goods
merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Frigon are the parents of two children: Jeanne, born
in Montreal on the 12th of February, 1899; and Germaine, on the 12th of No-
vember, 1900.
Mr. Frigon is a most enthusiastic supporter of his native city, in which his
entire life has been passed, taking keen interest in its progress and having firm
belief in the great future. He has been an untiring worker for the construction
of the Georgian Bay canal, acting as president of the special commission ap-
pointed by the Chamber of Commerce of Montreal to take charge of that project.
In all of his public as well as his private connections he has been a man of
action rather than of theory, formulating his plans carefully and carrying them
forward to successful termination.
On the list of Montreal's lawyers appears the name of Hugh Mackay, who
in 1913, was created king's counsel. His practice covers a period of fourteen
years, in which he has made continuous advancement. He was born in Montreal
in 1875, a son of the Hon. Robert Mackay. His early educational opportunities
were supplemented by a course in McGill, where he was graduated in 1900, with
the B. C. L. degree. He has since practiced as an advocate in his native city, and
his professional career has been one of growing success, a liberal and distinct-
ively representative clientage being now accorded him.
Mr. Mackay was married in 1903 in Montreal to Miss Isabel, a daughter of
J. N. Greenshield, K. C.
Mr. Mackay's military history covers service as a captain of the Royal High-
landers, and he is widely and favorably known in military, professional and social
circles, having many warm friends in this city where his entire life has been
Capable, earnest and conscientious, and well versed in the knowledge of the
law, Andre Odorie Rondeau enjoys a large practice, especially among the French
citizenship of Montreal, ably representing valuable French interests in the local
courts. A man of sound judgment and logical reasoning, he readily discerns the
moving factor in any legal situation and presents his views and conclusions so
concisely that he seldom fails to convince court or jury. He is gifted with all the
qualities of which a lawyer may be proud and has a deep insight into human
nature, understanding the springs of human conduct, which qualities assist him
in his work. As the years have passed he has come more and more to the fore in
his profession and is now recognized as an authority upon many subjects of
the law.
Born at St. Marcel, in the county of Richelieu, on the 8th of June, 1876,
Andre O. Rondeau is the son of Louis Rondeau, a successful agriculturist, who
was born in the county of Berthier, and Lucie (Ouellette) Rondeau, a daughter of
Godefroy Ouellette, born in St. Ours, in the county of Richelieu. Both parents
are highly respected in their locality. The earliest record of the Rondeau family
goes back to one Pierre Rondeau, a son of Jean, who married Catherine Verrier
on September 30, 1669, at Ste. Famille, and had a large family. Another of these
early records mentions Jacques Rondeau, born in 1663, who married Franqoise
Beaudry at Trois Rivieres on November 6, 1691, and had a family of seven
Andre O. Rondeau after acquiring his preliminary education attended a com-
mercial college at St. Aime and the pre])aratory seminary of Ste. Marie de Mon-
noir, from which he obtained his bachelor's degree. He received his law diploma
from Laval L'niversity of Montreal, after having studied for two years at St.
Hyacinthe under the su])ervision of Rlanchet iS: Chicoine, well known barristers.
Since Mr. Rondeau has joined the legal fraternity of Montreal he has made great
strides towards success, having left the ranks of the many and joined those of
the successful few. He is skillful in the presentation of his evidence, shows
marked ability in cross-examination, persuasiveness before the jury and has a
strong grasp of every feature of the case in hand. While his learning never
intrudes itself when uncalled for and he makes no display thereof, it comes into
requisition when wanted. He is a man who exemplifies in his conduct the lofty
ideals of his nation and noble calling and he honors his profession by paying it
honor and by his adherence to the solid virtues and enlightened principles under-
lying the law. It is his ambition to make his native talent subserve the demands
of the social and business conditions of the day and he stands today as a splendid
representative of a lawyer to whom personal prosperity is secondary in. imi)or-
tance to the i)ublic welfare and less vital than many other elements which go to
make up hnnian existence.
On June 29, 1908, at Montreal, at the church of St. Jacques, Mr. Rondeau was
united in marriage to Miss Rose LUanche Trudeau, a daughter of Louis Mapoleon
Trudeau, a well known dentist. The religious affiliations of Mr. and Mrs,
Rondeau are with the Catholic church. In his political views he was during his
earlier years a liberal but since 190O has endorsed the nationalist movement as
he is in sympathy with their ideas. Outside of his profession he has had impor-
tant interests and is the builder of the Boulevard Trudeau and Rondeau, in the
Prairie River district, which leads through lots Nos. 16 and 17. He was one of
the founders and also one of the first directors of La Cie Zootechnique de La-
belle, Limitee, at Macaza, P. Q., which has for its purpose the raising of fur-
bearing animals. Mr. Rondeau is highly respected in Montreal as an able law-
yer and as a citizen of public worth and is especially popular and influential with
the French, of which race he is an able representative in this city.
There was no man to whom the success of Canadian expositions and exhibi-
tions was more largely attributable than to Samuel C. Stevenson, who as a com-
missioner, represented his province and country in connection with a number of
leading affairs of this kind on the continent. He was born in Montreal in 1848
and came of Scotch ancestry, being a son of James Stevenson, a native of Scot-
land, who after his arrival in Canada was identified with shipping interests, own-
ing a number of boats. His wife was, in her maidenhood. Miss Elizabeth
Their son, Samuel C. Stevenson, pursued a high-school course and in 1872
was granted his Bachelor of Arts degree at McGill. He was assistant secretary
to the first large provincial exhibition and was identified with all the expositions
of the province from that time until his death. When the first one was held at
Mile End, he was given entire charge of the industrial department. In 1876 he
was appointed a commissioner of the province of Quebec to the great Centennial
Exposition held in Philadelphia and in 1877 when a permanent exposition com-
mittee was appointed for the province, he was made its secretary for the industrial
department and held that position until the organization of the Montreal Exposi-
tion Company in 1889. He was chief organizer and manager of all the important
expositions that were held in Montreal from 1886 until his demise and he repre-
sented the Canadian interests as commissioner for the province of Quebec at the
Colonial and Industrial Exhibition in London, in 1886. In 1892 he was appointed
a member and secretary of the provincial commission in connection with the
World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago and was secretary of the council of
arts and manufacture of the province of Quebec. His long experience enabled
him to know adequately just what was most attractive for exhibition purposes
and how to assemble such, and the success of Canada's exhibits, both provincial
and at the international expositions in the United States, was due in large measure
to his efforts. He was a corresponding member of the Industrial Education
Association of New York and a director of the Great Northern Railway of
Mr. Stevenson's military experience began in his youth. When a boy ne
belonged to the High School Cadets and afterward joined the Victoria Kitles,
going to the front with his regiment at the time of the Fenian raid of 1866. Later
he received a commission in the Prince of Wales regiment and was a subaltern
in the company of that corps which was sent to the relief of the force that
engaged the Fenians at Eccles Hill. He remained in the corps until 1881, when
he retired with the rank of major. ]\Ir. Stevenson's interests and activities aside
from those already indicated were manifest from his membership in the An
Association and in the Crescent Street church.
At Saugerties, New York. in. 1.S7.8 Mr. Stevenson was married to Mrs. Ger-
trude (Caldwell) Bennett, a representative of a southern family, that lived in
\irginia until the time of the Civil war and then removed to New York. Mr.
and Mrs. Stevenson had three children : James Corliss : Elizabeth Lois, the wife
of Herbert Yuile : and Gladys Arnold, the wife of J. Hal Pangman.
Such is the record of Samuel C. Stevenson, who passed away January 2, i8g8.
As a public-spirited citizen he was widely known. None questioned his fidelity.
He responded to every appeal when it was needed for the benefit of the general
good; to build up rather than to destroy was his policy and he attacked everything
with a contagious enthusiasm.
The nature and variety of his interests and activities at once place Farquhar
Robertson among those citizens whose lives constitute a most useful and service-
able force in bringing about modern day conditions, progress and prosperity.
While he is well known as a business man, he has at the same time been a close
student of the sociological, economic and political questions of the day, and
has been actively allied with many movements seeking the betterment of condi-
tions for the benefit of the individual physically, intellectually and morally. He
has also been connected with many projects that promote the municipal welfare,
and thus his life has come to be one of great usefulness in his adopted city.
A native of Ontario, he was born April 14, 1850, at North Branch, Glengarry,
a son of Hugh and Flora (McLennan) Robertson and a brother of Lieutenant
Colonel D. M. Robertson, Toronto, Ontario. His education was acquired in his
native county and since entering upon his business career, he has largely given
his attention to the coal trade. In business aflfairs he carries forward to success-
ful completion what he undertakes, and his well formulated plans are productive
of far-reaching and beneficial results.
His activities along other lines have been equally broad and beneficial. He
is identified with many movements which seek to meet and improve modern
conditions, and to this end he is serving as a director of the Parks and Play-
grounds Association, and is vice president of the Montreal City Improvement
League. He was one of the promoters of the Montreal Typhoid Emergency Hos-
pital, and is one of the managing conmiittee of the Montreal General Hospital,
a member of the committee of management of Royal Edward institute, and vice
president of Victorian Order of Nurses. Mr. Robertson is president of the
firm of I-'arciuhar Robertson, Limited, and director of Merchants Bank of Canada,
Montreal Trans])ortation Company, Canada Cement Company and the Prudential
Trust Company. He was president of the Montreal Board of Trade in 1909,
and it was largely due to his efforts during his term of ofifice, that a change in
civic administration took place, to a board of commissioners.
Air. Robertson represented St. Andrew's ward in the Montreal city council
for six years and was the council's representative on the Protestant board of
school commissioners for the same period.
Mr. Robertson married Miss Flora Craig, daughter of the late James Craig,
M. P. P., (jlengarry. They reside at No. 30 Ontario avenue. Montreal. They
are Presbyterians in religion.
While not an office seeker in politics (in which he is a conservative), in the
uslially accepted sense of the term, he is deeply interested in all that pertains to
the public welfare, and the present government thought fit to appoint him as
one of the present harbor commission.
Mr. Robertson is president of the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal. He is
well known in club circles, being a member of St. James, Montreal, Montreal Hunt
and Outremont Golf Clubs, and life member of The Caledonian Societv and
Montreal Amateur Athletic .Association. His recreation is devoted to curling and
John Allan was a splendid example of what industry and determination will
accomplish for a man. Born in Strathmiglo, Scotland, on the 28th of November,
1863, a son of David and Christian (Roy) Allan, he became one of the successful
merchants of Montreal, dealing in clothing, hats, caps and men's furnishings. He
was educated in the schools of his native country and when eighteen years of age
crossed the Atlantic to Canada, making his way to Montreal, where he entered
the employ of Henry Morgan & Company. After some time spent with that
house he joined his brother, Robert Allan, who w'as engaged in the bottling of
ginger ale. Subsequently lie embarked in business on his own account on Craig
street in a small way, ha\ing a limited line of clothing, hats, caj)s and men's fur-
nishings. He closely applied himself to the development of the trade and in that
connection steadily worked his way upward, his patronage increasing as the years
went by until he won a substantial measure of success. He was truly a self-made
man, ha\ing been both the architect and builder of his own fortunes and his
record proved what may be accomplished when determination and energy point
out the way.
Mr. Allan was married in Cupar, Scotland, in 1894, to Maria Isabella Hood,
a native of that place and a daughter of Robert and Agnes (Moncrief) Hood,
and they became parents of five children, John Roy, Agnes Isabelle, Robert Bruce,
Douglas Hood and Malcolm Moncrief. Mr. Allan enjoyed curling as a recreation
and his more serious interests were represented in membership in the Masonic
fraternity and in Knox church. He was a member of the Young Men's Christian
Association for many years and took a deep interest in its affairs. His death
occurred January ii, 1912, and thus was ended a life of activity and usefulness.
He had made good use of his time and opportunities and had proved that pros-
perity and an honored name may be gained simultaneously.
Rev. Joseph Leonidas Desjardins, secretary general of Laval University at
Montreal since September 14, 1907, was born at Ste. Therese, in the county of
Terrebonne, on the 27th of November. 1880, a son of Joseph and Odile (Boileau)
Desjardins, the former of whom followed agricultural pursuits. The son pursued
his early studies in the Seminary of Ste. Therese and in the Grand Seminary of
Montreal. His determination to prepare for the priesthood, followed by a thor-
ough course of study, led to his ordination by Monsignor P. La Rocque on the
3d of July, 1904. His time and energies have ever since been devoted to educa-
tional service save for a period which he devoted to further study. Following
his ordination he became a professor in the Seminary of Ste. Therese, where he
remained during 1904 and 1905. The following year he went abroad for further
study in Rome, where he remained from 1905 until 1907, winning the degree of
Doctor of Theology. Following his return to the new world he' entered again
upon active connection with educational interests as secretary general of Laval
University at Montreal, being appointed to his present position on the 14th of
September, 1907. In his life work mental and moral instruction go hand in
hand, and his efforts constitute an important element not only in the upbuilding
of character among individual students but also in the extension of Catholic
teachings and influence.
Hirsch Cohen, most actively identified with the educational and moral progress
of the Jewish people in Montreal, may point with justifiable pride to various
schools and synagogues which have been established through his instrumentality.
A Russian by birth, his natal day was in April, 1863, his parents being Hircom
and Sarah Cohen, both of whom have now passed away, the latter dying in 1896
and the former in 191 1 at a ripe old age, being over ninety years old. Liberal
educational advantages constituted the foundation for the important and far-
reaching life work of Hirsch Cohen who was educated in a Hebrew college in
Russia. The year 1890 witnessed his arrival in Montreal, since which time he
has been active in promoting work among the people of his own faith. He has
established eight synagogues, including one in T-achine and one in the city of
Quebec. At that period the peo[)le of his faith could not stand the regular
tithing system and there were only a few small synagogues to carry on the work
among the Hebrew people. Pro.'^perity, however, has come to many and a fair
degree of success to others and as they have prospered they liave contributed
to the work of intellectual and moral progress with a result that there are today
a number of large congregations and various smaller ones, each an active force
in promoting the moral development of the Hebrew people. Mr. Cohen has been
a leader in this work and he is also a director on the school board of the Baron
de Hirsch Institute. For the past seven years he has been acting as chaplain for
the Jewish prisoners in the province of Quebec. He is chairman of various
Hebrew schools in the city and has been practically the founder of them all and
in the meantime has established places of study where adult ITeljrews can acquaint
themselves with various lines of knowledge. He has founded three different syna-
gogues in Montreal since his arrival and another important branch of his work has
been the care which he has given to newcomers during the periods of largest
immigrations to Canada among the Hebrew people. Moreover, he has taken a
most active and helpful part in bringing about the amalgamation of the charitable
institutions of the Jewish people into a coordinate whole. He has seemed to neg-
lect no line of effort that contributes to the welfare of people of his faith. It
was through his instrumentality that all Jewish slaughter houses were brought
under the required supervision. He was one of those who took part in the organ-
ization of the Free Loan Association, and he was one who aided in establishing
the Jewish Daily Eagle, to the columns of which he makes frequent and welcome
contributions. He is one of the officers in the Zionist movement and one of the
officers in the Association of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada,
in which, he is also a member of the executive committee.
Mr. Cohen's first wife was Miss Sarah First, whom he married in 1888,
and their children were Mrs. Annie Presnau, Mary, Julius,. Ethel, Goldie and
Lazarus. In 1913 he married Leah Xochumofsky. It would be difficult to deter-
mine how important has been the life work of Hirsch Cohen, for there is no
standard whereby to judge influence, especially when it is exerted along lines
of intellectual and moral progress. His worth, however, is widely recognized,
not only by those of his own faith, but also by the Gentiles who respect him as
a man and honor him for his loyalty to his belief and for his great work in behalf
of his cause.
A prominent representative of the Jewish element in the citizenship of Mon-
treal is Harry Bloomfield, a partner in the well known wholesale jewelry firm- of
Bloomfield Brothers. He is largely regarded as a representative business man.
enterprising, progressive, alert and energetic. He was born in Montreal in 1879, a
son of Baruch Bloomfield, a scholar and educator who for many years resided in
Montreal and enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. It was in the schools of
this city that Harry Bloomfield pursued his education and after entering business
circles he traveled for the American Clock Company of New York for five and
a half years, in which he gained much valuable experience concerning business
methods and procedure. On the expiration of that period he entered the employ
of the Canadian jewelry house of Pinfort & Company, whom he represented
upon the road as a traveling salesman for another period of five and a half
years. All during this time he was ambitious to engage in business on his own
account, and in 1904 he saw the realization of his hopes, for in that year he was
the organizer of the firm of Bloomfield Brothers, wholesale jewelers. Through
the intervening period the business has steadily grown and developed under the
careful guidance and management of its proprietors who are energetic, progress-
ive young men, realizing and utilizing their opportunities. They carry a large
and carefully selected line of jewelry, and their trade is growing year by year,
having already reached extensive and profitable proportions.
On the /th of June. 1905, Mr. Bloomfield was united in marriage to Miss
Sadie Davies, a daughter of IMorton Davies of New York, and their children are
Bernard, Louis, Dorothy and Florence. Mr. Bloomfield has been somewhat
active in connection with civic affairs. He was made justice of the peace for
the city and district of Montreal, October 12, 1904, and he was twice a candi-
date in St. Lawrence ward in conservative interests as M. P. P.
He is identified with a number of social and fraternal organizations, for
beside being president of the Independent \'oters League he is a director of the
Baron de Hirsch Listitute, a director of the Hebrew Sheltering Home, a director
of the Montefiore Club and president of the DTsraeli Conservative Club. At
the time of the ritual murder charge against Mendel Beiliss six judges were
appointed by the Jewish citizens to forward a protest to the governor general and
Mr. Bloomfield was appointed as one of the judges. He is a high type of young
Jewish manhood in Montreal and is rapidly winning for himself An enviable posi-
tion in business circles.
Dr. John Bradford McConnell, an able educator in the field of medical science
and actively engaged in hospital and .private practice, was born at Chatham,
Quebec, August 28, 1851, a son of the late Andrew and Martha Jane (Bradford)
McConnell, of Lachute, Quebec. In the acc]uirement of his education he became
a student at Dr. Wanless' Academy at Carillon, Quebec, and ultimately graduated
from McGill University with the degrees of M. D., C. M. in 1873. Still not con-
tent with the opportunities that had already been his for preparation for the
medical profession, he went abroad and did post-graduate work in Berlin under
Professor Koch. From the outset his professional career has been marked by
advancement and constantly expanding powers have enabled him to successfully
control and check disease when others of less thorough training or of minor devo-
tion to the profession would have failed. His high standing is indicated in the fact
that Bishop's College of Lennoxville selected him for the honor of receiving the
D. C. L. degree in 1905. He has long been eminent in the field of medical educa-
tion and was vice president of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, while for
many years he was a professor on the medical faculty of Bishop's College. He has
successively occupied the chairs of professor of botany, professor of materia
medica, professor of pathology, professor of medicine and of clinical medicine,
and was vice dean for a number of years and was acting dean in 1905, when the
.-^ c^
medical faculty was amalgamated with McGill University, so tiiat his name is
inseparably associated with Bishop's College and the high rank it has attained.
Dr. McConnell has also been a member of the staff of the Western Hospital since
its establishment and is medical examiner for the Aetna and the Mutual Life
Insurance Companies. He was for several years editor of the Canada Medical
Record. Lie has written extensively on medical subjects and his opinions elicit
attention, admiration and consideration whenever publicly expressed.
Aside from the strict path of the profession Dr. McConnell has been active and
is now a senator of the Wesleyan Theological College of Montreal. He also has
an interesting military chapter in his life record, having from 1875 until 1884
served as assistant surgeon of the First Prince of Wales Regiment. In 1875 he
married Miss Theodora Lovell, daughter of the late Robert Miller, of Montreal.
Dr. McConnell is yet in the prime of life. He has not reached the zenith of his
powers, which are constantly unfolding and developing. He keeps in the van-
gaurd of those to whom science is revealing its secrets as the result of careful
investigation and wide research, and the broader knowledge which each year
brings is familiar to him.
Dr. John George Adami, scientist, educationist and author whose eminent
position in his profession was indicated in his election to the presidency of the
Association of American Physicians in 191 1, was born in Mainchester, England,
January 12, 1862, a son of the late John George Adami of Manchester and Ashton-
upon-Mersey, Cheshire. The mother of Dr. Adami, who in her maidenhood
was Sarah Ann Ellis Leech, was a daughter of Thomas Leech of Urmston, Lan-
cashire, and a sister of the late Sir Bosdin Leech, one of the founders of the
Manchester Ship Canal, while another brother was Professor Leech, a leading
member of the staiT of Owen's College and the Manchester Medical School.
Dr. Adami began his more advanced schooling when he entered Owen's Col-
lege, Manchester, and in 1880 entered Christ's College, Cambridge, becoming
a scholar of the same and in 1882 gaining a first class in the first part of the
Natural Science Tripos f.ollowed in 1884 by a first class in the second part of
the same tripos. Following upon this he spent eight months in physiological
research at Breslau, Germany, under the distinguished physiologist Fleidenhain.
In 1885, Dr. Adami was awarded the Darwin prize of his college, for original
research. The Master of Arts degree was conferred tipon him in 1887, and with
the completion of the course of medicine at Manchester in this year, he was
appointed house physician at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, following upon
which he was called to Cambridge to become demonstrator of pathology under
Professor Roy.
In 1890, he was appointed to the John Lucas Walker studentship of pathology
in the University of Cambridge, and went to Paris for bacteriological research
in the Institute Pasteur, under Professor Metchnikoff. He won his M. D. degree
in 1891, and in the same year was elected a fellow of Jesus College.
The following year he was called to Montreal, as professor of pathology in
McGill University, and his continued success in research work, in practice and in
the educational held, led to various degrees and honors being conferred upon
him. In 1898, AIcGill conferred upon him the degrees of M. A. and ^^I. B.
Ad Eund.
The University of Xew Brunswick honored him with the LL. D. degree in
1900, the University of Toronto conferring the same degree in 191 1, while
in 1912 he received the Sc. D. of Trinity College, Dublin. He had previously, in
1905, been elected a fellow of the Royal Society. He is also a fellow of the
Royal Societies of Edinburgh and Canada. In February, 1914, the Fothergillian
medal of the Medical Society of London was awarded to Dr. Adami for his
"work on Pathology in its application to practical medicine and surgery." The
Fothergillian gold medal was first awarded in 1787 and now is given every
third year.
It would be tautological in this connection to enter into any series of state-
ments showing him to be a man of scholarly attainments, for this has been
shadowed forth between the lines of this review in the work that he has per-
formed as an investigator and in the honors which have been conferred upon him.
He is perhaps even better known in the field of authorship than in educational
circles. The work by which he is most widely known is his "Principles of Path-
ology" in two volumes (the second in connection with Professor A. G. Nicholls
of McGill).
Dr. Adami has written various papers on pathological subjects which have
appeared in a number of the leading medical journals in England and America
and have also been translated into French. His smaller text-book upon pathology
\Vritten along with Dr. John McCrae, is being translated into Chinese.
That his activities have not been solely in the path of his profession are indi-
cated by not a few addresses he has delivered on biographical and literary sub-
jects. He stands prominently with those men of broad humanitarian principles
and high scientific attainment who are doing everything in their power to pre-
vent the spread of disease and educate the people to a knowledge of preventive
methods and sanitary conditions.
He presided at one of the meetings of the International Tuberculosis Con-
gress held in Washington in 1908, and was one of the promoters of the Royal
Edward Tuberculosis Institute in 1909. He was a member of the Royal Com-
mission, of the province of Quebec, re spread of tuberculosis in 1909, and in
that same year became president of the Canada Association for the Prevention
of Tuberculosis, being reelected for three years in succession. In 191 1 he was
honored with election to the presidency of the Association of .American Physi-
cians. He has been president of the local Medico-Chirurgical Society anfl is a
joint secretary of the X'ictorian Order of Nurses. In 1899 'i*^ ^^''i* president of
the Montreal branch of the British Medical Association and was president of the
pathological section of that organization at the meeting in Toronto in 1905. He
was a vice president of the section f)f ])athology at the International Congress of
Medicine, London, 191 3.
lie has been offered many prominent positions in the educational field both
in England and the United .States, but has jireferred to remain in Montreal, recog-
nizing that he has a broad field of labor in this city.
His teaching ranks him as one of the foremost educators of the land, and in
the class room he enthuses his pupils with much of the high idealism which has
always characterized his professional connections.
Aside from all of these activities and interests, bearing upon the practice and
science of medicine. Dr. Adami was chosen president of the City Improvement
League in 1909, and was elected vice president of the University Club in the
same year. He holds membership in the St. James Club, and in the Savile Club
of London.
Dr. Adami was married in 1894, to Mary Stuart, a daughter of James A.
Cantlie of Montreal, and a niece of Lord Mount Stephen. Their residence. No.
34 Macgregor avenue, is one of Montreal's attractive homes, while the family
arc well known in the best social circles of the city. The Herald has said of Dr.
Adami ; "Endowed with youth, energy and enthusiasm, his investigations have
been important and of great benefit to mankind." His name in connection with
his professional ability and research work is known not only throughout the
American continent but in many educational centers of Europe, as his authorship
has made him known to the profession.
Since admitted to the bar in 1897 Rodolphe Monty has continuously and suc-
cessfully practiced in Montreal, advancing step by step to the position which he
now occupies as one of the able representatives of the legal profession in this
city. He is a member of the firm of Monty & Duranleau and their clientage is of
an extensive and important character. Montreal claims ]\Ir. Monty as a native
son. He was born November 30, 1874, and in the acquirement of his education
attended Ste. ^larie de Monnoir College, McGill University and Laval Univer-
sity, his classical course winning for him the Bachelor of Arts degree, while his
professional course gained for him the degree of LL. L. In January, 1897, he
was called to the bar and at once entered u]5on the active practice of a profession
for which he had fully prejiared. No dreary novitiate awaited him. He came
almost immediately into prominence and in 1909 was created a king's counsel.
He is now senior partner of the firm of Monty & Duranleau, one of the strongest
at the Montreal bar. and the thoroughness and care with which he prepares uis
cases excites the admiration and surprise of his contemporaries, who find him
prepared not only for attack but for defense as well. For eight years he has been
a member of the council of the bar of Montreal and for five years has been
examiner. He has served as delegate to the general council of the bar of the
province of Quebec for three years and as treasurer of the bar of Montreal for
two years.
While pursuing his study in the university Mr. ]\Ionty was president of the
law students of Laval in 1895-6 and at the same time was one of the most active
members of the model parliament established among the students. His eloquence
and skill as a debater secured for him the leadership of the opposition in those
early days. He also filled the offices of minister of railways and canals and
speaker of the house. He is now governor general of the model parliament. He
could undoubtedly win parliamentary honors today if he cared to do so, but,
while possibly not without that laudable ambition which is so useful as an incentive
in public life, he regards the pursuits of private life as in themselves abundaiuly
worthy of his best efforts and concentrates his energies upon his professional
duties. His devotion to his clients' interests is proverbial and on many occasions
he has proven himself capable of solving some of the most involved and intricate
problems of the law. In politics he is a conservative, while socially he is con-
nected with the St. Denis Club, the Club Canadien and the Delormier Club.
Sir George A. Drummond, whose strong intellectual force gave him mastery
over the grave problems which confronted him as a member of parliament and
enabled him to wisely direct his individual interests until success placed him
among the most prosperous residents of Montreal, was bom in Edinburgh, Scot-
land, in 1829. He enjoyed the educational opportunities offered by the high
school of his native city and then entered the university in the Scottish capital.
His laudable ambition and keen insight into conditions prompted him to seek
the advantages offered in the new world when but twenty-five years of age,
and therefore in 1854 he embraced the opportunity to come to Canada and
assume the practical and technical management of a sugar refinery which was
established in Montreal by John Redpath. In this connection the Gazette, at
the time of his death, wrote : "The superior education he received in the
institutions of his native Scotland was a powerful help to him when he was
called upon to grapple with the problems which demanded solution in an unde-
veloped country like the Canada of that day. When he became interested in
the Redpath sugar refinery in the year 1854 he was perhaps the best educated
business man in the city, and whether as a member of the Board of Trade, a
commanding figure in the realm of banking and commerce, or in social life,
he maintained that scholarly supremacy and distinction which was willingly
accorded him by his fellow citizens more than half a century ago."-
The Redpath sugar refinery proved a profitable enterprise from the begin-
ning until tariff' changes forced the plant to close down in 1874. Before resum-
ing operations in that line in 1879, in which year he founded the Canada Sugar
Refining Company, of which he became president. Sir George spent five years
abroad in study, travel and recreation. In coimection with the Canada Sugar
Refining Company he developed one of the most important productive indus-
tries of the country and into other fields extended his efforts with equal discern-
ment and success. He became a director in the P.ank of Montreal in 1882 and
in 1887 was elected vice president and subsecjucntly president, so continuing
until his death. He became president of the company owning and developing
the coal and iron mines at Londonderry, Nova Scotia, and was prominently
connected with many other commercial interests and projects. He was prom-
inent as a stockholder and ofticcr in the Mexican Light, Heat i.'v Power Com-
pany and was a director of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and the
Ogilvie Milling Company and vice president of the Royal Trust Comjoany. He
was also largely interested in tlie Cumberland Coal & Railway Company, and
his connection extended to various other corporations which have been impor-
tant factors in the development and upbuilding of Canada's manufacturing
From the time that he became a resident of Canada Sir George Drummond
also became a student of the conditions of the country as affected by political
interests. Perhaps no better account of his prominent connection with j^olitical
afiairs can be given than by quoting from one of the local papers, which wrote:
"Though coming from a country wedded to free trade ideas, he discovered that
new industries could not thrive here in competition with the advanced and
enterprising industrial activity on the other side of the line. Hence his early
advocacy of protection, designated during the campaign of 1878 as the National
Policy. Sir George Drummond had formed strong friendships with Sir John A.
Macdonald, Sir Charles Tupper and the more aggressive leaders of the con-
servative party as represented in the Canadian parliament. He was induced,
much against his will, to accept the party candidature in Montreal West against
one of the most [lopular men of the day, Hon. John Young. The contest will
be remembered by some of the older citizens as one of extreme bitterness,
although Mr. Drummond's utterances on the platform were marked by ability,
force and breadth of view, and those who heard him during that campaign of
1872 were not by any means surprised when he developed later into an authority
on banking and finance and a leader in the discussion of matters pertaining to
trade and commerce. That contest i)receded by two years the fall of the Mac-
donald government and the acceptance of office by pronounced free traders.
As delegation after delegation went to Ottawa, and were told by the finance
minister that ministers were as flies on a whe^l in the matter of bringing pros-
perity to the land. Sir George Drummond and his friends, recruited from both
of the old political parties, started to organize the downfall of free trade in
Canada. It was, however, when the victory had been won at the polls, when
Sir Charles Tupper's powerful etTorts at the by-elections in Ontario. Quebec and
Nova Scotia had brought forth their fruit that the hardest work had to be
done, and here the ability of Sir George came powerfully into play. Sir Leon-
ard Tilly was finance minister. Sir Mackenzie Bowell was in charge of the
customs and Sir John Macdonald was powerful in the country and in parlia-
rpent. He had received a mandate to bring the National Policy into force; but
this was easier to say than to do. The fiscal and customs policy of the country
had to be changed. It was at this time that the counsel and business experience
of Sir George Drummond were brought into requisition and with a great degree
of success. Time convinced men of good-will and fair mind that the broad
device of 'Canada for the Canadians' and 'that which is beneficial to the manu-
facturer will be equally beneficial to the consumer and to the country at large,'
were right. Mr. Drummond was not a conservative during his active partici-
pation in party conflicts because of individual gain. He adhered to principle
rather than to party name. In 1888, Sir John Macdonald being premier,
Mr. Drummond was called to the senate, and up to the time of his death was
the ablest representative of the mercantile classes in the upper house of the
Canadian parliament. As chairman of the banking and commerce committee of
the senate his word was as law. His opinions relating to matters of financial
import were received without question by minister and member alike, and when
Senator Drummond had spoken upon a question of this kind there was a general
consensus of opinion that little remained to be said. It was by his mastery of
his subject and by his prominence in all matters affecting the moneyed interests
of the Dominion that he won the respect of his fellow legislators at the capital.
There are many men who are members of the Montreal Board of Trade who
look back to the days when Sir George Drummond was the president of that
organization and remember the manner in which he filled that ofifice, the highest
in the gift of the merchants of the commercial metropolis of the Dominion.
They remember the high character of his addresses and his wise contributions
to the deliberations of the council. It was accepted as a matter of course that
he should lead oft" either as the mover or the seconder in any great question
that was to be presented to the government or to the other colonies or for the
consideration of the whole empire. It was as director, vice president and presi-
dent of the Bank of Montreal that the citizens of the financial center of the
Dominion will remember Sir George Drummond long. His ability was freely
acknowledged on both continents. He was at headquarters early and late, and
his attention to the interests of the bank was as marked when the financial
atmosphere was serene as when there were lowering clouds on the horizon.
His attitude at the annual bank meetings was the personification of tact and
courtesy, and his able addresses on such occasions, uttered as they were with a
practiced finger resting upon the financial and commercial pulse of the conti-
nent, were read by Wall Street and London as eagerly as by the public men
and bankers of his own country."
Sir George Drummond was married twice. In 1857 he wedded Helen,
daughter of John Redpath, and following her demise he was married in 1884
to yhs. Grace Julia Hamilton, the widow of George Hamilton and a daughter
of A. Davidson Parker, a Montreal pioneer. Two sons of the first marriage,
Huntly R. and Arthur L., are living. The former succeeded his father as presi-
dent of the Canada Sugar Refining Company, Ltd., and is ex-president of the '
Montreal Board of Trade; while the latter is actively identified with the Canada
Sugar Refining Company, Ltd. One son, Guy, of the second marriage, is
living and is a resident of Montreal.
The death of Sir George Drummond occurred February 2, 1910, removing
from the stage of Canadian activity one of its most prominent and honored
figures. He was a member of the St. James Club, the Rideau Club of Ottawa,
the Reform Club of London, England, and the Manhattan Club of New York.
Sir George and Lady Drummond were in entire sympathy in their benev-
olent work. He was the founder of the Home for Incurables in Montreal,
which was opened in 1894 under the charge of the Sisters of St. Margaret, and
Lady Drummond bestowed much care and thought on the preparation of the
interior of the institution. She has been connected with many societies and
movements in Montreal that have to do with the betterment of the people, the
city or its conditions. She is president of the Montreal Charity Organization and
is actively connected with the Victorian Order of Nurses and with various
other bodies. She was also a member of the Quebec Tercentennial celebra-
tion in 1908. She was the first president of the local branch of the National
Council of Women. She was elected president of the Women's Canadian Club
of Montreal for 1907-8, and Lady Aberdeen places her "at the head of the
Canadian sisterhood for activity in 'promoting all that is true and just and beau-
tiful among women, and for a consuming hatred for unrighteousness in every
form.' " She presented a silver cup for competition l)y the members of the
Royal Montreal Ladies' Golf Club in 1905. Her name is not unknown in
literary circles and among her writings is an essay entitled "I'urity of S])eech
and Accent." She was the first woman to speak at a public ban(|uet in Mont-
real, being thus honored in icSg<S. In 1902 Sir George and Lady Drummond
were presented at court.
On the occasion of the visit of our present King and Queen to Canada as
Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York Lady Drummond drew ui) and pre-
sented an address to Her Royal Highness on behalf of the National Council
of Women of Canada, while Sir George Drummond at the same time ])rescnted
to His Royal Highness the citizens' commemorative medal. Lady Aberdeen
has characterized Lady Drummond as "a woman of distinguished i^resence,
with great personal charm, gifts of rare eloquence and the power of clothing
her thoughts in most expressive language." She is a member of the Anglican
church, to which Sir George also belonged.
Sir George was much interested in agriculture and the breeding of tine
stock. Huntlywood, his magnificent country place at Beaconsfield, was one of
the finest country estates on the continent. He took great pride in its well kept
condition, his private golf links affording an opportunity for indulgence in
a recreation that he was fond of. He kept only the finest live stock that he
could procure. His first Southdown sheep were bred from stock he secured
from King Edward. In live-stock breeding Sir George aimed to maintain the
same high standard of excellence that characterized everything he did. His
stock nearly always won first prize at the big stock shows in Canada and the
United States, where he met in competition the most noted breeders of his day.
Sir George also maintained a beautiful country house, Gads Hill, at Cacouna,
now the summer home of Lady Drummond. He took a most deep and helpful
interest in all those things which promote the aesthetic and moral nature of the
individual and which act as broadening and uplifting influences in the lives of
all. He was the owner of one of the finest galleries of paintings on the
American continent and was for some time president of the Art Association of
Montreal. It is said of him that he "derived greater pleasure in pinning a
badge to the breast of a member of the \'ictorian Order of Xurses and wishing
a hearty God-speed to that devoted agent of good than in talking in millions
around the directors' table of the Bank of Montreal." He was a knight com-
mander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George and his character and
his ability made his presence an honor in any gathering.
High encomiums were passed upon him by various members of the senate
when he was called from this life on the 2d of February, 1910. One of the
local papers said: "Flags flying at half-mast from many of the chief public
and commercial buildings of the city yesterday testified at once to the extent
of the interests with which Sir George A. Drummond was in his life connected,
and to the respect in which he was held for his character, his ability and his
public services." The council of the Board of Trade, of which he had been
president, said he was "long regarded as Alontreal's most eminent citizen and
one of the oldest and most distinguished members of this board." Senator
Lougheed said that he "doulited if any other name had been more closely linked
with the industrial life of Canada during the early part of the present genera-
tion than that of Sir George Drummond. Not only has he been associated with
the material development of Canada, but he was equally a supporter of the arts
and sciences and the great sociological questions of this progressive age. In
1903 he was the recipient of very distinguished honors at the hands of his
sovereign on account of the eminent public services which he had rendered
Canada. His name should long be revered in Montreal, where it was identi-
fied with the great commercial, educational and philanthropic institutions,"
Senator Dandurand said of Sir George : "He was esteemed in Montreal as a
liberal-minded man who did his utmost to maintain good understanding between
the races in that city, always showing an earnest desire to promote harmony.
He was a benefactor of all institutions that needed private help and will be
missed by the community at large, as he was whole-souled, kind-hearted and
one who played a most important role in all the aft'airs of the city."
L. Joseph Theophile Decary, an architect of pronounced ability and promi-
nently known as a water color artist, was born at St. Jerome, Quebec, September
21, 1882, a son of Jean Baptist and Marie Theolinde (Lauzon) Decary, natives
of Lachine and St. Jerome respectively. When the north was open for settle-
ment in 1876 the father went to St. Jerome to establish business as a jevveler
and has there since resided. He is of the eighth generation in direct descent
from Jean Decarys, who came to Canada with Maisonneuve in 1642. The
name has since been variously spelled Decary, Decaire and Descarries.
L. Joseph Theophile Decary, whose name introduces this record, pursued a
commercial course in St. Jerome, leaving the school there in 1900. He after-
ward spent a year in a pharmaceutical establishment and a year as a telegraph
operator at St. Jerome Junction on the Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern
of Quebec Railroads. When nineteen years of age he left home, without funds,
to go to Boston, hoping there to find the opportunity which would enable him
to develop his latent talents in drawing. From an early age he had displayed
considerable ability in that direction and believed that his line of life should
be determined thereby. After reaching Boston he secured a situation in an
architect's office which brought him a salary of two dollars per week. He
learned quickly and won the confidence and assistance of Guy Lowell, archi-
tect, who sent him to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston in
October, 1903. There he followed a special course in architecture until 1905,
and he now holds a degree from the association of architects of the Province
of Quebec Architects' Association. Following his return to Canada he opened
an ofifice in Montreal, where he has since practiced his profession, his ability
gaining him a large clientage. He made the architectural design and plans for
the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales of Montreal for Messrs. Gauthier
and Daoust. His talent has been further developed in the field of fine arts as
L. J. T. i)i:c.\i;v
shown in his exhibitions in water colors at the season exhibit of the Art Asso-
ciation of Montreal in 19 lo. He is a member of the National Gallery of
On the 23d of April, 1906, at Point St. Charles, Montreal, Mr. Uecary was
united in marriage to Hattie G. Blancliard, a daughter of Captain J. B.
Blanchard and widow of John Weatherburn. In his political views Mr. Decary
is a liberal and is without political ambition or aspiration. He tinds pleasant
association with men of similar professional talents in the Technology Club of
Lower Canada and interest and recreation through his membership in the St.
John Yacht Club, of which he was vice commodore in the year 191 3.
Dr. Alexander Drummond Stewart, a successful physician and since 1903
connected with the department of the interior of the port of Montreal, is a native
of Toronto, Ontario, and acquired his preliminary education in the public schools
of that city. He studied medicine in McGill University, graduating with the
degree of M. D. in 1888. Since that time he has been continuously in practice.
Dr. Stewart opened his first office in Richmond, Quebec province, and he
continued there until 1898, building up a large and representative clientage and in
addition to its conduct serving in an able way as medical officer for the Grand
Trunk Railway at that point. From F^ichmond he came to Montreal and in this
city is now a successful practitioner. Besides conducting his .extensive private
practice he is medical officer of the department of the interior of the port of
Montreal, an office to which he was elected in 1903.
Dr. Stewart married Miss Emma Christie of Lachute, Argenteuil county,
Quebec, and they have become the parents of a daughter, Bessie. Dr. Stewart is
a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian church. He belongs to the Outremont Golf
Club and the University Club. Along professional lines he is connected with the
Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society, and he keeps in touch with the most
advanced medical thought, remaining always a close and earnest student.
John Mitchell, deceased, who was for thirty years a produce merchant of
Montreal, was born at Dufftown, Scotland, in 1830, and his life record covered
the intervening years to the 23d of November, 1904. His is a history of intense
and well directed activity along the line in which he engaged. Educated in Scot-
land, he came to Quebec when sixteen years of age, having a brother, Robert,
in this province. He made his entrance into business life as an employe of a
Mr. Symes, a merchant : but after a short time he left the city of Quebec for
Montreal at the solicitation of his uncle, Alexander Simpson, who was manager
of the Bank of Montreal. Mr. Mitchell embarked in business in connection with
others as a wholesale dealer in molasses, sugar and grain in the \\'est Indies, hut
the business failed and for a short time thereafter Mr. Mitchell was a resident
of Chicago, Illinois. Later he went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but soon returned
to Alontreal and here engaged in the produce business in which he continued for
thirty years, or until his death. He lived a quiet life, being modest and unassum-
ing in manner, and his uprightness and his honorable qualities won him the
admiration and respect of all.
Mr. Mitchell was married to Margaret Turner of Keith, Scotland, and they
became the parents of two children : John Alexander, living near Edmonton,
Canada ; and Alice Margaret, who is a member of the editorial staff of the Mon-
treal Weekly Star. In 1871 Mr. Mitchell was again married in the cathedral of
Montreal to Miss Elizabeth Scott, a daughter of Dr. Alexander Scott, who came
from Keith, Scotland, and practiced in Montreal, but died when his daughter,
Mrs. Mitchell, was but five years of age. In later years Mrs. Scott lived with
her daughter until her death. The children of Mr. ^litchell's second marriage
were four in number, of whom two are living: Walter Scott, a resident of Sor-
rento, Notch Hill, British Columbia ; and Charles Stewart, who is with the
Ogilvie Flour Mills Company of Montreal.
The family attend the First Presbyterian church, of which Air. Mitchell was a
devout member. He was also one of the founders of the St. James Club and one
of the original members of the Thistle Curling Club. W'hile quiet and imassuming
in manner, the circle of his friends was almost coextensive with the circle of his
acquaintances, a fact indicative of an honorable and well spent life.
In the history of Judaism on the American continent the name of few
deserve equal prominence with that of Baruch Bloomfield, scholar, educator
and philanthropist, actuated at all times by the highest spirit of humanitarian-
ism and moral force. He was born in Russia. He had liberal educational
advantages for his time and throughout his life was a close and discriminating
student. Crossing the Atlantic to the new world, he settled first in New York,
where he engaged in teaching for about ten years. He was one of the greatest
Hebrew and Talmudic scholars of his time. About 1S70 he removed from New
York to Montreal, which city remained his place of residence throughout the
rest of his life. His family is one of the oldest Jewish families in Montreal,
having been represented here for close to a century. For a quarter of a cen-
tury prior to his demise he was a representative in Montreal of the German
Jews in Jerusalem and was a prominent member of the McGill College Avenue
synagogue to which he rendered great services at various times. A part of his
life work was the collection of funds which he forwarded to the Holy Land,
and to the cause he was himself a most generous contributor.
Mr. Bloomfield was united in marriage to Miss Dora Albert and they became
the parents of five sons, four of whom still survive. .M)raham, David, Harry
and Samuel, together with the mother. In 1901 the family were called upon
to mourn the loss of ;i daugliter and sister, Jessie, whose death was an irre-
parable blow to the household. It was while still grieving over the loss of this
daughter that .Mr. Bloomfield went to New Orleans, called there by the sudden
illness of his son, Moses, who was traveling through the south for a Canadian firm.
He was a young man of twenty-five years and was looked upon in the com-
munity as a model young man of sterling character, of the highest honor and
integrity, and of ideal purity in life. The father hastened to his bedside and
every possible thing was done to restore him to health, but a few days after
the father's arrival Moses Bloomfield passed away. This death following so
closely upon the death of the daughter was more than Mr. Bloomfield could
bear. He died almost literally of a broken heart, passing away in New Orleans
on the 31st of December, 1901, aged fifty-six years. The sudden demise of
father and son has been greatly deplored by the entire. Jewish community and
especially by the Shaar (Hashomayim) congregation to which they -belonged.
A beautiful memorial service was held at the McGill College Avenue synagogue.
The remains of father and son were interred in a cemetery in New Orleans,
but at the memorial service in Montreal hundreds of their friends gathered to
pay the last tribute of respect and to thus honor their memory. In his address
Rabbi Bernard M. Kaplan said : "We have assembled in this House of God
from all parts of the city to mourn a great and grievous loss which we have
sustained by the untimely demise of two most virtuous, most pious and most
respected members of the community, a father and son who under the most
pathetic circumstances found their graves in a strange land. The son, while
yet in the freshness and boom of life, expired in the embrace of a loving father
who had traversed almost a continent to gaze once more upon the innocent and
serene countenance of his child." Rabbi Kaplan said that some would mourn
more deeply the loss of the young man — his associates and friends who were
closely connected with him — while to others the death of the father, which had
come as a more telling blow, yet by all the death of each would be felt, for each
was a man largely ideal in his home relations and in his relations to his friends
and to his congregation. Mr. Bloomfield was a most devoted and loving father
as well as a most kind, considerate and alYectionate husband. "He not only
loved his wife, but true to the teachings of the Talmud, of which he was a
great student, he honored and respected her. His family life was an inspiration
to every lover of ideal home life. His modest home was a veritable sanctuary
whose atmosphere was permeated by serene peace, true purity, and sincere piety
And, again, every one who appreciates gentleness of manner and gentleness of
disposition, purity of life and purity of thought, faith in God and faith in
humanity, devotion to religion and devotion to every other duty, sincerity of
speech and sincerity of action, must lament the loss which the community sus-
tains by the death of Baruch Bloomfield. for he embodied all these qualities and
many more. He loved peace and pursued it. He loved Hebrew learning and
devoted his life to it. He loved Judaism and made great sacrifices for it. He
loved charity and gave it. I approached him myself several times on matters
of charity. Not only did he contribute a great deal more that I thought his
means allowed him. but what is more, he gave his share with all his heart and
soul — so much so that he reminded me of the proverbial romantic Hebrew
charity which meant not only the giving of money but also the giving, so to
speak, of the very heart with it.
"For a period of twenty-five years Baruch Bloomfield, from time to time
collected and forwarded considerable funds to the Holy Land. It was the supreme
passion of his life to step some day on the Holy Land. His wish like that of
Moses has not, however, been realized. He died on this side of the Jordan.
But, friends, there was no need for Baruch Bloomfield to go to Palestine in
order to be on holy land. I say in all sincerity, that the ground where so pure
and so pious a man as Baruch Bloomfield stood, studied or prayed, was holy.
It was sanctified by the holiness of an ideal Jewish life. Yea, the very ground
wherein his body, the shrine of so beautiful a soul is deposited is positively holy.
Baruch Bloomfield was an ish kaddish, a holy man in the traditional sense of
the term. A trulv holv man sanctifies his surroundings."
Sir Thomas George Roddick, AI. D., LL. D., F. R. C. S., was born
at Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, July 31, 1846, a son of the late John.
Irving Roddick and Emma Jane Martin. His father was a native of Dum-
friesshire, Scotland, and was for many years principal of the government school
at Harbour Grace. After pursuing his preliminary education with his father,-
and, later, in the Truro Model and Normal Schools of Nova Scotia, Sir Thomas
entered McGill University in 1864 in preparation for the practice of medicine,
which he intended to make his life's work. He graduated M. D., C. M.,
in 1868, and was the Holmes Gold Medallist and final prizeman of his year.
Immediately following his graduation he was appointed assistant house sur-
geon and afterwards house surgeon of the Montreal General Hospital, which
position he held for six years. Later, he received an appointment as attending
surgeon to that institution and in 1874 entered upon private practice. From
1872 to 1874 he was lecturer on hygiene in McGill University and was demon-
strator of anatomy during 1874 and 1875. In the latter year he was made
professor of clinical surgery, which position he held for fifteen years, when he
became professor of surgery, occupying that chair until 1907. He was dean of
the medical faculty of McGill from 1901 till 1908.
In 1896 Sir Thomas was elected president of the British Medical Associa-
tion, being the first colonial physician ever honored by election to that office,
which he held from 1896 to 1898. He presided at the Montreal meeting and'
was subsetjuently elected vice president for life of that, the largest and most
important medical body in the world.
He is president of the Montreal branch of the \'ictorian Order of Nurses ;
president of the Alexandra Hospital for Contagious Diseases ; vice president
of the Royal Edward Institute ; consulting surgeon to the Royal X'ictoria Hos-
pital and Montreal General Hospital. He was a member of the royal tubercu-
losis commission recently appointed by the Qiiebec government ; is a past presi-
dent of the Medico-Chirurgical .Society of Montreal, and of the Canadian
Medical Association, of whicli latter body he was recently appointed honorary
president. When the Newfoundland Society of Montreal was organized a few
years ago he was appointed Iionorary president. In 1898 Edinburgh University-
recognized his services to medicine by conferring upon him the honorary degree
of LL. D. ; in 1903 Queen's University honored him in a like manner; in 1899
he was elected an honorary F. R. C. S., London. After resigning the deanship
of the medical faculty of McGill in 1908, he was appointed a governor of McGill
University. He was one of the first surgeons on this continent to employ Lister's
methods in the treatment of wounds.
Sir Thomas' connection with the militia of Canada dates as far back as
1868, when he joined the Grand Trunk Artillery as assistant surgeon, and was
under orders for the second Fenian raid in 1870. He subsequently commanded
the University Company of the Prince of Wales Rifles and was appointed sur-
geon to that regiment in 1885. During the Northwest rebellion in the same year
he organized the hospital and ambulance service for the expeditionary force
and was in charge of the medical service in the field, holding the rank of deputy
surgeon general of militia, was mentioned in despatches and recommended for
the C. AL G. For his services on this occasion, and for the Fenian raid, he
holds the service medals, and also the long-service medal. He attained the rank
of lieutenant colonel in 1900 and is now on the retired list of officers.
Sir Thomas is a conservative in politics and represented St. Antoine divi-
sion over two parliaments, sitting in the house of commons from 1896 until
1904. His chief reason for entering politics was to exploit a scheme which he
had long advocated, viz., that of Dominion medical registration, for which a
federal act was necessary. The "Roddick Bill'' so-called, passed parliament in
1902, was amended and became operative in 191 1. Thus was established a
one-portal system for entrance to the practice of medicine throughout the
Dominion of Canada. A Dominion medical council was at once organized, of
which Sir Thomas was elected first president.
Sir Thomas was married in 1880 to Miss Marion McKinnon, a daughter
of the late William McKinnon of Pointe Claire, P. Q. Her death occurred
in 1890, and he afterwards wedded in September, 1906, Miss Amy Redpath,
daughter of the late J. J. Redpath of Montreal. His religious faith is that
of the Presbyterian church.
He is a member of the Hunt Club, the University Club and the Mount Royal
Club. His residence is at 705 Sherbrooke street. West.
Patriotism, courage and generosity have always characterized him, and, not-
withstanding the demands ever made upon him in his professional life, he has
always found time to take an active part in all movements having to do with
the social and moral welfare of his adopted city.
Among the representative bankers of Montreal is Ferdinand Gustave Leduc,
manager of the Banque d'Hochelaga, and as such enjoys high prestige among
his colleagues. He is considered an authority upon financial matters, and that
this judgment is not misplaced is evident from the success with which he man-
ages this eight-million-dollar institution. Although he has attained a high place
among the captains of finance he is modest and unassuming in his demeanor.
ever ready to receive a caller or listen to the most humble of his employes in
order to keep in touch with the smallest details of his business and all situa-
tions and conditions that might aft'ect the financial world. Mr. Leduc is a native
of the province of Quebec, his birth having occurred at Beauharnois on the 31st
of March, 1871. He is a son of Michel Ferdinand and Mathilde (Vachon)
Leduc and was educated in his native city in 1884, became a student at St.
Joseph's College of Burlington, Vermont. The earliest records of the Leduc
family in Canada refer to one Jean Le Due, born in 1624, a son of Jean and
Cecile (La Chaperon) Le Due. On May 11, 1652, Jean Le Due, first men-
tioned, married Marie Soulinie at Montreal and died about fifty years later, on
April 19, 1702. This record is taken from the "Dictionnaire Genealogique,"
compiled by Abbe Tanguay.
Ferdinand G. Leduc early displayed an interest in the banking business and
in 1886, after leaving the academy in Vermont, entered upon a position with
La Banque Jacques Cartier. with which institution he remained until 1899,
becoming well acquainted with all the details as regards investments and credits
and the multitudinous duties and responsibilities connected with the manage-
ment and direction of a large financial establishment. Since 1899 ]\Ir. Leduc
has been manager of the Banque d'Hochelaga, his extraordinary ability finding
recognition in this important position. The bank has a capital and reserve of
about eight million dollars and is one of the strongest financial institutions in
the Dominion.
On the 14th of January, 1894. Mr. Leduc married Miss Corinne Bisson, a
daughter of E. H. Bisson, a prominent man along various lines and well known
as a member of the provincial parliament. '-Mr. and Mrs. Leduc have three
children : Louis Philippe, aged seventeen ; Gabrielle, aged twelve ; and Jeanne
Aimee, aged ten. The family afiiliates with the Catholic church.
Mr. Leduc takes a deep interest in the metropolitan development of Mon-
treal and is ever ready to extend or place at the disposal of the general public
his time or means in order to promote worthy public enterprises. Although he
has not c'ared to actively participate in public life, he has done much to promott
the growth of the city in his private capacity. Personally he is approachable,
kindly and dignified — a gentleman of pleasing manners and fine appearance,
combining with grace of manner an American demeanor of democracy which
readily makes for him friends who are devoted to him on account of the sub-
stantial qualities of his character.
Dr. Frederick Ernest Thompson, who since 1890 has been in continuous
practice of his profession in Montreal, his signal ability commanding for him
a distinguished place in medical circles and a wide and representative patronage,
was born in the city of Quebec, Queliec province, and acquired his early educa-
tion in the grammar and high schools there. He followed this by a course in
Morrin College and after completing this entered McGill L^nivcrsity from which
he was graduated M. D. in 1890. He still remains a close and earnest student
of his profession, keeping in touch with its most advanced and modern thought.
Dr. Thompson began practice in Montreal in the fall of 1890, and his ability
attained instant recognition. Since that time constant study and research and
steadily widening experience have broadened and developed his powers, and he
is today one of the most successful and prominent physicians and surgeons in
the city where he makes his home. In the latter line of work he has become
especially proficient as his position in the department of obstetrics and operative
siirgery on the staff of the Women's Hospital plainly shows. He is a member
of the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical and the Canadian Medical and British Med-
ical Associations, and a fellow in the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, and his
ability is widely recognized in professional circles.
Professor Charles Ebenezer Moyse, a member of the faculty of McGill Uni-
versity since 1878 and since 1903 dean of the faculty of arts and vice principal
of McGill, needs no introduction to the readers of this volume, for his fame
and ability as an educationist and writer, both of verse and of prose, have made
his name a familiar one from coast to coast. He was born at Torquay, England,
March 9, 1852, a son of the late Charles Westaway and Mary Anne (Jenkins)
Moyse, the former of Torquay and the latter a daughter of John Jenkins, of
Exeter. He was educated first of all at the Independent College, Taunton, and
subsequently at University College, London. He obtained the Bachelor of Arts
degree of the University of London in 1874. He was university exhibitioner in
English and also headed the honor list in animal physiology. His career as an
educationist has been a successful one from the outset. He was appointed
headmaster of St. Mary's College, Peckham. and while filling that position was
elected in 1878 to the Molson professorship of English literature at McGill
University, Montreal. In 1903 McGill conferred upon him the honorary degree
of LL. D. In the same year he was appointed dean of the faculty of arts and
vice principal. His position in the university at once indicates his high standing
in the profession. He was editor in chief of the McGill University Magazine,
now the University Magazine, for five years, and has for many years been pres-
ident of the McGill College Cricket Club, a fact which indicates that his interest
is not merely along literary lines.
Professor Moyse has ever been a close and discriminating student and' has
found his greatest pleasure as well as his chief activity in roaming through the
fields of the world's literature and finding companionship with the men of
master minds. The result of his labors has, in part, been given to the world
in a number of pulilished volumes and articles. In 1879 he brought out a volume
entitled "The Dramatic Art of Shakespeare," and in 1883 "Poetry as a Fine
Art." In 1889, under the pseudonym "Belgrave Titmarsh." he published a vol-
ume entitled "Shakespeare's Skull." and he published in igio. a volume entitled
"Ella Lee; Glimpses of Child Life," consisting of poems reminiscent of his child-
hood days in Devonshire. In 191 1 appeared "The Lure of Earth," a volume of
poems of a more serious character. He has also written various poems and lit-
erary articles which have appeared in the leading magazines of the day.
In June, 1883, Professor Moyse wedded Janet McDougall, the eldest daughter
of John Stirling of Montreal. Mrs. Moyse has been deeply interested in a move-
ment for providing playgrounds for children in Montreal, her efforts in that direc-
tion being untiring, and she is now a director of the Parks and Playgrounds
Association. Professor iMoyse has been a close student of all the interesting
problems and significant questions of the day and absorption in books has never
made him neglectful of the duties and obligations of citizenship. His social
nature finds expression in his membership in the Thistle Curling Club and Uni-
versity Club. He has been characterized as "a highly cultured man who has had
a brilliant career as an educationist."
Respected by all who know him, no man occupies a more creditable posi-
tion in banking circles than does George Hague of Montreal, who for many
years was prominently identified with the management of important financial
affairs. He has been ecjually well known by reason of his active support of
benevolent and philanthropic objects and by his interest in phases of public-
spirited citizenship. He was born at Rotherham, Yorkshire, England, January
13, 1825, a son of Mr. John Hague, and comes from an old family of bankers,
as some or other of his relatives have for generations bafk been connected with
the leading bank in the town. Mr. Hague has passed the eighty-ninth milestone
on life's journey and his career has been one of usefulness and honor.
Plis early education was acquired at Morgate Academy, in his native town,
where his proficiency in mental arithmetic placed him at the head of the school
when yet a mere boy His school days over, he entered into active connection
with financial interests as an employe of the Sheffield Banking Company. He
remained in Great Britain until 1854, when he came to Canada, having accepted
the position of financial manager of a firm of railway contractors. Two years
later he became accountant at the head office in the newly organized Bank of
Toronto. The steps in his orderly progression are easily discernable. He
advanced from one position to another which brought upon him larger responsi-
bilities and duties, each, however, finding him adequate to the demands made
upon him. He was appointed manager of the Bank of Toronto at Cobourg,
Ontario, and in 1863 succeeded the late Mr. Angus Cameron as cashier of the
bank, in which capacity he remained until 1876. It was during this period that
Mr. Hague's influence was felt in some of the most important legislation affect-
ing banking interests in Canada. The government had brought in two measures
in succession, for the regulation of the currency. To the first, some of the
western bankers were inclined to agree, but Mr. Hague conceived its operation
would be prejudicial to the interests of a l^ank like the Bank of Toronto, and
the finance minister was prevailed on to make it optional instead of compulsory.
Only one hank consented to embrace its jirovisions, and, for some years, matters
went along undisturbed. The second measure was far more dangerous, and
was wholly compulsory. It was foiiiidcd on the American currency plan, which
was then at the zenith of its [)opularity, and had not yet developed any of the
unfavorable features which afterwards transi)ired. This Canadian govern-
ment measure, many bankers, [jarticularly from Ontario and Nova Scotia, con-
cluded would be utterly unsuitable to the circumstances of Canada, and they
determined to give it strenuous opijosition Air. Hague was a[)])ointed secretary
of an informal association for the purpose, and the contest was maintained
through two or three sessions of parliament. There were, powerful influences
at the back of the government in favor of the measure and the contest was a
very determined one. At length when Sir Francis Hincks had been appointed
finance minister, a satisfactory compromise was proposed, accepted, and its
provisions incorporated in the Dominion note act, and the Canadian bank act,
which both shortly followed.
Previous to this every bank was worked under a separate charter, but now
these various charters were amalgamated under one compendious act, the prepa-
ration of which occupied the leading bankers and lawyers in the house of com-
mons for several months. In these discussions Mr. Hague naturally took a
leading part, along with Mr. E. H. King of the Bank of Montreal. Hon. Mr.
Lewin, of the Bank of New Brunswick, Hon. Edward Blake of Toronto, Mr.
Peter Jack who represented the banks' of Nova Scotia and, of course, the
finance minister. This act, together with the Dominion note act, has been at the
foundation of Canadian banking ever since. During the progress of these dis-
cussions Mr. Hague was offered the general managership of the Bank of Com-
merce, as well as one of the higher positions in the Bank of Montreal. Both
however were declined.
After the exacting labors entailed by this contest, Mr. Hague concluded that
the time had arrived when he might fairly carry out a project that he had
cherished for many years, viz., to devote the remainder of his life to religious
and philanthropic work. In preparation for this he resigned his position in the
Bank of Toronto and made other arrangements for a change in his mode of
life. Upon severing his connection with the Bank of Toronto, the directors of
that institution presented Mr. Hague with a service of plate and a handsome
sum of money, in consideration of his efficient services to the bank as well
as for his most valuable services to the banking interests of Canada generally.
Subsequent events proved that Mr. Hague's preparations for retirement
from the banking business were premature.
A cloud had been gathering over the commercial and financial position
of Canada for some time back, and it was never darker or deeper than in the
opening months of 1877. The records of failures and insolvencies grew- to
alarming proportions, fully four times the usual average, and the losses of the
banks told on them severely. The general manager of the Merchants Bank of
Canada having resigned, the directors of that institution offered the position to
Mr. Hague and pressed upon him to accept it.
It was like taking command of a ship in the midst of a storm, but he felt
it his duty to undertake the task, but did so with a full understanding that he
should be at liberty to devote a reasonable amount of time to religious and phil-
anthropic work. It was several years before the financial cloud passed by, and
of the strenuous labors of bankers at that time it is needless to speak. Suffice
to say that Mr. Hague held on to his post with careful attention to the matters
he had stipulated for, and only retired after twenty-tive years more of service,
at a ripe old age, and having in the meantime assisted in the decennial reviews
of the banking act that transpired from time to time according to its provi-
sions. At the time of his resignation as general manager in 1902, the directors
of the Merchants Bank presented ^Nlr. Hague w-ith a valuable piece of solid silver,
gold plated, and made a handsome provision for the remainder of his life.
Whilst general manager of this bank, Mr. Hague was several times requested
by the American Bankers' Association to address its annual meeting, and took
an active part in preventing the adoption of silver as the basis of the finances
of the United States. He also drew up a paper in which a strenuous protest
was made against the adoption of silver as part of the basis of the currency
of the Bank of England. This had been urged by a school of financiers known
as bi-metallists, but Canada has always stood solidly on a gold basis, and so has
England remained.
When the Bankers' Association of Canada was founded, !Mr. Hague took an
active part in company with Mr. Wolferstan Thomas, Mr. Duncan Coulson,
and other bankers in drawing up its constitution, and was chosen its first presi-
dent. Since his retirement from banking circles he has been honorary presi-
dent, an office to which he was reelected at the last annual meeting of that
In the intervening years, since his retirement to the present time, Mr. Hague
has given his attention to literary and philanthropic work and has become widely
known by reason of his contributions to the press and his cooperation in many
organized charitable and benevolent projects, especially the Young Men's Chris-
tian Association.
He has written many articles which have appeared in the financial papers and
also reviews on banking and philanthropic subjects. He also published a valu-
able treatise, entitled Banking and Commerce. His published works include.
Some Practical Studies in the History and Biography of the Old Testament.
Another phase of his activity has brought Mr. Hague not only into close
connection with many charitable and benevolent movements, but also with ])ro-
jects of vital importance to the city and its material, intellectual and moral
development. He is today a governor of McGill University, vice president of
the i\Iontreal Diocesan College ; a governor of the Montreal General Hospital, and
a director of the House of Industry and other kindred organizations. He is
vice president of the Canadian Bible Society and was at one time president of the
Young Men's Christian Association, to which he has been a generous contributor.
Some years ago, after an era of extravagant expenditure of the city council
during which the ddjt of the city was doubled in five years, an association was
formed for maintaining a watchful oversight over the finances of the city. This
was called the Good Govermnent .\ssociation, and many of Montreal's most
prominent citizens became members of it. Of this association Mr. Hague
was chosen president, and under its auspices an efficient check was placed upon
extravagant spending by the Montreal Corporation, through an act of the legis-
lature, brought in by Mr. George Washington Stephens. Mr. Hague often went
to Quebec on the business of this association which has now, however, been dis-
solved and superseded.
At a certain period of our ])arliamentary history, when the late Sir John
Abbott was [jremier, a great outcry was made as to abuses in cotniection witli the
civil service. A Royal commission was appointed for examination of which
Eflmond JJarheau and J. M. Courtney, deputy fmance minister, were members.
Of this commission Air. Hague was appointed chairman. The examination was
very thorough and extended over several months. Every department of the
service was overhauled and at its close a series of recommendations were made,
all of whicii tended to correct abuses and promote efficiency, and. which if
adopted, would have resulted in a large annual saving to the country. Some
of these were adopted, but others unfortunately were not, and another commis-
sion became necessary later on.
Mr. Hague still has financial interests in several corporations, being a director
of the Guarantee Com]jany of North America, and others of a similar character.
Mr. Hague has never i)een an active politician, Init his connection is with
the liberal-conservative element, his support being given to the Chamberlain
policy. No movement tending to promote civic virtue or civic pride has failed
to receive his indorsement and support. His interest in public affairs is that of
a broad-minded. public-sjMrited citizen, looking beyond the exigencies of the
moment to the possibilities and opportunities of the future. His religious faith
is that of the Anglican church, in which he has been a most active worker for
many years.
Mr. Hague has been married twice. In 1852 he wedded Sarah Cousins, a
daughter of Mr. Joseph Cousins, a manufacturer of Sheffield, England. Her
death occurred in 1900 and in March, 1902, he wedded Mary Frances Mitche-
son, a daughter of the late McGregor Mitcheson, of Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania. He is now past the eighty-ninth milestone on life's journey, but in
spirit and interest seems yet in his prime. The Canadian American has truly
styled him, "A high-minded Christian gentleman, public-spirited and always at
the front in every philanthropic movement . . , never knew a fairer man
or one more actively unselfish." All this indicates that his life was never self-
centered but has reached out along lines of constantly broadening usefulness and
activity for the benefit of the people, seeking rather the welfare and benefit of
the many than the advancement of self. His life has indeed been one of signal
Insurance interests found a prominent representative in \\'illiam Robertson
in Montreal, who was largely a pioneer in the work of adapting English com-
panies to the business methods pursued on this side of the Atlantic. A Canadian
by birth, his native town was Lachute, province of Quebec, and his natal year
1847. His father, Dr. William Robertson, a graduate of the Edinburgh Medical
College, settled in Lachute when a young man, there establishing himself in
practice, but later removed to St. Andrews East, where he continued actively
in the profession until his death, greatly endearing himself to the community
by the willingness to which he responded to the call of the sick, even though
it meant a self-sacrificing ride of from sixty to seventy-five miles. His pa-
tients had the utmost confidence in him and his professional efiforts were a
blessing to the inhabitants of that, then scarcely settled district. He married Miss
Alary A. Tierney, of Ireland, and they had two sons and three daughters, the sur-
viving son being Dr. Patrick Robertson of England. An uncle of our subject
was Colin Robertson, who won fame in the northwest.
William Robertson pursued his education in the schools of St. Andrews
East and from his youth up was an underwriter, having begun business when
quite young by entering the insurance office of Simpson & Bethune of Montreal.
Such was the reputation which he won for superior business qualifications, for
executive power and administrative ability, that in 1873, when but twenty-six
years of age he was elected as representative for Canada of the London &
Lancashire Life Assurance Company. The duties of this office he filled most
acceptably for about seventeen years, or until his life's labors were ended in death.
He projected many changes and improvements in the methods of the English
offices, transacting business on this side of the Atlantic. He made thoroughly
Canadian in spirit and activity, the London & Lancashire Company in the
Dominion, bringing about its popularity and success. He carefully organized and
systematized the business here, with the result that the London & Lancashire
Company became one of the strongest insurance companies of the country.
In 1871 Mr. Robertson was married to Miss Helen I. Barnston, a daughter
of George Barnston, who throughout his active life was engaged in the Hud-
son's Bay service in British Columbia and in the northwest country. He came
to Canada in 1821 and retired, after many years service with the Hudson's Bay
Company, spending the remainder of his days in a well earned rest in Montreal.
His wife was Miss Helpn Mathews of England. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson became
the parents of two children, who are living: Dr. William Graeme Robertson of
England, who is attached to the White Star service; and Helen M. C, at home.
Mr. Robertson was active as a faithful member of St. James Episcopal church,
in which he served as warden and he also belonged to the St. James Club. His
keen sagacity enabled him to recognize the different spirits of the business cir-
cles in the old world and in the new, to adapt himself to changed conditions and
to work along lines of new world progress. Thus he became a recognized leader
in insurance circles occupying a prominent position until 1889 when he- went to
Denver, Colorado, for his health, there passing away on the 26th of February,
of that year.
Charles P. Hebert, the first president of the wholesale grocery firm of Iludon,
Hebert & Company. Ltd., of Montreal, was born in tlie prelty little village of St.
Charles on the 'Richelieu river, and when a young man made his way to the city
which was ever afterward his home. Here he began business in a small way and
by energy and industry soon built up his establishment. In 1883 he Isecame a
member of the firm of Hudon, Hebert & Company. The business was originally
established under the style of E. & V. Hudon and subsequently was conducted
uudur llie name of V. lliulun and later became J. lludon & Company. In 1906
it was incorporated as liudun, liebert & Company, Charles P. Hebert becommg
the first president of that cori)oralion. They are wholesale grocers and wine
mercliants, the premier establishment of its kind in the Dominion, importing
directly from manufacturers in luirope, China, Japan, Asia Minor and the
United States. They employ one hundred and seventy people in their Montreal
establishment and have twenty-five salesmen constantly visiting all Canada, sell-
ing their goods from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the amount of five million dol-
lars annually.
Mr. Hebert always took a deep interest in Montreal's charitable institutions.
He was president of the board of management of the Notre Dame Hospital and
was also connected with other benevolent organizations and projects. He served
as a member of the council of the Montreal Board of Trade and filled honorable
positions in that body, including those of vice president and member of the
board of arbitration. He was one of the directors of the City and District Sav-
ings Bank and also a director of the Masson estate.
Mr. Hebert died at his home at No. 117 Champ de Mars, Montreal, July 17,
1906, and was survived by a widow and six children.
After the death of Mr. Hebert Mr. Joseph Hudon was elected president of the
corporation and on his death in 1908 Mr. Albert Hebert, son of Charles P.
Hebert, succeeded to the presidency, and following his demise in 191 1 Mr.
Zephirin Hebert, also a son of Charles P. Hebert, became president of the
In Presbyterian circles in North America the name of the Rev. Ale.xander
Charleson Manson is well known and since the 19th of April, 1912, he has been
pastor of the Taylor Presbyterian church of Montreal, one of the largest organ-
izations of the city. A native of Thurso, Scotland, he pursued his education in
the schools of Edinburgh and of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Studying theology, he
won his Doctor of Divinity degree at the University of Chicago and he first served
as superintendent of missions of North Dakota. Later he accepted a pastorate
in Duluth, Minnesota, and afterward became pastor of the Eleventh Presbyter-
ian church in Chicago, Illinois. From that city he went to Detroit, Michigan,
in response to a call from the Second Avenue Presbyterian church and left that
city to come to Montreal on the 19th of April, 1912, where he entered upon his
duties as minister of the Taylor Presbyterian church, which was organized July
23, 1876, with Rev. J. J. Casey as its first pastor. He continued in that position
until March 16, 1882, and was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Bennett, who
remained in charge from the ist of December, 1885, until December 31, 1897.
His successor was the Rev. W. D. Reid, who continued in charge until 1912,
when Rev. Manson became pastor. The present edifice of the Taylor Presbyterian
church was erected in 1893, at a cost of about sixty thousand dollars. There is
a membership of nine hundred and thirteen, with a Sunday school of four hundred
and fifty members, and the Junior Christian Endeavor Society is the largest in
the city. There is a strong Sunday Afternoon Club, a First Company of Montreal
Boys Brigade and a Ladies Athletic Club as auxiliary organizations to the
church. In fact, the church work has been thoroughly systematized in every
department, and splendid results are being accomplished. The church is in
touch with the broader idea that the best Christian service can be accomplished
with better physical and mental as well as moral development. Aluch attention
is paid to the social life, and yet nothing for a moment overshadows the founda-
tion work of the organization, which is the salvation of souls. Rev. Manson is
a fluent, earnest speaker, who studies life and its problems and with notable
clearness shows the relation of modern day conditions to the lessons that have
come down to us through the ages from the moral teachers of the past.
Rev. Manson was married June 24, 1889, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Ferguson,
of Hamilton, Ontario, and their children are: Berith Du Val, of New York
city; and Vera Charleson, Allena Conklin, and Leslie Worden, all at home. At
this point it would be almost tautological to enter into any series of statements
as showing Rev. Manson to be a man of broad intelligence and genuine public
spirit, for these have been shadowed forth between the lines of this review.
Strong in his individuality, he never lacks the courage of his convictions but there
are as dominating elements in this individuality a lively human sympathy and an
abiding charity, which, as taken in connection with the sterling integrity and
honor of his character, have naturally gained for him the respect and confidence
of men.
One of the most able Catholic educators in Quebec province, a man sincere,
straightforward and reliable in the discharge of the duties and obligations of life,
most earnest and consecrated in his work as a priest of the Society of Jesus, is
Rev. Thomas Joseph MacMahon, rector of Loyola College in Montreal. He has
been connected with this institution since 1912 and, constantly following high
ideals and guiding his actions by sound and practical judgment, has been an
important factor in its later development and growth.
Father MacMahon was born at Hamilton. Ontario, December 12, 1874, and
received his primary education at the Catholic separate schools in that city, later
attending Hamilton high school and St. Mary's College, Montreal. Entering the
Society of Jesus in 1895, he was sent to St. Louis, Missouri, where he received
a long Jesuit training in philosophy and theology, after which he returned to
Montreal, where he was ordained to the priesthood in 1910. Father MacMahon
then went to England for further training preparatory tO' taking the position of
prefect of studies at Loyola College, a post which he assumed in May, 1912. He
proved a capable educator and an excellent disciplinarian and in 1913 was advanced
to the position of rector of the college. This is a large and growing institution
conducted by the Jesuit Fathers for English-speaking Catholic boys and has an
enviable reputation throughout eastern Canada for the thoroughness of its train-
ing and the comprehensive courses of study offered. The high standard of
efficiency, traditional in the scliuol, has been niainlaineil nnder I'^atlier Mac.Malion's
able management and the institution has made a creditable growth during the
period of his incumbency. He has made himself thoroughly conversant with the
affairs of the college and is rapidly pushing forward the work on the construction
of the new buildings at Notre Dame de Grace, Sherbrooke street, Montreal West,
where the institution will be moved within the next two years.
Besides being an able educator and a farsighted and reliable business man.
Father MacMahon is known also as a preacher of rare ability and power and has
filled most of the pulpits in Montreal and the vicinity in a credital)le manner. He
has made his talents, powers and abilities forces in the spread of the Catholic
religion in this province and has accomplished a great deal of beneficial and
lasting work among the students of Loyola College and the people of the city.
He has their love in large measure, while his upright and honorable chararter and
his life of service has gained him the respect and esteem of people of all denomi-
An age of intense commercial activity calls forth the powers of men who can
grapple with new conditions and utilize the opportunities that come with suc-
cessive changes. Adequate to the demands of the hour, Robert W^Trd Shepherd
occupied a central place on the stage of business activity at Montreal for more
than a half century. The high ideals which he cherished found embodiment in
practical effort for their adoption. He was no dreamer, for his theories were
such as could be put into successful execution and his business record balanced
up with the principles of truth and honor. As the president of the Ottawa River
Navigation Company, he was known to thousands of people in Ottawa valley and
he also figured in financial circles as vice president of the ^Molson Bank.
Of English birth, Mr. Shepherd came to Montreal immediately after his
arrival in Canada and soon entered into active connection with the Ottawa River
Navigation Company, then under the presidency of Sir George Simpson. For
some years he was captain of one of the boats of the line but was called into the
office to fill a position demanding executive force and keen discrimination. He-
was made manager and from that post rose to the position of president, in which
connection he continued until his demise. Under his guidance the business of the
Ottawa River Navigation Company continuously developed along substantial'
lines, and progressiveness was as manifest in the care of its patrons and the equip-
ment of its vessels as in any other line or field of business. Those who met Mr.
Shepherd found him genial, courteous and obliging, and at the same time he-
possessed the keen sagacity and clear reasoning so indispensable to the successful
conduct of any enterprise. Becoming interested in IMolson's Bank, he was elected
vice president and director, filling the former position for more than twenty years.
In all business affairs he was clear-headed, farsighted, and the record which he
left behind him for integrity and sterling worth is one which might be envied
by all.
Mr. Shepherd was married to Miss Mary C. de Les Derniers of the province
of Quebec, and they became the parents of nine children: Robert \V., who died
in 1912; Miss F. A. R. ; Dr. Francis J.; Sherringham A.; A. Maude M., who is
the widow of Haldane Haswell ; Esther E., who married Dr. \V. A. Molson and is
now deceased ; Beatrice H., who married Arthur Henshaw ; Mary R., the widow
of George R. Robertson ; and de Les Derniers. The mother passed away in 1902,
having for seven years survived Mr. Shepherd, whose death occurred August 29,
1895, when he was seventy-six years of age.
Mr. Shepherd was a member and one of the founders of St. George's church
and in his Christian faith was found the root of his activities in behalf of his
fellowmen and of the principles which governed his life. He belonged to the St.
James Club and was greatly interested in art, acting as vice president of the Art
Gallery of the city. He was one of the committee of management of the Montreal
'General Hospital ; was a member of the committee of management of the Mackay
Institution, and a generous supporter of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane.
He gave freely of his means to various charitable institutions which seek to
.ameliorate the hard conditions of life for the unfortunate. Duty and honor were
his watchwords and justice one of his strong characteristics.
Judson Albert DeCew, chemical engineer, whose identification with leading
chemical societies in this country and the United States attests his higher pro-
fessional standing, was born in Waterford, Ontario, on the 14th of December,
1874. He is descended from Captain John DeCew, a United Empire
Loyalist, who served in the War of 1812 and in whose house, at DeCew Falls
near St. Catharines, Ontario, Lieutenant Fitzgibbon and his soldiers were quar-
tered, when Laura Secord gave the warning which enabled them to capture the
United States forces under Colonel Boerstler. Mr. DeCew's parents are Thomas
Howard and \'aldora (Beemer) DeCew, both of whom are living at Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario. He was married on August 20, 1913, to Mabel Marshall, daugh-
ter of John Marshall, educationist, of Weyburn, Saskatchewan. She is a grad-
uate in arts of Queen's University with the class of 1910.
After finishing his early education at Woodstock College, he attended the
School of Practical Science of Toronto, graduating in 1896. After spending
four years in practical work he held a fellowship in the L^niversity of Toronto
in 1901 and took the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science with the class of
1902. In the same year he took a position as chemical engineer with the Canada
Paper Company, which he held until 1905. In 1906 Mr DeCew came to Mon-
treal and established himself as a consulting chemical engineer. In 1913 he
-organized the Process Engineers Company, of which he is the ])resident. He
IS the leading member of the chemical engineering profession in Canada and one
of its most eminent representatives on the American continent. He is the
inventor of a number of important chemical processes, and his name has become
widely known as the author of articles relating to the manufacture of paper,
which have appeared from time to time in technical journals. Mr. DcCew has
delivered lectures on the manufacture of paper and has been appointed on
advisory committees for technical researches. He has been a member of the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers since 1908 and an associate member
of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers since 1906. He is also a member
of the American Society of Testing Materials, the American Chemical Society,
the Society of Chemical Industry, and the American Wood Preservers Asso-
ciation. Mr. UeCew is a member of the Chemists Club, New York, and the
Outremont Golf Club and the University Club of Montreal.
A position of leadership is accorded Fischel Ship in Jewish circles in Montreal
because of his active and prominent identification with commercial, educational
and benevolent projects. He was for many years a very successful business
man, and as he has prospered he has given generously in support of measures
tending to the intellectual progress of his people, and generous aid to those in need
of assistance. He was born January 6, 1853, in Paranshoff, Poland, a son of
Abraham Jacob and Pearl (Leah) Ship. " The father engaged in the tailoring
business in Poland, and it was in that country that Fischel Ship pursued his
education. He was a young man of nineteen years when he crossed the Atlantic,
making his way to Montreal in 1872. He had received business training under
his father and had become thoroughly acquainted with the tailoring trade. Fol-
lowing his arrival in this city he established a merchant tailoring business and as
the years went on won a liberal patronage, bringing him a gratifying competence.
At the time that he entered trade circles of Montreal there were only five mer-
chants in his line of business in the city. Throughout the succeeding period up
to the time of his retirement he always managed to keep in the front rank among
the merchant tailors of Montreal, receiving a liberal patronage from the best class
of citizens, because of excellent style and workmanship, which were features of
his shop, and his thoroughly reliable business methods. He always carried on
business on St. Lawrence Main street, but about eleven years ago retired from
active connection with commercial interests to enjoy a well earned and well
merited rest.
Mr. Ship, however, continues his activities along other lines resulting directly
in the benefit of his fellowmen. He is chairman of the building committee, gov-
ernor, trustee, and member of the relief and cemetery committees of the Baron
De Hirsch Institute. He is a life governor of the Montreal General Hospital.
For a quarter of a century he has been a trustee of the McGill College Avenue
synagogue, was vice president of the synagogue for four years and has always
been chairman of the building committee. He is most loyal to his religious belief
and at all times has been generous and helpful toward the unfortunate.
On the loth of February, 1869, Mr. Ship was united in marriage to Miss Flora
Blumenthal, a daughter of Phillip Blumenthal, who was the first ow-ner of the
coaches in Ozerkoft, Poland. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Ship have been born three chil-
dren : Leah, now the wife of C. Sisenwain ; Ray, now Mrs. S. P. Myers ; Abe
Phillip, who is engaged in the practice of medicine in Montreal and who married
Leah Sessenwain, of this city. In pohtics Mr. Ship has always been a liberal, nor
has he sought office as a reward for party fealty. However, for the past six-
teen years he has been justice of the peace for the island of Montreal and has
discharged his duties with promptness, fidelity and impartiality. He is a veteran
of the Odd Fellows Association and also a member of the Royal Arcanum. He
has never had occasion to regret his determination to come to the new world,
for here he has found the opportunities which he sought and has gradually
worked his way upward until he has won place among the substantial and highly
respected citizens of Montreal.
Dr. Rene Hebert, successfully engaged in the practice of medicine in Montreal,
in which city he was born October 2, 1869, is a son of Charles P. Hebert, one of
the founders of the wholesale grocery house of Hudon, Hebert & Company. He
was educated at Plateau Academy. Montreal College and Laval University, being
graduated from the last named with the degree of M. D. in 1892. During the
succeeding year he was an interne at Notre Dame Hospital and then went abroad
for further study, spending two years in study and research work in Paris,
specializing in diseases of the heart and lungs.
In 1S95 Dr. Hebert began active practice in Montreal, openiVig an office on
St. Denis street. He is superintendent of St. Paul's Hospital, physicain to Notre
Dame Hospital, and a professor in the medical and dental departments of Laval
University. His professional connections are important, and it is recognized that
he is a thorough and discriminating student and most conscientious in the per-
formance of his professional duties.
Dr. Hebert married Miss Alice .Auger. Their religious faith is that of the
Roman Catholic church. Aside from his professional interests. Dr. Hebert is a
director of the wholesale grocery firm of Hudon, Hebert & Company. In strictly
professional lines he is connected with La Societe de Medicine and Officier
d' Academic. At all times he holds to high standards, and wide reading is con-
stantly augmenting his skill and efficiency, manifested in the successful manner
with which he copes with the intricate problems that are continually confronting
the physician.
Of old and distinguished pioneer stock of French extraction Clement Antoine
Guertin upholds the traditions of familv ])rominence as one of the most able
legal representatives of the Montrcrd and ])rovincial bar. .Mtliough he has been
in practice for not many years he enjoys a reputation second to none, as he has
proven his ability in connection with important interests. Not only is Mr.
Guertin well versed in the letter of the law and the ]irinciples that affect its
ndniinistrntion, not only is he a dcej) thinkci" and logical reasoncr, Init he has
an insight into the Cdnduct of hnnian beings which permits him to clearly define
cause and effect in human actions, and he therefore readily penetrates to the
root of such problems as demand legal help for solution. He has long been
recognized as one of the able general practitioners in the city, and his services
are in large demand, resulting in a gratifying measure of financial returns.
Clement Antoine Guertin was Ijorn at St. y\ntoine, in the county of Ver-
cheres, province of Quebec, on the 22d of November, 1870, a son of Leon Guer-
tin, an agriculturist of St. Antoine, who was born in 1817 and passed away in
1876, and Marie Louise Euchariste (Geoffrion) Guertin, a native of Varennes.
The first of the family in Canada was the famous and well known Guertin,
calletl Louis Le Sabotier, who was born in 1635, a son of Louis and Georgette
(LeDuc) Guertin, from Daumeray, near Angers, France. He married first at
Montreal on January 26, 1659, Elizabeth Le Camus, and second, Catherine Roy.
Among his children were Louis, Pierre, Paul and others. Paul Guertin, alias
Chertin, alias Diertin, was a son of Louis, born in Montreal on the 2d of May,
1680. At Contrecoeur, on the 19th of March, 1702, he married Madeleine Plouffe
and among their children were Pierre, Paul and Francois. The latter married
Catherine Dudevoir at St. Antoine in 1745 and among their children were Pierre,
Joseph, Francois and others. Joseph, born March 6, 1755, married Marie Louise
Circe, called St. Michel, at St. Antoine in 1777 and among their children was
Pierre, born October 9, 1781. He married Marguerite Duhamel, who bore her
husband the following children : Pierre, Noel, Leon, Marguerite, Flavien,
Alexis, Calixte, Zoe and Louis. Leon Guertin, third son of Pierre, was born
March 12, 1817. His first union was with Theotis Brodeur, who bore him the
following children : Octavie, Pauline, Leopold, Stanislas and Melanie. His
second wife was Marie Louise Euchariste Geoffrion and the children of this
marriage were Joseph, Louis, Marie Louise and Clement Antoine. Leon Guer-
tin. the father of our subject, is the sixth in direct descent from Louis Guertin,
Le Sabotier. Pierre Guertin, the grandfather of our subject, and his sons,
Pierre, Noel and Leon, took part in the battle of St. Denis, November 22, 1837.
Louis Guertin, a brother of our subject, is father of the Holy Cross Congrega-
tion, a director of Memramcook University of New Brunswick, and took in
Rome in philosophy and theology the degree of Doctor cum maxima laude,
also taking scientific -work at Harvard. A brother of the mother of our subject,
Father L. Geoffrion, of the Holy Cross Congregation, was for fifteen years
director of St. Laurent College, near Montreal.
Clement Antoine Guertin received a thorough and varied education. He
attended the St. Antoine village school, the St. Denis Commercial College and
also took courses in commercial English, French and classical studies at St.
Laurent. He received the degree of B. L. in 1893 from the law faculty of
Laval University, in 1896 became LL. B. and in January, 1897, was made an
advocate. He has ever since followed his profession successfully in Montreal
and as his experience' has expanded has become one of the few successful lawyers
whose reputation marks them for distinction.
On the 24th of April, 1901, at Montreal, Mr. Guertin was married to Miss
Marie Anne Josephine Lamontagne, a daughter of G. A. Lamontagne, a merchant
tailor of Montreal and Malvina (Beauchamp) Lamontagne. They had one daugh-
ter, Simonne, born April i6, 1902, who died July 2d of the same year. The
mother passed away on June 26, 1912.
From September, 1910, to May, 1912, Mr. Guertin was a member of the
Montreal council of the bar and from May, 191 1, to May, 1912, a member of
the provincial council. His club relations are with the St. Denis, Delorimier
and the Union du Commerce of Montreal. His faith is that of the Roman
Catholic church. He has secured one of the most exclusive and representative
practices in Montreal, his success being the best evidence of his capability. His
pleas are always characterized by terse logic and lucid presentation, and he
always has a decisive conviction as to the rights of the question he represents.
It is his ambition to make his native talents subserve the demands of the social
and business conditions of the day, and he stands today as a splendid represen-
tative of a lawyer to whom personal prosperity is but secondary in importance
and who considers many ideal elements more vital in the making up of human
existence. His industry and energy have found a reward which is based on a
distinguished name and accomplishments rather than incidental prosperity.
William Sutherland Alaxwell, an architect of Montreal, whose high profes-
sional standing is indicated by the large number of fine structures which stand
as monuments to his skill and ability, brought to bear at the outset of his
professional career the broad knowledge gained from comprehensive and thorough
training. Montreal numbers him among her native sons, his birth having here
occurred on the 14th of November, 1874, his parents being E. J. and Johanna
(MacBeanj Maxwell, ia the acquirement of his education William Sutherland
Maxwell, after attending the Montreal high school, went to Boston, ^Nlassa-
chusetts, for professional training and afterward entered the Ecole des Beaux
Arts of Paris, France. His training was thus received from men eminent in the
profession in America and in Europe, and in 1898 he was admitted to the
Quebec Architects Association. Beginning the practice of his profession he
formed, a partnership with his brother, Edward Maxwell, and in his chosen life
work lie has made steady, advancement, his unfolding powers and increasing
ability gaining for him distinction and sucoess. In 1909 he was elected a member
of the Royal Canadian Academy and in 1908 was chosen a councillor of the
Association of Architects of the province of Quebec. He is i)resident of the
Province of Quebec Association of .A^rchitects for 1914. While practicing his
profession in association with his brother there stand as monuments to their
skill and ability many fine structures not only in the east but also in the west.
Among the works executed by them are the Hotel Alexandra at Winnipeg, for
the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the Canadian Pacific Railway station
at Winnipeg, the residence of C. R. Hosmer, the .Mexandra Hospital for Infec-
tious Diseases, the Nurses Home for the Royal X'ictorian Hospital, the monu-
ment to Lord Strathcona and South .African soldiers nf which (ieorge W. Hill
was the sculptor, the monument to the Hon. John Voting, of which Philip
Hebert was the sculjjtor, the bank buildings for the Bank of Montreal, Molson's
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H
Bank, ihe Royal Bank antl the Iniiklings of the Montreal General Hospital. They
were also the architects of the Government llonse in Regina, Saskatchewan, the
Calgary Hotel for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, at Calgary, and the
Montreal Art Association's new building in Montreal. Xo more definite indica-
tion of Mr. Maxwell's high professional standing can he given than the list of
these buildings which have become tangible factors in the iiniirovcment of various
In May, 1902, occurred the marriage of Mr. Maxwell and Miss Mary Ellis
Bolles, of New York, who is well known in connection with charitable and i)hil-
anthropic work, being now a councillor of the Children's Aid Society. He is a
member of the St. James Club, the Arts Club, the Ten and Pencil Club ruid the
Kanawaki Golf Club. The family residence is at Xo. 716 Pine avenue, MoiUreal.
Mr. Maxwell has concentrated his energies upon his profession, and he has
every reason to be proud of the fact that he has been elected to membership in
the Ecole des Beaux Arts Society of Paris. He was president of tlie Arts Club
of Montreal for 1913 and is so serving for 1914.
With intense activity well directed, with untiring energy, business ability,
resourcefulness and controlled ambition, Henri Roy has reached a position of
iinportance in the affairs of La Societe des Artisans Canadiens-Franqais, of which
he has been secretary and treasurer since 1892.
His influence has affected the policies and the direction of developments of
this great fraternal insurance company of Montreal, and the years of his connec-
tion with it have proven mutually useful and beneficial.
Mr. Roy was born September 11, 1864, in St. Alexandre, near St. Jean.
Quebec, and acquired his education in the public schools and in St. Cesaire Com-
mercial College, fitting himself in the latter institution for the business career
which he had determined upon.
When he left his native city he went to Quebec where for some years he was
connected with a wholesale firm. In 1888 he came to Montreal and until 1899
was associated with the wholesale house of Hodgson, Sumner & Company.
Upon coming to Montreal in 1888, Mr. Roy began his connection with La
Societe des Canadiens-Frangais as an accountant, employing his evenings in this
capacity. Advancement came rapidly, for Mr. Roy proved himself a farsighted,
resourceful and discriminating business man who could be relied upon to carry
forward to successful completion whatever he undertook. In 1892 he was elected
secretary and treasurer of the society, positions which he has filled with ability
and distinction since that time. The work has made continued demands upon
his tact, his versatility, his administrative ability, and these demands have been
met fully and completely, Mr. Roy being today one of the most prominent and
widely known officials of the company he represents.
In 18S8 when he became associated with the society it had accumulated funds
of ten thousand seven hundred thirty-one dollars and ten cents, and a membership
of one thousand three himdred thirty-two, limited to the island of Montreal ;
today (1914) its accumulated funds are two million three hundred thirty-seven
thousand three hundred eighty-two dollars and seventy-two cents, its member-
ship numbers thirty-nine thousand ninety-four and its field of action covers all
American territory where there are French-Canadians.
May 6, 1896, Mr. Roy married Miss Celina Canty of Bathurst, New Bruns-
wick, and to them have come a family of eleven children, seven of whom are
living, Berthe, Pierre, Olive, Jeanne, Celina, Louis and \'ictoria.
Mr. Roy is well and favorably known in -Montreal, where for more than a
quarter of a century he has made his home. His success and the standards by
which it has been obtained have gained for him the respect of his business asso-
ciates, and his sterling qualities of character the esteem and good-will of many
Ludger Gravel is well known in business circles of Montreal as a dealer in
carriage maker's and blacksmith's supplies, as president of Societe des Artisans
Canadiens-Francais and also as a successful manufacturer's agent, connected in
this way with some of the most important industrial concerns in Canada, the
Lnited States and Europe. The industry and the spirit of enterprise, progress
and initiative which have brought him success have also been factors in his
conduct of his extensive interests and place him today among the men of marked
ability and substantial worth in this community.
Mr. Gravel was born in 1864. at St. Raphael, He Bizard, Canada, and
acquired his education in Montreal, beginning his business career immediately
after laying aside his books. He was for eight months with Thomas Wilson
& Company of this city and at the end of that time became connected with
P. P. Mailloux at 223 St. Paul street, with whom he remained over twenty
years, rising during that time to a position of weight and responsibility and
proving himself a farsighted, capable and progressive business man. Having
shown his worth and his capability, Mr. Gravel eventually engaged in business
for himself, establishing the extensive business which he now conducts. Under
his able management this has become a large and important enterprise and it is
still growing, for Mr. Gravel is constantly extending the field of his activity
and forming new commercial relations. In addition to his retail business he
is also acting as exclusive agent in Montreal for a number of manufacturing
firms in Canada, the United States and Europe, and his inip(5rtant connections
along this line are conclusive proof of his jjrominence and high standing in
business circles. Among the firms which he represents may be mentioned
the following: Ontario Asphalt Block Company. Ltd., Walkerville, Ontario;
The Standard Paint & Varnish Works, Ltd., Windsor, Ontario ; The Frank
Miller Company, New York, New York ; Windsor Turned Goods Company,
Ltd., Windsor, Ontario; The Conboy Carriage Company, Ltd.. Toronto, On-
tario; The Neverslij) Manufacturing Comi)any, New Brunswick, New Jersey;
Sem. Lacaille, Nomininguc, Quebec ; Meilink's Home Deposit Vaults, Toledo.
Ohio; i'roprietairc dc I'lluile Balmoral; James Boyd & Brothers, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania ; and Jacob Maas & Company, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mr. Gravel became connected with Societe des Artisans Canadiens-I'rancjais
in 1903 when he was elected a director, and his ability and executive skill soon com-
manded for him a place of power in this organization. He was made second
vice president in 1904 and first vice president in 1906 and in 1910 was elected
president, a position which he has held since that time. The demands which it
has made upon his energy, his enterprise and his executive ability have been
completely met, and the fortunes of the society under his hands have been
constantly prosperous. He has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce
since its organization and at present is one of its directors. His membership in
mutual, charitable, antiquarian, social, political and sporting clubs is extensive
and in a number of them he holds official position. However his business never
suffers from these connections and his time and attention are so distributed that
he proves a valuable member in all of the organizations.
On May 26, 1891, in Montreal Mr. Gravel was married to Laura Roy, the
daughter of Alfred Roy. Of the fourteen children born to Mr. and Mrs. Gravel,
six are now living as follows, Olympe, L. Pierre, Germaine, Emelia, Lucette
and Simone.
With the extension of his interests Mr. Gravel's powers have continually
developed, his insight has deepened, his view broadened and with the passing
years he has become a man of power and prominence, finding in the field of
business the best scope for his interests and activities. He is a devout member
of the Roman Catholic church and his upright life which has been guided by its
principles, has brought him prominence, substantial fortune and the respect and
esteem of many friends.
Severin Letourneau, who has advanced beyond the ranks of the many and
stands among the able and successful few in the practice of law and in liberal
leadership, is a native of St. Constant, born on the 23d of May, 1871. His
preliminary education acquired in the Jacques Cartier Normal school, was sup-
plemented by a course in Laval University, in which he completed his law
studies and was graduated with the class of 1895. In July following he was
called to the bar and at once entered upon active practice of his profession in
which he has made continuous progress. Advancement at the bar is proverbially
slow and yet, no dreary novitiate awaited Mr. Letourneau, who, during the
eighteen years of his practice has won a high reputation by reason of his
broad legal knowledge and the skill and ability in which he handles his cases,
mastering the points in evidence with the precision of a military commander
who marshals his troops on the field of battle. In 1906 he was appointed king's
counsel. He is today practicing as a member of the firm of Pelletier, Letour-
neau & Beaulieu, advocates, with a clientage that is extensive and important.
Mr. Letourneau is prominently known as one of the leaders of the liberal
party and as the liberal organizer for the district of Montreal has justified his
appointment by the series of brilliant successes that have been scored for the
liberal party in and around the city. He has rendered to his party service as
a tactician and he is now sitting for Hochelaga in the provincial legislature,
stanchly supporting Sir Lomer Gouin in his policy of progressive legislation. Mr
Letourneau is also a member of the Montreal Reform Club. He is a man
of unfaltering determination, carrying forward to successful completion what-
ever he undertakes, whether in the field of law or politics. He stands stanchly
for the right as he sees it, and his position is never an equivocal one.
Charles Haviland Routh, insurance broker, occupying a position among the
foremost representatives of insurance interests in the Dominion, has in this direc-
tion, followed in the footsteps of his father, the late John H. Routh, who was for
a quarter century agent at Montreal for the Western Assurance Company. Hav-
iland L. Routh, grandfather of Charles H. Routh, was also prominent in insurance
circles, being Canadian manager for the Royal Insurance Company. Charles H.
Routh was born and educated in this city and throughout the period of his identi-
fication with business interests has been connected with the insurance profession.
He is lacking in none of the qualities requisite for advancement and success in his
chosen calling, which has brought him a wide business acquaintance. He is,
however, perhaps, more widely known as a yachtsman, having for some years
been commodore of the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, of which he became a
charter member in 1891. Several times has he successfully defended the Sea-
wauhaka Cup and there are those who feel they know Mr. Routh at his best when
he is acting in that capacity, because of his resourcefulness and the joy he feels
in the sport. The Toronto Telegram wrote of him ; "He has been pitted against
the best skippers and the best boats that the United States can produce, but has
remained the same level-headed sailorman in all his contests." Aside from his
connections with the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, he belongs to the Montreal
Club and the Montreal Curling Club. He is enthusiastic in his sports and equally
so in anything that he undertakes, his energy and interest carrying him forward
to the point of success whether it l)e along the line of business'- or of pleasure.
In no profession does advancement depend more surely upon individual merit
than in the practice of law. Comprehensive knowledge of legal principles must
constitute the foundation for success which can only be won at the cost of
earnest, persistent effort and study. Recognizing this fact, Joseph Leon St.
Jacques has closely api^lied himself to the mastery of the principles of juris-
prudence and to the preparation of his cases, with a result that he now has an
extensive and representative clientele. He practices in Montreal and has spent
his entire life in the province of Quebec, his birth linving occurred at .St. Hernias,
.l()M-;i'H L. ST. .lACgUJvS
in tlie county of Two Alouiitains, July 13, 1877, 'I's parents Ijcing Joseph and
Cazilde (Lafond) St. Jacques, the former a farmer of St. llermas. The grand-
father, F. X. St. Jacques, was born at St. Augustin, in the county of Two
Mountains and resided for many years in Ottawa, but is now deceased. The
great-grandfather was Captain Eustache Cheval dit St. Jacques of St. Augustin,
who in 1837 remained loyal to the crown and in 1838 was presented a sword in
token of the recognition of his loyalty by Her Majesty, Queen N'ictoria. The
ancestors of the family have the name of Cheval as well as St. Jacques.
In the acquirement of his education Joseph Leon St. Jacques attended the
Jacques Cartier Normal school from which he was graduated with the class of
1897, obtaining the academic diploma. He later entered Laval University in
which he completed his course in 1901, winning the degrees of LL. L. and LL. M.
The same year he was admitted to the bar and entered upon practice. ' In the
meantime, however, after leaving the normal school, he had devoted some time
to teaching. lie began practice at Lachute, where he had a few criminal cases,
including the trial of Robert Day, a murder case. After six years of practice
in the country district he came to Montreal and entered into partnership with
Mr. Gustave Lamothe, K. C. The firm of Lamothe, St. Jacques & Lamothe
has an extensive clientele, especially among religious interests and municipal
corporations. He is also a director of some financial enterprises.
On the 19th of May, 1906, at St. Hernias, Mr. St. Jacques was married to
Miss Albertine Lafond, a daughter of Mathias Lafond, a merchant and prominent
citizen of his municipality. There are four children in the St. Jacques family;
Jacques, Jules, Gustave and Alberte. The religious faith of the family is that
of the Catholic church. In politics Mr. St. Jacques is a conservative and has taken
an active part in the political campaigns of Argenteuil and Two Mountains,
being a recognized leader in conservative ranks. He has ever preferred, how-
ever, to concentrate his energies and efforts upon his law practice, which is now
extensive and important, placing him with the leading representatives of the
Montreal bar.
George Hastings, who was born at Petite Cote, Quebec, in 1817, died in
July, 1865. His father was Thomas Hastings, who came from Lexington,
Massachusetts, to Petite Cote, where he bought land and settled some time
before the birth of Mr. Hastings. In this connection it is interesting to men-
tion that Petite Cote is now divided into Fairmount and Rosemount and is a
part of the city of Montreal. The land is now mostly divided into building
lots that command good prices.
Thomas Hastings, father of George Hastings, had married Cynthia Baker,
of Burlington, Vermont, and they lived for many years in their home at Petite
Cote, where their five children, three sons and two daughters, were born and
brought up. The sons' names were: George; Thomas, who is mentioned else-
where in this work ; and Horatio, the youngest, who died unmarried in 1899.
The daughters were Mrs. Clark Fitts and Mrs. Ryan.
George Hastings, of this record, married in 1847 Margaret Ogilvie, a sister
of A. W., John and W. W. Ogilvie, whose careers are mentioned at greater
length in another part of this history. Mr. and Mrs. George Hastings spent
their entire married life in their home on a farm at Petite Cote. There their
ten children received the training of their early lives. Of these children six
were sons and four were daughters. Thomas, the eldest, married Jane Kydd,
formerly the widow of William Nesbitt. They reside at Rosemount boulevard
and have no children. William, the next son, with George, the third son, after
considerable business experience established The Lake of the Woods Milling
Company. The former married, in 1884, Georgina Ure, of Montreal. He
died in 1903, leaving his widow and two sons, who live in this city. George
managed the western branch of the business, from which he resigned in October,
1913. He married in 1886, Margaret Anderson, of Ayr, Ontario. They live
in Winnipeg and have a family of two sons and two daughters. Robert, the
fourth son, is with The Lake of the Woods Milling Company and lives also in
the west, making his present home in Qu' Appelle. He is unmarried. Alex-
ander, the fifth son, was also connected with The Lake of the Woods Milling
Company. He died in St. John, New Brunswick, where he had charge for
several years of the local branch of the company. He married, in 1898, Maud
Anderson, of Montreal, and his widow is living. Their only child died when
one month of age. John Clark, the youngest son, died un.married in 1883. Helen
Watson and Cynthia Baker, the two elder daughters, died in 1912, the latter in
January and the former in May of that year. The third daughter, Frances,
married Francis Jordan, of Goderich, Ontario, in 1885. Mr.- Jordan died in
1907, but his widow, son and daughter are living. Maria, the fourth and
)'0ungest daughter of the family, is living and unmarried. The family have
always been connected with the American Presbyterian church. The Hastings
are well known among the old residents of Montreal, for it is almost a century
since Thomas Hastings settled upon the farm which now is a portion of the
In educational circles the name of Professor James .\lfred Dale is well known.
His ability has gained him prominence and his position as a leader among the
educationists of the country is indicated in the fact that he was honored with
election to the position of treasurer of the Dominion Educational Association.
Since November, 1907, he has held the Macdonald professorship of education
in McGill University. A native of Birmingham, England, he was born in 1874,
the eldest son of J. A. Dale. He attended King Edward \'I School at Camp
Hill, and afterward entered the Mason University College, now the University
of Birmingham, and sul:)se(|uently liecame classical exhiliitioner in Merton Col-
lege at O.xford, which conferred upon him the Master of yVrts degree.
James Alfred Dale has remained continuously in the educational licld, being
lecturer on literature and education in connection with the Oxford Ivxtcnsion
Delegacy from 1902 until 1908, and also to the universities of Liverpool and Man-
Chester. In 1902-3 he was tutor in the Borough Road Training College, and in
November, 1907, was called to the Macdonald professorship of education in
McGill University. The steps in his orderly progression are thus easily discernible
and he stands today among the eminent educationists of the Dominion, his ability
being acknowledged by colleagues and contemporaries. He has the power of
imparting clearly, concisely and readily to others the knowledge that he has
ac(iuired, and on the lecture platform he is a most interesting and entertaining as
well as instructive speaker. He was a delegate to the convention of the Dominion
Educational Association of Victoria, British Columbia, in 1909. He has served as
treasurer of the association and was secretary of the convention held at Ottawa
in July, 1913. In May, 191 1, he was appointed a member of the council of public
instruction for the province of Quebec, and he has come to be a member of most
of the committees on Protestant education in the province. Soon after coming
out, he was elected president of the Protestant Teachers Association of the prov-
ince of Quebec and on relinquishing office in 1912 was elected first vice president.
His studious habits have made him a man of scholarly attainments, and he is
continually seeking out new methods that will render his service as an education-
ist more effective. His ideas have received the indorsement of prominent con-
temporaries in this field of labor and have been adopted to the benefit of various
institutions of learning. He agrees with Kant that " the object of education is to
train each individual to reach the highest perfection possible for him" and that
spirit has been manifest throughout his professional career. He has endeavored in
his teaching to develoji capacity and to impart knowledge which shall prove of
practical benefit and value throughout life. He was instrumental in founding the
University Settlement of Montreal in 1910 and has been its president since that
time. This was the first settlement in the city, and its success is to be measured
not by itself but by the influence it has exerted in the general movement toward
social reform. He has taken a prominent part in movements for adult educa-
tion and was one of the first members of the committee of the Workers' Edu-
cational Association, which has succeeded in grouping together over twenty-five
liundred trade unions, cooperative societies, etc., and educational bodies in Eng-
land. At the present time every university in the country is undertaking work-
ing-class education under the auspices of the association. At the formation of
the City Improvement League he was apjjointcd its first honorary secretary but
was compelled by pressure of work to relint|uish the active duties of office. He
edited the proceedings of the convention of the League in 1910. As literary cor-
respondent of the Canadian Club he is editing its proceedings for the third year.
In 1904 Professor Dale was married to Miss Margaret Butler, a daughter of
J. Holden Butler, of Birmingham, and they reside at No. 771 University street.
in Montreal. Not only as an instructor in the classroom and as an enthusiastic
advocate of extending educational facilities to all is Professor Dale well known.
His contriljutions to the literature of the profession have made his name a
familiar one not only in this country but throughout the American continent and
in Great Britain. He is the author of many articles which have appeared in
various publications and which have treated of literary as well as educational
subjects, and he has published in Germany a volume entitled History of English
Literature. His name was suggested in various quarters when British Columbia
was looking for a president for its new university. A modern philosopher has
said : "Not the good that comes to us hut the good that comes to the world through
us is the measure of our success," and judged by this standard the Hfe of Professor
Dale is a most successful one.
George Hugh Alexander Montgomery is one of the most successful members
of the Montreal bar, of which he is an ex-councillor. He has successfully pleaded
cases in all the courts of Canada and before the privy council and has for some
years occupied an enviable place at the bar of this city. He was born at Philips-
burg, P. O., February 5, 1874, a son of the Rev. Hugh and E. M. (Slack)
Montgomery. The family being one appreciative of the benefits and value of
education, liberal opportunities in that direction were afforded him, and after
attending Bishop's College School at Lennoxville, P. Q., he entered the Uni-
versity of Bishop's College, where he pursued a classical course and won the
Bachelor of Arts degree in 1893. Four years later he was graduated with the
B. C. L. degree from McGill University, having thus thoroughly qualified for
the active practice of law, which he had determined to make his life work.
He became an advocate in 1898 and since that time has successfully followed
his profession in Montreal, his clientage being one of growing importance and
volume. Since May, 1905, he has been solicitor for the Montreal Light, Heat
& Power Company, and has had many other important professional connec-
tions. In 1909 he was created king's counsel. His work in the courts has shown
him to be largely a master of the principles of jurisprudence and also possessed
of the power to present his cause clearly, cogently and logically. His ability
as an advocate is acknowledged by contemporaries and colleagues.
Mr. Montgomery is the owner of Lakeside Stock Farm at Philipshurg,
Quebec, the home of some of the finest Ayrshire cattle and Clydesdale horses
in the Dominion. Modern in its improvements, with fine natural advantages,
this farm contains two hundred and fifty acres of the finest arable soil, for which
most of the eastern township farms are noted, as well as ample additional acreage
to meet the requirements of a successful stock farm.
Mr. Montgomery has for more than twenty years been extensively interested
in farming operations, and from time to time has added to his holdings, in the
eastern townships, which now comprise more than seven hundred acres. It was
more than ten years ago that he started in to breed the best in pure-bred Ayrshire
cattle, and while finding all the recreation and entertainment sought by a gentle-
man farmer, the project has been conducted on a business as well as a scientific
basis with gratifying results. Stock from Lakeside Stock Farm have success-
fully contested in the show ring with the best herds in Canada. Equally as
high class are the Clydesdale horses owned and bred at this farm.
In 1913 Mr. Montgomery completed his beautiful country residence on
Missisquoi Bay near Phili])sl)urg. Modern in its appointments, the structure
is of field stone up